DigiJock of the Jungle

The mantra within his head continued to chant in loop, causing him to eventually have second thoughts. besides, why not wear it? he was alone with no one else looking. maybe try it on real quick to see how it feels and take it off afterward.

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Leomon, Savior or Slut?

I was focused on obeying, gritz hadn't said to look, so i waited as i continued to repeat my mantra. i heard another voice now though, repeating a similar mantra, in fact... it was the same mantra. "bigger is better.

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First Arc: The Fallen Kings -- Chapter 5 -- (6/??) -- {They're Nothing Like Us}

The name comes from the japanese kanji kuro which means dark and shingon meaning mantra." takizawa said. "kuroshingon look like you and me, however, they have one thing that is different.

Fair's Fair

He whispered the words like he'd whispered the mantra earlier. "you need to punish daddy for being such a bad father, son. you need to make him better." his hands gripped the outside of his chastity cage.

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The mantra! use the mantra!" _mantra._ what a weird word. what does that... it means something...

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[SNEAK PEEK] Conversion

W...where had those mantras come from? he hadn't noticed them before... "mmnh, judging from how much you're still struggling, i'd wager that you've still got your eyes closed. it's all right, adrian... you can look. it won't hurt.

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The Life of Another Reference Guide - Talent

Some use their emotions, others meditative mantras, music, gestures and more. most deviants are forced to learn by little more than trial and error unless they are lucky enough to have contact with an experienced deviant to help them.

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A Look into the Past (WARNING: Abuse and Suggested Rape)

A shadow bore down on her, menacing, condescending, wanting her to stay down, even though the mantra in the back of her skull screamed for her to rise.

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The Life of Another - Reference Guide - Talent

Some use their emotions, others meditative mantras, music, gestures and more. most deviants are forced to learn by little more than trial and error unless they are lucky enough to have contact with an experienced deviant to help them.

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Ander - Chapter 2, Subchapter 34

Over and over again, like a mantra. his voice was slurred, but that only made his words more terrifying. "spare the rod... spoil the child..."

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Alone With The Heat

And then continued my mantra. when i grew tired of that and my spirits came back to me, i decided it's time to start the show down.

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?A boy in girl’s clothing ch3

Then i finally reach the neon green glow and the mantra fades out. my mom starts to repeat you finally found a good one i now knew what she meant by that.

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