Last Memories

On the way over to her house i though about all the things we did as girlfriend and boyfriend, relapsing in all of the past dates we shared together laughing at all the good times that we shared.

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Edge Walking. Chap 10: Butter. Pure Freakin' Butter.

I'd put my head in an oven if i caused someone to relapse on this menacing drug. there is a mentioning of the album "trick of the tail" in this chapter. this is copyrighted to the band "genesis", 1976, and was originally released by atco records.

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What Goes Bump In the Night. Chapter Five.

This relapse made him feel sluggish slow and only made him more on edge. in a 'wounded' state his animal side was primed about to maul anything that got too close as he desperately tried to hide his own hand. it would have been so easy.

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Upset Cats

"relapse," the cougar winced. "he found an opened pack lying around and couldn't resist the temptation, he said...before i sent him to sleep on the couch and took my mother in to the bed..."

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[WIP] 2047 A.D.Heavens Fall [EN-001] Remastered

There were still no relapses with him." "do you believe his dna would be the right one?" "hard to say as we have not yet seen him in action. if it's not his dna we still have timor, kyle, noah, sev, sdel and shakiria."

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Bonding Session

Is this a relapse of her past? or this just an excuse? you decide... edit: i really hate going back to fix italics and font size.... (warning: pre-teen x pokemon involment) once they finally reached the creek, they found it full of water types.

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This Demonic Flesh

But it's so addictive, and i'm relapsing. broad chest, pierced nipples, marked abs, all signs of a powerful, sensual male body. i remember making it with that in mind. and further down- oh! i should hide that, shouldn't i?

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Bad Moon Rising

Lylla's stream of memory was sustainable to occasional relapses, if her present circumstances mirrored those that had occurred in an earlier point of her life.

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Realms of Valeron - Chapter 14

It also brought a myriad of words, terms that the boy barely grasped, like 'malignant' and 'relapse', and the worst of them all, 'terminal'. that one in particular made him feel as if he wanted to throw up.

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He Who Would be Master: Chapter 4

I almost... relapsed..." he almost choked on the lie. _mom! i have relapsed!!! god, i'm in it deep!_ the silent cry for help made his moogie's eyes flash. he looked away, cursing mothers' intuition.

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HM-11 The Mob Rules

That means you need to be there for him when he relapses. his mother did provide a cure, except... it's only a sure deal on planet unikron.

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[THE WORLD] of Monsters - Chapter 01

-yes this was just a little relapse, like the vegetarian going for the kebab on the night out or the quick pop into the betting shop. we all have moments of weakness!

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