Mistress of Pleasure

There were fingers, but the were very slender and connected together with webbing, like you would see on a frog. i watched as she moved her hands, the webbing stretching and contracting with each movement, a light film forming in between the very tips.

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Welcome to My Parlor

Nor could she feel the web beneath her. the sensation rapidly spread. with a rasp of her air passages she hurled herself from the web, struggling towards her poisoner's cabinets.

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All it Takes is a Spark

A thick spray of webbing connected from one tree to another with a well timed flick of his lower abdomen.

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The Gardians Shadow ch10

She yelled as her back was stuck to the web, several feet up in the air. it almost looked like she was glued to the...well, for all intents an purposes she was stuck to the web.

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Tales of Adventure Chapter 6

The forward legs were raised up towards the humanoid portion and cradled a web spun figure between them. her human hand pulled apart the thick webbing revealing asyr's face within it.

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Knight Mallory's Drider Encounter

Crashing into the disgusting webbing was bad enough, but now she was caught. luckily she knew what to do here. she had drenched her armor before the fight, so the web adhered much more poorly than normal.

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Demon Castle Digitalpotato - the Latex Spider

She carried him off to a distant part of the web and laid him down, pulling some of the webbing off. the scissors were beyond useless by now - and the challenger simply dropped them on the ground.

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The Hive

Slowly its fat squishy body swelled stretching around her webbed up cocoon.

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bound birth

This lead to me being completely stuck to what i now realized was a spider's web. a huge spider's web. shit. i struggled for a bit, till i remembered that spiders can sense vibrations on their webs. i then i held completely still.

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BDSM Date - Chapter 3

He pulled away from her and in a flash, she found him untwisting the web strands from her. "get down, grab the web and bend over," he commanded, still fighting to release her right wrist.

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An Ultimate Nexus Experience (2/14)

Though he managed to power through the first few webs his momentum finally came to a stop when he landed against a fully-formed web that looked like it came from a traditional, if not massive, spider.

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