Love Hurts/ Tongue Lashed by Dikran O

One dealt with whether practicing bdsm was a psychosis or not. having only heard vague references to the term gray read the whole article and sought out the references it contained. it was fascinating reading.

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Down & Out on Malthus XIX - Part 1

Exactly what species of psychosis was at work behind those eyes i would hesitate to diagnose, but i knew crazy when i saw it. that left only one option left... snakes, why did it have to be snakes?

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Conservation Efforts of an Embarrassed Goddess

You could be what they call a shared psychosis, something inflicted upon me by my father and upon him by his father and so on for six hundred years. it is convenient, is it not?

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Stripe and Chains 2 - Measurments

Its a psychosis. a mental illness. you could very well have a relapse. and the second time will be much harder to over come than the first. speaking of which. yesterday? you came out of it yesterday?" he watched the tiger hang limp and lifeless.

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Tongue Lashed

One dealt with whether practicing bdsm was a psychosis or not. having only heard vague references to the term gray read the whole article and sought out the references it contained. it was fascinating reading.

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Shadowed Consequences

It was a faux sensation though as soon enough aira started to realise he was pooling, gathering, filling some other shaped space but the pressure was gone and with it his psychosis.

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Some had been lucky and had managed to find their ways back to a town, only to fall into unbreakable psychosis and become impossible to handle. she'd walked for days, just walking aimlessly.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book V Chapter 17

Paranoia and psychosis are insufferable time stallers" danox smiled, the somewhat alluring display of perfect, not overdone smile only added more unexplained power to the dark swoon of his well versed, slowly spoken words.

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Moroneae Domesticus

Even paperwork would be a reprieve from this psychosis. "i've let this go long enough. it's just a spider. it'll be dead by the end of the week, and in the meantime it'll haunt the corners or under our desks. please, let's just let it be.

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Titan's Rise

The blast to her mind when it was in such an unbalanced state had knocked her out of her psychosis,but had also damaged her hormonal balance with an aphrodisiac-like shock.

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