Those Grey Steel Nights S1E4: Singing Robot Blues

It was three minutes before she was at the busted-up pawn shop talking to the bent old dog that ran it. "mister tanner," she began. she pulled a tin from her jacket, then a cigarette from the tin.

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The Snowy Gnoll

She dragged the coins into her coin purse, picked up the circlet, and walked out the pawn shop door with another annoyed huff.

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Change in Venue- January

_"to paul:_ _you are granted the gift of pawn. in chess this piece most likely to start game is that of pawn. it is easily weakest of all the pieces but without it game could never start thus i entrusting this stage of game to you.

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Temptation 06 - Profit

I started giggling with just the slightest manic edge to it at the thought of growing one of my thin gold necklaces until the thing was as thick as a steel chain and trying to pawn that.

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Rainfall - Chapter 07

He looked me in the eyes, his beautiful hazel on my light greens, my pawn on his hips, his breath gently caressing my whiskers as he angled his head for a kiss.

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Caffeine Rush

With that the panda slowly began to hook herself up in the contraption, leaving mocha with the task of reactivating the machine as she watched her new pawn writhe at the painful sensation of its pumps.

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I almost feel sorry for you, you're just an unfortunate pawn in all of this. but know this, you're only the first pawn. i've got another couple of shipments on their way soon.

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Caught on a Line - Thursday Prompt Story [#17, 27/4/23]

You're the only one that makes me feel less like a pawn to this cruel life." there was a myriad of phrases jiraen could have shouted next.

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Checkmate and Stalemate

"well, sorry that i wasn't challenging xi" farline said as he saw xi move his pawn into defensive position. "check!" raganzi yelled as he moved his queen. "good move, raga" xi said and countered with his pawn.

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Checkmate and Stalemate.txt

"well, sorry that i wasn't challenging xi" farline said as he saw xi move his pawn into defensive position. "check!" raganzi yelled as he moved his queen. "good move, raga" xi said and countered with his pawn.

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Shifting Consequences--Chapter 46: Breaking Trust

"at least i would die knowing i wasn't someone's pawn." "that's your choice. from what mal's done so far, i have no proof that he's evil or just using me. everything that's happened has made my life better.

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My Past, My Sins CH 2

A pawn was moved forward and brand sent one of his bishop's forward four spaces. "are you going to try talking me into the fight as well roran?" roran shook his head as he captured one of brands pawns. "no.

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