A Lover's Promise

In the short fight, the palace guards only lost two of their own number. the remaining villagers backed away, and the palace guards ceased their offensive accordingly. now the british troops stepped up. their leader was, oddly, only a private.

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Insurrection - Prologue

Not since the first federation war did frostfall palace come under attack in any form. with that came complacency from the guards assigned to the palace. they were there in a ceremonial role since the palace wasn't threatened with attack.

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Jasmine's Twisted Wish [Mini-Fic]

Jasmine, princess of agrabah, had once lived a sheltered existence - relegated to her palace; and only able to slip out and into the city around it.

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Tiger Wolf (pt 1)

Squatting about this stone field of worked rock is the palace itself. another quartet of obelisks surround the palace which rises one hundred feet, half that of the monoliths, into the air.

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Helfer's Busy Day

But then again, he could just jog back to the palace and ask a footservant to go see what as keeping the fox.

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The Outlander 3 35

With all the wearets outside the palace walls subdued, mainly to their comrades' very bad aim, the fight could now be brought to the forces inside the palace walls.

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Syngeneia Kathairein part 31

Disarria and i will meet koriza inside the palace. " you and disarria make your way to the palace entrance. you are stopped by two guards. "halt, only royalty and their retinue are permitted inside." you look at disarria for help.

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Live at the palace huh? was he serious, or just being his silly self again? something inside though told me he was serious. i opened my eyes and saw the burn upon my arm.

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Chapter 70 Seeing Nothing

The palace was one of trickling fountains and bathes and gargantuan trees reaching up from circles cut in the polished floor.

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Exile: Midnight Contingency

It looked as if a bomb had been dropped just short of the palace. splash damage had toppled trees and shattered windows, but left the palace walls intact.

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