Dad's lesson

Story by Janus Oberoth on SoFurry

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#3 of A RANGER

After Nick is caught by his mom with a ball pen in his ass, he learns from his dad that he can fun with other males too.

The next morning Nick opens his eyes and moans with pleasure, he feels a heat and wetness around his penis. Nick looks at the roof and recognizes that he is in the bedroom of his parents.

He moans of pleasure and feels that his balls are squeezed softly, Nick lifts his head to see at his crotch, his mother is moving her head while she gives him oral sex slowly.

Nick moans of pleasure feeling the mouth moving up and down on his cock, it is completely covered with saliva. His knot and his balls are wet too, Nick gasps when his mother's mouth closes behind her knot.

She increases the force of her sucking and Nick groans with more force, his climax comes rapidly. He pushes his penis and shoots his seed.

Elizabeth feels that the sperm lands of her tongue and her teeth, she sucks and swallows each drop of young seed of her cub. Nick growls of pleasure and drops his body in bed when the last squirts come out from his penis.

"Good morning, mom" Nick says panting and lifting the head to see her mother.

"Hi dear." Elizabeth says while she licks her mouth.

"Time to wake up, take a quick bath and prepare to go to school, your dad will take you there." Elizabeth says looking at Nick affectionately. Nick moans with bother because it is Monday, his mom laughs, but she with the look lets know that he will not miss the school.

Nick comes down from the bed and goes to the bathroom of the house, there he finds his father washing his hands.

"Good morning, dad." Nick says looking at his father.

"Good morning, Nick." Roger says taking a towel and drying his hands.

"You must hurry, you cannot be late." Roger says doing a gesture to Nick.

"I could not take a bath." Nick says before grinning to his dad and getting close to the shower. Roger shakes his head.

"No, after the last night, the aroma is something that we must hide." Roger says coming closer and turning on the shower before giving a friendly spank to Nick and that way to introduce him under the shower.

Nick closes his eyes when water falls on his face. He takes the shampoo to take a bath. He following the instructions of his mother, he takes a bath fast trying not to leave a single place of his body without covering with soap.

After around fifteen minutes Nick gets out from the shower, his mother arrives to help him dry his body. Everything speeds up thanks to a hair drier that makes the fur of Nick be dry shortly.

"Now get dressed and taking your breakfast, hurry." Elizabeth says taking the wet towels. Nick runs to his bedroom, and he gets dressed at full speed to go down to the kitchen.

His mother already has breakfast ready; Nick sits at the table and eats a cereal bowl with milk while her father reads last pages of the newspaper.

Nick swallows each mouthful rapidly, and he chokes. His mother shows that he calms down a bit. Nick takes more slow mouthfuls and his father his finish his reading and puts the newspaper on the table.

"I will go to turn on the automobile." Roger says looking at his wife and Nick.

Elizabeth nods in the meantime Nick even eats his cereal. He needs some spoonful more before finishing his breakfast. Immediately he returns to his room and takes his backpack to go to the kitchen and to say goodbye of his mother.

She gives him an affectionate hug before saying goodbye. Nick runs to go out by the front door and to close it before going to the automobile where his father is waiting. He seats in the back seat and closes the door.

Roger drives the automobile with calm. Nick checks his backpack to make sure that no, left nothing at home.

"Nick... I want to talk with you about something important." Roger says in the meantime he keeps driving and looking at Nick for the rear-view mirror of the automobile. Nick closes the backpack, and he sees his father.

"It is about what happened last night and what your mother taught you... it is a very delicate subject that you must keep in secret." Roger says without moving his look of the streets and automobiles that move in front and behind from them.

"Mom told me it is something that not everyone understands, mainly the preys." Nick says looking at his father. He nods quietly.

"So... we will keep this in secret, perhaps some friends of yours, some depredators already are passing by this stuff and they can understand it, but you should be very cautious. We can have a lot of problems, if the wrong people find out about this." Roger says while he stops the automobile in front of a red light.

Nick nods and knows that this subject is very important. His dad looks at him and he nods approvingly.

"Now always there are options to well use what you learned, but let us to see the subject first, Ok?" Roger asks looking at Nick.

"It is ok, dad." Nick responds moving his tail content. Roger smiles at him using the rear-view mirror. Around thirty minutes later they park in front of the school and Nick comes down from the automobile to join several boys and girls that keep on walking in the school at that moment.

"Hey Nick." Somebody calls him. Nick turns over to see who is it, his tail moves seeing Wally and Tod, they are two of his best friends.

Wally is a wolf of fur, silver-plated with yellow penetrating eyes and an abundant fur. At his side Tod is, he is a zebra. His black stripes are notorious since they are in almost each part of his body.

Tod is higher than Nick, he is a big mammal. Nick gets close to them and they head toward the pigeonholes to pick up what they need.

"Where is Lionel?" Nick asks Nick looking to his other two friends. Lionel is his other best friend. He is jaguar friendly.

"He is not here yet." Tod responds looking at Nick. Nick nods and expects that his friend soon appears. They get close to their pigeonholes and they open the doors, Nick is opening their pigeonhole when he receives a strong pat on his nape.

Nick growls with bother when he sees to the left, he can see that Jego is passing near him laughing noisily as always. He is a hyena and his big stature makes him easy to take advantage of the other boys; he bothers to anyone that he can.

"How was it in your ranger reunion?" Jego asks laughing with sarcasm and going away with to other boys that also laugh.

"Ignore him." Wally says, growling and baring his teeth for a moment.

"Yeah, but, how was in your first meeting?" Tod asks with true emotion. He was who made that Nick join to rangers. Nick always heard him with true attention. He explained each adventure that he had in the rangers.

"They... they put me a muzzle." Nick says with sadness and rage. The eyes of his friends open with complete surprise.

"What?! Tod asks with complete surprise and incredulity.

"They said that they could not trust on a predator and they put the muzzle on me while they were laughing." Nick says clenching his fists.

"Impossible!" Wally says, growling with rage. As he is also a predator, he cannot avoid feeling offended by the experience of his friend.

The muzzle is a true insult and humiliation that any predator can suffer.

"Which troop was?" Tod asks, puffing with true anger.

"Nine Hundred Fourteen." Nick says looking at his friend. He sees that Tod makes a flinch.

"I know them, but do not get worried. This weekend there is a meeting of troops and they will pay for it." Tod says with a gesture of his hand to imply that his solution would be categorical.

"You will have problems." Nick says looking at his friend to Tod. He makes a gesture of mockery.

"It's nothing. We pee side by side, isn't it?" Tod asks with a comic facial expression.

Nick nods and moves the tail. That expression is something that her friend learned from one of her cousins. When Tod used it implied that they are very intimate and Nick on some of his friends could trust in him completely for just anything.

"Don't worry any more about them. Why don't you join our troop?" Wally asks, looking at Nick.

"What troop?" Nick asks looking at with surprise his friend.

"Well, it is not a troop, it is a soccer team. Lionel enrolled in an academy of soccer, he is a team of predators, I will join up this afternoon, you could enter also and that way we will be in the same team." Wally says, looking at Nick.

Nick's eyes open with complete surprise, and he nods with a lot of enthusiasm. His tail moves with great emotion.

"Where is it?" Nick asks looking at his friend.

"I do not know it exactly; Lionel has to give me the details today in order that my father takes me there to join in." Wally says, looking at Nick.

"And talking about Lionel." Tod says making a dear comedienne when he sees that his friend approaches running rapidly. He is fast and gets to the place where they are shortly.

"Hi... we... have problems with the motor of my car." Lionel says panting rapidly while his friends greet him.

Lionel is a leopard; his fur has many colors in different geometric forms. He is the faster of them, his skills to react is quick and he uses it a lot when he has to hide something from the view of teachers.

"Lionel, already we have a member more from the team." Wally says, placing on his right hand the left-hand shoulder of Nick. He nods and Lionel gets surprised and he gets excited.

"Great, the Coach Gareth will be thrilled." Lionel says while his tail moves with great emotion.

"Coach Gareth?" Wally asks, looking at his friend. Lionel nods.

"He is the owner of the academy and he is a good friend of my father. For that reason, I got in the team, besides that I like to play." Lionel says looking at his three friends.

At that moment the bell sounds. Nick and his friends head toward their classroom.

Some hours later, Nick leaves school next to the other students, Nick is very excited about joining the football team. He says goodbye to his friends and runs towards the automobile of his parents.

His mother is sitting in the driver's seat. Nick opens the right backdoor of the automobile before entering and sitting in the seat.

"Hi mom." Nick tells to see his mother.

"Hi dear." Elizabeth says smiling to him while she uses the rear-view mirror. She turns on the motor, and she starts the drive to return to her house.

"How was the school?" Elizabeth asks while she drives, putting almost everything to her attention in driving.

"Very well mom... Mom I want to play soccer." Nick says with emotion. His mother gets surprised a little.

"Do you want to join a team?" Elizabeth asks while she sees him for some moments.

"Yes, Lionel joined a depredatory team in a soccer academy and Wally will make it this afternoon. We could be in the same team." Nick says with great emotion.

"That sounds good. Do you know where is that academy?" Elizabeth asks smiling a lot, contents when seeing her son's emotion.

"I have it here, Wally says that his dad could talk with the Coach in order that he reserves a vacancy, but it has to be this afternoon." Nick responds while he takes out a piece of paper where is written what his friend told him.

"Let's speak it with your dad." Elizabeth says content while she continues driving. After around thirty minutes, Elizabeth stops in front of the garage.

Nick comes down from the automobile and rushes to find his father while his mother laughs a moment before opening the door of the garage to introduce the automobile inside it. Nick looks for his father and meets him at the loft.

"Wow... What happens?" Roger asks when noticing Nick's excitation.

"Dad, I want to be in a soccer team of predators, Wally and Lionel will be in the same team." Nick responds with emotion. Roger gets surprised a little and asks for details.

Some minutes later Nick is close to his father, he listens with attention as his father and Wally's father talk about the subject. Nick listens, thrilled that his father and his friend's father meet in order that boys enrolled at the same time.

Nick goes to his bedroom to quit in his backpack while he feels content before changing his clothes rapidly.

Nick rests and takes a nap, he lets himself fall backwards in bed and closing his eyes. In your mind, they form his images about himself being a professional player.

Nick's sleep is good until he wakes up and stretches his body, Nick observes his room roof for some moments before seeing the clock he has on his bedside table.

His eyes open completely and he at one bound rapidly stands up when he realizes that they are running late. Nick gets out from his room and searches for his father in order that he take him to the academy of soccer.

It is easy to find his father. His heavy breathing and growling of pleasure guides Nick to the kitchen.

"Dad, we are running late!" Nick says protesting when he sees his father seated in a chair with the pants while Elizabeth sucks at his cock with a lot of pleasure.

"Calm down kid, we will be there in time." Roger says without lending a lot of attention to the protest of Nick. He gets angry lightly seeing that his father closes his eyes and continues enjoying the oral stimulation of his genitals.

Nick shows his bother while he waits impatiently, but the aroma of sex gets to his nose and his penis reacts inside his sheath.

The resounding sucking of the cock and the aroma make his penis emerge rapidly and the tip press his shorts, his shorts are pushed with his pants to form a visible tent.

Soon his father's growling is stronger, and he pushes his hips. His knot presses against Elizabeth's mouth the moment that he ejaculates in the mouth of his wife.

Elizabeth with a lot of pleasure swallows each semen drop of Roger. She sucks the member with pleasure while he uses a hand to massage balls until the seed runs out.

She moves her head back and her husband's shaft slips out from her mouth. Elizabeth finds herself content, and she moves to crawl a little and to kneel in front of Nick.

She smiles at her cub before opening his pants and pulling down with his shorts. Nick's penis bounces on the air when it gets free.

"I will go to take the car out from the garage." Roger says with an ample smile and taking his pants to pull them up and close them. Roger goes to the garage. Elizabeth licks Nick's balls.

She makes it with calm raising the balls with the tongue without no problem, Nick looks at his mother playing with his balls and to get them wet in saliva. Nick takes a breath and pants the moment that his mother's tongue moves to touch his sensitive meat.

Elizabeth licks with a calm Nick's erection, she makes it with a lot of affection making that the cock of her boy dance in circles on the air, her rough tongue provokes that Nick whines with pleasure.

The viscous saliva makes glisten brightly the member, Nick gasps when his member enters the mouth of her mother.

She sucks with pleasure. Her tongue wraps around the cock squeezing it softly, Nick quivers with pleasure, he feels that her knot touches his mother's lips.

A peculiar sound in the kitchen is heard while he enjoys oral sex, his mother caress and massages his balls squeezing them of a fair way for more pleasure.

The sucking continues, and Nick feels that his mother releases his balls. She moves further down her hand to introduce them between her thighs and to move it toward her ass.

The ass cheeks of Nick close with more force when he realizes what his mom would do, the same thing that she did with her father, but half-way down the road she stops and it seems doubtful, she withdraws her hand.

That confuses Nick a lot, but he growls of pleasure when his knot also enters the mouth of his mother. It is right behind her teeth; Nick moves to fuck his mom's mouth.

Elizabeth cannot avoid smile lightly, she seizes the cheeks of the ass of her boy and to hold him while he keeps moving. She hits different parts of the member of Nick using her tongue.

Nick growls with more force and with a few pushes more, he ejaculates in the mouth of his mom. The squirts of seed land on the tongue of Elizabeth.

She closes her eyes and does not release Nick's ass while each spurt of seed delights her with its special taste. Some moments later Nick pulls his penis out, Elizabeth opens her mouth and releases the ass of Nick.

Nick pants and moans when his mother licks all his penis with calm picking up each drop and semen trail until there is not neither a single semen trail.

She takes the pants and Nick's shorts and she pulls them up before buttoning pants and closing the belt.

"Now what do you think about to be interrupted in the middle of something, uh?" Elizabeth asks smiling at Nick.

"It would be unpleasing for everybody." Nick says looking at his mother. She nods before standing up and giving her son a soft and friendly spank. Nick embraces her, saying goodbye and running out of the house.

Nick closes the front door and runs to his family's automobile; he sits on the back seat and closes the door. His dad looks at him using the rear-view mirror before running the motor and getting on the road.

Nick is very excited, he cannot expect to enroll in the academy of soccer, he expects that her friend Wally had kept a space for him. Nick feels impatient until they enter the rain forest district of Zootopia.

It is a place that Nick always loves, unlike the other sectors of Zootopia. His father continues driving until they get to the gold ball academy.

Roger parks the automobile to some meters from the entrance, Nick gets down first with a lot of speed, his father makes it shortly afterwards. Roger locks the doors, and he meets with Nick.

Both walk toward the entrance of the academy, Nick jumps with emotion, his dad smiles at him and both enter there.

Nick immediately looks around, there are many soccer fields besides some close constructions to them, he can see boys running sideways to side in some fields while a coach instructs them.

Nick and his father head toward a close building, Nick's eyes open completely and he gets excited when he sees that Wally and his father go out by the front door.

His friend just like him to be very excited.

"Hey, you are late." Wally says while he greets Nick.

"Yeahhh we had a delay." Nick says looking at his friend. Roger makes a grin, and he shakes the hand with the father of Wally. His name is Ralph, a dog husky of black fur.

"Well you got in time, only there is a vacancy, Wally kept on asking just anything to kill time." Ralph says with an ample smile.

Nick gets worried, but his father places a hand on the shoulder to calm him.

"So, it will be better that we go to occupy that space." Roger says looking at Nick. He nods and then he says goodbye to her friend and of his father. Roger also says goodbye to the friend of his son and Ralph.

Nick pulls his father, and he does not resist. Soon both are in the head office, a female pig receives them with a friendly smile.

Roger and Nick sit on two chairs while the woman gives them the details about the training programs. Nick gets excited to the see that he may become professional.

After some minutes, Roger is signing the papers in order that Nick takes part and, in a few moments, later Nick already is officially part of the team.

"Well darling, congratulations, maybe you want to meet the principal coach and owner of the academy." The woman says looking at Nick and Roger He nods.

"He is at this moment in that building." The woman says pointing to a building that is located around one hundred meters from there. Roger nods and with Nick they say goodbye to the woman and taking papers both get out of the office and they are heading for the building than the woman showed them.

It is not a big building only it has a plant, but it is ample, the banging doors open when Nick and his father enter the building, they are in an ample gym.

Nick gets surprised seeing the gym equipment, his tail moves with a lot of expectation. There is a big photography in a wall. It shows a big lion holding a soccer ball while he smiles openly.

He looks very important, ; he is wearing his team's uniform while he smiles at the camera.

At that moment by a door Nick sees that two boys of his same age come out, they have towels tied to their waists while water drips from their fur, they are a leopard and a tiger that are seen ashamed.

Behind them comes a big guy. It is a lion that has the clothing soaked.

"Boys, I told you that showers are not a place for games. It can happen an accident." The lion says while he uses a towel to dry his face.

"We sorry, coach." The leopard says shamefacedly.

"It is ok, nothing that the plumber cannot fix." The lion tells without showing up, very anger.

"Go to get dressed, I will fix this." The guy says looking at the two boys with a friendly look. Both boys nod and they head toward another door where they disappear.

"Hi there." The lion says noticing Nick and his father. The guy comes closer and shakes the hand of Roger and Nick. The man introduces himself as Jasper Simmons, the owner of the academy.

"I suppose that to you joined to one of my teams." Jasper says looking at content Nick.

"Yeah, I have just enrolled in the team of depredators." Nick says with enthusiasm.

"Oh, I see, only some minutes ago my secretary informed that only there was a vacancy." The lion says a lot, contents while he moves his tail.

"Sometimes parents refuse to have their children next to other depredators, a subject of lack of understanding between species. You know: depredators play rough, they are big... etc... etc..." Jasper says looking at Roger. He agrees and furthermore with the experience of Nick with the rangers.

"Will we use this equipment?" Nick asks with a lot of temper to see the gym equipment are near. The lion laughs smoothly for some moment.

"I'm sorry, but these are for the boys that will become pros." The lion says looking at Nick. He arches an eyebrow without understanding that word fully.

"They are preparing to be professional." Jasper says looking at Nick. He understanding that.

"Can I become professional too?" Nick asks looking at the coach, he smiles at him and kneels down in front of Nick to place a hand on his right shoulder for him.

"But becoming professional requires four things: Effort, discipline, talent and love the game." The lion says looking at Nick.

"Every professional player that has self-respect learns the fundamental stuff, that is what you will make now in my academy, if you love the game and you have the talent, you can become the best player." Jasper says moving and aiming using his nose for the photo of the lion that Nick saw before.

"That is me, I began at your same age, I worked hard and I tried in order that the people noticed me and that way the fierce cats, one of the best that there hired me in the team." Jasper says looking at Nick again.

"I won two cups for my team, two important. After I leave the team to dedicating to my other passion that is to help the young love the game and to help them keep his goals and dreams." Jasper says smiling and looking at Nick.

He moves the tail content and his father nods.

"Well I will give you a tour by the place." Jasper says placing the hand over the head of Nick and stirring his hair. Nick laughs and next to his father begin walk thought the building, Jasper guide them.

Nick gets surprised a little when he finds out that he would take a bath together with other boys, Jasper tells him it is something that he implements to help the parents after a training session.

Rogers agrees with this decision.

The place that also has a swimming pool, not deep. Jasper explains that some players use it to practice since water helps to train muscles.

After the walkthrough, Jasper guides them at the soccer fields where Nick and his father can see several boys and teams playing.

As it is expected the fields are divided by size of players just like the leagues of Zootopia, a mouse would never play against an elephant or against rhinoceros that can crush them with a foot.

Nick gets more excited. After around thirty minutes, Nick and his dad say goodbye to Jasper, he says goodbye to both with a lot of enthusiasm.

Nick and Roger head toward the automobile of the family, Nicks sits on the rear sit, his father again takes the command of the automobile and he drives at home.

Nick's emotion is visible, his father smiles at him using the rear-view mirror, after around forty minutes they stop in front of their house, Nick would stay in her home in the meantime his dad would go to buy some things to the supermarket.

Nick comes down from the automobile next to his father.

They come across Virgil, their neighbor. He is a gazelle with a thin contexture, Virgil is an affable guy that Nick has known since he was small.

Virgil greets them content while he supports a parcel in a hand. Roger shakes hands with Virgil. His father has Virgil's good esteem.

"How did it go with the subject of the explorers?" Virgil asks Nick with a smile.

"No very well." Nick says even with irritation to remember what happened.

"I'm sorry, kid." Virgil says, with true sorrow.

"But now I have another dream, I joined a soccer team." Nick says with emotion while his tail moves with great emotion.

"Really?" Virgil asks with a very extensive smile while he leans lightly forward resting his hands on his knees.

"It is a team for depredators." Nick says pleasure and looking at Virgil. He smiles smoothly.

"I suppose that you need a football. Uh?" Virgil asks, looking at Nick. He immediate looks at his father.

"That is true, but we did not think about buy a new football." Roger says with a bit of worry.

A new ball was not between the priority expenses of his home.

