Tales of a changed Earth: Ewyon earining Samsons trust

The bronze dragon is watching a brown furry rodent the looked like a very large guinea pig. the human watched the dragon walk real slowly to the swoot, plus he saw the two grull stalking the dragon.

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Loonatics Unleashed: Hypno Ray Testing

"i must say, i really do appreciate you guys for being guinea pigs for my hypno ray. my new invention is a success." the look on the bunny's face was that of annoyance.

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I feel like i'm a guinea pig here."                 "i guess you have a right to be angry. but what if i told you that i might finally know why you're having so much trouble?"                

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A Giant Problem X

I'm tired of being a lab rat, a guinea pig, an experiment for their amusement!" "i've never, ever treated you that way, jason. i've always done my best to carry out my job as humanely and as easy for you as possible." i closed my eyes.

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The Project.

She began to haplessly call out to her guinea pig, but with the disturbance outside and people running left and right she could only assume the worst from the widespread panic. what had she done...?

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To Stuff A Night Elf

Now i won't be a guinea pig for their cooking at least." lovehandles exited the bakery and began to walk home, slightly embarrassed at their now considerably larger swinging gut that was partially pandaren.

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He felt a little bad about lusting after jay, knowing that jay had betrayed peirce before, and had used peirce as a guinea pig in some expirements with magick, causing peirce to host the soul of a girl. before peirce could write anything, the bell rung.

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Slave To Karma

She might mix up the paperwork with someone who signed up for our drug testing program as a guinea pig." then the hippo took the roster from her and ran it through a paper shredder before my amazed eyes!

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Latex Story: A Latex Toy

Getting kidnapped was bad enough, but if he was going to be a guinea pig, he was in more danger than he thought. "excuse -" "quiet!"

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The Rehabilitation of Mr. Wolf

If he could just pour on the charm properly - the door shut behind them as they stepped into one of the central rooms of the guinea pig's house, and this time, wolf did jump.

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Recapitulation, Part 1

That's when i stopped feeling like a monster, and started empathizing with guinea pigs. lexy kept me under her magnifying glass for months, taking samples, exhaustively testing out every single facet of my being, both physically and mentally.

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