A Final Farewell

In a low tone, only one nix could hear, i responded, "yes... lets." he draped his arms around me, tearing up with joy as the childhood friend he wanted, he loved, was back.

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Drekes und Juro Kapitel 1

Juro merkte dann irgendwann den freien bauch von drekes, als sie aufgehã¶rt hatten fangen zu spielen, jedoch sagte er nix. ihm gefiel dann sogar langsam der anblick von drekes dicken bauch.

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Zodiac's Erinnerungen - Part 1

"ach macht nix, du hast ja nix was ich nicht auch hätte, auf gehts!" sie gingen durch den flur zu einer tür, die zodiac komischerweise noch nie bemerkt hatte. es war der eingang zum keller.

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A Dragon in Suburbia, part 5: Accepted Apologies

. <3 a dragon in suburbia, part 5: accepted apologies "alright, nix ..." kyle barely forced out between his mashed lips (he found it rather hard to talk with a jaguar-sized dragon sitting on his cheek!)

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Haviir und Jorun - ernachtung Teil 2

Hmmm, nicht wirklich, auf pro7 kommt ein film, den kenne ich aber schon, der war nicht sonderlich berauschend...und auf den anderen sendern erst recht nix." jorun legte die zeitung wieder beiseite.

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Dead Rising A Looters Story : Kapitel 1 Cash, Drugs, Anger

Erschrocken von der tatsache das er nix fand sagte er 'hä ich dachte ich hätte eine packung noch übrig? und damit bin ich mir sicher' es erwiderte eine andere stimme 'kira was schreist du so rum?

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Rhannah and Halia 19

"nix..." rhannah takes a deep breath, clutching her robe. "no..." halia says, rubbing the back of her neck, rolling it for that good stretch. "no, i'm good." she finally says, turning towards her mistress, her arms apart. "here for another look?"

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dawn of a mythic world

Week on a thursday this will update every monday for now on with the story also if you've read my other one tell me which you think is better if i get enough viewers i might do the most popular one twice a week this was inspired by the book lirael by garth nix

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A Plan is Formed

\*Thanks to Catdragon for writing this and the others up for me since I was too lazy :D\* A Plan is Formed He was only in his early fifties, a time when he should have been enjoying himself with friends and family. Richard didn't have time...

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Changes [rewrite]

"nixs. n i x s." i spelled it out to him. "we should have an i.d. card ready for you within a week. we're lazy sods really" he chuckled. we entered the blue topped door which slid open as we approached it.

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The Traveller [rewrite]

Well it's a rewrite. I thought it could do with some touching up and some more in it. If you like it then check the others out as well. I hope to have rewrites for the others done eventually. All characters used in this story are copyright to my...

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The chatroom

"wow that nixs is a talented author" he chuckled as he read through the ratings of his latest story 'it should never happen to a brother'. he chuckled at one of the comments and agreed with it "if i was let out it would alright..."

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