POV vore - you and Toothless the dragon

The slide tech has sent people to a dozen parallel worlds now. all volunteers. it's risky work but there are rewards. who'd turn down the chance to visit a literal fantasy land? they're not sure why so many parallels are similar to works of fiction.

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Chapter 2: The Awakening

To make it simpler, you have no exact parallel or counter part in any of the worlds or dimensions in existence," stated yuuko. "that isn't true! you do have parallels!" snapped tsurugi.

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Legend of Zelda: Mirror of Parallels Part 1

#1 of legend of zelda: mirror of parallels the legend of zelda: mirror of parallels chapter one: link yiffed a girl and liked it link's eyes flashed open as the first rays of the sun passed through his bedroom window.

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Parallel Possible Paths Past Previous Personae (Picture by Cardinal)

[parallel possible paths past previous personae - image](https://dl.dropbox.com/u/146300224/sofurryuploads/arachned%26naymantis-bycardinal.jpg "parallel possible paths past previous personae - image") (art by cardinal, to visit (and praise) her posting of

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A look at "Variables" by Roland Jovaik

In a sense, i suppose you can draw parallels to pinocchio, but only very superficially.

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The Other Dragon World: Chapter 5

"oh ancestors...you're my parallel?!" "parallel?"

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Concealed by the snow were two iron bars parallel to each other with wooden planks between them. the planks were all parallel to each other, but perpendicular to the iron bars.

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Companions Chapter 16: Chaos

"so tell me, dear husband," i spoke with a rhetorical grin, "if each of us has the potential to open a door into one of our own parallel destinies, who do you know whose parallel destinies is 'varyly' likely to include a world full of anthrauns?"

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The Other Dragon World Prologue

The property opened a portal to all parallel dimensions and times, where they will be lost forever, and never be back, only if they can open another portal back to this world."

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Morning Walk in Warerfront Park (WIP)

As ben continued walking along the park path parallel to the river, ben found a grey and white furred husky taking photos of the skyline as well.

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