"So... wait for me here a moment." Virgil says looking at Nick and Roger. He nods and does not have a problem with that, Virgil is a pleasant and nearby guy.

Nick and his dad see as their neighbor is heading for the front door and soon, he enters the house.

After around fifteen minutes Nick grows impatient since he wishes to tell his mother what happened in the academy of soccer to. Roger also feels impatient.

Around five minutes later Virgil gets out of his house. Nick's eyes open with surprise and his tail moves with a lot of enthusiasm to see Virgil getting out from his home charging a soccer balloon.

Virgil gets close to them, smiling a lot, contents.

"Well as I no longer use it, I know that you will use it much more than I do." Virgil says dropping the ball on his straight foot and beginning to do two tricks with the ball.

Nick gets excited a lot when seeing this.

"Wow. You know how to play." Nick says, seeing as the football bounces repeatedly off on the foot of his neighbor.

"I used to be a professional player." Virgil says bouncing the balloon before he growled of pain dropping the football that rolls to the feet of Nick.

Virgil growls while he kneels down and he rubs the straight knee for some moments while Nick bends over taking the football and picking it up at the same time that Virgil stands up.

"That was until an accident in a game, and soon I was out." Virgil says with some melancholy. Nick only can nod, and he thanks his gift. Roger also makes it.

Nick and their father say goodbye of their neighbor, Roger accompany to Nick to the front door to open it for his son and to leave him enter before closing the door and returning to the automobile.

With a lot of temper, he goes to the kitchen to greet his mother and to tell what happened in the school of soccer. Elizabeth listens with attention to her son.

"From where you took out the football?" Elizabeth asks with interest and raising an eyebrow thinking Roger bought a new football for Nick.

"Mister Virgil gave it to me." Nick says pleasure and moving the tail with emotion.

"Ah... I see." Elizabeth smiles content and motion the tail slowly with a lot of joy. Their neighbor is affable and a kind man.

"He was a professional player." Nick says with a lot of emotion to remember the tricks with the ball that his neighbor made.

"I saw him playing twice, soccer is not something of my interest." Elizabeth says, doing a soft smile to Nick.

He nods, he does not know much about this sport neither he showed too much interested in it until now. Nick gets in his bedroom and he tries to imitate the tricks that Virgil made with the football, but he is practically impossible for Nick.

It is very clear that he needs to practice a lot to be as good as the coach or Virgil. After some false tries, Nick stops, and he leans back in bed.

He closes his eyes, and he imagines himself like a very famous player running in one field.

While the people cheer his name. Nick moves the tail with emotion and opens his eyes when he hears that his mother calls him.

Nick rapidly comes down from his bedroom to help his mother. The afternoon passes a lot normals for Nick.

Moment of the day is not the best, but Nick knows that he should do his homework.

Around thirty minutes after finishing his homework, his father calls him.

Nick gets thrilled when he sees that his dad bought ice cream. Roger and Nick give more details from their visit to the academy of soccer. Elizabeth listens to them with a lot of attention and a soft smile on the face.

After the supper he sits beside his parents and to accompany them while they watch television. For Nick is not important to the news in Tv.

One thing that he enjoys during that time is that he received a good job of oral sex from his mother.

As soon as the last little squirt of seed came out from his member, she licked his cock completely to clean it and to order him to the bed.

Nick does not protest since he feels somewhat tired and he wants to rest. Nick gives the good nights to his parents before going toward his room to arrive there, Nick gets undressed and gets in his pajamas.

He yawns and his mother comes in around ten minutes later to enter the room to make sure that he already was in bed.

Nick moves his tail content; his mother gives him the good-night kiss on the forehead and he gets out from the bedroom shortly after having turned the lights off. Nick moves to look for a position to fall asleep.

That is something that takes no time to happen, and he misses in the kingdom of the dreams.

For Nick it is not a quiet dream, he this a forest surrounded of sounds and shades.

Nick sees everywhere with a lot of fear, he sees a cabin in the distance. Nick rapidly runs towards the place while he listens as branches and sheets creak when a sibilant wind that make them move.

Nick feels an incredible fear while he gets close to the cabin. His steps bring it closer to the front door and he opens the door, without thinking twice Nick enters the cabin without looking before inside it.

He suddenly stops and opens his eyes with total terror when he sees that many other predators of his same age hanging from the roof while they have muzzles put on.

They whine with despair, seeing behind Nick. He turns over and sees as a giant elephant with a malignant expression supports in a hand an identical muzzle, the one that Nick had to wear.

Nick becomes terrified and just at that moment the image disappears, the moment that he wakes up with a start and panting rapidly. Nick gets scared noticing that he is surrounded by the darkness, but he calms down noticing that he is in his own bedroom.

His heart even beat with a lot of force and speed. He uncovers him completely and comes down from her bed to go to his parent's bedroom.

He arrives there and opens the door; Nick sees that his father and his mother are sleeping side by side. His father embraces his mother from behind, and she does not move. Nick notices that in dreams his father presses his mother's tits.

They are asleep, and Nick does not want to wake them up. He with calm returns to his room with still, when he gets there, Nick closes the door, and he heads toward his bed.

He sits at the edge of the bed and takes a little clock that he has on the bedside table. He is shaped like the one-legged footprint; Nick can see that it is late. It had passed twenty-five minutes after the midnight. Nick yawns, and just before leaning back, he listens to a sound of breaking of crystal. With care, Nick comes closer for sale and uses his fingers to raise one of the Persian blinds.

Outside is almost dark, streetlights give some light to the streets and one of them twinkles because it is failing, but in unlike the other homes, the patio of the house of his neighbor is very well lit.

Nick gets surprised seeing that Virgil to be close to a guy, a bear. The difference of stature between both is evident, but despite that his neighbor seems thrilled.

He has a hand inside the pants of the other man, Nick gets surprised noticing that Virgil's hand moves on the crotch of the guy. Nick rapidly opens the bedside table drawer and takes an old spyglass that his father gave him some time ago.

Nick places it between the slits of the Persian blinds and he uses it to see what happens, he sees that Virgil smiles openly and he takes out his hand before opening the pants of the man and taking them down along with his shorts.

Nick's eyes open with surprise and he takes a breath seeing as the penis of the bear jumps on the air when being it gets freed. He is a very large, a lot of- bigger- size member, it is bigger than his dad's cock.

But that size does not seem to bother Virgil. He takes the cock between his hands and caresses it slowly. Nick sees that his neighbor seems thrilled when having that monster between his hands.

Nick sees as Virgil kneels in front of his friend and he licks the cock. Nick sees that the tongue moves on all the member.

That makes the member react in the cub's sheath, Nick gets surprised feeling that his penis tip passes through the opening. His member grows, and it forms a tent in his pajamas.

Nick pants when his penis tip rubs the cloth of his shorts. Nick moans and again sticks his right eye to the spyglass' lens. He opens its eyes with surprise seeing that his neighbor kneels in front of the individual and he licks the whole erection slowly.

Thanks to the spyglass, Nick can see as the tongue of Virgil moves on the shaft of the bear. The pre-cum gets wet Nick's shorts, he introduces his right hand under his shorts and takes his penis to masturbate slowly.

His hand drifts while he continues seeing that her neighbor gives oral sex to the bear. Virgil sucks the member with pretty still, Nick believes that it is difficult to suck a cock of that size.

The member's sucking finishes after some minutes, Nick opens his mouth with surprise seeing that his neighbor stands up and he turns over before dropping his pants and leaning on a table he has near.

The bear smiles and reclines his penis to the ass of Virgil, rubbing it on both buttocks, Virgil passes a bottle to the bear. The guy opens the bottle and spills it in the ass's crack of Virgil and later he spills the brilliant liquid on his penis.

Nick senses that it is lubricating, and that does not decrease his surprise when he sees that the bear positions himself behind Virgil. Nick pants when he sees the bear guides his member to the midway of the crack of the ass of his neighbor.

Nick swallows hard with difficulty at the moment that the bear sees he pushes his penis and Virgil screams of pain and pleasure, Nick's hand moves more rapidly below his shorts.

For Nick I can't believe what sees, the bear pushes and sinks his cock between the buttocks of Virgil, Nick cannot believe that that so big penis may enter his neighbor.

Virgil has closed eyes and the open mouth; the bear's groin finally touches the buttocks of the gazelle. The guy smiles a lot contents at the moment of beginning to move.

Nick knows very well because the guy feels content, he knows well because he knows the sensation. His neighbor moans with each push of the bear, thrust are strong and the guy holds Virgil's horns while he continues fucking him.

The grunts of the bear are strong, Nick moans while his hand moves faster and he does a strong squeeze to his member when he reaches his climax. Nick pushes his penis and a sperm squirt smears on the cloth of his shorts and also in his hand.

Nick has his closed eyes while he clenches his teeth and has his closed eyes while the pleasure of the climax lasts. He slowly opens his eyes and breathes agitatedly.

Nick releases his penis and again sees through the slit of his Persian blind; he sees as the bear fucks with more hardness Virgil. His neighbor arches when the bear keeps fucking the gazelle and holding him from his staffs with more force.

But even so, Virgil blurts out a pant of pleasure that is very intense. The guy behind him keeps moving, he growls, and he pushes strongly squashing Virgil against the table. The guy does not care about Virgil's situation, but he does not show opposition.

The bear pulls his cock out from Virgil's ass, Nick sees as the flaccid member gets out from the midway of the buttocks of his neighbor, semen drops shine while they are dripping on the floor.

The guy gives a strong spank to Virgil, he protests with bother while the other guy laughs. Nick sees that Virgil turns over and he pulls up his pants, his friend draws a package of cigarettes and he takes one before offering a cigarette to Virgil.

Both smoke and to chat while they sit on the table in a position which Nick only can see their backs. Nick yawns and he does not have any interested in them now.

He goes back to his bed, and he gets comfortable, Nick cannot avoid thinking about what he saw. It is something strange, two guys cannot make, that's it. Or at least he considers that.

It must be something bad, his father was upset with those two guys of the movies, but even so this achieved that he had an erection just as it would have happened when he saw his parents having sex or at least to his mom naked.

Nick feels very confused, and he does not understand a lot of things. He closes his eyes and falls sleep after some time, even having several questions in your mind.

The next morning day Nick wakes up when he feels that someone shake his right shoulder, his eyes blink shortly before his vision became clear and he can see to his mother.

"Wake up or you will be late." Elizabeth says while she takes the blankets off Nick.

He would not like getting out from bed, but Nick sits at the edge of the bed.

"Oh... I see." His mother says clucking when she sees a tent in the pants pajamas of Nick. He also gets surprised by this, but her mother not too much.

She kneels in front of Nick and she pulls down the pants of pajamas to her cub, she does the same thing with Nick's shorts releasing his cock, it bounces hitting his stomach.

"Continue getting undressed, you cannot be late." Elizabeth says before opening her mouth and taking her son's cock. Nick remains an airless feeling that his shaft is surrounded by the wet and hot mouth of his mother.

She sucks the cock with a sped-up rhythm. Nick moans and pants with pleasure, he unbuttons his pajamas to take it off while he sees as his mother works on his penis.

Nick moans and pants with pleasure, the mouth moves on her member without stopping, he squeezes the mattress borders. His mother draws the penis from her mouth and licks it completely.

Elizabeth moves her tongue on the tip of the member of Nick. She collects each drop from pre-cum that sprouts from the opening. Nick pants and moans with pleasure, the saliva drips from his cock.

His mother again places the shaft in her mouth to suck it with more intensity and force.

Nick growls of pleasure, the right hand of Elizabeth takes his balls and stimulates them with calm.

Nick's pleasure doubles to every second that passes, without a lot of surprise Nick whimpers of pleasure when he has his climax. Elizabeth moves while her son's member shoots seed into her mouth.

Each drop is like a delicious nectar for her. Nick moans and has closed eyes until the last spurt of cum comes out by the opening of his penis. He pants while he sees at his mother.

She moves her head back, Nick's shaft slips out from her mouth, the member glistens. Nick sees that his mother smiles at him and she gives a soft and affectionate kiss to his knot before she lifted his shorts.

"Now get dressed, as I tell your father a blowjob is not an excuse to be late." Elizabeth says doing a maternal facial expression to Nick and standing up with the purpose of later on getting out from the room.

Nick comes down from the bed and he feels as his penis keeps on contracting and hiding in his sheath. He takes his clothes and he begins scramble into his clothes, when he is ready, Nick go down to the kitchen and he comes across his parents taking his breakfast.

His dad greets him and winks him while he smiles smoothly. Nick greets him and he sits at the table. His mom serves one cereal bowl with milk, Nick eats his breakfast with great pleasure.

The morning blowjob put in high spirits. Elizabeth urges him to hurry and Nick makes it. After around twenty minutes he is on the way to the school, his mother takes him in on this occasion.

She gives him the usual advice and shows to him she would buy his clothing for the soccer this morning. Nick gets excited, and he nods. When they get to the school, he gets down from the automobile and he heads toward the entrance of the school.

He gets lost between the multitude of students and soon he comes across his friends.

Wally and Lionel are very thrilled to take part in the team, Lionel already looks at himself like some team's future star. Nick cannot avoid feeling himself in the same way either.

Tod for his part listens to his friends with interest, but he does not get to be really interested in the subject.

Thursday in the afternoon Nick feels pretty excited while he leaves his home with his father. Nick is using a T-shirt and a short pants while in a sports handbag he has some clothes and a towel besides one bottle of shampoo.

Nick climbs in his automobile, sitting on the back seat. Roger takes the driver's seat and soon the two are on the way to the school of soccer. The automobile moves on the streets while he sees as the people move.

Before finishing his classes in school, he and his friends had agreed to be in to the correct hour at the school of soccer.

Although they get in a traffic jam, Roger makes it to the academy of soccer on time. Nick comes down from the automobile with haste and his father understands him, but he represses him a moment until the automobile doors are locked.

Nick and his father enter at the place, Nick sees, as in several sectors there are groups of boys that play or receive instruction of their coaches. Nick rapidly locates his friends are with his parents. They also notice it and call Nick.

"Dad, Wally and Leonel are over there!" Nick says with emotion when seeing his friends.

Roger nods and next to Nick they come closer there. Roger greets his other two parents and chats with them while Nick meets with his friends.

Near them there are other boys with their parents. Nick and his friends introduce themselves at the other boys. There is two brothers, so-called leopards Eddy and Dean, both have Nick's height.

Basil is a polar bear, he is nice. His father as it is to be expected is big comparatively to almost the other adults. He chuckles at a deep voice.

But Basil is a nice boy and wisecracker.

Dominic is a black panther with yellow and penetrating eyes, Pierre his brother is a very enthusiastic Dalmatian. Their father is a grizzly bear that almost is equal to in size Basil's father.

Nick thinks what's more is probably that both are adopted.

The other fox in the team is Sean, but he is an arctic fox of white fur and that it shines brightly. His tail is made spongy, and it moves slowly.

Bruce and Travis are two German shepherds, they are seen similar, but Travis has the different- color eyes, an eye is blue-colored and the other Marron. Nick a few times saw something in his life.

But it is nothing bad. According to his dad, it is inheritance stuff.

Simon is close to them; he is a tiger and has a bigger stature than Nick. But he is a funny guy and a comedian. He makes Nick laughed just like the other ones.

Nick sees another boy is getting close to them, it is a wolf of dark black color, his father accompanies him and soon they introduce themselves to the group, the boy's name is Sven, with an intimidating appearance, but contrarily to that one, he looks calm and a little nervous.

His voice is soft, and he is timid. But Nick and the other ones greet him and he soon feels more content.

Nick has fun a lot and soon the coach Jasper appears. He greets the boys and parents. Nick listens with a lot of attention to what he has to say them, the lion presents his sketch of work and what he seeks to achieve with the team.

Just like Nick, they all pay attention; he sees that his dad nods repeatedly, analyzing the plan that coach explains. After about twenty minutes Nick and boys say goodbye to their parents, Roger tells Nick that he would expect him at the end of the class.

Nick and his friends enter an of the buildings and they leave their equipment at the pigeonholes that the coach showed them. Nick sees showers in the next room.

He becomes uncomfortable a little, but does not think a lot about that subject. His friends are enthusiastic when they go out to a contiguous playing field. Jasper sits them in the lawn and he gives them one general explanation of rules and as the game is played.

Nick listens with a lot of attention, just like the other boys. After a time of talk, the coach Jasper shows the use of the ball.

This is a surprise and thrills Nick and the other kids. Jasper's control is a lot better than his neighbor; Nick expects to get to do the same thing, and after this the trainer organizes a game with another group of boys.

The playing field is wet and Nick learns that there was a malfunction with the sprinklers and they spilled water excessively. But that is not important a lot to Nick and the other ones.

The game begins, and he turns out to be much more amusing of what he waited; Basil would be in the goalkeeper while the rest dispersed in the playing field.

Nick and their teammates move trying to win the game, in their team they move the best that they can. During the game Nick falls, and he dirties the fur and his clothing.

But he continues. Wally just like the other ones pass by the same thing, regardless of everything they have fun and after some time the game gets through with a no score draw.

Nick breathes agitatedly while he cleans the face, his T-shirt this stained just like his tail.

Wally has several stains, they make his fur unattractive, but he is happy.

Lionel tries to clean his T-shirt, saying that his mother would scold him to get dirty. Not one of his teammates is clean, some part of their clothes or body are dirty.

"Well done boys, now to the showers." Jasper says with an ample smile while he has his crossed arms and inspects the boys. Nick sees his friends and they do funny faces.

"Didn't it hurt that the ball hit your face?" Dominic asks looking at Basil. In the face's fur of Basil was marked the hexagonal figure of the ball of football.

"Nah, it is nothing." Basil responds by doing a gesture with the hand and without giving importance to the subject.

Nick chats with Wally and Lionel while all of them enter the dressing rooms and they get undressed without waiting. Nick takes off his T-shirt. He sees that Wally and Lionel get undressed rapidly while they push themselves playfully.

Nick gets down his shorts and underwear. Looking around, he sees like some of his teammates already they are naked. It's inevitable that Nick looks at their crotches.

Nick's eyes open with surprise to see Basil's penis, it is big; it is flaccid and even it is bigger than his. He sees that his new friends also do the same thing.

Sven looks a lot of discomfort and he tries to not see at his teammates, Nick nods lightly and understands that he is very embarrassed with this situation.

Pierre does him a somewhat mocking facial expression before they all position themselves under the watering cans. Nick opens the water faucet while Dominic and Sean are to each one of his sides.

Water falls on Nick, he closes his eyes the moment that his fur gets damp for complete Nick open his eyes some moments after and beginning to wash up.

He takes a bar of soap that he has near and that washes his body completely, Nick dedicates longest time to the areas where he has his muddy fur.

Nick sees that his teammates do the same thing, Nick sees that Sven is much more uncomfortable, and he gives them back to the other people of a pretty visible way.

That is something that does not past unnoticed for everyone there. Bruce is to his left-hand side, and he is who sees over the shoulder of his friend to see what it is going on with him.

"You are hard." Bruce says with a bit of surprise and mockery.

"It is not true!" Sven says trying shaking off Bruce on top, but when making it, he turns over leaving his hard penis exposed. Nick is seen that Sven's penis is a bigger size than his.

Sven sees that all looks are on him and feels much worse.

Nick can see that the boy is almost about to cry.

"Eh... it is not problem; it happens to all us." Travis says making a chuckle and aiming at his own crotch. His penis also is half out from his sheath.

Simon nods while he makes a gesture showing his crotch, his penis is also out of his sheath. Nick gets surprised a lot seeing the tiger's penis.

It is different, with something that Nick can describe like barbs. There is a drop of pre-cum.

"Do you see? isn't there trouble." The only thing that you need is a helping hand Bruce says doing a comic face and taking Sven's penis in the right hand.

Sven gets surprised, and he moans of pleasure when Bruce masturbates him slowly. The boy pants with surprise and Nick gets surprised, he sees that other boys simper and for the surprise of Nick, Wally takes Simon's penis to make the same as his brother.

Travis moans and pants with pleasure. Nick sees as his friend Lionel moves the tail slowly and sees a lot encouraged by what happens. Nick feels that his penis reacts also, and the tip slides out from his sheath.

For the corner of the eye he sees that Basil is caressing his penis slowly, he also this hard and Nick swallows hard seeing that the cock is big and thick, Nick gets surprised even more when his friend Lionel gets close to the bigger boy to give a hand him too.

Basil accepts help with pleasure, Lionel seems pretty in fascination with the organ of the bear that is very large for him.

For that moment his own penis also is equally hard, Nick pants with surprise when Dean takes his penis and he does him a comic facial expression before beginning to use the hand on his member.

Nick moans and pants with surprise, the hand feels incredible on his penis, he sees that Sean, Eddy and Dominic form one triangulate, all of them masturbates mutually.

Sean uses his two hands to stimulate the penises of his two friends while Eddy and Dominic make the same thing for Sean. Nick jointly moans and pant feeling as the hand moves in his cock arriving to touch his knot.

Heavy breathing and moans are heard in the meantime as water continues flowing and wasting while boys pant. Nick feels as the pre-cum sprouts from his penis and drips to the ground, dissolving in the water that gets wet the feet of all.

