The Rite of Development

"you need only follow directions." the lion gestured a paw in the direction behind him. "head deeper into he forest and you will come across a clearing with a single large tree. climb to the highest branch and pick a fruit. return immediately.

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Freefall: Florence Finds Free Will

He'd promised florence never to give her a direct order, but this time he did: "direct order: tell me what's wrong."

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The Cavern of Torment

His left foot rose again, its heel landing directly on the demon's forehead.

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As terra closed in with glowing blue claws, eelektross nimbly barrel-rolled to the side and hurled a huge glob of saliva directly at terra.

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Episode 001: Comes the Thunder - part 4

They both turned around, and saw a familiar ape walking in their direction. rick yelped and hid behind bernie, and the ape went in their direction, and stood right in front of them. "look, i don't want trouble."

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Just a Game? - Chapter 6

I saw digimon running around frantically in different directions. then in the corner of my eye i saw something flying in our direction, but more towards gallantmon.

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In Your Element

The now tiny ring of fire giving you no room to step in any direction, the only escape being directly behind you, and the walls did not cease their approach.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book VII Chapter 2

He walked with his friends, head with a burning mane directed in the same direction as the heads of his two companions.

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The first failure

He heard a voice quite near him, very likely directed toward him. turning further in his seat to look in the direction he'd heard it from, he saw indeed that it was him the question was directed toward.

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Knight Class 02

The blocks swarmed themselves around the orb in a disorganized manner, not even leveling with the others, and circled the sphere going in both directions. next the floor tile directly under the orb started to float and ascend.

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The 5 Chapter 4

Flare asked, not directed to any cat. "the oak forest isn't too far from here. if we keep walking in this direction, we'll be there in no time." eagleheart told him over her shoulder. "oh." flare said quietly as he followed at the back of the group.

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