Cassandra IV

Wreath left himself unsatisfied, hand covered with a sheen of sticky ichor as he rolled over, lying with his back against the inner wall of the counter, trying to conserve what warmth he had left as he fell into a fitful sleep.

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Pokémon: Darkest Taboo, Pt31

The metallic colouration of oni's claws became marred with a greenish ichor as they passed through masque's short body leaving long deep gouges, by the time the burning pain hit the bug/flying pokémon the weavile was already back on the ground in a defensive

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Stuck in the Middle With You Part 2

She'd never felt more like a woman than when she gushed all of that ichor across the other two and the couch. the missing weight of so much cum in her womb was satisfying as well.

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Working Under the Fang

She coughed up some black ichor. "because it's true, shel... it's all true. i'm just like them. i destroy those who don't serve me." he couldn't help but pity her. she could never be a ruthless killer, not in his eyes.

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Horrible Nurgle-Related Fanfic Chapter 1

Black, corrupted ichor spilled everywhere as the adamantium teeth of his weapon bit home, chewing chunks off of malformed heads, removing arms, legs, and tails.

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The Trials of Malena Vazin: The Capture

Its black ichor began to pour from the wound at the back of its skull, and no sooner did it hit the mud the beast burst into gouts of green flame.

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Thank the Gods

A glistening gray ichor trickled down the length of the stick, down his arm, and dripped into the pool from his elbow to make dark clouds in the water. at the end of the stick writhed the impaled gray body of the starfish.

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A Kheldians Revenge & Hope

_ it screamed in pain, black ichor slopping from the wound, it turned and acted as if it was ready to attack, then it paused and relaxed. twitches of pain evident in its frame. _"does this make you feel better?"_ "yes."

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Sneak Peek - Hell Forged: Chapter 6

The wound on bereft's thumb instantly healed and he whipped the black ichor off on his vestments. "how do you feel?" "i feel...warm," alice murred.

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Outworlders PT:1

Patchy fur and shredded skin were streaked with leaking black ichor and short tentacles squirmed from random breaks in the corrupted creature's forms.

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The Elemental Forces and the Dark God

Water rolled away in a sluggish confusion, slowly diluting the concentrated ichor and sputtering it out bit by bit.

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The Second Promise: Rule of Three

_fwoosh, _it burst forth as an ichor-like substance, dripping as it went along. when it crashed, it splattered against the barrier, causing it to fritz and turn off as the spell attacked all around rather than a single projectile impact.

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