Don't Mess with the Moons 3 [TF/TG]

Should nikki and t's theories be correct, then the changing body should heal the bullet wound as it would replace old muscles, bones, organs, and the like. if all else fails, at least they deserved it for all that they've done.

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Fiery Release - Herm Charizard TF

A warm, wet sensation sent a shudder through peter's changing body as a slit opened up beneath hir balls as shi gained a pussy of hir own, a large, heavy pair of breasts likewise growing in on hir chest, their weight now evident on hir scaly chest.

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Boiling Mad

Yet, worse of all were the vibrations coming from her still-changing body. her nose had pressed out to form the beginnings of a crustacean rostrum.

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Ever Higher

"you look so sexy like this," paul said as he ran his hands over her changing body, stroking the feathers as they started to rise to her crotch. she smiled and turned to look at him with her black eyes.

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Wolf Brother Chapter 3

Back at lars's apartment jeff was sitting naked on the couch as three other males looked at his half changed body.

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Beyond The Lab: Chapter 2

Her back arched up as the barbed tongue tugged against the outer folds and her aching changing body twisted in reaction.

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Making the Cut

Eckard grabbed the back of the elf's head and pushed it more onto his mammoth cock, a thrumming noise escaping from his chest with the pleasure his changing body was experiencing.

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Fox's First Workout

His former timidity was replaced by a growing sense of self confidence, which was only reinforced by his rapidly changing body.

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The Ethics Committee Didn't Approve This Did They?

Mason gritted his teeth as his spasming cock once again pumped more seed into vix, which her still changing body processed and directed into the sweeping changes still overtaking her form.

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Random Donkey TF Story (AI Dungeon-based)

You turn around and face jenny's changing body, ready to mount her as soon as she gets down on four hooves. her body's thickening and changing contour. "hee haw! take me, my jackath" she brays.

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" way..." was all he muttered as stared in awe at his changed body. after the initial shock wore off, he examined his new form with some flexing and posing, even lifting his dick to let it fall and slap against his thunder thighs.

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Contamination - Hyena

His head's positively swimming, thoughts turned to mush from the intense sensations that were flooding his changing body.. an' as that stinky, beastly taint consumed more an' more of his form, that mush was rapidly reconstructing.

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