Say Uncle!

The revolver went spinning away. wellington retrieved his rifle and aimed it at the governor. "no!" shouted arthur. "no, don't!" wellington lowered the gun reluctantly. arthur fought with his uncle.

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Isolation-Excerpt 22-Primal

I set the revolver down and pulled the clip off the flash bang, tossing it down into the crowd of bots and picking up the revolver. "explosives", one bot said in a heavy, electronic sounding voice.

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Dead Cell Chapter 5: The Test, The Betrayal, The Victory...The End?

Michael slowly un-cocked the hammer, before slipping the revolver back in the holster, looking to verna.

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Monday Morning Rail

The first was that he was back upon his feet, revolver drawn and cocked. the second was a high-pitched wail of surprise, uttered by the erstwhile solitary inhabitant of the private car. his revolver, mcallister perceived, was trained on her.

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She shifted back to human form and approached the shack almost silently, reaching for the revolver at the small of her back. she set the revolver to stun. that ought to be good enough.

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Drifter (Part 1)

Lady elena asks with a semi-worried look as gundolf aims both revolvers for the sky and fires them at something he perceives as approaching very quickly. sneed is about to make a remark when they hear buzzing.

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Chapter 44: Journey to Survival - 2

Al pointed the revolver to holydramon. zero and greenguilmonx aimed at where al point. "trident revolver!" "river of power!" "atomic blaster!" "rising destroyer!" they used their skills to knock down holydramon.

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Fire on the Beaches

As respectfully as she could, dion slowly worked the thumb and pinky off of the handle, and flipped the revolver over so she could grip it herself properly.

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Mojave Redemption - Part 10

Sarah spat, her revolver trembling slightly in her hands. "he's more of an animal than these two ever will be!"

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A steam punk tale Chap 1

"is that the reason for that cute little trap... and the revolver your carrying." "revolvers..." cameron corrected, making the stags eyes widened slightly as he looked over the zebracorn again. "and yes indeed it is...

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Mojave Redemption - Chapter 3

Quickly she began to return fire with the small revolver, it seemed a truly desperate effort, trying to fend off raiders armed with hunting rifles with a revolver.

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Eudaemon III: Rebirth / Act II, Part 5

Do you see now that i am far greater, far superior to-" zerrex didn't let it finish, instead raising the revolver and blasting off five shots with the revolver in rapid succession, other hand fanning the hammer and causing the thing to squeal like an

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