Nick gets surprised when he sees that Bruce says absolutely nothing when he releases Sven's penis. He gets surprised completely when his friend kneels down before him and puts his cock into his mouth to suck it.

A groan of surprise and pleasure slips from the young wolf's mouth, feeling that the mouth surrounds his penis. Nick gets surprised completely when their other teammates do the same thing.

Dean is not the exception, in a few moments Nick's penis is in front of his face, Nick shakes with pleasure when Dean takes out his tongue and he licks his penis slowly.

The tongue moves for all the member slowly, the tongue moves on the knot while Nick moans of pleasure. The tongue is rough, and it does him to shudder with pleasure.

Dean does not stop, and he opens his mouth to take Nick's shaft.

Nick closes his eyes, and he growls of pleasure. Dean's mouth moves back and forward on his member, the lukewarm saliva covers his cock. Pleasure is as good as the one that his mother gives him when she gives him a blowjob.

Dean's head does not stop at no time. Nick has a good time every second and his pleasure keeps on increasing, he opens his eyes when he hears a pretty strong growl.

Sven clenches his teeth while he pushes the head Bruce's head against his groin. The wolf is ejaculating or at least having an intense climax while he pushes instinctively.

Basil is the next one in releasing his semen in the mouth of Lionel. Nick moans with pleasure while he sees as his friend swallows what Basil gives him, but Nick no longer lends attention to the other people when the motion of the head of his friend moves faster.

That makes his pleasure increase without measure and soon he will reach the climax, Nick growls and pushes his cock, pressing his knot against the mouth of Dean while his seed shoots out.

His friend does not move, neither releases his penis while he swallows his semen. Nick moves over to some steps back and his penis slips out from Dean's mouth.

Nick pants and sees that his friend licks his mouth, he looks content and stands and point with the finger at his own penis looking at Nick. He gets surprised while he sees as all friends that received help now are on their knees in front of the other ones to give the favor back except Sven, he still if doubtful.

But they all get startled when they hear that someone knock at the door.

"Boys already is time to finish, the you have save water for the next team, and they need it a great deal." The Coach Jasper shows through the door.

Immediately Nick and his friends finish their bath and close the expert faucets with the purpose of later ongoing to the dressing rooms and beginning to dry their body.

"The next time you give the favor back to me Ok?" Dean says while he dries his crotch and looking at Nick. He says absolutely nothing, and he nods without having a plain answer.

The oral sex of Dean was great. Although it is not a good thing. Nick scrambles into his clothes just like the other ones.

Nick puts his dirty clothes into his handbag before getting out from the place next to his friends.

They separate to meet with his parents. Nick gets close to his father; Roger looks at him, content.

"Come on, your mother wants to put that dirty clothes in the washing machine." Roger says placing on a hand the right shoulder of Nick to give him a friendly push and to take him to the automobile.

His dad opens his rear right door and Nick sits on the back seat, the door closes and his father moves to enter the automobile to sit on the driver's seat.

Roger closes the door and turns on the automobile motor, he drives the automobile.

"How did you do?" Roger asks while he adjusts the rear-view mirror a little and to see Nick.

"Very Well dad." Nick responds while he sees for the window as the other cars of their friends go away of the place.

"That is good. Did you have a fantastic time, uh?" Roger asks without stopping to continue driving.

"Yeah..." Nick says with a low voice. Nick remembers what happened in the showers. It was something unexpected and everybody enjoyed it although it was wrong.

"It looks like not everything was going OK. Didn't you have fun?" Roger asks looking Nick.

"It is that my clothes got dirty." Nick says by excuse. He does not want his dad learns about of what happened. It would be a harsh punishment.

"That is not a problem. Anyone always gets dirty when is playing." Roger says with a very extensive smile. Nick nods and he moves the tail, but he has still what happened in mind.

It does not take much time for Nick and his dad to get at their home and just as your father was saying, his mother does not get angry when she sees the dirty clothes that he brings in his bag.

For the sunset Nick is in his bedroom while he finishes the homework that he has pending, his father would go out to meet with some friends and to drinks some beers.

For Nick this is not important, he only concentrates on finishing his homework and he finishes made it just before dinner. She calls him and they eat side by side before his father said goodbye to them and go out from the house.

Nick expects that he has fun as much as he makes it with his friends, although Nick does not find the fun in drinking beer, its taste is very disagreeable for him.

Nick was once a sip in an occasion was had when his father gave him the chance to taste it. Since that time Nick swear that he will drink it again.

His mother does the dishes and to clean the kitchen, Nick returns to his bedroom to prepare his books and notebooks for the next day. Nick puts everything into his backpack and when he is placing the last book, by the window several beams of light of comes in. An automobile parks in front of Virgil's garage.

Nick raises an eyebrow since he knows that his neighbor does not have an automobile, Nick comes closer to the window and sees for the window toward the house of his neighbor. He gets surprised when he sees that from the automobile, the same bear that he saw on the previous occasion steps down.

Virgil gets out from his house to meet him; Nick cannot avoid noticing that Virgil catches the crotch to the man. The guy seems content while they head toward the front door and get into the house before closing the door.

Nick takes down Persian blinds and what remembers he saw the previous night, and also what happened in the showers. For the complete surprise of Nick, he feels that his penis hardens, and the tip slides out just like the rest of his penis.

He shakes when he feels that his growing member's tip presses into the cloth of his shorts, Nick moans and with a strong pull he takes down the underwear and his pants.

His member rocks on the air when it gets free, Nick holds him with his right hand and he masturbates rapidly remembering what happened in the shower and next what he saw doing his neighbor and that guy.

Nick remembers like that unknown guy without thinking twice he pushed his penis in Virgil and he enjoyed it completely. Nick moans and moves his hand on his penis.

That guy's penis was huge and even so Virgil enjoyed it, Nick could not enjoy something like or maybe he could do it?

That question brings down his rhythm of the motion of his hand. Nick stops completely and considers that for a moment. He never had something in his ass, it must be something that he would not like.

But he did not think having his penis in his mom's ass would be a good thing either. He enjoys it a lot as much as his mother. If she enjoys it, it must not be so bad.

Nick takes off his pants and his shorts completely, placing them on a chair. He sees to his around to come upon something that can be useful him, He looks for it and Nick his sight attention is on a couple of balls-points with the form of a rocket he has there.

It is a thicker ball-point pen of what's usual, and this broken.

Nick goes to his desk and takes the ball-point pen; he looks at it and smiles content. It serves for his proposes.

Nick climbs on his bed, he is on his elbows and knees lifting the tail up and leaning forward. Nick moves his right hand that holds the host ball-point, pointing it to his tail.

He sees over his shoulder to aim down; the ball-point pen tip touches his tail and Nick moves down more the hand until the ball-point pen tip disappears under the root of his tail.

From that point, Nick no longer can act on the sight. He only concentrates on what he feels, he moves his hand feeling as the tip moves down and soon, he feels that the tip touches his hole.

Nick pushes the ball-point pen against his sphincter, he moans with bother and pain, this is not fun, his hole does not open. But Nick immediately remembers that his father showed him, he should have used something like lubrication to fuck his mom in the ass.

He looks around himself and sees one lotion bottle for fur that his mother left the previous night the moment that she came to say good night to him.

Nick moves and crawls to take the boat of cream and again to get on his elbows and knees. Nick takes the bottle and opens it, he empties a little on his finger, Nick becomes happy when feeling the slippery consistency emits a pleasant aroma to roses.

With a lot of speed Nick covers the ball-point pen with the cream and closes the bottle before place the ball-point pen in position again, the tip contacts his hole. Nick pushes the ballpoint pen; his hole does not open he pushes until he feels that the tip slips inside.

Nick opens his eyes with a bit of surprise, he stops and evaluates what he feels.

He feels nothing new, something different, but not pleasant. He perhaps needs to push more, Nick makes it and feels as the ball-point pen keeps on sliding into his anus, by that half part of pen is in is ass. Suddenly the door opens.

"Nick, dear. Did you see my..." Elizabeth says, cutting off when she sees at Nick.

Nick looks down on her with the open eyes, his ass is aiming directly at the door and there is no way of hiding it what he was doing.

His mom looks at him with open eyes and Nick deviates the look not to see her while follows a discomfort silence. His hand releases the ball-point pen stays inserted in his anus.

Nick notices that his mother walks to place her right hand on the chest and she takes a deep breathing before opening the eyes to look at him again.

"Roses, so my cream was here." She says with a timbre that tries to feign a little of joy and normality. Nick does not respond while he looks ahead and striving not to cry in this so bad moment.

His mom gets close to the bed, and she says absolutely nothing while she takes the bottle of cream.

"Nick... don't tell me you plan to use it again." Elizabeth says in relation to the ball-point pen shaped like a rocket.

"I... I broke it yesterday." Nick says without stopping to look before and clenching his eyes not to cry.

"Well, then I should throw it. It is completely useless to have broken things." Elizabeth says and before Nick could be say something, she takes the ball-point pen and withdraws from the anus of Nick.

"I will take care of this, get ready to sleep, ok?" His mom asks smiling motherly.

Nick only responds affirmatively with the motion of his head.

"Very Well get ready, I return in some minutes." Elizabeth says before smiling at Nick and next leaving the bedroom, closing the door behind her. Nick quietly comes down from the bed and he changes his clothes to put on his pajamas.

Nick knows that he is problems, when his father learns about it, he will punish him severely. He gets sad for that while he enters bed and covers himself up with the purpose of later on waiting for his mother.

Elizabeth enters the bedroom after some minutes.

Nick avoids looking at her, the eyes; his mother gives him a good kiss night.

A kiss that is not different to the one of any night. It is filled this with love and affection.

"Good nights, treasure." Elizabeth says looking at Nick with a smile that Nick does not see.

"Good nights, mom." Nick says looking at the bed's bedspread.

His mother turns out the light, and she gets out from the room, closing the door. Nick leans back, and he shed tears before sleeping.

On the next morning Nick wakes up when he feels that they shake off his shoulder lightly, Nick opens his eyes wearily and he rubs his them a moment.

"Time to get up." Elizabeth says while she gets close to the window and opens Persian blinds completely. Nick half-closes his eyes for some moments until they get accustomed in the light.

He half-heartedly gets out from his bed and his mother helping him to take off his pajamas.

"Get ready, breakfast will be ready soon." Elizabeth says giving to Nick the clothes of the school before getting out and going to the kitchen. Nick gets dressed.

Shortly after he gets out of his room, when he is passing close to his parent's bedroom, he hears that his father is sleeping there.

Nick gets surprised a little and looks inside the bedroom of his parents. He sees that his father is in bed while he sleeps resoundingly.

This surprises Nick, he did not know at what time his dad arrived last night. He should have arrived exhausted, ; Nick goes to the kitchen where his mother waits for him with breakfast ready.

Elizabeth serves a milk bowl with cereal to him.

"Thanks mom." Nick says sitting on a chair to eat the breakfast.

"For nothing, dear." Elizabeth responds by smiling smoothly before beginning to clean a little food.

Nick eats the cereal; he notices that strangely his mother is not angry.

Or at least that seems. Nick eats his breakfast with a bit of haste and when he finishes it, he goes to the bathroom to brush his teeth and to finish to get ready. Nick returns to his room to take his backpack and to be heading for the garage.

Elizabeth waits for him there, she would be who gets him to school today, Nick says absolutely nothing regarding this matter when he sits on the back seat of the automobile. His mother opens the garage's door to take out the automobile to park it in front of the house.

She comes down from the automobile and closes the door of the garage before going back to the automobile and sit on the driver's seat. Elizabeth drives.

"Nick Did you do all your homework?" Elizabeth asks while she sees Nick using the rear-view mirror.

"Yes mom." Nick says looking at his mother. She nods and continues driving.

"You know, your father will go on a trip next week again, so it would be good for you to spend more time with him." Elizabeth says while she continues driving.

Nick nods and moves the tail content. When his father goes on a trip, Nick misses him a lot. So, he should well use every moment that he can be close to his dad.

Around thirty minutes later, his mother leaves him in school. Nick next to several boys and girls enter the school building. Nick does not take time to come across his friends.

"Bueno How was that subject of that new team?" Tod asks while he walks to the right-hand side of Nick.

"It was... very well... I suppose it was a lot of fun." Nick says trying to find a better description of what it happened.

"We got dirty completely, my mother reprehended me. My uncle used to play also, and she knows that anyone can get dirty playing." Lionel says with bother while he frowns.

Tod laughs and Nick sees that Wally gives him a fast wink and he laughs softly. Nick realizes that his friend is talking of what it happened in the showers.

Nick only can nod and not giving a verbal answer at this moment. He and his classmates are heading for the classroom. They stop talking when going by the door of the classroom.

Nick sits on his desk and he gets ready for the classes. Some hours later the bell sounds final, Nick takes his books and notebooks to put them into his backpack, many of his friends howl and show their happiness because it is finally the weekend.

Wally and the other ones already have plans for the weekend, Nick on the contrary has nothing special to make. Besides, he has to spend time with his father, since he would again travel and he would be some days outside the city.

Nick gets to the entrance of the school and he sees that his family's automobile already is waiting near and his father this at the wheel on this occasion. Nick says goodbye to his friends, and he heads toward the automobile.

He comes closer and opens the straight backdoor before getting in the automobile and greeting his father.

"How was school, today?" Roger asks in the meantime as he runs the motor.

"Pretty Well, dad." Nick responds content while he puts his backpack at his side at the same time that the automobile moves.

"That is good, I suppose that your friends are very thrilled with this stuff of the football team." Roger says putting the greater part of his attention in driving.

"Everyone except Tod, he cannot enter the team." Nick says while he sees that his father even is concentrated in driving.

"Yeah, I see... Mmmm... I hope that it does not impede you having fun with him." Roger says while he stops the automobile during a red light. Nick also considers the same thing.

Roger drives with calm. Roger and Nick return to their home in a very short time. While his father puts the automobile into the garage, Nick will look for his mother.

He meets her at the kitchen.

"Hi mom." Nick says bringing closer to his mother with a lot of happiness.

"Hi dear." Elizabeth says, turning over to see Nick. She leaves the broom leant in the refrigerator to give a hug to her son, Nick enjoys the arm besides the pressure of the breasts of his mother against his chest.

"How was the school?" Elizabeth asks with an ample and affectionate smile.

"Very well, but I got some homework." Nick says with some bother and not much desire of doing his school chores.

"It will be better that you make now, so you will not have to worry for it in this weekend." Nick nods and takes his backpack to go at his bedroom.

He crosses with his father, Nick sees that he sits down to watch again television, something usual. Nick goes to his bedroom to take out a notebook and a book and to do his homework.

It is a somewhat long homework; Nick should use his book time after time. Finally, one hour later, Nick has it ready. He stretches himself a moment and enjoys the sensation before going down to the living room.

At that moment there is nobody there. His mother keeps on in the kitchen and his father is on some other side. Nick rapidly turns on the television to look for some channel.

He changes the channels without stopping, he finds nothing interesting in the beginning, but next he finds a television channel where they are projecting a movie that seems interesting.

Nick sits on the sofa to see it; it is a Western than he never saw before. His mother crosses over by the front of him twice during the movie.

When it finishes, Nick looks for something new to see. His mom does not impede it while she keeps doing her own. Nick after seeing other hour of television, he will look for his father to see what he does.

Nick finds his father in the attic, he this ordering the place. His dad notices his presence and he requests Nick that he gives him a hand and Nick agrees. The next hour he had his dad puts everything in order, Roger also creates a pile of objects that they would discard because they are broken or they are useful at all.

They slowly put their house in order and by the time they finish, already there was obscured. Nick and their father come down from the attic.

"Good boy, go to change your clothes, thanks for your help." Roger says laying his left hand on the head of Nick and stirring the hair a moment until Nick resists.

"Yes dad." Nick says content and moves his tail rapidly. Roger smiles at him and Nick returns to his bedroom to change over his clothing that is dirty and with a lot of dust trails.

Shortly he is ready and again he comes down to the living room to see his father seated on the sofa to watch television. Nick joins him like every night and his father accepts it with a lot of pleasure.

Nick sees that his mother moves about, she prepares dinner. Nick's attention focuses on television and spending time with her dad, he only would be two days before his dad goes to another one of his travels.

The television show is a television show about automobiles. Nick sees with not much interest. This is not of nothing important for him, but even if Nicks enjoys the company of his dad.

One-hour later Elizabeth calls to Nick and Roger, telling them that supper is ready. Roger like Nick get up and they stretch their bodies. Roger laughs smoothly, seeing that Nick imitates him.

Roger does a gesture to Nick and both go toward the table, they sit at the table and Nick enjoys very delicious food.

His mother always makes a great food, although sometimes supplies are not very varied. Nick listens with a lot of attention as it is his father's itinerary, places where he would rest and other details that are important.

Nick is it is the first to finish dinner and after being grateful to his mother for dinner, he will see a little more television. Tomorrow is Saturday and he should not get an early start.

He changes channels, looking for something interesting to see. There are movies and other types of content. After some minutes Nick stops when he sees that a couple is being kissing.

She is two deers, despite not being something that he is interested in. Nick does not change the channel; this only is perhaps the beginning of something more intense like in the last occasion.

His supposition takes no time to become reality when the male takes the clothing away from his ladylove. Nick never saw two preys having sex, and this would be great.

The female does not resist and her couple keeps on undressing with calm, Nick looks at the television without take the look away, but he notices that her parents come closer and they sit on the sofa.

"Eh Nick, turns off the TV a moment, your mom and I want to talk with you." Roger says looking at Nick. He gets surprised a little, Nick obeys and turns off the TV.

His dad gives some light blows to the sofa in order that he sits there, right in the middle of them. Nick without saying nothing he gets close to his parents, and he sits between them.

"Nick... your mom told me she found you with one of your ball-point pens in your ass." Roger says tilting the head toward Nick lightly and doing a light funny face.

His dad's words surprise Nick completely, and he shudders with worry.

"Wasn't it any of best ones, uh?" Roger asks Nick. He shakes his head in silence.

"No, it is broke." Nick responds by looking at his father. He nods lightly.

"Ok, never mind. But this a subject about what he must talk." Elizabeth says looking at her cub. He watches at her a moment.

"I... I'm sorry, it is terrible is something that should not be done." Nick says with a look of entreaty.

"From where you got that idea?" Roger asks with a bit of surprise. Elizabeth also gets surprised lightly.

"I... when we were getting out from the movie theater, you looked with a lot of anger at that couple of guys, you know the men that was sitting behind us. One of those guys was sucking at the other one." Nick says looking at his father.

Roger nods quietly.

"Some nights ago, I saw Mr. Virgil to make it too, I woke up close to midnight because a nightmare, I saw that he was with another guy, a bear." Nick says looking at his feet with a lot of discomfort.

"They were in the patio, Mister Virgil sucked to his friend before he pushed his penis in the ass of Mr. Virgil, just as we do with mom." Nick says looking at his father, he is very surprised.

"Did you know that Virgil is gay?" Roger asks looking at Elizabeth with some surprise.

"Yeah, sometimes I saw him with the guy that Nick describes, it does not seem very important since they never made something bad, the guy is kind and well-bred." Elizabeth says looking at Roger.

He nods quietly.

"What is that... Gay?" Nick asks pretty confused. His parents look at each other and they do some light comic facial expressions.

"I will explain it to you in a moment more. Happened something more?" Roger asks looking at Nick. He opens his eyes with surprise and he does not know if he should tell what happened in the showers, but his father's look makes him feel that he should be honest.

"In the showers with my team, Sven got hard, Bruce gave him a helping hand, and he sucked him, Dean... sucked me my other teammates did it too." Nick says looking at his parents. He sees that his mother gets surprised a little just like her father, but both do not get furious, they shrug lightly their shoulders and smile smoothly as if they already would have expected something like that.

"I only wanted to see why Mr. Virgil enjoyed..." Nick says looking down shamefacedly.

He feels that the father gives him a soft and friendly squeeze on his left-hand shoulder.

"It is ok Nick, there is no problem." Roger says looking at Nick. He gets surprised completely, Nick looks at his mother and she smiles at him smoothly.

"Your dad and I do not talk with you of about this before, but with what happened... it seems me a good moment to touch it." Elizabeth says looking at Nick. He sees his father, Roger nods.

"Let's see... some people like to be with people of their same sex, that means a male with another male or a woman with another woman. This is for sex stuff or sentimental matters like anyone, like your mother and I." Roger says looking at Nick. He nods quietly.

"That is not bad, what happened at the movies was that those guys did that in there, it is a movie theater, a very public place. There were a lot of boys of your age, and I am sure that many of them would be very confused, if they saw the two guys in a situation like that. They do not have the information that you have." Roger says looking at Nick.

"And what about Mr. Virgil?" Nick asks looking at his father.

"There is no problem Nick, he was in his own home and everyone was sleeping. In theory you should not have been awake to see it, Virgil did not want you to see him in any moment." Roger says looking at his father.

