Belial: Matters of Size

Matters of size by von krieger mozdoc yawned and looked at the clock, he was bored. the spell had been pitifully easy to set up.

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Belial: Shades of Purple

#1 of belial: shades of purple shades of purple by von krieger isma recoils from the touch of hir captor, hir resistances earns hir the pain of a pinched nipple. not for the first time shi wishes hirself dead.

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Toons From Space!, Amanda

Amanda by von krieger molly crept into the bedroom on all fours, her lanky, feline form easily adapting to the altered gait. it was so easy to move like an animal, and it made her feel even more predatory.

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New Found Fidelity

#17 of new found form new found fidelity by von krieger trish smiled to herself as she was gently pulled from her slumber by the presence of her husband slipping into bed, owen often worked late and she didn't mind waking up for a little bit of cuddling

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Walk A Mile: Covert Ops: Tawny

#4 of walk a mile: covert ops walk a mile: covert ops: tawny by von krieger tawny's orange and black body quivered with each sob that escaped the tigress' throat and was reduced to a mere sigh by the thick, phallic plug gag crammed into her mouth.

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Change the Station

#1 of change the station change the station: lower garden by von krieger space station regenesis, the most popular holovision program in the quadrant.

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Sorcerous Sentiment

#33 of shattered shards sorcerous sentiment by von krieger dranise sighed, dropping the heavy shopping bags and flopping down onto the bench for lunch. the dragon always found shopping with his girlfriend to be a bit of a chore.

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Harmonic Joining

Everyone on the discord servers i've talked to about this, but especially these people: von krieger, for putting up with my endless hype about the idea for this and giving me inspiration with all the stories you've written in the past. thank you so much.

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Yuriko's Infestation

#5 of the infestation yuriko's infestation by von krieger yuriko ducked behind the corner, not because she was afraid of being hit with a blast, but rather she was worried about scorched fur from the molten spatter that would spills from where the

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Two Halves

Two halves by von krieger james sighed and flopped down on the couch. another boring afternoon at school and then at work.

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Pornstar's Pleasure

#36 of shattered shards pornstar's pleasure by von krieger starr moaned like a whore as she pressed up against the donkey atop her.

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New Found Feathers

#11 of new found form new found feathers by von krieger chris cursed as he ran through the woods, hands over his head, trying to keep the rain from soaking through his hat any more than it already had.

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