A Twisting Ladder to Heaven Ch2 : Brothers

I recoil, and the machete is suddenly in my hand and lifted over my shoulder ready to come down on the pokémon's head. the totodile's eyes widen at the sight of the blade and the trainer dives forward and snatches up her pokémon.

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Lizards of War (Chapter 1)

Etan walked back behind the wall where a door was opened up and he pulled out 3 machetes. he walked over to the 4 reptiles and handed them the machetes. "you can take them and keep them."

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H.I.B.A.S Chapter 5

Get the machete james!" james starts laughing and responds "it's rodgers!" rodgers slowly opens the door and extends his hand out to kat. "c'mon, get up i ain't here to bite unless ya ask." she takes his hand and stands up.

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Raccoon Rage: Chapter 4 - Help Hiding

He was sure the old machete was stashed in here somewhere. he'd already looked in the tent bag and in the box of campfire stuff. he reached up to the shelf above his head and smiled. "there you are."

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The Tragic Story of Aeddan Smith: Subject 5 CH 8

"miia, you and sylvia take the bow and an empty pack, in addition to your knife and machete, and go do a sweep of the area inside of the wall.

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And With His Many Jagged Teeth 4 - He Mourned For Her Son

That was her time to strike, swinging the machete hard upwards with a scream of force, slamming them upwards into the roof.

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Black Night Out

His machete proved to be very deadly as he cut through these guys like butter.

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Sight of the heart Part VII

Meanwhile outside the bus two men stand guard one is holding pistol and the other is armed with a machete and three pokeballs.

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The Apocalypse.

Pup grabbed me and swung his machete through the tongue, and i was left gasping on the ground as i heard a gunshot.

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Bad Puppy: Chapter Two, Machetes & Mischief

He said, as he took the machete, and smashed out the window, deftly knocking all the glass out of the rotted frame.

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The Victor's Cup - Chapter 4: Enter the Fray

Packs of biscuits, rope, a polyester jacket fell out of the backpack along with other supplies, but his hand grasped the handle of a machete.

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The Dragon Chronicles 05

No not a knife, a fucking machete. the gryphon's eyes bulged and it would have been comical had it not been fucking horrifying. its wings and paws were held down and the gryphon struggled in a futile attempt to escape.

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