"And my teammates... Wally and Lionel... Are they also gay?" Nick asks looking at his parents. They laugh smoothly for some moments.

"It is Improbable dear, I met with their moms in the market, we chatted a bit and I learned that your friend also had passed thought by the same thing about the demonstration of instincts." Elizabeth says looking at Nick.

He gets surprised completely.

"Do they... and their moms?" Nick asks his mother. She nods quietly and smiles smoothly.

"The most probable is that your friends feel curiosity just like you felt it with the subject of the ball-point pen, but also it's possible that they like to have fun with other boys also, I suppose that you understand now." Roger says looking at Nick.

He nods quietly.

"That is not bad either, some like to have fun with boys or girls, the same as your dad do." Elizabeth says looking at Nick. He gets surprised again and looks at his father, he smiles with affectation.

"Dad... are you?" Nick asks with surprise.

"Yes kid, sometimes in the journeys a friend gives a hand to me, something mutual. Do you know?" Roger says, looking at Nick.

"Yesterday I meet with the parents of Lionel and your teammates to know them better, I chatted a lot and for that reason what happened in the showers does not surprise me." Roger says looking at Nick.

"Your dad told me what he learned with the parents of your teammates and with what happened yesterday... your dad and me believe that, if you are interested, your dad can teach you some things too." Elizabeth says looking at Nick.

Nick's eyes open completely with a lot of surprise, he looks at his dad. He does him a friendly gesture.

"Like your mother taught you, I will teach you as the subject goes, but this is something that we will not impose you. It is a decision only of yours, as much as if you want to make it, like as far as you want to go." Roger says looking at Nick with a paternal and sincere expression.

Nick looks at his parents with a little of surprise and he tilts his head lightly.

In these days, his mom taught him a lot of interesting things. He had frightened the first time that she sucked him, but everything proved to very incredible.

But besides Mr. Virgil enjoyed it a lot, and he enjoyed what happened in the showers, it was not much more incredible than the pleasure that his mom gives him when she is doing the same thing, although she does it much better.

Nick sees that his parents look at him, waiting for his answer.

The answer that Nick gives is a nod. His mother smiles at him smoothly and his father looks content.

"Well, Nick. As it is a weekend, we will not get worried because you stay awake velate." Roger says with a friendly smile.

Nick cannot avoid showing his happiness for that news. His parents smile openly.

"Let's move to the bedroom, there everything will be easier." Elizabeth says looking at Nick and using her head to point toward her stairs. Nick nods and he is the first to get up.

Roger and Elizabeth look at him, content by the interest that Nick shows on this subject.

Roger stands up also and lays a hand on the right shoulder of Nick.

He smiles on him and he does him a soft grin. Nick nods and both head toward the bedroom while Elizabeth looks at them and she smiles a moment before making sure that house's all the doors were locked.

Nick feels a little nervous while he goes up the stairs with his dad. He does not know what will happen, if it would be all the same or not. There are several questions in the head of Nick while they get to the first floor of the house.

Both walk toward the main bedroom and they enter there some moments later, Nick sees the bed and every one of the furniture of the bedroom of his parents.

Roger takes off his clothes and Nick watches him a moment before doing the same thing, he does not have some problem in taking off his clothes next to his father. His father this naked shortly, Nick takes down his pants and shorts at the same time and moving to one side he gets rid of them.

He now is naked in front of his dad. The light of the room allows him to see each part of his body without problems.

Nick's look focuses rapidly on the groin of his dad, he can see balls and the sheath. Before he did not put a lot of attention on it, only it looked like a bigger version of his own genitals.

Nick gets startled when his father places his hand on his groin, he feels as his dad stimulates his balls softly. That surprises Nick, and he looks at his dad.

Roger does him a soft gesture and smiles looking toward his crotch, Nick stretches his hands to put them on the balls and his father's sheath. He never touched this body part by his dad.

In his hands he has balls, they are bigger than his besides more weight, the fur that covers them is hot. Nick feels that his father squeezes his balls smoothly.

Nick does the same thing with utmost care, he as any male knows that a bad squeeze hurts terribly. Nick stops when he hears that his mother enters the bedroom.

He sees that she does him a soft facial expression. His mother comes closer, and she sits in bed while she looks at them directly.

Nick feels that his father takes his sheath, and he gives it soft pulls, he needs not to make it with all his hand, his fingers move up and down in the sheath of Nick.

With calm Nick he uses his right hand to take the sheath of his father, he gives soft pulls, his hand moves while he feels like his own penis already come alive.

His member hardens rapidly, and the tip slides outside. His father continues giving soft pulls to the sheath, but Nick also feels a change inside of the sheath of his dad.

He feels as the member keeps on hardening more and more, Nick feels him with clarity, the cock's red tip slides outside slowly as if only he gave a look before the rest of the member continued emerging rapidly

Nick takes a breath when his father takes his penis directly, he feels that the hand squeezes his penis with much care. A groan of pleasure comes out from Nick's mouth.

He feels that his father's fingers move on his member, Nick notices that his father's penis keeps on growing up and soon the knot grows on the base of the penis.

Nick moves up his hands and looks at his father, he does him a friendly facial expression while his hand still grabs Nick's penis. Roger sees that his son releases his balls, and he moves his hands toward his member.

Roger closes his eyes when Nick's hands take his penis, Nick opens his eyes and feels the hardness of the member of his father. It is harder than his.

His hands move up and down in the erection dad, his hands get to touch the knot before moving up again. Roger moans and does the same thing for his son.

But he has the work a lot easier, his hand with a lot of facility stimulates whole Nick's penis. He moans of pleasure, the touch of the hand of his dad is as pleasurable as the one of his mothers.

Nick does not stop the motion of his hands. The pre-cum that sprouts for the tip drips on his fingers.

Roger moans with pleasure, he feels as the hands of his son move up and down on his member without stopping. He crosses looks with his wife, Elizabeth looks at him and she smiles and does him a gesture to tell you how about time they should move at the next step.

Roger nods and he wanted to keep doing this. His son is having fun with his penis. Nick breathes rapidly, and feeling that his pleasure is growing quickly.

Every part of his shaft is caressed by the hand of his dad, he stops the stimulation of the penis of Nick and he releases it. Nick's member releases pre-cum that drips on the floor.

Nick's hands stop when Roger clears his throat lightly.

Nick looks up and seeing that his father smiles at him and he nods, pointing at the bed using his nose. Nick eyes open completely, and he releases his father's penis.

His father moves, and he is the first to climb on the bed. Nick notices that his mother is naked too while she is sitting at the edge of the bed. She has her right hand between her legs; she caresses her slit slowly.

Nick cannot see as she does because for that sector to be in semidarkness, his mother looks at him and she laughs smoothly.

"Nick, your dad is waiting." Elizabeth says looking at Roger. He looks to his son, and he does a gesture. Nick rapidly jumps in bed, the bed shakes for some moments.

Nick positions himself next to his father. Nick does not know that it would happen now, he sees towards his mother. Elizabeth gets on the bed also and she crawls to come closer to where Nick is.

She with calm pushes Nick to lean him backwards, she takes a pillow to place it below the head of Nick.

"Nick now we will begin for the simpler part Ok?" Roger asks Nick. He nods quietly without knowing which is what his father would make. He feels nervous by the penis of his father.

He knows that sometime his father's penis would enter his ass, Nick sees that his father moves down. Roger does the first motion, he holds Nick's legs, and he opens them with calm, Nick collaborates and opens his legs largely.

Roger kneels down between the legs of Nick and he uses his right hand to take his cub's cock. The hand stimulates the shaft slowly, Nick closes his eyes and moans with pleasure feeling that the hand moving on his cock.

His pre-cum sprouts repeatedly. He does not see that his parents look at each other and they smile smoothly. Roger moves his hand slowly, he with calm leans upon his belly and brings closer Nick's member to his nose.

Nick's eyes open completely and he takes a breath when his father's tongue touches his knot. Roger sees content that Nick's body arches lightly.

Nick drops his body, and he sees his mother; she smiles at him. Roger starts work in the balls of Nick; his tongue raises the testicles without no problem.

The tongue moves on both balls and Nick closes his eyes feeling that his balls enter the mouth of his dad, his tongue plays with the testicles of Nick in a slow way.

Nick moans with pleasure, he feels as his two balls move in different directions inside the mouth of his dad. The hot respiration touches his penis, making it quiver.

Elizabeth looks content that her son enjoys this moment. She would not intervene directly, ; this is a moment that her husband and Nick must have for themselves.

The two balls bounce inside of the mouth of Roger, he stops, and he lets Nick's testicles free. The two balls are completely all wet in saliva.

Nick moans when he feels that his dad's tongue touches his knot. The tip moves on the knot in all directions, Nick closes his eyes while he moans with pleasure, Roger licks the knot and perceives the taste of the member of Nick.

It is a good, less intense taste that the one of his co-workers or another friend.

Roger licks that place slowly. He had the temptation of using tongue in the penis of Nick before, but he wanted to ruin his son's first experiences making them weird.

The taste of the pre-cum is good, soft and without a piquancy of an adult man, and it is a taste that he enjoys a lot. The pre-cum is not so thick neither.

Roger licks the shaft slowly, Nick's member rocks lightly with each blow of the tongue of his father, Nick feels that the rough tongue touches his member.

The tongue moves up slowly, the pre-cum sprouts for the tip and Roger sees him, Nick gasps feeling that the tongue touches his member's tip, the drops of pre-cum are picked repeatedly by Roger.

Roger opens his mouth and takes his son's cock, Nick shakes and growls feeling that his dad sucks his penis, he does it in a slow and soft way.

Roger shakes his head with calm Nick's member moves in and out, his tongue touches the member that fits very well into his mouth. The knot touches his lips repeatedly.

Nick growls of pleasure, he feels that the saliva covers his cock and it slides to his knot, Roger sees that his son moans of pleasure, he pre-cum is dripping on the tongue.

Roger uses his tongue to touch Nick's penis tip, increasing the pleasure of his cub. The velocity of the sucking slowly increases. Nick opens his eyes to see as his father gives him oral sex.

Nick pants, he can say that his father is as good as his mother in this, Roger takes out penis and he licks it completely for some moments. He puts again the penis in his mouth to suck it with a little more force, he can see that his son pants and whines with more force.

"Dad... I!" Nick says feeling that he is close to release his semen. His dad immediately stops, and he slowly draws the penis from his mouth.

The member slips outside, and it rocks lightly on the air.

"Well.... Nick What seems to you your dad's technique?" Elizabeth asks, smiling at her cub. Nick breathes agitatedly while a drop of pre-cum springs forth from his member and it glisten lightly.

"Uhmmm... it is very good, I guess." Nick says looking at his mother. She smiles softly, just like Roger.

"Now we go to something simpler and more known for you." Roger says standing up and laying a hand on the straight shoulder of Nick.

He nods quietly in the meantime even as he breathes agitatedly, a drop of pre-cum gushes out from his member and it hangs from the tip of his shaft. Nick sees that his dad moves, Nick's eyes open completely when he sees that his father leans on his elbows and knees, raising his tail in the air.

That only can mean a thing and Nick gets surprised, he gets startled the moment that her mother lays her hands on her shoulders. She gives you a soft push.

Nick quietly gets up, and he positions himself behind his dad, he sees the big balls of his dad hanging between his legs, Nick sees the crack of the anus of his father, he cannot see the posterior hole.

Elizabeth gets close to the bedside table and opens the drawer to look for the lubricant, she finds it soon, she passes it to her husband. Roger smiles seeing that his son looks at his ass doubtfully.

Despite having his hard penis, Nick does not move. He sees his dad opens the lubricant bottle, and he stretches his arm. Roger places the mouth of the bottle on the crack of his ass.

Nick sees that his father lifts the bottle, and the lubricant spills over to run along between the buttocks. The lubricant runs don going over the sphincter of Roger, Nick sees the liquid reaches his father's balls.

Roger passes Nick to the bottle. He takes it and sees that his father smiles at him smoothly, Nick's tail moves rapidly. Elizabeth and Roger seem content that Nick spills the lubricant on his penis and he scatters it on all his penis.

Nick moans in the meantime as his hand moves on all his members, the slippery substance makes his erection glisten. His mom comes closer and Nick gives her the bottle.

He with emotion places himself in a better position. Nick takes his father's hips, and he moves his penis to put the tip into the crack.

Nick takes his erection, and he aims it; he moves his cock up and down trying to find his dad's posterior entrance. Nick stops when his member's tip finds the sphincter.

Roger winks an eye to Nick. He pushes, and his member slips without no problem in the ass of his dad. Nick takes a breath and he moans of pleasure when his shaft is surrounded by the warm walls.

Nick pushes and has his closed eyes while he enjoys again an ass, although it is the one of his dads. Roger feels the invasion in his rectum, but he is not somewhat painful, he is used to having more big penises there, so his son's penis is not any problems.

Elizabeth smiles seeing that Nick moans softly, soon her cub's groin touch her husband's buttocks. The knot is between the buttocks of Roger, Nick holds his dad's hips and he moves.

Nick drifts while he has his closed eyes, the anal passage is hot. His hips move back and forth without stopping.

His penis moves in and out from Roger, he has also his closed eyes enjoying his son's each thrust, his anal walls are caressed, it is not a very intense pleasure, but it is pleasant enough.

Nick increases velocity, enjoying each push. In his mind Nick cannot find a difference between the ass of his father and the one of his mothers.

The tunnel caresses his penis in the same way, all his shaft is stimulated in the meantime, his pre-cum drips in his dad's tunnel. Roger opens his eyes, and he sees over his shoulder; he only smiles openly seeing as his son moves repeatedly.

Elizabeth also enjoys this moment, her boy is really having a good time, but she knows that this is the easier part. Now there is yet to see as Nick will make it after.

Nick moves with more speed; his crotch hits the ass of his father without stopping. Roger feels that his son holds his hips with more force, Nick pushes with force and his knot passes through the hole of his dad.

Roger only makes out a light face of bother, he feels as the whole penis of is in his rectum. Nick feels that each centimeter of his member is hugged by the tight passage.

Nick again begins moves, but of more fast way. He growls with force; his eyes are closed and he does not notice that his parents look at each other and they do funny gestures a moment before Roger took his own penis with right hand and he masturbates slowly.

He enjoys the stimulation in the walls of his rectum, the penis tip touches his father's prostate and he growls of pleasure. Roger moans with pleasure also in the meantime his hand keeps moving.

Nick feels that his penis pleasure is arriving to his limit, he pushes with force at the moment of ejaculating inside the ass of his father. Hi member's tip presses Roger's gland directly.

He growls and presses his penis with force, his member hardens and a sperm spurt is shoots out from penis, the bedspread gets dirty with the white and sticky seed of Roger.

Elizabeth looks with a lot of happiness that her husband and her son come to their climax jointly. Nick continues pushing while he clenches his teeth and has his closed eyes.

He feels that his seed runs out and a last drop springs forth by the opening of his penis.

Nick does not notice that his parents look at him, Elizabeth does an ample smile and looks at his husband, he also smiles doing a light funny face. Roger moves his ass playfully for some moments and while Nick breathes agitatedly.

He sees the back and the tail of his dad; the anal muscles give a short and strong squeeze to his penis.

"Come on kid, time to take it out." Roger looking over his shoulder and doing a gesture to Nick. That surprises Nick for a moment. He holds the ass of his dad before pulling his penis out.

His knot stretches his father's sphincter and without bigger problem all his cock slips outside and it hangs while some cum drips from the tip.

"Well Nick nothing difficult until now, uh?" Roger asks with an ample smile and looking to Nick. He nods with happiness and his tail moves like an affirmative reply.

"Now Nick, I think that is correct is that you give back the favor to your dad." Elizabeth says smiling smoothly at Nick. He opens his eyes with some surprise before looking at his father.

Roger says absolutely nothing to him and he does a funny and paternal gesture. Nick had seen that gesture before, his tail continues and he moves the tail with calm, he nods despite he knows what it comes.

Nick's father moves back and he leans back in bed, Nick sees that his father opens his legs and he gets comfortable for this. Nick gets startled lightly when a hand touches his right shoulder.

"Do not let your dad waiting." Elizabeth says looking at Nick. He nods and crawls some steps to place himself between the legs of his dad. He sees that the member already had hidden in its sheath.

From close, his father's balls look bigger. Nick with calm takes the sheath, and he gets it pulls. He feels the heat what it emits, he takes the balls in his hands too.

Nick's hand stimulates the testicles, he makes it the best that he can and every few minutes he sees his father. Roger has closed eyes while he has a good time of the stimulation of that part of his body.

His right hand continues moving, soon he feels that her dad's penis keeps on growing quickly, Nick sees the penis tip slips out.

Nick continues his work, and he sees firsthand as the canine member grows. Nick's eyes are focused on the reproductive organ of his dad, it emerges without stopping, the knot rapidly appears and it grows in size while Nick only stimulates the big balls.

Roger winks to Nick, and he shows to him he continues. Nick says absolutely nothing and feeling very nervous he holds his dad's cock with the two hands. Roger remains airless and he grunts.

Nick gets surprised a little feeling that the penis is very hard, it is very large.

Nick's hands move from the bottom up slowly, Nick hears that his dad gasps. That makes that feels more relaxed, his hands move up and down on the shaft.

Nick sees that his father moans and pants with pleasure. The pre-cum oozes by the opening and it runs down, passing on his hands. The heat that comes from the hard meat of his father is pleasurable.

His hands descend to touch the knot, Nick takes down his right hand to inspect that place, his palm moves for the knot slowly, Roger moans with more pleasure.

Roger has a good time every second, his pre-cum increases, he opens his eyes to see Nick, his son is very focused on his penis, that makes him smile. But this is the most easy part.

Nick stops when he hears that his father clears his throat smoothly, his dad looks at him attentively and smiles in a friendly way. Nick notices that his father looks at his mother.

Elizabeth nods smoothly.

Nick... Do you want me to help you?" Elizabeth asks, looking at Nick. He looks at his dad's penis before agreeing quietly. Using his hands is easy, but for him something else would be more difficult.

Elizabeth moves and sits next to Roger, groin; she takes Roger's penis. He pants when her wife masturbates him slowly.

"Now Nick I think it would be better, if you lay down on your belly." Elizabeth says looking at Nick.

Nick nods and obeys leaning on his belly in bed, he has in front of his face his father's balls, he looks at them and his nose can get the aroma that emit the fur that surrounds them.

His mom positions herself at his side also leaning upon her stomach, she nuzzles Roger's balls and does a comic facial expression to Nick. Nick laughs smoothly and sees that she licks his dad's balls with calm.

Nick sees that his mother licks balls with calm, she raises them lightly in the air. Elizabeth stops and does a gesture to Nick; he nods and licks his father's balls.

Roger does not move, and he feels that Nick licks his balls, the difference is very clear between the licks of his wife and the licks of Nick. He does it, but without achieving raising his father's balls.

Balls are even heavy for his tongue. Nick sees that his mother again brings closer her mouth to his dad's testicles. She closes her mouth around the right testicle to suck it smoothly.

Nick sees that his mother pulls the testicle when she is sucking it before she releases it again, the fur that covers it again returns to its normal position. Immediately Nick tries to imitate her, he closes his mouth around the left-hand testicle and sucks it with force.

He chokes, and he becomes uncomfortable by the fur, his mother laughs smoothly and Roger also makes it while Nick lets the fur of his mouth escape. Nick sees his mother; she takes Roger's cock, and she caresses it slowly.

Nick kneels down and takes his dad's penis in his hands; he moans smoothly when he feels the touch.

With calm Nick move his hands up and down slowly, Roger moans feeling that Nick masturbates him. Nick's hands close around his shaft. He does for some time.

Nick hears that his father moans with more pleasure, the penis gets more hard and after some moments Nick looks up for a find with the look of his father.

Roger does him a gesture to Nick, and he opens his eyes with some surprise, but understands the message. Nick looks at his mother looking for some advice or something important since she knows much more of this subject at this moment.

"Take it easy, be careful with the teeth and do it to a rhythm that seems adequate for you." Elizabeth says looking at Nick. He again looks at his father's penis before bringing near his mouth to it.

The aroma reaches his nose, it is an intense aroma, it makes shudder. Nick takes out his tongue and with a slow movement, he does a lick to the member's tip perceiving the taste of the hard meat and pre-cum.

Roger growls smoothly of pleasure and his body trembles feeling the tongue touches that sensitive part. Nick tilts his head lightly, ; the taste is unlike to any food or sweet that he ate before.

He feels that the pre-cum gets his mouth wet, Nick uses his tongue to lick it and to clean it, his father laughs smoothly just like his mother. Nick opens his mouth and with calm closes it around the shaft.

His mouth fills his mouth and just as it is a part of the penis, he feels the taste of the hard meat. The cock presses his tongue, Nick feels that the pre-cum drips on his tongue.

He looks up to see his dad. Roger nods and Nick shakes his head slowly. The penis enters and gets out from his mouth in each motion, the tip gets to touch the entrance of his throat.

