Boss Bull vs Boss Slime a Tavern of Spear fan story
The copious amount of ooze continued to gush out of the bull, coating his tail and the floor of his tent with sticky and slimy blue goop.
Four Horde Mistresses: The Blood Elf
She clapped her hands and moved to close the book when the red gel suddenly shuddered and collapsed back to its original puddle of goop.
Snug as a Bug in a Bug
The formerly green pool of acids had now entirely taken on a black and white color from the run-off goop that was added to it.
Transfer Student
"oh shi- tendrils of dark, thick goop shot up from there and surrounded the short husky, completely encasing his lower half in the mysterious substance before the stretchy, pliable mass rose up and overshadowed him.
044 - The Fool pt.04
-the goop? suggests ell -i mean, i guess? yeah the goop. they clean up the gloop, so butters and by extension: us, are gonna be fine. ell makes a big sigh of relief, before going back to finish their milkshake related task.
Rubber mouse journal entry 2
Once it was in there she was swallowing down more thick goop and moaning around the the tendril as her belly started to round out from the volume of the fluids forced into her body.
Science Project… A big equine jock has a little mishap with his science geek roommates growth formula... luckily our old friend Charn is there to help them out with the trouble...
A stream of the goop drooling out, and into jerome's expanded cock slit! charn pinches the end of it shut with one paw, as the struggling stallion grunts a protest.
Tales of the Shop Keeper: Rush Week
More of the spunky heavy goop struck her in the face, causing her to splutter as she tried to catch her breath to scream as she thrashed about.
The Unintended Curse ch10
She would constantly mumble through the goop until her eyes went even wider as the stuff oozed it's way into her mouth and down her throat.
Call of the Tide
A wave of cool thick goop coating her insides would slowly radiate over her entire body - insides melting away as they reformed anew.
MSBA- Transformation
Once the goop has drained enough for my head to be free i take the mask and pull it out, gasping at the thought of being able to finally breathe freely again.
The Corrupter of Thraben #1
I was brought to orgasm but the goop completely blocked it from finishing and so my cock shot blanks as the demonic goop pushed deeper. deeper and deeper i felt it crawl, every new contact it had with my flesh sent jolts of pleasure.