The Bog

If i fulfill this vow, whatever it is i have to do, then maybe that means i would be set free from this horrible place. hopefully i asked her, "what do i have to do to keep my vow?"

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The Offering of the Fangs 2, chapter 12

"after that, it was a matter of seeing whether she was committed to keeping her vow or not. fortunately, it seems that her love for darkhowl has indeed prevailed so far.

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A Rabbit, a Hamster, and a Monk wip 2

Whether or not to take most of the vows is left up to the individual. i, personally, have not taken up the vow of abstinance. as for my view, it's much the same as yours." "what vows have you taken?"

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Chapter 42: Untouched

Inden, of course, knew what she was saying: she had called him a jealous idiot and vowed that if he didn't knock it off, she really _would_ sleep with sylas.

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Sir Gawain and the Green Night

"i am aware of the vows a knight of the order must take before he is handed his emblem. vows to uphold honor, chivalry, to protect the weak, to charity and...chastidy," it chuckled evilly, nuzzling his throat with its cold muzzle.

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Chapter 5: You Should Be Mine

I vowed to claim you at the mating season. i vowed to take care of you, to love you forever. i've loved you since we were children! you know that! everyone knew it! and what does my pinhead brother do? he knocks you up with zaldon!"

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Healing Love - Chapter 34

Before long, the lion was frantic, revealing that he too has forgotten the vows. "(both grooms written no vows?! how will they manage??)"

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Collar 4 -- Need to Talk

vows of celibacy can feel like a cruelty. i used to joke that the only way i could be celibate was if i could give it up for lent." the black irish chuckled.

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Unfortunate Sisters Introduction

Finally the servants were done announcing their vows to the hold, and had moved on to their vows to their parents. it was horrible though, desperate agony, each minute ticking by like it was a day in of itself!

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Sword of St. Michael #1

"you know, that whole vow thing... kinda pointless if we have no goal. do you think, maybe just this once? at least until we have a new goal?" sampson shook his head in negation. "nay my virginal friend.

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Writing Practice: Flashback and Introduction

"young morte, do you vow to use my power only to help others?" you drop the sword, the connection broken. you ponder for a moment about the risks. you see your father lying at your feet, and need no further motivation.

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"after that i blasted my way past more of the guards and escaped from my jeolous brother's kingdom, vowing that i would take my father's kingdom back and bring it to it's true potential."

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