Roger moans and closes his eyes slowly; he says absolutely nothing, feeling that Nick's rub on his hard meat. As it is to be expected, it is it is his first time, and he does this, so he does not have a good technique.

Nick sucks the best that he can. His father's member is big. He hears that his dad moan with more pleasure, so he expedites the sucking.

He sees that his mother takes out her tongue, and she moves it slowly on the air. Nick immediately draws the penis from his mouth and he licks it, his father shakes with pleasure feeling the tongue moving on his cock.

Nick tries to think in some special place that his mom used to touch, his tongue touches the knot and licks it. Roger moans with pleasure, he growls when Nick's mouth again closes around the tip of her member again.

With more taken care Nick resumes the sucking of the hard organ, his mouth moves up and down, he takes the most that he can. He sees that his mother closes her hand and she moves it up and down.

Nick perceives the idea, and he closes his hands around the erection, he feels his hardness again when he masturbates his father increasing his pleasure.

Roger moans when his pleasure duplicates, Nick's saliva runs down on his member and makes easier the motion of the hands of Nick. Nick's tail moves slowly on the air, seeing that her father whines with a lot more pleasure.

Elizabeth looks content that Nick feels much more content with the situation, he already has much confidence with his motions. Soon she notices that the facial expressions of their husband change.

Nick feels that that his mother touches his shoulder.

"Sweetheart, he is close, that does not take you by surprise." Elizabeth says whispering in the right ear of Nick. He nods lightly while he continues moving his head and sucking his father's dad.

He feels that cock becomes thicker and veins pulse with more force. His father growls with more force and he clenches his teeth.

Nick feels a powerful squirt hitting his palate, soon another one follows it, his tongue gets covered with the spicy and thick seed. Soon his mouth fills up to the top for his surprise.

Roger laughs just like Elizabeth at the moment that Nick looks up to see them, they cannot control that when they see that his cub has the swollen cheeks. It is a funny sight.

Nick swallows his father's seed rapidly, his mouth gets empty, and he lets the penis escape from his mouth, the member hits Roger's stomach. The thick yarns of seed range from the cock to Nick's mouth.

"What seems to you, dear?" Elizabeth asks, looking at Nick. He licks the mouth, savoring the last rests of semen.

"It is similar... uh." Nick says arching an eyebrow while he tries to find some referent.

He did not dislike the taste of semen despite knowing from where it comes, it is a very particular taste.

"Nothing similar, uh?" Elizabeth asks looking at Nick. He nods quietly.

Nick sees that his parents look at each other for some moments, his dad nods lightly and he gets up to sit crossing legs.

"Nick... Do you want to continue?" Roger asks looking at Nick. He gets surprised a bit and thinks about it for some moments. Until now everything was very interesting and funny.

Nick nods and moves the tail. His dad smiles, just like his mother.

"Come here, dear." Elizabeth says doing some light blows to the bed. Nick nods and crawls to get close to where his mom is waiting for him. She takes Nick's hips, and she obliges him to lift his ass.

Nick makes it without resisting much, his mother takes his tail and plays with it for a moment, she shakes it stirring it in different directions.

"Mom!" Nick says laughing a little and trying to get free his tail of the grasp of his mother.

Elizabeth does not release Nick's tail and plays with it for some moments before releasing it.

Nick feels his father's hands take his ass, his buttocks are separated and his hole is totally exposed. Nick does not move, and he shakes when he suddenly feels his father's hot respiration on his hole.

Roger sniffed, and he smiles when he sees that Nick trembles lightly.

He takes out his tongue, and he does one complete lick through the crack of the ass of Nick, his tongue goes up from the perineum to the base of the tail of Nick. He pants with surprise to feel that the tongue goes over his sphincter.

The sensation makes her penis do small jump on the air, Nick pants when again he feels his tongue to move between her buttocks, but the tip dances on his sphincter.

Roger moves his tongue on the hole of Nick, he with calm caresses that sector. The licks are slow; his saliva covers Nick's sphincter completely, and it drips to his balls.

Nick moans and pants, the sensation is pleasurable, he already can understand because his father loves that his mother makes this. Her father's rough tongue feels marvelous on his anus.

Roger eats up his son's anus with care. He would speed nothing and doing everything at the rhythm that Nick could handle this. He has his senses focused on what he does, so he does not feel that his wife gets up and she moves.

Roger's eyes open when his wife catches his penis. Elizabeth has her right hand introduced between the legs of her husband. She caresses and stimulate the cock.

Elizabeth wants her husband be ready. Roger moans and he resumes his oral stimulation on the posterior hole of his son. Nick pants and moans with pleasure.

Her father's tongue tips whirls on its hole, he feels that tip presses his sphincter.

Roger presses a moment before stopping and lick the hole again, he gives soft taps with the tongue to Nick's sphincter and again tries to penetrate.

In this occasion his effort has results, the hole opens and his tongue penetrates inside Nick.

He opens his eyes and groans of surprise, feeling that his anal passage is invaded.

Nick feels that the tongue keeps on entering slowly, the tip touches the walls of his rectum in different places. The sensation is new and strange, but also pleasurable.

He feels as the tip gets to get in some cracks pressing into their bottom. Nick pants heavily while he has closed eyes. He is enjoying this.

The tongue moves, touching each corner of his passage, the saliva covers them.

Elizabeth looks at everything with a lot of interest, she sees that Nick's tail moves slowly.

His gaze focuses on the stomach of Nick, and she sees that Nick's member releases pre-cum.

The member does a small jump and that makes her smile, she looks at her husband.

They exchange looks, communicating what they think. Roger blinks lightly and with slowness he withdraws his tongue. He has an ample smile seeing that his son does not move while his hole remains lightly opened.

Nick pants heavily and sees that his mother gets close to the bedside table, and as she opens it, Nick sees that his mother draws the lubricant bottle and she passes it to Roger.

Nick see that his father opens the bottle, he empties some lubricant between his fingers and moves them lightly. The fingers shine lightly.

He looks at Nick and does him a comic facial expression before introducing his fingers between the cheeks of the ass of Nick. He gets startled, feeling that fingers touch his hole and they move in circles on it.

Nick shakes lightly, feeling the cold liquid, but he relaxes shortly afterwards.

Its father's fingers circles move, Roger surprises Nick when he suddenly pushes a finger in the ass of his son. Nick's eyes open and he blurts out a pant of surprise.

He feels that his tunnel is invaded, fingers sink to last one knuckle, the sensation is not painful, somewhat weird. Nick feels that finger move forward and back.

Roger moves his fingers with slowness, he sees with a lot of attention that Nick's sphincter moves with each push of his fingers. Nick pants slowly and he does not move.

His father rotates his fingers slowly, fingers stretch Nick's hole in different directions. Nick blurts out a strong groan of surprise and his body becomes taut when he feels something as pleasurable and powerful as never in his life.

Nick lifts his tail in the air and his ass becomes taut in a very clear way. Roger smiles content and slowly repeat the caress on the prostate of his son.

Nick growls with force again and his member jumps and releases a little jet of pre-cum, it that flies on the air for some seconds before falling on the bed.

"What... what it is?" Nick asks growling with pleasure while he has closed eyes. It is incredible.

"One special point inside a boy. Do you like that your dad touches it, don't you?" Elizabeth asks looking at Nick. He nods quietly and growls again, feeling that his father's finger moves on his gland.

Roger caresses the prostate and feels as the anal muscles squeezes his finger every time that he moves it. He sees that his wife takes the lubricant bottle and opens it to empty some liquid on his hands.

Elizabeth positions herself behind Roger and she introduces her hands below the body of her husband. Roger moans smoothly the moment that his wife's two hands take his cock.

She masturbates him slowly covering his cock with lubricant, Roger moans and pants with pleasure, hands move of advance stops back slowly.

The right hand of Elizabeth takes his knot and she caresses it for also covering it with lubricant. She can feel the hardness of the member of her husband, she expects that this work well.

When they discussed it, they agreed to make this, and depending as everything evolved. If Nick was enjoying it, they would continue and, but they would stop, if Nick asked for it.

She does not leave a single centimeter without covering in lubricant. She hears that her husband and her son moan while they pant with more speed. Elizabeth releases Roger's penis, and she moves to leave him alone.

She only sits on a chair.

Nick moans of pleasure and his penis releases pre-cum continuously creating a puddle of pre-cum in bed. Fingers suddenly stop moving and they retire from with slowness from his hole.

Roger takes out his fingers, and he kneels down while his he takes his member; he does a squeeze on the right shoulder of Nick.

"Do you want to leave it here?" Roger asks with one unruffled and paternal voice.

"Uhmmm... noo" Nick says trying looking animate.

His father smiles at him and he nods. Nick feels that the member's tip gets between his buttocks. The tip moves up and down in the crack of his ass and the tip stops on his sphincter.

Roger holds Nick with his right hand and he pushes softly, trying penetrating into the hole of Nick. He feels the pressure on his sphincter, Nick does not know if his dad's penis will enter or if it will be painful. It should be.

Nick sees toward the wall, the pressure on his hole continuous in the meantime it increases, Roger pushes while his wife sees everything with a lot of attention and a bit of nervousness.

Nick feels that his father pushes a little stronger and suddenly his sphincter opens letting the member's tip go by. Nick cannot repress a groan of pain and squeezing the bedspread feeling a burning pain in his hole.

He clenches his teeth and has closed in the meantime his anal walls instinctively try to push out Roger's cock. He does not move and pants with surprise.

"Is he tight?" Elizabeth asks looking at her husband. Roger only nods and blurts a groan of pleasure out. He spreads Nick's buttocks to see that his member's tip was missing behind the sphincter of Nick.

He opens his eyes and feels that the pain diminishes slowly, but remains a strange feeling. His anal walls even try to push his father's penis outside.

"Uhhh Everything ok, son?" Roger asks in the meantime he has still his hands on the buttocks of Nick. Roger does a soft and friendly squeeze to his anal cheeks.

Nick nods quietly and Roger pushes a little more inside his son. The anal walls stretch and Nick feels the erection advances slowly in his rectum.

It is a very weird sensation, he not himself while his father pushes with calm.

Roger pants by the strong squeeze of the entrails around his member, Nick is tight, much more than his wife. His member does not stop, Roger does not push fast.

Nick feels the little jets of pre-cum covering his anal walls, the member slides pretty well without causing him pain, only that sensation is weird. Soon the member's tip touches the anal passage bottom and Nick opens his eyes completely.

"Very well, Nick." Roger says giving soft approving pats to Nick's shoulder. He looks content and moves his tail. In his life, his tunnel never felt fuller.

The heat that emits his father's shaft is pleasurable, he feels that his dad holds his hips, and he withdraws his cock slowly. Nick moves and feels that the cock leaves almost for complete.

Roger sees as his penis reappears and he stops before pushing his penis again. Nick pants at the moment that his dad fucks him on a slow pace.

The member is moving inside and out in his rectum, the anal walls are stimulated with each motion. Nick feels it and closes his eyes to concentrate on the feeling.

He wants to find out because his neighbor likes this. The sensations that come to his brain change, the stranger feeling becomes something more pleasant.

Elizabeth looks at her husband. Roger enjoys it, but her bigger interest is in Nick.

She waits for seeing what will be the result, her tail moves with happiness when she hears that Nick pants and whining of pleasure.

Roger also feels content, he is not the only one that enjoys this. The hole is the best that he fucked in quite a while. His son's sphincter moves back and forth, following his thrusts.

Nick moans of pleasure. This is something, it is new and disconcerting. Each part of his anal passage is stimulated. His father's penis also caresses that special place and his body shakes lightly.

Nick's tail moves slowly on the air while his body rocks lightly every time that his dad pushes and his groin hits buttocks. Elizabeth moves to one side and she crouches.

He sees as the member of Nick bounces, being hard and releasing spurts of pre-cum without stopping. That makes her smile, content when he sees that that Nick really enjoys this.

Roger also enjoys it; his member is caressed in each push. He has his closed eyes enjoying the virgin ass of his son, but he gets startled when he feels that a hand catches his balls from behind.

It is his wife. She stimulates his balls with calm, Roger resumes his pushes thrust in his cub. The two parents hear with a lot of pleasure that Nick moans and a growl of pleasure.

"Everything pretty well until now." Elizabeth says whispering in the right ear of her husband. Roger nods.

Nick moans with pleasure, he feels that the pleasure in his body keeps on intensifying rapidly, but it cuts off. He feels that his father holds his hips with a lot more force; the knot presses into his sphincter.

Roger pushes his knot with force, his knot to stand between the two buttocks and Nick clenches his teeth. Elizabeth sees everything from over the shoulder of Roger. This will not be easy for her son.

Nick opens the mouth to ask for to his father he stops, but his hole suddenly opens. A great whining of pain comes out from Nick's mouth and he lets himself fall in bed while he squeezes the bedspread, feeling a great pain in his anus.

He fights not to cry; he does not move neither his father does it. Roger waits a little while he feels that all his member is squeezed with force by the entrails of Nick.

Shortly after the pain was decreased a lot, Nick feels his dad does some soft pats on his shoulder.

"Well done Nick, you handle it very well. Much better than your old man." Roger says with a lot of approval. Nick feels content listening to his father, he takes holds his hips again.

His dad resumes his pushes in his rectum.

The pushes are slow with the purpose of later on accelerating to retake the previous rhythm, Nick again moans feeling fuller than never. His father's knot distends the last part of his rectum.

Nick's moans mixes with the growling of Roger. He moves with a lot of force, and the bed shakes. Nick feels that the knot presses his prostate directly and his pleasures intensifies much more than before.

Nick feels that his father's penis pulses with more force inside his ass.

His own member hardens while it bounces, and soon the climax comes, taking complete control of his body. His fists squeeze the bedspread and all his body becomes taut.

His semen is fired in abundance, but the quantity cannot compare with the unloading of semen that floods his rectum. Roger pushes growling ferociously, the entrails of his son clenches with a lot of force on his penis leading to the immediate orgasm.

Elizabeth sees with surprise as her husband and her son growl during an almost united orgasm. Her son's seed stains the bed, she can notice that it is a very intense climax is for him.

Nick has closed eyes, and he lets himself fall in bed while he pants heavily and his ass continues to be lifted-up in hands of his dad. Semen continues filling his anal passage.

With calm Nick sees over his shoulder, he sees his father's tongue hangs up out from his mouth while he has a look of total ecstasy. He awakes from that momentary stupor when Elizabeth licks his right cheek affectionately.

Roger smiles at her and both engage in caressing with the nose mutually, Nick takes a breath when a hand catches his penis. The hand moves slowly on his axis slowly.

Nick looks on the right-hand side, his mother masturbates him slowly.

"Did you enjoy it, sweet?" Elizabeth asks with affection while she looks at her cub and moves her hand slowly on his member.

Nick nods with a lot of energy while he whines of pleasure. Elizabeth releases his penis, and she walks to get out from the bedroom, letting Nick with his dad alone. Roger gives him some soft pats and playful to Nick's right buttock.

"Let's get comfortable, this will take a bit." Roger says smiling and looking at Nick. He only can remain in that position. He feels that his father's penis even pulses in his anal passage.

It is hard and radiate heat. Nick reclines his body forward and resting his muzzle on his crossed arms.

Nick sees that his mother enters the room while she has two juice glasses, one in each hand. She gets close to the bed and passes one glass to Roger, a glass and the other one to Nick.

Nick reclines the glass in his mouth and he drinks some juice. He closes his eyes and enjoys the taste of apple that covers his tongue. With true pleasure, he drinks the rest of his juice.

His dad also does the same thing, Nick feels that the member in his posterior passage slowly keeps on losing size. Around twenty minutes later, Nick feels that knot already had lost a much of its previous size.

Roger lays his hands on the buttocks of Nick and he pulls out with some force, Nick feels that his sphincter opens without problems. His dad's cock outside completely.

Nick moves while he feels that semen spills out from his hole. The seed slides, covering his balls and getting them wet. With weariness he leans upon the bed, he gets comfortable in the meantime he hears that his father moans and pants.

The bed moves, Nick opens an eye to see what happens. His mother positions herself on his father and she guides the member's tip to her ass' crack. She moves down her ass and moans with pleasure before beginning to ride her husband.

Nick feels pretty tired and ignores them, he embraces a pillow and in not much time he falls asleep listening to the moans of his parents besides feeling that his body bounces lightly by the motion in bed.

The next morning Nick wakes up and blinks repeatedly, he feels his saliva on the pillow.

With calm, he sits in bed while he rubs his eyes.

He still is sleepy, he sees that his father enters the bedroom, even naked.

"Oh, you woke up." Roger says a lot, contents and smiling at his son. Nick nods before yawning again.

"You are asleep, something that a shower solves. Don't you want to have one with me?" Roger asks looking at Nick.

He nods before yawning again. His father laughs smoothly and with a gesture Roger shows to him they go to the bathroom. Nick comes down from the bed and he follows his dad, they are heading for the bathroom.

Nick walks behind his dad. The nose and the ears of Nick show to him that his mother is in the kitchen. She must prepare breakfast, Nick does not know that hour is, but it is not early at all.

His father enters the bathroom and turns on the shower, he adjusts water while Nick waits near. Shortly the water already is to the correct temperature and both enter under the shower, closing the drape behind them.

Nick closes his eyes the moment that he feels that hot water gets his head wet just like the rest of his fur. Nick opens his eyes, and he moves to permit that water reaches other part of his fur.

His father's body also already is soaked, Roger takes a bottle of shampoo and he opens it, he empties some Shampoo on his right hand and he passes the bottle to Nick.

He does the same thing, applying Shampoo to his head and creating foam. Nick closes his eyes, rubs the shampoo. Nick perceives the aroma of lavender on the air while the vapor surrounds them.

Nick after some minutes closes his eyes and permits that water clean the whole foam off from his head. He does not open his eyes until he is sure that there is not a single foam trail.

He does not want to feel the burning sensation in the eyes, if some of that foam touch them.

Nick raises the look to see that his father also makes the same thing. The foam falls on his shoulders before disappearing.

Roger takes soap, and he passes it to Nick. He passes the bar of soap on all his body, Nick moves it for his chest and legs, he also gets it through his crotch.

He takes his time to wash that place forgetting that his dad is there too, he always makes it and his penis again reacts and it slides out from the sheath.

Nick shakes the moment that water drips on the sensitive meat, his hand moves on his penis and he moans smoothly. Nick has his closed eyes while he masturbates until he hears that his father clears his throat.

"Turn around, let me be helping yourself with your back." Roger says doing a friendly face. Nick nods and turns over; he soon feels his father's hands on his shoulders.

Foam forms and disappears shortly afterwards by the water; his father rubs his shoulders to do the same thing on his back. The big hands move up and down.

Nick laughs some moments when Roger makes him some tickles somewhere in his back. Nick feels that his dad's hands move to his ass, he takes his tail to cover it with foam.

Roger is going steady and moves his hands in the tail of Nick playfully, he laughs and moves the tail trying freeing it from the grasp of his father, but that does not happen and Roger uses the water to take the foam off the tail of his son.

Roger covers the ass in foam, he moans with bother when his father gives him a playful spank.

"Now it is your turn." Roger says passing to soap to Nick. His dad raises his arms and Nick rapidly uses the soap to wash his father's body, he stretches his arms and he makes a reach for the top of his father.

Nick with difficulty moves his hands on the wet chest of his dad, he moves his hands up and down with calm. As take down his hands, his work is easier.

Roger smiles while Nick does not stop his hands, Nick's two hands move down to touch Roger's stomach, he does put much effort there before taking down his hands to get to the crotch's region.

Nick feels as water is dripping from the balls of his dad, he does him a gesture and Nick creates foam to move his hands in the balls and the sheath while he shakes lightly feeling as the water jets touch his even hard cock.

Nick's hands run on the balls first, Nick pulls them smoothly and raises them while his hands move without stopping while the vapor surrounds him and his father.

Nick sees that his father closes his eyes, the waters is dripping from his head. Nick's eyes open with a bit of surprise to see that the tip of the member of his dad appears from within the sheath.

Nick's tail moves content and he places his hands around the sheath to give it pulls creating foam to its around, but that makes Roger moans and soon his cock grows between the foam.

Nick does not stop the motion of his hands; he takes the cock and moves his hands back and forward. Roger moans with pleasure, feeling the stimulation of his organ.

The pre-cum that sprouts by the opening disappears rapidly when it is swept by a water jet. Roger moans and opens his eyes; he smiles openly at Nick while water even drips from their bodies.

"As hot water would run out soon and your mother get angry, if we do not finish soon. So, what sees you, if we make a deal. Let me have some fun now and next I will compensate you later?" Roger asks, winking an eye to Nick.

"Yes, dad." Nick says a lot of enthusiasm. His father looks content and with a gesture he shows to Nick that he must turn over. He nods, and he turns over to see the wall.

Roger soaps his right finger index and he puts it into the crack of the anus of his son, Nick feels that the finger moves up and soon touches his sphincter. Nick pants, and he trembles lightly.

He pants in the meantime as water continues falling on his body. The finger moves circularly for some moments before it pressed his entrance. Roger pushes with a bit of force, and without difficulty his finger disappears in anal passage.

