The Cronicles of Polyx: Part I

Polyx uses a telekinesis spell to lift up the frozen army and the ceiling, and he injures frozcrab. frozcrab that is enough! frozcrab blows frozen stenegolem at polyx, which he dodges. polyx uses telekinesis again to shoot the rock back!

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The Ship Rache Teaser

The effect was thousands of small holes peppering the hull, injuring their portside gunners, killing dozens of their deck crew, and wreaking havoc among the lower rigging- but the ship wasn't damaged enough to actually take on water and sink.


Terror of The Frost Dragon

"you're going to pay for that boy...none dare injure the almighty glayce..." "well glayce let's see what kind of attitude you have when i skin your pathetic carcass!!"

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Plush Love Volume 1, Episode 17: Marketing Plush Companions

A plush companion may not injure a human being, or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. 2. a plush companion must obey the orders given it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the first law. 3.


Dragon Rider-Discovery

Eraj leaped off her back and landed rather hard on his ankles, injuring him slightly. eriylia helped him up and then entered the cave, eraj followed.

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Galactic Arena: Chapter 1

The only was i'm getting free is if you let me go or i injure you." "'injure me'? that's big talk from such a little guy." wesley glared and his eyes took on a faint inner glow. "lusaa," jase laughed.

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The voyage Chapter 2

"i didn't want the risk of you injuring me. the last time i touched someone sleeping, my nose gotten busted along with a black eye." william answered standing up.

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Chapter 36: Rise to the Grave, SkullGreymon.

Antylamon and flamedramon intend to injure etemon by giving a cut at his knee or legs. etemon saw it and counter it with a strong kick right at antylamon's stomach again. antylamon lost focus and his bunny blades vanished.

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TLOS legend of the black dragon chapter 13 last minute entry

"what would thundus and fuoca think about you injuring furno and not even feeling any remorse for it at all!" she scolded to oxidus having much hate in her voice.

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My Pudgyville Fanfic S1E4

If you don't you could get badly hurt as your bike has a chain and other moving parts that could injure you, including the pedals. \*the clock chimes 3pm\* that's it for today, class. see you all tomorrow.

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Zootopia's Secret part 1

Charger manages to injure the sith at his shoulder, he screams as the dark killer uses the force to push him into a electric generator. this action however activated a droid popper in charger's backpack.

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Growvember Day 28

What was worse, there was no way for me to express it either, since i knew i could injure innocent people. instead, i choked back the sobs, took a few deep breaths to suppress the tears, and nodded. "i love you too."

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