Fursecution- Part 3

I walked down the dirty street, the stench of sickness wafting into my nostrils. i was struggling to keep the contents of my stomach, wandering aimlessly through the slum. i was startled as a tin door fell from a nearby hut, crashing onto the ground.

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Shaman's Tale - Chapter 6

After a fair amount of sickness, silver and shaman stumbled away from the mess. dizzy and disoriented, silver was the first to fall to his side. shaman followed along after, the two groaning in unison. "we ate it too fast?"

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MarbleCake Slice one

A sickly smile found itself reflected in the shard of glass she held. even as her smile turned to a grimace--the smile remained, edged into the confines of the glass.

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Flame's Flicker - Commission

I was almost breathless from all of this, dizzy in the same way that i'd felt at the beginning of my sickness.

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When a Baby Dragon Gets Sick.

Back at the draggie camper, jake was getting ready to go to the doctor's office to get some medicine for his sickness.

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Kaisa and Adina: Kaisa's Sick Day

She loved everything about him, and when he was finally over his sickness she could tell him the real reason she was so excited....

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As Usual, I Was Silent. --10. Sick--

I didn't feel his erection poking at me, he must have been too out of it from his sickness to feel aroused. didn't really matter though, for once i was too tired to have sex anyway. day came around too quickly for my liking.

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Sick Lovers - Akt 1 - Clusterfuck

Ray freute sich auf den Abend. Mona hatte ihn und ein paar seiner Freunde in die Bar eingeladen, in der sie seit einigen Wochen arbeitete. Sie war erst vor Kurzem wieder nach Bitterwall gezogen. Sieben Jahre war es jetzt her, dass sie weggezogen war....

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Rising Anew-Chapter 8, part 1-

Rising Anew -chapter 8- The sunlight filtered through the roots hanging at the entrance to the cave. Slowly flicking its tail, a tiny green lizard scurried onto a rock as the sun alighted on it. A small smile seemed...

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To Soil the Pure Day One

To Soil the Pure. Ok so this is your standard warning. If you are, under 18 or the legal age to read porn in your area, then hit the back button. Also if you don't like the tags for the story then, don't read it. Other than that hope you like it....

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He had seen enough sickness at the academy to realize she was much worse then last night. her churrs, usually soft and musical, were now painful wheezes, along with a shortness of breath.

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Latias and Latios EP.2 (Part 10)

_adam, you have aura sickness._" "_what? what is aura sickness?_" "_aura sickness is a rare and powerful disease, it could wipe you out in an instant. the only way to cure a person that has aura sickness is to kill them._" adam gasped.

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