Nick takes a breath and feels that finger penetrates into his hole, this is easy for the soap that covers him. Roger pushes his finger before taking it out again and repeating the motion.

He moves his finger to a moderate velocity, Nick moans and pants. His anal walls are touched, the finger moves in circles shortly afterwards.

A pant of pleasure comes out from Nick's mouth at the moment that the finger touches that place and makes that his member jumps and the drops of water in him fall to the floor.

Roger uses another finger more to speed up things and soon he can move them with a lot of facility inside Nick. He moans and pants. His tail moves being completely wet.

His pre-cum drips on the ground and disappears when dissolves with water that runs to at the drainage. Fingers leave Nick's ass. Roger positions himself behind Nick. He reclines his hands to the wall.

Roger gets in position and introduces his penis under the tail of Nick. Nick feels that his father moves and the cock, the tip gets moves on his right buttock.

Roger takes the bar of soap and moves it for all his penis using Nick's tail like coverage.

He rapidly aligns his cock with the hole of his son, the tip touches the sphincter lightly opened.

Nick pants with surprise when his father pushes his member, the hard and hot shaft slides without no problem in his ass. His anal passage fills up and his father growls.

The big hands of his dad take his hips and he moves in the meantime, the continuous water falling on them. Nick moans with pleasure to feel that his anal walls are stimulated with each thrust of his father.

For this moment he no longer feels no bother when his father penetrates him, the pushes are strong and they pinned Nick against the wall. He hears that his father growls of pleasure.

Roger moves repeatedly, ; the anal passage is incredible, and he can move with a lot of facility inside his son. His hips move while Nick's tail rest on his chest.

Each push makes the tip of his member touch the anal passage bottom, Nick's cock bounces and he shakes lightly when his sensitive meat touches the cold and wet stone slab.

Those moderate shudders make its anal walls have short spasms, Roger moans feeling while he continues moving. Nick has a good time with each push, his penis becomes harder.

His dad's penis moves and it caresses his prostate. Roger takes soap and without stopping he passes it most of all his knot before dropping the bar soap and holding Nick's hips.

He feels that his father's hands hold with a lot more force his hips and the knot press his sphincter with force, his dad presses pin him against the wall and he growls.

Nick opens his eyes and blurts out a shriek of pain when his sphincter one more time opens to swallow his father's knot. His anal tunnel is filled complete by the entire length of the penis.

Roger moves back and Nick places his hands against the wall at the same time that his father resumes his thrust. Nick sees the floor while he moans and growls of pleasure.

His member wobbles without control, the pre-cum drips from the opening in long and thick drops. Nick moans with bother and pleasure while he fastens the best that he can.

His father's knot presses into his prostate, increasing his pleasure that already is getting to its limit directly. Roger for his part also enjoys this, he holds Nick with force in the meantime he keeps moving.

His wet balls rock without control between his legs, water drips from them repeatedly. He pushes with more force, ; his member is ready to release his sperm.

But Nick whimpers with pleasure. He already had reached his climax. His semen sprinkles the wall, the sticky cum runs down to dissolve in water, Nick's entrails become taut and squeezes his dad's penis with force.

Roger growls and pushes his penis squashing Nick against the wall, Nick moans with bother while his dad's penis pulses with force and it shoots semen squirts in his rectum.

His anal tunnel is filled in seed while his body is pressed against the wall.

Roger pushes repeatedly until he and Nick get startled the moment Elizabeth knock at the door.

"Hey already have been quite a while there, breakfast this ready." Elizabeth says with a lot of bother. And that is the truth since Nick shudders lightly, feeling that water that touches his back is cold.

His father also trembles and he immediately turns off the shower.

"Come on, your mother will get angry, if we took more time." Roger says moving back and giving two soft pats to his son's ass. Nick and Roger get out from the shower.

Roger takes towels, and he passes them to Nick; both dry their bodies. Nick moves the towel for almost all his body, his father helps him to dry the back and the tail.

Shortly after they get out from the bathroom and Roger lifts him on the air, he charges him to the stairs. Both come downstairs with calm and next walk toward the kitchen.

When arriving there, Nick sees that his mom has ready two pancakes waiting for them.

Elizabeth arches an eyebrow when she notices that they are knotted.

"I should have known it." Elizabeth says with a sigh and affectionate facial expression for Nick and a bit of irritation with her husband. Roger smiles at and he takes Nick to the table.

Roger sits with Nick on his thighs. For them it is complicated to eat the breakfast, but also it is something funny for Elizabeth. That moment is enjoyed by all of them.

After around twenty minutes they finish breakfast at the same time Nick feels that his dad's penis no longer is so big as before. Roger takes him by the shoulders and he lifts his on air.

His member slides outside without problems from the hole of Nick.

"Go to clean, I do not want any stains on the floor." Elizabeth says with a mocking and serious tone at the same time. She and Roger laugh when Nick runs at the bathroom, pressing the buttocks not to stain the floor.

He gets to the bathroom, and as he begins to cleansing using a toilet paper, his father enters shortly afterwards. He winks an eye before doing a good cleanliness of his crotch, not to let Nick forget that this is something very important.

After cleanliness, Nick goes to his bedroom and putting on some clothes before going down to the kitchen and helping his mom. She accepts help with pleasure, Elizabeth delegates him two tasks.

Nick makes what his mother asks him for with a lot of pleasure, Nick hears that his father is in the upper floor, he can hear two blows and one curse.

He is repairing something. They all keep themselves busy to finish their works.

Nick sits down to watch television while his mother prepares lunch.

Nick sees that his father is on the phone with somebody, he is a co-worker.

Roger takes notes in two sheets and he nods to meet his friend this afternoon.

"Anything interesting? Roger asks looking at Nick.

"Just a movie that already I saw." Nick responds in low spirits. He was zapping the channels.

His dad does him a friendly facial expression, and he sits next to Nick to see the movie next to him.

After the movie, Nick is in his bedroom. He is lying-down in his bed, be on his belly. He moves his feet at the edge of the bed while he feels bored.

Television cannot offer him the fun that he needs. It is on a Saturday and he should have a good time. His feet move and his ears move lightly when he perceives that somebody enters his bedroom, for the sound of the steps he perceives that it is his mother.

"Are you bored, dear?" Elizabeth asks looking at her son while she is standing under the doorstep.

"Yeah... there is nothing in television." Nick says looking over a shoulder to his mother.

She does a gesture to implied that she understands it.

"Well... if you are bored... I thought maybe you would like to have fun with mom. You are having much fun with your dad. Do you still spend time with me?" Elizabeth says, looking at Nick with a bit of care.

"Yes, mom!" Nick says turning over and stepping down of a jump of the bed with a lot of enthusiasm. Elizabeth smiles content and doing a gesture to Nick in order that he took down Persian blinds.

He makes it with a lot of speed, Nick hurries up and the windows soon are covered. Nick turns over and can see that his mother already is taking off her clothing.

Her naked breasts already are in sight of Nick, he rapidly takes down his pants and shorts also taking off any other clothes with haste.

His mom takes off her underwear, Nick's tail moves with emotion and his mom smiles.

Elizabeth gets on the bed and she leans upon her left-hand side, she does two taps to the bed.

Nick with a jump rapidly climbs on the bed, his mother and he himself bounce lightly. She laughs smoothly and Nick rapidly takes her breasts.

With great pleasure he touches his mother's breasts, as always, they are soft.

They press his fingers and Elizabeth smiles smoothly, and she caresses his hair affectionately.

She enjoys feeling the two hands touches her breasts with the same pleasure and fascination as it would be the first time for Nick. He opens his mouth to close it around right nipple, and he sucks it with pleasure.

A pant of pleasure comes out from Elizabeth's mouth, she feels that his son breast-feeds her tit with pleasure. The lukewarm saliva covers her nipple, she stretches her right hand to catch with Nick's crotch.

She with calm and care stimulates her cub's sheath. Her fingers give soft pulls while Nick does not separate from her breast. He enjoys this and his tail moves, showing what he feels.

His mother's caresses soon are rewarded, his penis reacts, the tip soon emerges, Nick shakes the moment that Elizabeth finger touches that part of his member.

Nick releases the nipple and moans with pleasure, his mother's finger moves on the tip of his penis. Elizabeth feels pleased seeing that her son whines of pleasure.

She moves to introduce her right nipple in the mouth of Nick, he immediately retakes the sucking of the nipple. His penis continues sliding strongly, Nick growls softly at the moment that the hand closes around his shaft and she caresses it.

Elizabeth feels the hardness of the member of her boy, she moves her hand slowly and closes it around the knot. With its size, it fits perfectly into her hand.

She squeezes it lightly. Now it is small, but in some years it will have a good size. Nick moans and his mother affectionately separates him from her tit.

A saliva thread extends from the nipple to the lips of Nick. He sees his mother; she smiles at him and with calm affectionately he leans him backwards.

Elizabeth caresses the chest softly before moving, Nick moves his tail with pleasure seeing that his mother positions herself between his legs. She is sitting on her thighs.

Elizabeth's hands take his son's penis and she caresses it for some moments, a hand moves on the erection and the other hand plays with Nick's two balls.

He enjoys the manual stimulation. Elizabeth also enjoys it; she sees that her son has closed eyes while he moans. Elizabeth reclines forward and Nick gasps.

His mother's tongue moves on his balls, his testicles move up on the air with a lot of facility. Elizabeth bathes in saliva the two balls with calm.

She takes them into her mouth. Nick feels that his mother sucks his balls slowly, her teeth pull them smoothly. Nick pants and has a good time of what it happens until his mother stops releasing the two balls.

Nick sees that she smiles at him.

Elizabeth again uses her tongue, but on this occasion, she dedicates herself to lick Nick's cock. He shakes and moans with pleasure, his mother's rough tongue moves on his knot slowly.

She enjoys taste the young meat of Nick. A taste as a mother she enjoys. Her tongue moves on the shaft. With a slow motion, Elizabeth devourers his son's cock.

The shaft disappears behind his lips, Nick feels the mouth moist with heat. He growls and pants with pleasure, his mother moves her head with slowness.

His member gets covered with lukewarm and viscous saliva; Elizabeth uses his tongue to increase his son's pleasure. The pre-cum gushes out by the opening without stopping and drips on the tongue of the vixen.

Elizabeth enjoys each drop; her head continues moving and her son whines of pleasure. Nick has the closed eyes without stopping, he pushes his hips feeling that his pleasure is increasing rapidly.

His knot hits his mother's mouth. She does not stop her son, but she does not want this moment of pleasure to end so soon. She moves, and the penis gets out from her mouth. She laughs when Nick does a push on the air.

Nick opens his eyes to look with surprise and disillusionment, she moves to position herself on Nick. He sees that his mother todirectly sits on his crotch, she gives him an affectionate smile before taking his cock. He quivers with emotion, ; his mother guides his cock to the midway of her thighs.

His penis tip touches the pink opening. She moves down her hips and the tip get between her vaginal lips; Nick feels the heat that emits the inside of his mother.

Elizabeth closes her eyes, and she moves her ass down. His cub's member penetrates into her vagina, she feels the cock slowly is advancing in her tunnel.

Nick growls and pants with pleasure, his member is surrounded by a moderate heat, his mother is very soft. Your shaft is disappearing and Elizabeth moans smoothly.

Her vagina surrounds completely the member. The knot touches her vulva, she leans forward and gives a soft kiss to Nick on the forehead. She lays her hands on the chest of Nick before beginning to move her ass slowly.

Nick moans and closes down his eyes, his penis enters and goes out from his mom with slowness, the vaginal walls caress his shaft slowly. The pre-cum sprouts from the member without stopping.

Elizabeth moans and continues moving on the groin of her cub, she moans of pleasure.

His son's penis is as not so big as the one of his husbands, but it is something that makes her to shudder with pleasure.

It is not the size, but with whom he makes what gets her horny. Her rhythm increases lightly, but she prevents that the member slip out from her vagina, she takes down her ass and the knot penetrate her body.

Nick moans of pleasure, he feels as all his penis moves in and out without no problem.

He opens his eyes to see the tits Infront of his face while she continues riding without stopping.

Tits bounce lightly while the bed squeaks lightly. He always saw her like a very loving woman, that was not changed in his first time when she with calm and love taught him each part of her body and as to make her shaking with pleasure.

Elizabeth sees that her son looks at her with open eyes while he whines of pleasure.

Her tail moves on the air with slowness, her juices drip in he the cub's groin.

Nick raises the hands to try taking his mother's breasts. She smiles on him and without stopping moving, Elizabeth bends over forward bringing her breasts near of her son.

Immediately Nick's hands take her tits, his hands cannot grab them completely. The cub squeezes her breasts with pleasure, their softness always surprises him.

Nick uses the thumbs to squash and to twist two nipples lightly, his mother shakes with pleasure. Her nipples are stimulated with much talent by her son, she feels pleased that her son loves her tits.

His hands always squeeze the tits with fascination for the first time.

Elizabeth enjoys feeling that the penis enters and goes out completely, her opening is big in order that the knot is not a problem. The moans of mother and son intensify while comes closer the moment the incestuous sexual intercourse's summit.

Shortly Elizabeth's vagina devours her cub's penis. She moves her ass in circles with a lot of speed. Nick moans with more force and he squeezes his mother's tits with force.

He clenches his teeth and instinctively he pushes his hips the moment that his member shoots cum in his mother while he growls fiercely.

The little spurts of seed sprinkle the vaginal walls. The reaction in Elizabeth is immediate. She pushes her head back and whimpers with pleasure when a great orgasm travels by all over her body.

Each muscle becomes taut and her vagina tightens around son's member, he feels the strong squeeze of the vaginal muscles. His penis is surrounded by the juices that drip from within Elizabeth, getting balls wet and groin of Nick.

Nick pants rapidly and he looks at his mother. She is sitting on his crotch, Elizabeth smiles at him kindly and lovingly. Her right forefinger plays with the left-hand ear of Nick.

He closes his eyes and puts on an ample smile; his tail moves with pleasure.

Elizabeth drops her tail, and she uses it to play with the tail of Nick, their tails move one on the other one playing around. Elizabeth's more long and thick tail has advantage over the tail of Nick.

"Mom. Can I put my cock in your ass?" Nick asks smoothly while he looks at his mother with a light petition gesture. Elizabeth caresses his right cheek affectionately.

"Dear, mom loves to have your little cock in her ass." Elizabeth says smiling smoothly before getting up. Nick takes a breath and moans when his member slips out from the cave of the love of his mother.

His cock his hits his stomach when it gets free. Elizabeth moves back, and she kneels down on the bed. Nick gets surprised when she holds him by the hips and she flicks him over to place him on his belly.

He feels that his mother takes her tail and pushes her aside with calm, Elizabeth's hands take the cheeks of the anus of Nick. Elizabeth squeezes and kneads his buttocks with pleasure.

Both cheeks fit in pretty well in their hands. Nick remains airless when he feels his mother's nose he gets in the crack of his anus. Respiration touches his sphincter, and that makes him quiver.

Elizabeth breathes in with slowness, she leaves the aroma of that makes you shudder.

She smiles, knows that her son will enjoy this.

"Mom!" Nick says opening the eyes with surprise feeling a slow lick to the complete length of the crack of his ass. Elizabeth smiles, content seeing Nick's reaction.

She licks the posterior hole affectionately. Nick moans with pleasure and he has his closed eyes, he feels the tip swirls on his sphincter.

Each motion of the tongue makes him quiver, his mother's lukewarm saliva slides to get to his balls. Nick moves his tail with pleasure while his mother does not stop.

Elizabeth puts her effort in this, her hands knead Nick's buttocks, her fingers moves between two ass-cheeks. Nick's moans fill the bedroom, he feels that his member hardens in the meantime it is pressed against the bed.

The pre-cum sprouts by the opening of the penis. Nick feels that tongue tip presses his sphincter with force. Pressure is intense and Elizabeth does not take long to achieve her aim.

Her tongue penetrates into the ass of Nick. He arches with surprise and pleasure; Nick has his closed eyes while he gets lost in this incredible feeling.

Her mother's tongue penetrates his anal passage, touching walls and getting them wet in saliva, Elizabeth does not stop, her son's sphincter squeezes her tongue with force.

She introduces her hand under the body of Nick and examines his crotch, she feels thrilled feeling her son's hard and palpitating cock. Elizabeth withdraws her tongue slowly; the tip gets out from the anal passage and a great saliva thread ranges from the hole that shakes to the tongue tip of Elizabeth.

Nick pants while he feels his mom moves, she takes the pillows she has near, and she piles them up. Nick sees that his mom gets comfortable on them and her ass is lightly elevated on the air.

"Come here dear, have fun." Elizabeth says affectionately.

He moves his tail with enthusiasm and rapidly he positions himself behind his mother.

"Runs to my room, you cannot push it into me dry." Elizabeth says simpering. Nick comes down from the bed and runs towards the room of his mother.

He gets into the room and he gets close to the bedside table to open the drawer, Nick introduce there and he looks for the lubricant bottles.

Nick finds it rapidly, and he rapidly returns to his bedroom, he walks back spilling the lubricant on his member, he scatters it on all his cock.

He moans and shortly afterwards he penetrates into his bedroom. His mom even is waiting in the same position. She uses her hands to separate her buttocks.

Nick again climbs in bed and he positions himself behind her. Elizabeth trembles lightly the moment that her cub spills some liquid on her sphincter.

Nick closes the bottle and drops it on the bed. With great emotion Nick gets in position introducing his member's tip between the buttocks of his mother, the tip touches the sphincter.

With a strong push, Nick's member opens sphincter and his shaft disappears inside the hole. Nick closes his eyes and feels that his member is involved by a pleasant warmth.

Elizabeth recoils smoothly, feeling that her rectum is invaded by the hard meat of her son.

The cock slips without problems, without arriving so deep, Nick moans smoothly and he moves his hips.

His ass moves up and down rapidly, he moans and growls of pleasure. His eyes are closed. Elizabeth moans and is delighted to be fucked in that hole, her buttocks shake with each blow of the groin of Nick.

She feels as the walls of her anal passage are caressed, her sphincter and moves back and forth with each thrust. She looks through her shoulder and sees happily that her son moans with pleasure.

She closes her eyes and concentrating on the pleasure that he feels. He fucks her with a lot of force.

Nick moans in the meantime, his penis of being stimulated, his knot gets between the buttocks of his on each push. His testicles bounce in the air and hit the pillows.

Nick's hands press with force the buttocks of his mom, she lets him the freedom to fuck her completely as he desires. Nick hears that she also pants and moans with pleasure.

His pre-cum drip inside her.

What not Nick cannot see is that the vulva of his mother, it is soaked and her juices get wet her pillows, the cloth caresses the clitoris softly when the pillows moves lightly.

That makes the pleasure of Elizabeth intensify. She with each motion of her son moans of pleasure, Nick pushes with force and his knot passes through the sphincter.

He increases the velocity of his pushes. Elizabeth feels that she is close to her orgasm.

"Nick... sweetheart... mom is!" Elizabeth says while she squeezes bedspreads. She feels that her son becomes wider on his pounding in her posterior passage.

Nick does not respond, and he pushes with force, growling ferociously, until his member releases sperm in the rectum. His strong push makes the hips of his mom go down lightly and the cloth caresses the clitoris softly.

Elizabeth's body arches lightly at the moment of a very good orgasm. She squirts juices getting wet on each part of the pillow.

Nick releases his mother's buttocks, and he lets himself fall on her. Elizabeth feels her son's weight on her body, is nothing annoying while he is knotted with her.

She can feel Nick's fast breath on his right ear.

Elizabeth does not move, and she waits until the knot lose its size. Her son is not as big as his father, not to take out his penis. Some minutes later, Nick moves to one side and his penis slips outside.

He rests back backwards in bed; his mother is leant on his right-hand side smiling to him.

"Thanks sweetheart, I love to have these moments of fun with you." Elizabeth says touching Nick's nose maternally. Nick smiles, and he enjoys that moment until his mother moves to get out from under the bed and without looking for his clothes, she takes the stained pillows.

"I will go to wash this; I will bring others." Elizabeth says getting out from the bedroom.

Nick sees as the ass and the tail of his mother budge slowly. Nick remains lying-down in bed and reminding the instructions of his mother, he immediate goes to the bathroom to clean.

He returns to his bedroom, and he sees his mother's placing the new pillows on the bed, she still is naked. Nick moves his tail with pleasure seeing her, his mother smiles at him and she gives him two pats on the head of an affectionate way.

Nick gets dressed just like his mother. He goes to the living room to watch television. For his fortune there are several interesting television shows that keep him absent-minded.

His father arrives one half-hour later, he seems somewhat tired while he checks two papers. Roger greets Nick with a smile and Nick receives him with joy.

Roger will look for his wife to talk with her while Nick continues watching television.

Nick enjoys the rest of the afternoon while he keeps seeing television, also he helps his father with the cleanliness of the garden.

Something easy since it is not a big garden, only a piece of land with a lawn and a place for flowers where his mother grows there. Hours pass and the night comes.

