
"we are here to discuss a new way to taking care of these rebels, since the alliance's version of diplomacy seems to have failed by all accounts."

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Fyfe's Curse

Now, given certain preconceptions about foxes, one's mind might jump to certain conclusions about how he conducted his 'diplomacy', but one would be entirely wrong.

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The Fox General: Twin Spots

diplomacy is not your strong suit. you were floundering with that hyena, i had to take control." "i thank you for that."

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A Lamb Among Wolves Ch:10

When diplomacy had completely and utterly failed the wolf seemingly retreated solely into the affairs of alpine glade, thus drawing more ire from bellwether.

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Sexy Time 9 - French Diplomacy

The French. Most Pokemon seem to have a sort of love-hate relationship with them. We love their wine. We love their food. We love their kissing. But there seems to be some kind of history with everyone hating the French. We tend to portray them as...

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Goldenmane Chapter VII: Diplomacy for Dummies

The Leader was at his desk, as he tended to be at this time of day. His screen was full of the drooling figure of Number Seventeen, the stallion finally and completely broken and reduced to a quivering drooling mess with wide open eyes. At the moment...

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Diplomacy on the Casino Floor (Otherwise Untitled)

~ Whenever Detective Clip found herself traveling to a location that was a proper touristing destination, it was always her preference to travel lightly. For this particular occasion, she'd managed to keep to a moderate backpack and an arrival during...

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The Consort

#129 of commissions a forbidden romance blossoms from what would have otherwise been a regular old mission of diplomacy. how will two teens cope with these feelings under the strains of living under opposing banners?

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The Banished Wars - Volume One

When the reptilians discovered the success of the lutrachans reaching canidera, and establishing diplomacy with the natives on that planet, they were furious.


Lore: Lupiad-Sirian Empire

Sirians are often drawn to the worlds of diplomacy and economics, having an intense business culture that emphasizes good relations and honest deals with fellow businessmen.

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