Chapter 6 - Risk of Discovery

I couldn't help putting in a bit of a cliff-hanger here, maybe i've got a sick and twisted sense of humour. what's going to happen next to alec's family, is it going to be torn apart by rules and bureaucracy?

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Snowed In - A Dark Place

I did not know where else to go with the cliff hanger that i left with my last story in this series. once again any constructive criticism is very welcome. now without further ado. the story.

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Chapter 15: S. O. S.! Virus Evolution.

Again with the cliff hanger. i hope you enjoy all the series so far, and once again i thank you for those who fave all the series.

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Dogman Side Story 3

You guys are probably like, omg not another cliff hanger, what happens when he wakes up, wtf was that vision about!!!!!! all will be explained in good time, lol. next chapter will really get things rolling with dogman chapter 8.


The Life of Another - Chapter 36

In other words, there's no cliff hanger. :) there's still gobs of story left to tell, i just wanted to take the immediate edge off so the wait for the next installment won't seem so long.

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Chapter 8: Captured by Humans

I left you guys on a cliff hanger last chapter, so here you go!. one warning: from now on, there will be a lot of product placements. i'm not sponsored and i do not own any of them. i own my characters and plot.

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:ALTERED BEASTS: - A New Life, Pt.9

{weredragon, werebull, human, werelion, werewolves, weredog (irish setter), werebear, ox-morph} [author's note: the answer you've been waiting for to last time's cliff-hanger. less yiff and more plot this time. fry, flammers, fry!]

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Reaper's story

I know i know total cliff hanger, but i do add on new sections almost every day so you may or may not find out what sabrina was going to say. that is if this gets posted, admin kept on saying that it was only one chapter long even though it wasnt.

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Madness and many distress signals

* * * end of chapter 7 hehe cliff hanger i wanted to try atleast one so here it is what'll happen to the others? is this the end? anyway comment please i wanna know what you think ppls

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Chapter 56: Survived The Fight of the Life.

Fyi: it is not a cliff hanger. thanks for faves, rates, comments, watches, and corrections. because i'm taking a long break because thinking the next sequel hurt my head. once again thank you eeryone.

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David's Start of a New Adventure (Ch.11 - A Long Journey Ahead of Them)

**oh my god a cliff-hanger! yeah sorry i had to end it there everyone, i know the suspense is going to kill you and that you're probably expecting a lemon chapter.

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After Party - Chapter 18 - The Chill

Hope you enjoy some drama and aren't mad for the 2 month cliff hanger i gave you :3 "j...john?" allen's voice cracked. he turned his head and winced in pain. the wolf was still strapped into the seat, his arms hanging down and his head limp.

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