His mom prepares dinner and Nick still is reading a book. It is one old one that he found in the attic; it is about an adventure of pirates. His tail moves slowly while he enjoys the story.

Nick is so concentrated in the reading that gets startled when his father touches his shoulder.

"It is time for supper." Rogers says smiling. Nick nods he follows to his dad to sit at the table.

His mother serves dinner and they eat it with pleasure, her mother reprehends him a little since Nick takes big mouthfuls.

Around twenty minutes later the dinner is finish and they clear the table before sitting down to watch television side by side. Nick is seated next to his father; he embraces his mother.

Nick sees that his parents are content in this moment with some special touch or caress. One hour later it is time to Nick go to bed.

He says goodbye to his parents he and goes to his own bedroom, he closes the door and he gets undressed to remain in his underwear, he puts the pajamas before turn on the lamplight on the bedside table.

Nick turns off the light of the bedroom and he gets into bed. He puts on comfortably and turns off the lamplight. He does not expect that his parents tonight say good night to him, Nick knows that his dad is busy with his mother.

And he not this wrong.

He hears that his parents enter their bedroom contiguous to his, soon Nick hears growling and moans of pleasure, besides some blows of the headboard against the wall.

His dad told him that tonight he wanted to have some time alone with his mother. Nick accepted it. He has a fantastic time with his parents in bed, but they also want to be alone sometimes.

Nick looks for a position to sleep, but he keeps hearing the moans of pleasure that keep him awake around thirty minutes more until the moans stop.

Nick was trying falling asleep looking for a comfortable position and trying that his hard cock does not bother him. His mind does not require the imagination to keep him hard since sounds coming from the bedroom of his parents is enough in order that he cannot be quiet.

With calm, Nick introduces his hand under his pants of pajamas with the purpose of later on introducing it under his shorts. He takes his penis and moves his hand slowly; he feels a bit of his seed dripping on his hand.

Nick's eyes close and he continues moving his hand up and down. Nick moans and pants with pleasure, each motion of his hand makes him moan, but Nick stops when he hears that somebody knocks at his bedroom's door.

He sees that the door opens slowly and the head of his dad appears.

"Nick Are you still awake?" His dad asks with the undertone looking where Nick is.

"Yes, dad." Nick responds, releasing his penis and drawing his hand out from his pajamas.

Nick sees that his father opens the door, and as he enters the bedroom, he still is naked.

Nick's nose immediately gets the quantity of sexual aromas coming from him, the aroma of the body of his mother, his juices. Everything principally coming from the member of his father.

His cock wobbles lightly with each step. Roger gets close to the bed, and he sits beside Nick on the edge.

"Thank you for leaving me some time with your mother." Roger says placing on his right hand the head of Nick and stirring his hair lightly. Nick has a good time thereof.

"For nothing, dad." Nick says taking off the hand from his head. Roger smiles at him.

"Well, as we agreed this morning, I owe one to you, so as you listened to everything, it is turn, ok?" Roger asks looking at Nick and winking an eye.

Nick nods with enthusiasm and his father without taking too long he takes blankets off.

Roger does not get surprised at all to see a tent in the pants pajamas of Nick.

Roger's hands take Nick's pants and next to the shorts, he moves them down to the feet of Nick releasing his son's member. Nick moves and his tail moves slowly.

He shakes when his father takes his penis, Roger with care caress his son's shaft. His hand moves up and down slowly, Nick pants and closes his eyes.

The touch of the hand is something very pleasurable, more than making it by himself.

His big hand keeps moving, his pre-cum drips from the tip.

Roger watches content as his son moans of pleasure. He feels his hard cock, his right hand takes the knot to caresses it. Nick pants with pleasure, feeling a soft squeeze on that place.

Some moment later he stops the manual stimulation, Nick pants, he growls of pleasure when Roger leans forward and he takes his son's penis in his mouth.

Nick pants feeling that his dad's mouth surrounds his member, Roger moves his head slowly his tongue touches his son's penis, he perceives his taste with a lot of pleasure.

The shaft moves in and out slowly, his saliva drips covering the knot. Nick moans and enjoys this moment, it is an incredible feeling, his father's mouth is hot and wet.

The tongue touches his hard meat, and that adds more pleasure, his dad sucks with pleasure without stopping. Nick pants and moans while his pre-cum sprouts by the opening and the tongue of his father goes over it.

Roger draws the penis from his mouth and he licks all the length of the cock, his tongue goes by the knot, to concentrate on his balls. Nick feels that his balls are raised in the air with each lick.

Nothing new, but equally pleasant. Roger gets the two balls wet in saliva and he again takes the member in his mouth. He sucks Nick's cock slowly; the whole member fits in without problems in his mouth.

Nick pants and squeezes bedspreads, his pleasure is growing fast. He opens his mouth and growls without being able to say something. His dad notices it and he stops the sucking, with calm Roger allows that the penis slip out from his mouth. The cock falls on the stomach of Nick.

He pants rapidly, he was so close to the climax. Nick sees that his father climbs on the bed, and he positions himself on him. Nick sees his father's penis is at some centimeters over his.

From your position Nick sees that both members have the same form, but not the size.

Roger takes Nick's penis and seeing below him, he aims the small cock to the crack of his buttocks.

Nick gets surprised completely, he shakes lightly when his member's tip gets between the buttocks of his father, the tip caresses the fur while it moves until the tip touches a softer and hotter place.

Roger moves down his ass, and without a lot of trouble his sphincter opens letting pass the member. Nick pants with surprise to feel that the tip penetrates into the ass.

Heat surrounds his shaft that slides in without no problem. Roger smiles, feeling the intrusion in his anal passage. It is easy for him; he places his hands in bed.

Roger moves his ass up and down with slowness.

Nick moans of pleasure feeling that his penis is caressed on the way in and going out. Its dad's balls rock and bounce, bouncing on his stomach indigestion. They are big while he does not stop.

Roger moves his ass in circles with calm, the bed creaks lightly while he keeps riding his cub. Roger cannot hurry, neither being haughty to make this. His son shines with pleasure with each motion.

Nick sees as the penis of his dad rocks on the air, scattering pre-cum in several sectors and on his body as well. Roger gets surprised when Nick takes his penis and he masturbates him.

His hands move on the swollen member. Nick moves his hands while he moans of pleasure. His dad's penis is very hard, he feels that veins pulse with force.

Roger expedites his motions; his sphincter moves up and down around the shaft of Nick.

Nick moans with more pleasure and his hands move faster on the cock of Roger.

Both are they moan with pleasure strongly. Nick moves his hands rapidly, and he feels like the penis gets thicker in his hands. His father closes his eyes, and he growls with force.

From his dad's cock comes sperm spurts, Nick closes one eye when the seed falls on him, Roger moans and the muscles of his rectum squeezes Nick's penis with force.

He feels it and pushes with force. When his penis also releases semen, they cannot compare in nothing in the quantity of seed that his father releases.

Roger continues moaning and after some moments his penis finishes released seed, a last drop hangs from the tip of his cock. Roger laughs seeing that great part of the pajama of his son is smeared with a cum, his face also is dirty.

He gets up and Nick moans when his penis slips out from the hole of his dad, his member hits his stomach. Semen also drips from the sphincter of Roger getting wet in Nick's pajamas.

Roger moves and comes down from the bed while his cock wobbles.

"I should take this at the laundry." Roger says looking at Nick and taking pants and Nick's shorts to take them away completely and next to make with the rest of the clothing stained of Nick.

He uses the pajama to clean the face and chest of Nick. He moves the tail content when his father covers him with the blankets, his dad smiles at him in a friendly way. Roger gives him the good night before he goes out from the room closing the door.

Nick leans upon his right-hand side and he gets comfortable to sleep.

The next morning Nick wakes up with a pretty known sensation and something bother, he needs to urinate. He moans, feeling the bedspread against his hard erection.

He takes his penis to masturbate, Nick closes his eyes and moans with pleasure, but the feeling of the pressure in his body does not stop and he is compelled to release his penis and to uncover himself.

Nick still is naked; he comes down from the bed and he goes out from his bedroom to head toward the bathroom. His penis rocks slowly with each step, he rocks slowly.

He leads to the bathroom and sees that his dad is there naked, he is in front of the mirror while he dries his hair. The environment is humid. He took a shower.

"Good morning, dad." Nick says on the way in the bathroom.

"Good morning Nick." Roger says while he takes off the towel from his head.

Nick gets close to the toilet, and he takes his erection to aim it towards the toilet bowl, he frees his urine. Nick growls smoothly with bother since urinating with an erection is discomfort.

"Isn't it easy, uh?" Roger asks with a soft laughter to see the difficulties that Nick has. He nods since it is the first time that this passes him, with a bit of luck he avoids some spillage.

The difficulty part comes when he finishes, he shakes his penis lightly.

"You know? your mom's as it is undefended." Roger says with complicity and doing a light facial expression to Nick. That makes Nick move the tail with a lot of happiness.

Nick gets rapidly out from the bedroom and he gets into the bedroom of his parents.

He sees that his mother is naked in bed, she is sleeping over his belly while she has the head leant on her arms. Nick gets on the bed and crawls to position himself behind his mother, he moves the long tail and stuffed to leave her two buttocks in the open.

Nick places his hands on his two cheeks, he separates them to see the hole in between them. Nick is about to place himself in position, but he stops and knows that he cannot make it yet.

He gets down from bed to take a lubricant bottle that sees in the bedside table, his mother does not move without noticing what it happens. She does not feel when Nick goes back to climb on the bed.

Nick positions himself behind his mother. He opens the small bottle to spill some slippery liquid on his forefingers and annulling fingers. He places those fingers on the crack of the anus of his mother, Nick caresses the sphincter slowly.

His fingers move in that sector with calm, his mom does not react yet.

Nick feels moved, and he pushes his forefinger, he feels that his mother's hole opens and his finger penetrates slowly, he feels heat surrounding his finger that sinks slowly until his last knuckle

With calm he moves his finger in circles before pushing his other finger, his mother only moans smoothly without moving too much and continuing sleeping, Nick's penis is very hard and the pre-cum is dripping from the tip.

Nick moves his fingers in different directions for some minutes before that he stops and he takes out his fingers. Without waiting for more, Nick covers all his penis with lubricant and he closes the bottle leaving it on the bed.

With great emotion, Nick gets in position and he aims his penis at the crack of the ass of Elizabeth. The tip gets between the buttocks, and soon the tip touches the sphincter.

Nick does a strong push, he feels the sphincter opens and surrounds his shaft, his eyes close feeling as the anal walls surround his member. Nick takes pushes until his knot is between the buttocks.

Without wasting a moment, Nick moves. He moans of pleasure, his member is caressed by the entrails of his mother with each push, his groin hits the two buttocks repeatedly.

The cheeks of the anus shake in each thrust, Nick has his closed eyes, his penis moves in and out. It is an amazing feeling that he always enjoys.

"Nick?" His mom asks while she opens his eyes.

"What do you do, dear?" Elizabeth asks even drowsily while she looks over her right shoulder. But the motion in her anus gives him all necessary answers.

"Hi mom." Nick responds in the meantime he strops pressing his groin against the buttocks of her mother.

"You know? I was in a good dream that I do not have often." Elizabeth says looking at Nick with a comic smile.

"Oh... I'm sorry mom." Nick says with repentance to head woken up his mom. He lifts his ass withdrawing slowly his member.

"It is ok Nick; I did not say that you should stop. This was your father's idea, isn't it?" Elizabeth asks, looking at Nick. He sees that his mother faces the door, frowning and avoiding laughing smoothly.

Nick sees that his father does a mocking gesture, the playful interchange of looks enthuses Nick, his tail moves with joy. He again moves inside the ass of his mother.

Elizabeth does not say more, and he lifts his ass lightly to give a better angle to her son.

She closes her eyes to enjoy the anal unexpected fuck, her son's member moves rapidly.

She loves to feel it. Nick moans and growls of pleasure, his mother's sphincter moves around his member.

They hear the bed creaking. Elizabeth introduces her right hand between her legs. With calm, she caresses her clitoris.

Her body trembles lightly and she moans of pleasure. Nick listens to it while his ass keep moving, he pushes with force and his knot passes through the sphincter of Elizabeth.

She gasps and smiles feeling that her cub increases the force of his pushes, she also increments the intensity of the movement of her fingers on her clitoris.

Elizabeth moans with pleasure with force while Nick growls of pleasure. She presses her ass against the groin of Nick. The pleasure of grows up for them, and Nick pushes his hip with force the moment that his member releases semen in his mother.

She pushes her fingers in her vagina and her palm caresses his clitoris, this takes Elizabeth to her orgasm. Nick feels as his mother quivers below him.

Her moans are intense, Nick whines feeling that the anal walls shake around his penis. She lets herself fall on the bed.

She drags him with her, the groin of Nick presses against Elizabeth's buttocks.

Nick enjoys the heat of the fur of his mother. Elizabeth caresses the head softly and Nick moves the tail with joy.

"Go to clean." Elizabeth says at the moment of stopping the caresses. Nick nods, and he pulls his penis out. His knot stretches his mother's sphincter, she does not move and only does a light wince the moment that Nick extracts all his cock.

He comes down from the bed and runs towards the bathroom, his semi-erect penis wobbles on the air. Nick reaches the bathroom, and he cleans each centimeter and sector of his cock; he makes it with utmost care and attention.

He shudders lightly when the lukewarm water drips on his sensitive meat, Nick dries his crotch and he gets out from the bathroom. His ears get on alert when he perceives his mother's moans.

Nick walks toward the room of his parents and looks inside there, his tail moves when he sees that his father was once his place and he is fucking his mother's anus.

Elizabeth moans with pleasure, and she realizes that Nick is there.

"Sorry sweetheart, the breakfast takes long a little." Elizabeth says moaning and clenching her teeth when her sphincter moves hedging her husband's knot.

Roger moves with more velocity inside his wife, his pleasure grows just like of his wife. Nick sees his parents copulating. This would confuse him, if he knew nothing about it.

Now he knows that they enjoy this, he is a way that they enjoy spending their time side by side, Nick moves the tail content and soon he sees that his father growls and he pushes with force.

Nick knows that his father is shooting his seed inside his mother, Elizabeth shakes when she attains her orgasm. Nick sees that his dad father whine of pleasure for some moments.

When they calm down Nick leaves them alone to go down to the kitchen to wait for his mother. He feels a bit of hunger and he eats up some cookies since he is hungry, he eats them with pleasure until around twenty minutes later his mother enters the kitchen with Roger.

Both still are naked and Roger is attached to her rubbing his crotch on her buttocks.

Elizabeth laughs impishly, and she gets free of the grasp of her husband.

Roger sits beside Nick.

"Morning fuck is excellent, isn't it?" Roger asks looking at Nick with an ample smile.

Nick nods with enthusiasm. He sees at his mom; she is simpering while she prepares breakfast. She has it ready shortly and they sit down to eat.

Nick's hunger is been satisfied with and he feels pleased.

"Well, Nick. I will dress, I will go to put in order some details of my journey, perhaps you want to come with me." Roger says looking at Nick. He nods content.

"But take a bath first." Elizabeth says looking at Nick. He nods and comes down from the chair to go to the main bathroom and to take a bath. He washes the whole body with care

After his bath, Nick gets dressed rapidly.

When he is ready, Nick hears that his father draws the automobile from the garage. Nick hurries up to say goodbye to his mother and to meet with his father in the automobile.

Nick sits on the back seat and closes he closes the door. Roger drives.

It is Sunday, so the transit is fluent. There are few people on the street. Nick has fun looking at everything with attention, he sees that some business opens.

After around forty minutes Nick sees that they are getting to an immense parking spot with a lot of trucks parked there. Nick always found fascinating that his father could drive such big automobiles.

His dad stops the automobile in the entrance and he greets the guard, Roger parks the automobile near and comes down from the automobile with Nick.

"Let's go to the office." Roger says looking at Nick. They walk toward there and Nick sees a great bear close to the door drinking from a soda bottle. He is a big guy with a fur brown dark.

"Hey, Roger." The man says with a hand wave and deep voice.

"Hi Oscar." Roger says getting close to his friend and narrowing his hand. Nick sees that his father's hand disappears in the guy's hand before introducing Nick.

"He is my son Nick." Roger says laying his hands on the shoulders of Nick.

"My name is Oscar, boy." The bear says shaking the hand of Nick. Despite his size, Oscar's squeeze is soft.

"Nice to meet you, sir." Nick says trying to shake the hand. But it is something is impossible, Oscar smiles and shakes the hand of Nick.

Oscar releases Nick's hand. He hears that his father and his friend chat a moment. They chat on routes and other stuff related to his work.

After around ten minutes Oscar says goodbye to Roger and Nick. He goes away toward the lot automotive. Roger does a sign to Nick and both enter the building.

Nick greets the secretary, and he sits beside his father; he checks papers while Nick waits. They require that around twenty minutes before both went out from there and came closer to the sector where the trucks are parked.

Roger checks a truck in particular, it is the truck that he would use in his journey. Nick listens to his father attentively, he explains two things about the trucks to him and he allows him getting into the cabin.

Nick gets surprised for the size of the dashboard besides everything that it contains.

Roger gives him some indications about the instruments and how he uses them that interest Nick and he focuses.

Around ten minutes after Nick and his father come down from the truck and go the office where his father signs some paperwork before both go back to their automobile to return to their home.

Roger and Nick get to their house; Roger puts the car in the garage.

"Tell your mom we are here." Roger says looking at Nick. He nods and immediately he comes down from the automobile to go to look for his mother. He meets her at the main bathroom making some cleanness there.

She is completely dressed.

"Hi mom, we already returned." Nick says moving the tail content.

"Hi dear, I bought some ice cream. Wait for me in the kitchen." Elizabeth says winking an eye to Nick. He nods with a lot of enthusiasm and he runs to the kitchen to wait for his mother.

Nick licks his mouth with anticipation and waits for his mother. She gets in the kitchen around five minutes later and she opens the refrigerator. She smiles, seeing that her cub follows every one of her motions.

Elizabeth puts ice cream of vanilla and chocolate in a glass before put it on the table for Nick, he eats with pleasure while she looks at him smiling.

Nick finishes ice cream shortly, and he licks his mouth.

"Thanks mom." Nick says looking at his mother.

"For nothing sweety." Elizabeth says looking at Nick with a soft smile. Nick goes to his bedroom where he leans on his bed to rest and taking a magazine he has near.

He reads with joy. His attention becomes centered in an article that advertises next premiere of a movie he wishes to see with a lot of longing.

After sunset, his mom prepares dinner. Nick sits in the living's sofa room next to his father to watch television.

Roger looks for some interesting tv show, as it is Sunday, it is difficult to find some good tv show.

Roger does this until Roger finds one that seems interesting. It is a television show of variety, there are news of a different nature.

Nick does not render a lot of attention to him, but that changes when on the screen appears the facade of what it is the center of the explorers of the city of Zootopia. A cheetah that is a reporter is in front of the facade while the camera focuses on him.

"And the most renowned new of today, two groups of rangers; The troop nine hundred thirteen and the troop nine hundred seventeen attacked to the nine hundred fourteen troop to submitted them." The man says in the meantime even continuous looking to camera.

Nick gets surprised, just like his father.

"The attack happened during the monthly meeting of the explorers of the city of Zootopia, it is said that the members of the troop nine hundred thirteen and nine hundred seventeen submitted nine hundred fourteen troop. Both troops put muzzles to the kids of nine hundred fourteen troop, besides oblige them to march." The man says while focuses the building and a sector where is located the patio.

Nick gets surprised and he cannot imagine those boys that hurt him using a muzzle, that makes him feel happy and he moves his tail slowly.

"Apparently this took place like a retaliation by the similar deal that the members of the troop nine hundred fourteen had with a predator that tried to join up to the troop." The man says in the meantime the camera is focused on him.

Nick as his father gets surprised completely, the man is talking about him. Nick knows that this must be Tod's plan. That gets confirmed the moment that the news report changes to show Tod next to his mother.

Tod's mother is a woman with ample breasts and a thin figure. Her name is Marsha, it is a woman that always smiled at Nick and she treats him very well, he occasionally spends the night with his friends in her house.

"Your son's troop has been showed like the one that began this incident What think about this?" The man asks, bringing closer the microphone to Marsha.

"I do not approve my son's actions, but understand pretty well why he made it, the boy that was battered, he is a boy I know well and he did not deserve this kind of humiliation from those children. I think it is bad that these actions be not sanctioned by the leaders of the rangers. I thought the predators were treated in an organization that supposedly looks for the unity in Zootopia." Marsha says looking at with a lot of anger at the reporter.

"And regarding this situation, the leaders of the ranges had announced that they will create special troops for predators to avoid that this happen again." The reporter says looking at the camera.

Nick gets surprised by this.

"Well... Do you want to try it again?" Roger asks looking at Nick. Perhaps he wanted to enter a troop of predators where everything would be OK.

"I skip it, now am with the team." Nick says looking at his father. Roger nods and he smiles at Nick. They continue watching television until Elizabeth calls them.

