On The Road We Walk On
His family and him lived in russia.....at least that was before what happened....
Tales from Silicon City 6: Titanium Rider
russia on the other hand was justifiably terrified; if the ai general had been successful in mongolia it would have been free to cut the former communist country in half.
The Digimon Wars Continued Chapter 2 Once A Communist, Always A Communist
''so you don't know, well it's one of the many neihboring countrys of russia. let me explain. in the 30th day of november year of 1939, three months after world war 2 had started.
"china threatened russia again", nat sighed, "demanded they be allowed to keep the buffer zone between their countries. vladimir putin is not happy about it, neither is trump for that matter."
Unstable Serenity - Chapter 14, A Reunited Bond
russia had commenced a raid on the country. during this time, a soviet scientist named markóv vaandeer, an elk who worked for the kgb was manufacturing red sodium at the time.
Unstable Serenity - Chapter 9, To No End
Max's POV cont'd "No!" I jumped in. I managed to delay the missile for a second so I could explain myself. "Steven is in that truck!" I pointed out. "Who's Steven?" Viktor asked. "He's one of the slaves, he's such a good kid and he's helpless! We...
Igor's Fire (Starring Vasily)
And relax- you're one of the best forgers in russia. you'll do fine. talk your way in, use your forged papers, get the records and get out." pavel didn't look convinced, but vasily knew how capable his friend was. "you are a very smart operator, pavel.
Red Moon: Wolves of Stalingrad Pt. 2
Red Moon: Wolves of Stalingrad Part 2 As it turned out, hunting for wolves inside a destroyed city was much harder than Franz thought it would be. He didn't expect them to just waltz out in front of him where he could take an easy shot, but he...
Chapter 4: Rising Tensions, Part 1: Day of Discovery
We can finally start to build our own defense against those cold blooded killers in russia.
A Brother's Love Ch. 3 Part 1
We are the remnants of spetsnaz and kgb forces of russia. our country has fallen from grace because of your country's inability to stay away from business that is not yours.
The Beginning of an End
Blaze: russia doesn't exist anymore...it's been completely wiped off the map... drake: ......what about the neighboring countries? scientist: most areas are suffering as we speak from the nuke.
Feel the HEAT
I was twelve at the time, and living in russia. if only she was still alive..." moscow - russia - ten years ago: "come on sergei, they're almost on top of us!"