The Spyro Wars Chapter 3: A Lost Cause

"isn't that an ancient video game character?" "ancient?!" spyro asked, a bit offended at the statement.

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Star Fox Odium - Chapter 1

If you are the persuasion who gets upset about the idea of two video game characters having a (hopefully) healthy, happy, productive, equal relationship of the romantic persuasion...

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A Bird in the Mouth is Worth Two in the Hand

For a second shaun thought he was hallucinating or drugged with the fire running through his veins, but he could've sworn the bunny's mouth took on that perfectly round shape of so many video game characters.

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The New Man On Campus

He still had posters of video game characters up on the walls, he spent as much time as his computer as he did outside, and he tried harder at his classes than anyone else he knew, leaving him only one avenue to make friends; as a study buddy.

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Tropical Revised - Chapter Six

"be my copilot, cloud," offered nate while his video game character climbed into a military aircraft. "just let me know if there's any enemies in the air with us." "i'll try," replied cloud, adjusting to the new video game settings.

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Camp Acorn

Jake took the time to make a simple clay figurine of one of his favorite video game characters. when he was satisfied with it, he looked over to see what justin was making. the ringtail's watched as justin drew a picture.

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Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 86: The She Beast’s Secret (You Needed Me Part Two)

"and you are quite handsome for an interactive video game character. i can't wait to knock you on your handsome ass." lady ursa grinned. "why is that?" the lion blushed.

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Do a Barrel Roll!

Gabe couldn't believe he was turning into a video game character, a partially animal one at that. he looked in the mirror in disbelief, seeing his facial features turning more lupine.

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Curiosity Changed the Cat (Commission for Xilimyth)

The stallion was just tearing off the lid of one box with a golden crowbar, but just as the top popped off, the favourite weapon of many a video game character vanished, replaced with a fancy golden pocket watch that he shoved into a pocket, before digging

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What He Had Unleashed.

A picture of a well-known video game character greeted him as the remainder of the computer finished loading, derek, with much effort, pulled off his jeans and then slipped out of the underwear setting them nonchalantly on top of his sweater.

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Kaiju Kingdom

A memory bubbled up to the surface, swimming into the view of his mind's eye: a video game character, crouched down after slamming their fist into the ground; yes, that was a fitting fate for this, his first kill.

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A Prelude to Perversion: Chapter 7

It was like i was a video game character after opening up a hidden chest, obtaining the weapon i need to kill the next boss. all that was missing was the epic background music. "this paddle?" i inquired, lifting it and showing it cairo.

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