Past me, the Present: Jump!

It was not the present, will not have been the future, but is the past that beckons, calls out to me, and through me to you as well.


Lion Tamer - P7

But rabidus gave him a soft grunt and passed him to the fountain, sitting the girl down gently and then beckoning her to drink in the water.

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It only beckoned the curse further along the transformation. their bones cracked and reformed themselves to suit the wolves that were coming out.

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Lost and found Under the Northern Lights

At times he loses the trail completely and spends long minutes casting about in search of the trail that tantalizes and beckons him to follow.

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The King Takes it All - Part 7

Kula questioned in her sweet and cheerful tone although she pinched her hind legs together for the quaking within that beckoned for his cock.

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Birthright I: Fledgling

The queen beckoned the girl close and gripped the slender horns and pushed downward. manhandling her pet between her legs, the second dancer got the hint and took the queen's cock in her lengthy muzzle.

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The Divide: Lavender and Vanilla

And that was a decision best left tabled for a time when music and candles, hot water and the scents of lavender and vanilla weren't all beckoning the stress from every fiber of her little being.

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Pet and Babysitter - Part 3

As jessica chuckled and then bent down, squatting in the middle of the floor and beckoning him over, norman strolled over right to her side.

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Andy and the Stallion - 4/5

When he was up and settled, the stallion just gave a grunt, his back shaking until stefan beckoned him to trot for a bit.

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He raises his arm, beckoning you underneath. you slowly and groggily comply as you shove your snout right against his sweaty flesh. you're his now.

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Some free-writing feel the autumn leaves dancing to the barren ground ready for winter the winter wind blows beckoning for attention, caressing your chin lively spring calls you to come frolick through her fields forget your burdens

My Poetry

A poem by me when i'm with you i can't speak, i can't think, about anything but you when i dream i dream of us on the shore waiting for you to beckon me into your arms... again.
