Aubrey's Day

The man who had come by earlier having made it crystal clear that if the shipment was late by any more than twenty minutes then he wasn't going to pay the full price when birdie accepted a check from him; the check in question being half the amount of the

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Too Safe

One day, a truck full of supplies arrived at the market and reed was tasked to watch over the shipment. and thus the story begins.) "yo, jamie," called tex, a pitbull, as he watched the supply truck approach.

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It's just i get paid for the amount of hours i work and not for how many nice creams i sell.. and given that the next shipment of ingredients is due from snowdin in quite a few days i'm gonna be bankrupt."

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On the Cusp - Chpt. 1: False Start

Donnie had spotted members of the foot clan moving shipments in cargo trucks across chinatown and hell's kitchen the past few weeks, but somehow they always seemed to change locations each day.

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Sore tales: An Animal Crossing story

I thought i wasn't getting the clothing shipments till tomorrow." "i'm here to sell you some things that aren't clothes." sable says as she empties her pockets. "ah, why didn't you say so?" nook said with delight. "let me see."

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Beautiful Twilight: Of Promises and Punishement

Her name was sparkle shadowpaw- spark to her friends and at the moment, she was standing in her office, after waiting three long hours for one of her employees to show up and help her unload new bottles of booze from a recent shipment.

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The Fortress of Pewter City (Ch. 5 of my Pokemon Series)

"ask for identification and a document of the shipment," was all she said into the radio.

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Fox and Falco A New Beginning Part 2

"now, this shipment pays more than any job we've had before. actually, it pays enough so that we could remodel this ship and retire to a life of pleasure." he said with a wink. "oh?"

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And a few weird accidents with some shipments. nothing bad." "mark . . . you're gonna have to work full time to support your mom." "that's only a worst case scenario, danny."

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Memoirs of Dragora Ch.2

"alright, okay, i admit i knew about secret shipments but i didn't think they were going to bandits, under-trained none the less." "well anyway, i agree with zerion, let's pull off these nameboards."

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Twilight Eros Chapter 2

"yeah looks like we should unless something major happens to the shipment. why, are you going to buy one?" "no i just like to ask you about it." spec shook his head at jon as he put his papers away.

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Twilight Eros Chapter 27

I'm just looking over tomorrows shipment. mostly magazines again." "at least we know the regulars will be showing up this week. so what do you think about angie so far?"

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