Star Fox Chronicles: Chapter 6: The Test of Warriors
This fight was also an unarmed battle. and about three minutes later, tri surrendered with a bloody nose. fara had a first aid kit and tended to the tabby. "i apologize for that," bill said to tri.
Planet Empire: Armored Chronicles
Not one outpost left unmanned or body unarmed. the fronts moving out at all times in a constant motion pressing forth and folding back with strategic strongholds and hasty cover.
Respect Your Elders
Sirblood fancied himself a master of the arcane spells and unarmed attacks made him very taming friendly and as so he was of to make some friends with a dragon.
Fur's Random Swordplay 1
Being unarmed, xer used his ki to open the door and zipped through the air at lightening speeds to land in the weapons shed. he grabbed two katanas and a kama, then flew back to his partner...
Fur's Random Swordplay 1
Being unarmed, xer used his ki to open the door and zipped through the air at lightening speeds to land in the weapons shed. he grabbed two katanas and a kama, then flew back to his partner...
Starfox/Titanfall Crossover RP
In addition to the obvious combat applications, unarmed forms of titans are used in heavy industries like cargo transport and deep space ship salvage.
Sabhira's Daughter #48
My name is farseer and i'm unarmed. who are you?" "farseer!" cried kitty. | [!
Fallout Tales of the Wasteland Bitch Part 4
Dogmeat was waiting at the entrance to the cave that the vault was contained in, keenly aware she was unarmed eve peered out the setting sun easier on her eyes then the blase of light that had blinded her when she first emerged.
Lost flight part 2
Just like your military, kill unarmed people for no reason. aarrgggeeetthhh!!!!" he screamed as the boot twists on his ruined hand. "kill unarmed civilians; i am seeing you and your group of thugs killing unarmed civilian's right know.
Jak's Wild - CH 01
"while i was repairing your body, i also implanted your pilot skills and some weapons training and unarmed combat training, to give you an edge on survival.
The Zombie Apoc-Fur-Lypse, Group 4, Scene 4
Agility roll (11) to hit with a gun, (12) to hit with a melee attack, (13) to hit if unarmed. roll must be +1 over difficulty to kill. each character may continue their attack until they fail to hit or kill a zombie.
The Gray Ranger: Unforgiven, Chapter Five
He was alone and unarmed. he should just reach out into the fires right now and... _not unarmed._ his eyes snapped open again. _not unarmed. can pierce. can twist. twist. twist! twist!