Galen's Story Part One: Sinnoh ; Chapter One: Small Beginnings

He knew that the third choice for a starter pokémon in sinnoh was supposed to be piplup, but from what he knew the whole species was rather proud, and he didn't much care for that. all in all, he was pleased with his options.

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Voremon, Part 1

An eevee spoke up, standing by a vulplix and a piplup. "oh're preeeetty." a rosalia remarked. umbreon blushed. she felt pretty dang good right now as the pokémon all crowded around her.

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Journey of the Chosen Chapter Fifteen

Throughout the day though dawn did rouse piplup and herdier a few times to practice contest moves when she wasn't tending to the camp.

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Journey of the Chosen Chapter Twelve

Dawn was doing the same from another direction with her herdier, piplup, cilia, and her tired servine. noise was the only thing evin could make out in the way of sound as several of team rocket's airships hovered above the stadium.

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The Eevee Chronicles part 2

They were given a turtwig, a chimchar, or a piplup. after they were given the pokemon of their choosing, they were handed a pokedex. the group walked past the professors' lab. eric took a glance at the lab as they were walking by.

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[c] Partners, ch 5

The two of them had gone to the same high school together, had flirted and dated briefly and even after breaking it off got along like piplup and poffins.

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Journey of the Chosen Chapter Sixteen

After breakfast, zora took the shape of shadow and for fun made evin look like a girl trainer, which he wasn't entirely too thrilled with, which also made dawn laugh so hard she dropped piplup.

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Journey of the Chosen Chapter Ten

piplup and herdier kept watch for the night, making sure all the ghost pokemon and possibly trainers stayed away, while wind and sand from above howled over them as it passed over openings.

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Fate , Desteny or strange luck ( Episode 1 of 8. Finding friends in the deepest hour )

" i´m lucia and this is piplup" " hi. i´m ash and this my partner pikachu." " and my name is brock. nice to meet you." " same back brock and sorry for the hard way he walked with you." " what do you mean with "him"? it was you that held me so hard.

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Pokemon Lover Studios, Chapter III

He waddled out of the bar's swinging doors like piplup. coral and otis stared at him the entire time. "only four shots?" coral asked, still staring at the doors. "only four shots," otis answered. "only four shots," coral sighed.

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A Camgirl's Confession

'well there's a piplup over here, go wild, dick,'" i started laughing hysterically, but was quickly interrupted by the waiter, an older gentleman with salt and pepper hair, who took our orders and zipped away.

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