A Companion For The Road, The Beginning

.+ his hand reaches out to caress the boy's cheek, the croc shying back at first but shemmin is insistant and touches him, giving a gentle stroke. "tell me sul, where are you from?"

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the way of the dragon part 1

It was a cold night and Jack a tall lightly tanned 16 year old teenager with black short curly hair dark brown eyes only just showing the pupil with a bit of fat on him knew that unless he was able to find just a bet of cover and make a fire he would...

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Shirtless Waiters

The woman smiled while looking at him "you shouldn't be shy," she said. the woman gave tails $5.the customers smiled and cheered. a young girl said "your cute," then she giggled.

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Potion Cat: Warmth With a Kiss

All of his love and affection combined with his shy demeanor drove her wild, and she loved it.

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River's River (omorashi story)

River yelled and squeezed right around the big bear, whether he was shy or not he could no longer wait.

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From Balder to Byproduct (Pt 1)

On the outskirts of a small city, or even a large town, Not sure when one becomes the other, not that it mattered. Was a calm if not bland day, the sky a shade of grey to dull the sense, not sure if it would rain or not. Which was only casting the web...

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Together at Last

Percy looked at the window of the plane he flew on, watching the clouds and the way the sun shone above them, light reflecting off of their shimmery surface and almost blinding him. His leg bounced as he stared, almost in a dream. On the other...

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Breakfast with the Unova group: Chapter 4

Zorua noticed this too and decided to snuggle up to the shy riolu pup. "he was amazing, the funny thing was he knotted me. he cummed so much that it leaked out in seconds."

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Chapter 3: looking at the pieces

[Chapter 1: A dark start](%5C) [Chapter 2: Saving the broken](%5C) Chapter 3: Looking at the pieces Silveratus gawked at his old friend the words he spoke still ringing in his ear, he was stunned in disbelief. Silveratus turned his attention back...

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First contact

Hello everyone, This is my first attempt on writing a story and publishing it on sofurry. However, there are already eight chapters in german, my native language, but only this piece in English. Translation was heavily supported by google as well as...

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Night Hopper's Cave

**Night Hopper's Cave** _By: Jeremiah Nighthopper_ Moss blanketed stone walls that were smooth and stretching up as guardians of the earth looking down. Stalagmites, seeping moisture of the day, drip by drip, adding to the pool beneath. Refreshing...

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Part 9 - Ein ungewöhnlicher Kuss

Ein ungewöhnlicher Kuss Nachdem sich die Beiden einen Moment lang festhielten, fühlten sie sich wieder ein Bisschen sicherer. Sie ließen einander zwar nur ungern wieder los, aber jeder wusste das sie nicht allzu viel Zeit bekommen hatten....

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