An Era of Chivalry 8 - The First Year

Chrono trigger copyrighted to squaresoft, finalgamer to me soon spring had come to the land, and with it the completion of approximately a year's training for james, according to glenn.

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An Era of Chivalry 5 - An Age-Old Lesson In Ethics

Chrono trigger is copyrighted to squaresoft, finalgamer to me a month later, james had kept up his regular routines of swinging his sword at an armour-coated dummy, as well as lifting weights and doing sit-ups or push-ups throughout the days to the point

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The Lion and the Boar

Obligatory content warning: this story contains sexual acts between two males, rough sex, mild trigger play, and exercise jokes. lazlo wasn't really what one would call a workout warrior.

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An Era of Chivalry 7 - Melting Wounds In A Frozen Heart

Chrono trigger is copyrighted to squaresoft, finalgamer to me after what felt like a long sleep, his body still feeling dazed and weakened, he heard a voice call to him faintly from nearby.

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. --- warning warning warning no obvious triggers in this monologue, but please be aware that it deals with some dark content, abusive relationships and ptsd.

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A Mind-Melting Week

He was taking his subjects up, and down, and up again with many different tricks and triggers that involved every single sense possible.

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Yo-kai Specs 7: Triggered

"Okay, so maybe ... no, that sounds stupid ... what if-nah, that's dumb too ..." I was racking my brain, trying my hardest to figure out something "cool" to say while summoning a Yo-kai. After finally being able to breathe after Insomni's...

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Silver and Gold - Trigger - ch 10

"No. I don't hate anyone, especially Kris!" I tried to give a warm smile as I went to go up the stairs but I could feel my nervous showing through. As I took each step I felt myself become more and more nervous as I could feel their eye watching me...

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Hypnovember 2023 Day 12: Trigger

The hiss had been the trigger to start his fall into the trance, he'd heard it so many times, it always managed to start slowing his mind. "wow... so... pretty," he murmured.

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The Maintenance Logs 1: Triggering Routines

The maintenance logs part 1: triggering routines for repanbo by draconicon having moved from her mountain lab to the imitation of one in the dragon's skyscraper, tatyana had been forced to make a number of accommodations to

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Doing it the Analogue Way [Patron Reward]

I probably chose a far too common word trigger phrase for the orgasms, though... my next step is to deprogram him and change the trigger to something less likely to... accidentally activate. but then, where's the fun in that?

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Kieran vs Sash. Tenacity vs Pride

" this is yer immortal trigger eh...? looks a lot like korban's almost..." he then stanced himself and slowly brought his paw to his face.

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