Evil versus evil part four First draft

I wanted her to sound like a certain way most of the words need to be used phonetically like people use when they speed write on twitter, you don't need a new twitter english dictionary. i just added more letters to emphasize marcella's speech pattern.

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Synne the Broken

"named after the sun," lord hart's eyes lifted to the skylight above his head, "though...phonetically, it sounds a bit like..." he smirked, synne glaring daggers at the elk, fists still balled.

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The Curse

"then i pronounced the words phonetically, but i still couldn't figure them out or even get a sense of the language's origins. now it really gets bizarre." i told her about how the demon appeared.

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Giving Into Animal Instincts-- DIRTY

It was a phonetic recitation, not the sloth understanding the words. teri shared a chuckle with the seagull. adrienne and wally had been friends that entire year, even if it wasn't a very long time.

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Giving Into Animal Instincts

It was a phonetic recitation, not the sloth understanding the words. teri shared a chuckle with the seagull. adrienne and wally had been friends that entire year, even if it wasn't a very long time.

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It was pretty simple really, he was supposed to read the spell; the translation even had the weird words phonetically spelled.

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Rogue Sword - Ch 3: Training Films

You'll both get a crash course in their phonetic script, enough to pronounce a word if you see it written. if you can't read a sign just whisper the sounds to yourself and the translator should be able to handle it."

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Dancer in the Dream (Ch. 1)

(ex-am-ple) he's carefully enunciating each syllable, and the syllable between hyphens is meant to give you a phonetic of what he says rather than just spelling words.

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Against All Odds: Extraction Ch.9

Lupine and voxin are phonetically similar enough to where i can translate pretty much most of their chatter sir," kat explained. "why do you ask?"

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A Renegade Reborn - 12 - Cowboy

The menu was one of those black and white letterboards where the letters were always uneven, and half the menu items were phonetically spelled in til.

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Southern Free Agents, Ch 1

It was something to which esfir was completely unaccustomed, but that wasn't the worst part: along the northern cities, most employers spelled out the word 'sufa' phonetically into s-f-a, which earned the group its official handle of "southern

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