Stuck in Orbit: Chapter 12

Loosing miktes in the city, being accused of murder, and the police chase across the colony.

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Constitution of New Attica

At every stage of criminal process, an accused shall be informed of the charges against him or her, and to the privilege of counsel.

Ferret's Five - A Plan Revealed

No one seemed to want to speak, the accusation hanging over the party like the heat that permeated the air.

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The Echo Fanfic: The Red Parade

After chase nearly drowned him and accused him of killing his own father, sydney had broken down in tears and confessed.

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"have you any proof of these accusations, outsider?" the man, caesar, had been listening from the road. "you come into _our_ town and accuse us of harboring a monster?

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*PDS* Spread 'em, Gzifa - 2016

#1 of story descriptions for images story description for gzifa the elephant is accused of shoplifting because of her walk and figure.

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Chapter 1: The Judgement of Lily Marks

She'd accused him of terrible things, been a total bitch to him for years. why? none of the reasons seemed to make sense in this place. she could remember their last argument, and her venomous accusations seemed ridiculous now.

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Star Spots: Chapter 8

"well, sissy has been wrongfully accused of cyberbullying me." i spoke up, "she said that she had no idea of creating an anti-gay website, and i believe her.

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Transcendence Chapter 7

"their friends are going to accuse them of being gay because their idol is gay too...

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Ander - Chapter 3, Subchapter 18

This punishment will end when the accused breathes his last breath, or when the first rays of the morning sun strike the cora's statue. if the accused can last till then, then surely it means the cora wants him to survive."

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Orelai- Close Loss

Instead they chose to follow up with the narrative with the match against their top team where they were being accused of cheating for having him play out of position and run no backline but instead effectively two support and two frontline.

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Chapter 5: Go To Him

If lea had accused you of raping her and we could not prove you hadn't, the punishment would have been severe." kel lifted his head and looked at his son.

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