
Before i happened upon rachel, i encountered a rattata whom i will never forget.

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Chapter 1: Wetness and Illness

Toby watched his buddy struggle with the rattata and doge several bite attempts before yelling "okay, shock 'em" there was an instant flash of light and rattata lay on his back motionless, paralyzed either from the electricity or just plan surprise.

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Pokebrothel 14

The rattata turned to a male eevee who was sitting next to her and began transferring the cum over when he sneezed covering her with cum. "ok, split now," the diglett commanded.

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The adventures of 5-year-old Fievel in a Pokemon World

On my way, i also picked up a rattata. i was hoping my rattata would soon evolve into a raticate, but want's going to press the matter too hard. might as well let rattata evolve when he's ready. "oh we're so sorry, but the pokemon center is full.

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Red's Adventure (8) - Bugs

Said the rattata from behind. he pushed the two aside and called, "prepare for trouble!" "and make it double," hissed the ekans. "triple!" zubat corrected, frowning.

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Pokebrothel 11

"hello master edward," the rattata said, "i understand that you have some equipment for me so that i can start my new career." the dragonite giggled.

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Pokebrothel 3

Applying her heated tongue to busy rattata caused her to jump to her feet. crystal figured it must have felt like hot wax splashing down but she never confirmed that for herself.

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Pokemon: Moral Shadows- Chapter 1

Duchess managed to avoid the fourth tackle, but the moment the rattata was behind her, the trainer called out for a "quick attack, now!" before she could turn around, the rattata slammed into her at full force, knocking her forward onto her face.

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Tora- A hero and a show of affection

Use quick attack on him rattata!" the purple rat looked back at him questioningly. "just do it!" the angry boy shouted. the rattata hesitated before complying. he charged full speed at chris.

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Team Rocket and Azalea Town

Soon enough another grunt challenged me and sent out a rattata. i sent out croconaw and had him use water gun defeating rattata. this was followed by the grunt sending out a zubat and so i substituted for flaaffy whose thunder shock defeated zubat.

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Adventures with Sofi - 3/10

"and that bastard rattata! he was rubbing me with his tail, then he put it in... it hurt daddy!" "well... maybe i should..."

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Misty fulfills a fantasy - cumslut

"yes i do, rattata here has been horny for a few days now, it's mating season for rattata and he has a hard cock constantly," i explain as i get down next to him.

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