Having fun with a Tanuki

This one i felt like writing because you never see a lot of stories involving a tanuki so i decided to go for it and voila having fun with a tanuki it was supposed to be one drink.

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A Home for a Toll

So uki the albino tanuki comes across the supposed guardian of the woods. the hedonistic fellow uses his wits to turn the tables.

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Anything You Say

A dumb smile plastered the heavyset tanuki's face, as he walked topless through the college campus.

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Chapter 1: The (incomprehensibel) Begining.

Also, the tanuki, as you'll see in a little bit, is an actual creature. however, the tanuki in this story is based on the mythological tanuki of japanese folklore.....and yes, the legendary tanuki really are packing that much.

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Hypnovember 25 - Resist

The older, larger bear kneeled before the tanuki submissively, smile still so wide. he gripped the tanuki's supple hips and began to rub his face shamelessly into his crotch.

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The Winter Wolves I

A soft white light gathered in his hands, and the tanuki forced it out and forward. one of the two wolves tensed and looked over at the tanuki, and fran sped up his casting.

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Working Off His Debt

It was enough to make the tanuki go weak in the knees and reach out to grab k.k.'s shoulders to keep himself upright, the pleasure making the little tanuki boy squeal and moan uncontrollably, the intense pleasure short-circuiting his brain.

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Zach's New Game

The tanuki did as he was told, a few moments later the skunk returned with a bottle of hand lotion.

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Teacher’s Tenure

The tanuki teacher was the first of the two to speak. "well, it's no château lafite, but who is to disrespect the beer business, eh, isaac?" both the tanuki and tiger laughed as the beer settled in their stomach.

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Filled by the Pharmacist

The tanuki whimpered as his next shot of cum was hindered by my inability to grow freely.

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Dragon Sushi Roll

The foon barely had time to take in the far east aesthetics as a large tanuki wearing a white chef's coat greeted him. the chef's coat did nothing to hide the huge mound between the tanuki's legs.

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