Ander - Part 5: Subchapter 75

"my own daughter called me cold-hearted in front of the entire tribe. but you, dorin? out of all the terrible, cold-hearted wolves, you are one of the worst." she raised her fist up to her shoulder. "why are you just standing there!? answer me!"

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Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 39

cold heart turned to where quenos was working on something then waved him off dismissively. "very well. you, at least, don't disappoint, cold heart."

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The Chronicles of Sethros: Chapter 5

From one of the large, almost mountainous foot hills one could see for miles around, the breathtaking view was said to fill even a stone cold heart with passion and love again. the people were hard working and loved parties.

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Chapter 3 - Charizard's First Time

It's not safe for the fire on your tail, i wouldn't be so cold-hearted to let you go away and kill yourself" charizard, who had already started walking outside, stopped on his tracks, finding it hard to believe how kind pokemon were starting to be with

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The Chronicles of Sethros: Chapter 5

From one of the large, almost mountainous foot hills one could see for miles around, the breathtaking view was said to fill even a stone cold heart with passion and love again. the people were hard working and loved parties.

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Chapter 4: Confessions

A cold hearted wolf who brazenly lead the hk units into battle. a tyrant if not legend. but that was a long time ago. tiffani sniffled and looked at stone. "tell me its not true." tiffani said while hoping it wasn't.

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The Journey - Introduction

They are completely unlike in personality to most of the warm-blooded creatures in the galaxy, being possessed of a cold-hearted logic that makes them insusceptible to seemingly any kind of emotion whatsoever.

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Confrontation in the Cave

"i can't believe someone could be cold-hearted!" he cried, tears of pain and hatred streaming down his face. the tear from his right eye stung the scars that snaked down his face.

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Forbidden Love - Chapter Six - Finale - WritingGroupChallenge -

"_you're a monster - a cold-hearted murderer_!" eilidh's heart sank as she realized what he meant. she had killed her own mother, the leader of her herd.

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Beauty of the mind

cold-heartedly he caught her arm mid-air and sent her into the wall with a quick yet heavy hit to the head. while leaning against his victims back, he fixed her against the door and squeezed her muzzle shut.

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A dangerous game.

_on the contrary, i believe it's fairly evident that i do, you cold-hearted bastard! _ toshineko scoffed at the jackal's remark, casually walking over to a side table with a chessboard laid out on it.

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Revolutionary Hero

Max huffed, still pretending to be some cold-hearted killer. but the rabbit was eating up, bounding excitedly about how this was going to change everything. "alright, alright. tiny dog, i want you to come with me.

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