Stories From Elton High | Chapter 3

"i'll have a laguna blast." arden paid for the smoothie and sat down at one of the tables. sometime later, jenny returned with his smoothie. "here you go!" she put the smoothie down on the table.

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Ladder Racing, spring 2019 (Chapter 6)

I took my maserati, a big, heavy road car, around laguna seca in 1:39:93, which was a second and a half quicker than the instructor of that track, and a damn sight faster than you.

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Ladder Racing - Chapter 7

I took my maserati, a big, heavy road car, around laguna seca in 1:39:93, which was a second and a half quicker than the instructor of that track, and a damn sight faster than you.

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Malin Goes Dark

Can't be any worse than that spring break at laguna beach. _that's not fair. you muted me with tequila, and how was i supposed to know that okapi wasn't insured? besides, that thing shut down a federal courthouse for two days!_ oh, come on!

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Forgive Me- Chris 7 + Surprise

"laguna lake park. we could walk there, or go by bus; i don't wanna go by car. there's this little grove of magnolias where we can make out as the sun goes down. then we can go to a gay club, watch a strip show . . ."

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An Evertech Tale Chapter 1

The plane ride was uneventful, the grey wolf spent the majority of it staring out the side window at the ground below watching as tiny cities flew by. He was well used to flying at this point, for his job it...

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Three Furs, One House

"i did post new lap records at the virginia international raceway, mazda laguna seca, and road atlanta during the one season i raced. and i won four races out of seventeen." i nodded, impressed.

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Stories From Elton High | Chapter 1

"two laguna blasts, then." mark slipped jenny a twenty. "my treat." arden opened his muzzle to protest, but those eyes... and that smile. he nodded obtusely. "o-okay." "good," mark winked and put his wallet away. "i'm glad you didn't put up a fight.

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A New Dawn - Chapter 27 (Hard Lessons)

It was baroc, laguna's brother. he was naked and his dick glimmered in the light of the braziers that lit the area; coated in kassandra's juices. several of the other dragons turned to face me now that they were finally aware of my presence.

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A Birthday To Remember (Birthday story written for Folfy69)

Giving his own answering smile, he headed towards the car park, climbing into his silver renault laguna before firing the engine up and heading for home.

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1 - Down we go

His muzzle twitched as he sniffed the air, the smell of the laguna filling his senses. looking across the roofs, washed in blue light by the star-filled sky, he took another sip of his hot chocolate.

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Not All Otters Like Christmas

"oh yeah, you're the guy laguna talked to, right? well i couldn't really give a shit, i just want this place off my hands so i can get back to my life in the city."

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