Last Call

I tried to kick but that choke hold knocked me out faster than i could have ever expected. i awoke to pitch blackness and burning pain in my shoulders... and my knees. honestly it felt like they were on fire.

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Flora's body was significantly smaller than isabelle, and the red vixen soon had cynthia subdued in a choke hold. "now tell me what is going on!" isabelle snarled.

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Jeremy 034; When In Nutzville...

Grabbing the male's wrist he pulled him off balance prepared to bring him close for a choke hold. sager instead pivoted and threw his weight into jeremy's body. sager managed to take hold of his shirt with his free arm and pulled at him.


Like A Thorn In The Eye

Moira grasped her neck again, picking her up, but this time without choking hold, not wanting to hurt her vocal chords. even if she wasn't interested in what the demon tried to say. - you want my dick so badly? fine.

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Team X ch 5

Amit had aesha in a choke hold with one arm and a handgun held in one hand pointing to the side of her head. aesha trembled in amit's skinny arms, her tail frozen upward. john gridded his teeth in anger as he and tp stared amit down.

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Swak - Chapter 3

For a moment the flurry of movement stopped to reveal swak holding his brother tightly in a choke hold from behind while sterk tried to kick and jab his elbows in behind him.

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The Spicy Lentraiva Flower

Zephyr pulled nath against his groin and heard him choke.

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One Way Out - Chapter 7 (So, How Was Your Day?)

And he then shoved him upward, and tightly held the manipulate pokémon by the neck in a choke-hold, and he led the swine towards the same cell where that zangoose was situated. but i could hear him crying out: "please! i don't belong here!

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A Tangled Ball of Yarn - Ep2

He tried to spin me into a choke hold, but he'd telegraphed the move and i added my force to his, turning further and faster than he wanted, well within his circle, and hammered my elbow into his solar plexus. he folded, and i let him fall.

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It was upon one of these nights that the beggar was started to find himself in some kind of choke hold. he was so startled by his new predicament that he really didn't have a chance to see who it was that had gotten him in that hold.

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He awoke...

From behind him, roudeh, jerked him up into a choke hold and put the gun to his head. "stop it now!!!!!" alei had walked from the bed, opened the door and witnessed nearly everything. "who is this? your mate?"

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World of Warcraft: Return to Gilneas Chapter 7 - Remastered

Huttser just needed the right moment, when he would have the elf in a choke hold and manage to make his way out of the camp even if he had to go naked.