From Foxy to Bunny: A (Sexy) Comment on Consumerism

Jaycie had seen the toy store whenever he walked the mall with his friends, but he never thought about going inside. It was full of children's things, like big stuffed animals and those stupid little games that weren't even fun as a kid. As he walked...

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Bending The Cage

John groaned as he woke up, looking around the room he was in a couple times as his vision began to clear; it flickered once or twice before doing that. He blinked a few times, moving up a hand to rub the grogginess from his turquoise eyes slightly as...

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The immobile hybrid receiving this let out a sharp groan as he felt that length wiggling its way towards his hole. he could feel the size of it and knew pain would be coming soon, but of course he was ready for it.

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A Moment

The slovenly wolfdragon licked at his lips, his tongue clearing the debris from his previous meal from them as he did so. His stomach grumbled in discontent, visibly stuffed to the brim, and yet still his mind craved more. Every fiber of his physical...

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Silk and Smoke

Triceps below pushed back lats, which in turn pushed the triceps forward, the ground sagging under the tons of immobile bulk.

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Stranded Part VI

He had a few other volunteers, mostly relatives of the immobiles, and he organized them into an effective nursing staff.

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The Health Cruise: Chapter One

The Health Cruise By Shalion & Gahtren Chapter One **[Shalion]:** The taxi drive down to Miami was a bit of a hell in itself, although it was not what had Collin worried most as he left his home for the first time in nearly eight years. The yellow...

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All Along

Luckily i'm here to take care of poor immobile pigs." "i'm not immobile yet!" "then get up and eat one of those bananas on the counter over there." a confused expression crossed the pig's face as it tried to understand. "go ahead. can you?"

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[c] Goddess of the Grove

They happily sat about, basking in the glow of moro's power--even the fjallúlfr eating her out quickly found herself shifting from 'nearly immobile' to simply immobile, locked in place by her own ceaselessly-growing weight.

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Mansion in the Woods: Monsters

**activity:** dorment **abilities** immobilization: +10 to escape ghost: can't trap, becomes inactive for one chapter if a girl escapes.


Ravens nest story

#1 of dream stories samantha has a bad dread and wakes up in a panic only to find that her greatest treasure and lover is missing from her usual spot underneath the immobile obese raven.

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Jailer Judy - Part 3 (SSBBW, Vore, Sex)

Off in the distance, the setting sun cast the sky in an orange haze with scattered, shaded clouds. It lit the derelict warehouse in stark contrast, with bright asphalt and dark cracks. Cool, musty air filled the large, hollow space. A flatbed truck...

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