Roger stands up and stretches his body a moment, Nick and his father meet with his mother to sit at the table and eating dinner. Nick enjoys it as much as his father.

Nick eats with pleasure. He eats with calm to savor everything, but even is the first to finish. His mother smiles at him and she does him a friendly facial expression, Nick moves the tail content.

He waits until his parents finish dinner, Nick next to his dad, and his mother sit down to watch television. Nick is sitting between them to enjoy the caresses.

They spend the next hour seeing a show of contests, Nick tries to guess the answer to every one of questions, the same as his parents. It is fairly commonplace that they try to make it.

Nick moves his feet lightly while his hands hold the cushion, he is on alert to respond to the questions. One hour later the tv show finishes and another show replace it.

His dad looks for other show, but he does not find something interesting.

"Well as it is a weekend, we could have some fun in bed before sleeping." Roger proposes looking at Nick and his wife. Nick nods and his tail moves with a lot of enthusiasm.

Nick immediately looks at his mom. She smiles on him smoothly.

"I do not dislike that idea." Elizabeth says looking at Nick. He gets excited more, and he stands up right away. Elizabeth mother laughs just like Roger. They get up and Roger stretches his body.

He places a hand on the shoulder of Nick, all of them toward the main bedroom. Nick gets ahead with his mother while Roger turns the lights off and he joins them shortly afterwards.

They move and get into the bedroom and Nick gets rid of his clothes rapidly.

His parents exchange comic light facial expressions and also take off their clothing.

In the short time they are naked too, Elizabeth takes Nick's hand and takes him to bed. Both get on the bed, with an affectionate and maternal way, Elizabeth leans Nick backwards in bed.

Nick sees that his dad also climbs on the bed. Roger smiles, and he takes Nick's balls and he stimulates them. Nick closes his eyes and enjoys the sensation.

He feels that a hand takes his sheath to give it pulls. Nick half-opens an eye and sees that it is his mother who stimulates his sheath. His member reacts by the stimulation.

Nick feels that his penis rapidly gets filled with blood and he gets more tough.

Elizabeth feels it and keeps with her caresses. Soon the tip of the penis of Nick passed through by the opening. This makes Elizabeth smile, and she looks at Roger. He looks content while his hand continues playing with the balls.

Nick's penis keeps growing quickly, he moans when his mother takes his cock to stimulate him, she moves her hand slowly. The penis knot grows on the base of the penis, and soon all the cock is ready.

With her objective accomplished, Elizabeth bends over to lick Nick's knot slowly. He gasps when the humid and rough tongue of his mom touches his sensitive meat.


But Nick shakes when feels the other tongue on his member, he sees that his dad had joined to his mother. Roger licks Nick's erection slowly, his saliva slowly keeps on covering his son's member.

He likes very much the taste; his own penis keeps on reacting in a minute and keeps on becoming full of blood. Nick moans of pleasure, his parents use his tongues to supply him a great oral pleasure.

The tongues of both touches repeatedly while they lick their cub's penis, Roger takes Nick's shaft, and he sucks it smoothly, hiss head moves up and down while his wife stimulates Nick's balls with calm.

Roger stops and takes out the penis to give it to his wife, Nick moans when he feels that his mother's mouth surrounds his penis and move in a slow way.

The small squirts of pre-cum sprout from the member of Nick and drip on the tongue of his mother, Elizabeth enjoys each drop while she continues sucking.

Nick moans and pushes his hips against the mouth of Elizabeth, Roger smiles seeing his son's reaction. Nick moves his ass, but his mother draws the penis from her mouth.

She and Roger again take jointly care of penis of Nick, they lick it and kiss smoothly in different parts. Nick's pleasure grows rapidly soon he is close to release his seed.

His parents begin an intense passioned kiss while they have his penis between their mouths, the two tongues touch and they dance around the shaft, that makes Nick moan and push his penis when he releases his semen.

The semen squirts spatter the provinces in the mouths of his parents, Elizabeth and Roger share their son's seed while both continue kissing.

Each sperm squirt is not wasted by them, both do not release Nick's penis until he shoots the last cum squirt before dropping his body in bed.

Nick pants and sees that his parents look content and again each other they are kissing, Roger uses a finger to pick up some cum that remain on the stomach of Nick, he takes his finger to his wife's mouth.

Elizabeth sucks her husband's finger slowly with great pleasure. She savors it with pleasure.

Nick pants rapidly, and he sees his parents smile at him smoothly.

"Nick. What seems to you, if we took care of your father, now?" Elizabeth says looking at Nick. He sits and nods with enthusiasm, that provokes that Roger and Elizabeth smile.

Roger moves does a gesture to Nick, he moves and his father takes his place, he opens his legs largely to make space for his wife and his son.

Nick and his mom get between the legs of Roger. She does a grin to Nick, and they work on the balls of Roger. Elizabeth licks the right testicle while Nick takes care of the left ball.

She sees that her cub makes the best that he can. Nick moves his tongue on the ball of his father, his testicle moves getting wet the saliva.

Unlike his mother, Nick cannot use the tongue to raise testicle without difficulty, he moves his tongue up. Roger moans and pants when his son's tongue touches his knot, the small tongue moves on all his knot slowly.

It is an amazing feeling ; he smiles openly, seeing his son is licking his knot with great pleasure.

Roger and Elizabeth look at each other and smile, Elizabeth licks Roger's shaft with calm, leaving the knot to his son.

Nick enjoys the taste of the penis; he sees as the tongue of his mother moves up on the length of the whole erection. With more enthusiasms, Nick licks the knot, and he uses a hand to stimulate his father's balls.

Roger moans and closes his eyes when his wife takes his penis in the mouth, Elizabeth moves his head slowly while he sucks the shaft, the cock shoots pre-cum that sprinkle her palate and tongue.

She savors and swallows them while he continues shaking her head, Nick opens his eyes with surprise when he sees that his mother takes down his head, Elizabeth feels as the shaft tip touches the entrance of her throat. She takes a breath and moves down her head leaving to her son open-mouthed seeing as the whole axis of its dad disappears in the mouth of his mother.

He cannot believe that this be possible, Nick stops his work to see his mother completely. Nick notices that his mother does not feel pain or bother. His dad growls with pleasure.

Roger moans and feels that the muscles of the throat of Elizabeth works on his shaft. She maintains her mouth stuck to her husband's knot. After some moments she moves her head back.

Roger's shaft reappears, covered in saliva; Nick sees that several saliva threads from the penis to the mouth of Elizabeth.

"Wow mom, how can you do that?" Nick says looking at his mother with a lot of amazement. Elizabeth licks the mouth, breaking the saliva threads.

"With enough practice, darling." Elizabeth responds by looking at her son and smiling to him.

Nick nods and his mother licks his dad's penis again, Nick does the same thing.

They lick Roger's cock on different sectors, Roger moans with pleasure, he feels the difference of both tongues on his penis, their wife's licks are more prolonged and the space that she can cover is major than Nick's licks.

Nick's tongue moves with more speed, he licks a vein that pulses with force, Elizabeth stops her licks and points the penis toward Nick.

He moves with enthusiasm the tail to take a part of the cock in his mouth and he sucks it with a lot of pleasure. His snout fills up with the hard meat, Roger moans and feels that his son sucks his member with zeal.

Only a part of the shaft is into the cub's mouth, his teeth rub on it lightly supplying a spare pleasure. Elizabeth looks content that Nick sucks with a lot of interest.

Elizabeth takes Roger's hips, and she flips him over slowly. Roger permits that his wife leans him on his right-hand side, at no time Nick released his dad's cock, he rests his head on the bed in the meantime he keeps sucking.

Roger looks at his son content, he feels that his wife raises his tail, Elizabeth licks her mouth and introduces his nose between the buttocks of Roger. He opens his eyes with surprise and growls when his wife's tongue touches his sphincter.

He feels as she licks that place slowly, her tongue moves up and down covering the posterior hole in saliva. Roger just like his son; he loves this feeling, and Elizabeth never would refuse to give them this.

Nick hears that his father moans and growls of pleasure, his mother left him complete control of the penis of his dad while she is busy at something else, Nick can know by intuition what she is doing.

Remembering what his mom made, Nick pushes his head and more of the shaft slides inside his mouth, the tip touches the entrance of his throat. Nick pushes more into his head and opens his eyes; he chokes when that the cock tries to get into his throat.

He stops for a moment and he breathes deep before trying it again, the tip passes by his throat and a spurt of pre-cum does more difficult than his attempt. Nick feels that his father places a hand on his head.

"Don't it... urghtt... you are not ready." Roger says caressing Nick's head.

Nick moves his head back and his father's member slides out from his mouth, he licks the shaft before putting it into his mouth and the sucking resumes in the meantime his mom continues eating his father's ass.

Roger is in the heaven of pleasure by combined job of his son and his wife, he feels that Elizabeth's tongue zigzags in his ass. She moves her tongue with pleasure, Elizabeth introduces the hand between the legs of Roger to stimulate the testicles with calm.

Nick moves his head, and he uses his right hand to be a squeeze and to caress his dad's knot.

He moves his hand on that place. His ears perceive that his dad's growling become a lot stronger. Roger closes his eyes and feels that he no longer can resist more than the great pleasure that he feels.

Nick feels that his father's penis gets thicker and hardens. Suddenly Roger pushes his hips against the face of Nick. He gets surprised when his father ejaculates in his mouth.

The sperm rapidly fill Nick's mouth and his cheeks fill up too, piquancy covers Nick's tongue, he swallows the whole seed while he keeps sucking.

Roger growls while his penis frees his cum. This stops after some moments. Elizabeth releases her husband's balls and withdraws her tongue.

He has the closed and pants when the tongue leaves his rectum, Elizabeth gives an affectionate kiss to his husband's posterior hole. Roger gets surprised when she gives him a playful spank.

Roger sees down, and he laughs smoothly when his look crosses with the look of Nick.

His son even has his penis in the mouth, he looks funny. With calm Nick draws the penis from his mouth and a little semen squirt sprinkles his eye.

Roger laughs he sits and Nick's eye does the cleaning.

"Now is time to work on your mother." Roger says looking at Nick. He immediately moves the tail with great pleasure. Elizabeth sees content the desire of her cub and she leans backwards on the bed and she opens her legs largely.

Nick and his dad come closer and they get between the legs of Elizabeth side by side, she sees content that they look their vulva with a lot of interest. Roger does a gesture to Nick.

He takes out his tongue and uses the tip on the clitoris of his mother, Elizabeth gasps when his feel the delicate touch of the tongue into that place. Nick moves his tongue's tip, twisting the little pink bulk in different directions.

Roger hears that his wife moans, and he also uses his tongue, he moves his tongue's tip between the vaginal lips of his wife, juices drip on his tongue.

Elizabeth closes her eyes and enjoys this; each sector of her slit is stimulated. Nick closes his lips around the clitoris to suck it and to pull it smoothly.

His mom whines with a lot more force, she writhes of pleasure while her fists squeeze bedspreads. Nick moves his tail with pleasure seeing that his mother is enjoying the moment completely.

Roger pushes his tongue inside Elizabeth and moves it in different directions. He makes it with pleasure while he feels that his member gets tough again.

Nick releases his mother's clitoris when his father does him a sign, he moves his laying it on the pink package. Nick's tongue moves further down to take care of the slit.

He closes his eyes when he feels the juices on his tongue, he likes a lot. Nick pushes his tongue sticking his mouth into the vulva the best that his tongue can push to deeper.

Elizabeth feels it and moans with pleasure, Nick's tongue moves in her tunnel with a little more freedom because of his size. Nick tries his best to make it as his father dad uses to do.

Roger continues stimulating his wife's clitoris, but he uses his fingers instead of his tongue. He pricks smoothly, achieving that Elizabeth arched of pleasure.

Nick tries not to separate from the cave of the love of his mother, he moves his head to make it, he feels as juices flow in his mouth. Moans and heavy breathing become a lot stronger.

Elizabeth takes her breasts to stimulate them adding more pleasure to this moment, she twists the nipples with the fingers. Two minutes later Roger smiles, seeing that his wife's body shakes.

She moans with force, pushing her crotch against the face of Nick at the moment of the orgasm. He feels that his mouth gets wet when the juice squirts get out from the vagina.

The squirts are many abundant, Nick's chin gets wet also while he sees that his mother's thighs close around his head, pressing it with force.

Elizabeth moans of pleasure without control and her body shakes off without noticing of what happens with Nick. He moves his head to get rid of the grip of the thighs, a juice squirt sprinkles his face.

Roger sees his son's struggle, and he helps him separate the legs from his wife to liberate Nick. She does not rest much since her orgasm finishes some moments later.

Nick cleans his face and Roger laughs. Elizabeth pants and lifts her head to see her husband and son. Roger and Elizabeth exchange looks while they see Nick cleaning his face.

"Now... what we do?" Roger asks looking at Nick to see which is what he proposes.

"Why don't you concede me a wish?" I want to see as Nick fucks your ass. Elizabeth says looking at her husband mischievously and next to Nick.

"I think we should please your mom's wish." Roger says smiling smoothly and looking at Nick. He nods since he wants to make something that makes happy his mother.

Roger without saying nothing but he moves to crawl and to get himself in front of his son, Nick sees that his father shakes his anus in a funny way, meanwhile Elizabeth takes the lubricant bottle and opens it to kneel next to the ass of her husband.

Nick sees that his mother opens the bottle, she empties some on her forefingers and means, she puts her fingers into the crack of the anus of Roger. He gasps when fingers touch his sphincter.

Elizabeth rubs her fingers in a slow way, and Roger pants. Nick sees that as his mother takes upon herself to lubricate his dad's hole.

He sees that his mother pushes his finger that slides inside Roger, she moves her finger inside and out. Roger moans smoothly, feeling the motion in his rectum.

His anal walls get covered with lubricant. After some minutes Elizabeth takes out her finger and spills lubricant on her palm. Nick shudders when his mother's hand closes around his penis.

She caresses all her penis, covering it with the cold and slippery lubricant. The hand moves covering each sector, Nick moans and pants with pleasure and his penis gets more tough.

His pleasure grows, and his mother suddenly stops the manual stimulation. Nick sees that she smiles at him. Nick positions himself behind his dad. He guides his penis to the midway of the buttocks of Roger.

The tip gets in the crack and Roger waits until the tip of the penis of his son touches his sphincter.

"Right there." Roger says to suggest to his son he is on the correct spot. He waits a little and feels Nick's strong push, Roger's sphincter is pressed and the member suddenly penetrates into the ass of Roger.

Nick moans and closes his eyes, feeling that his member slides inside the anal passage of his dad. Nick feels that heat surrounds his penis and his knot is stand between the two buttocks.

Roger does not feel much pain, only a light bother. Nick is not very large so he cannot handle it. Elizabeth sees as her son lays the hands on the buttocks of his father.

He moves slowly enjoying the incredible feeling, his ass moves back and forward.

Elizabeth wishes to see of more fence and she leans back in bed to position herself below her husband. Roger moans and opens his legs largely in order that his wife can pace herself in a position of sixty-nine with him.

She sees that as the penis of her cub moves in and out from the anal passage, she sees as the sphincter moves back and forth around the axis of Nick. He whines of pleasure.

Roger moans with pleasure and pants when his wife takes his penis in the mouth to suck it slowly, the mouth moves up and down slowly. Elizabeth enjoys the taste of the meat of her husband. She shakes when Roger licks her slit.

She feels as the tongue moves on her clitoris and the whole slit.

While Roger have fun by his own means, Nick fucks his father's ass with great pleasure, the anal walls caress his cock. A tunnel is hot and tight like the one of his mothers.

He cannot find a difference between both; his groin hits his dad's buttocks. His penis shoots pre-cum into the tunnel.

Nick gets surprised when his mother's hand takes his balls to caress them softly. He feels that she squeezes with care besides play with them in her fingers.

Roger moans enjoying this moment, he is a double pleasure, but pleasure has his peak when the tip of the penis of Nick hits his prostate when the cock moves in again.

Roger growls with pleasure while he pushes his tongue inside his wife, he moves his tongue inside Elizabeth. She whines and continues sucking the member, the pre-cum drips on her tongue and she tastes it.

Roger's penis becomes hard into her mouth, she sees that his son does a strong thrust and the knot opens Roger's sphincter to pass through it. Roger moans with a little of pain.

Nick immediately moves faster into his dad. He whines of pleasure while his anus moves without control, Nick's pleasure grows repeatedly.

Elizabeth releases her husband's penis, Roger's member rocks, scattering pre-cum on the breasts of her wife. Roger moans and knows that his son is close to come to his climax.

He takes out his tongue out from the push. Soon he and his wife hear that his son growls with a lot of force. Nick pushes with force, releasing his semen inside his dad.

His hand squeezes the buttocks with force while he continues ejaculating for some moments more.

Roger moves, and he smiles to see between his legs, he sees that his wife looks closely to his anus. She opens her eyes when Nick pulls his penis out from the anus of Roger.

She sees as the penis of his son rocks lightly and a drop of cum drips on his straight cheek.

Nick pants and his father moves to one side to be next. Roger kneels to take his penis and to shake it.

Roger smiles at Nick and he moves his finger in circles. Nick takes no time to understand the message, he crawls to get himself in front of his ad, Nick leans on his elbows and knees with the purpose of lifting his ass.

Nick waits and soon he feels that the big hands of his dad take his ass. Roger presses his two cheeks with calm and separates the two buttocks, Nick's eyes open and he moans softly the moment that he feels a lick in the crack of his ass.

The tongue moves up slowly, it passes on his sphincter covering it with saliva. Roger smiles and looks at his wife, Elizabeth smiles smoothly. She sees that his son has his eye close, and he moans when Roger repeats the action.

Roger uses his tongue to stimulate the posterior entrance to relax it slowly.

Nick moans and pants with each touch of the rough tongue, he feels that his penis again keeps on getting hard and it does not hide in his sheath.

The tongue tip moves in circles on her hole, the saliva runs to his balls and get wet them completely. Roger licks with calm and takes the lubricant bottle.

He opens it and shoots some squirts on his forefingers and ring finger. Roger rubs his fingers one against the other one before stopping his licks and laying both fingers on sphincter of Nick.

The touch makes Nick shake lightly, the yolks of the fingers caress his sphincter. He pants and sees that his mother looks at him attentively.

"You gave a great show, I never saw that from so close." Elizabeth says, placing her left hand on the head of Nick to caress it.

"Thanks mom mother." Nick says pleasure that he did his job. He opens his eyes and takes a breath when his father's forefinger penetrates into his anus.

The finger moves in different directions, back and forward. Nick moans, feeling the strange and unusual sensation that he enjoys. Roger pushes his finger knowing what he must touch, he lays his finger's tip on the prostate of his son knowing what this causes.

Immediately Nick's body arches of pleasure feeling that touch that makes his penis jump and a spurt of pre-cum goes out flying and it land between his hands.

Elizabeth does a gesture to her husband in order that he did not press her son a lot, Roger nods and moves his finger toward back for continuing the preparation of the hole.

Nick has a deep breathing feeling it, another finger suddenly enters his ass. Both fingers stretch his hole. Nick does not move in the meantime, his tail is aside to make everything easy for his father.

Roger shakes when suddenly cold lubricant is spilled on his member, Elizabeth's hands take his cock to scatter the lubricant on all the lengths of his cock.

She makes it with slowness. Roger and his wife look at each other and exchange soft smiles. Nick does not see that his parents are kissing a moment, he pants feeling that fingers move in his anus.

Roger feels that Nick's sphincter already is loose, he takes out his fingers and Elizabeth guides his penis to the buttocks of Nick. The tip gets inside between the ass-cheeks, Nick feels that his sphincter is covered with by the tip the penis of his dad, he gets ready.

Roger pushes forcing the hole of his cub to open, Nick moans with bother and he does a light scream of pain when the tip conquers the resistance of his hole.

His sphincter opens and wraps around the tip of the penis of his dad. He stops for a moment.

Roger kneads his son's buttocks, and he gives them a soft squeeze, Nick nods in the meantime he no longer feels nothing of pain.

Roger pushes slowly, he moans with pleasure feeling that his son's entrails wrap around his penis, the hard meat keeps on penetrating into Nick, it is stretching his anal walls.

Nick pants feeling as his posterior tunnel keeps on filling up slowly, each sector is touched, he shakes when the member goes over his prostate, his father takes his hips and he moves slowly.

Roger moans with pleasure. His son has one of the tightest asses that he fucked in life. He moves at a moderate rhythm, Nick moans with pleasure, he feels that his father's balls hit his own testicles with each push.

The member moves with a lot of facility in his anus stimulating each sector in his rectum, the anal walls send sensations of pleasure. His penis is very hard, bouncing below his stomach.

His pre-cum spatters the sector under his body. Nick's buttocks are hit by the groin of Roger producing that pretty known sound for Nick.

He has his closed eyes while he enjoys each of the push, his father moans with force. Nick gets startled when he feels that some liquid is poured on his penis, he opens his eyes and sees that his mother is at his side there is a water bowl below his body.

Elizabeth takes soap to wash her son's penis, she covers her boy's erection with froth. Nick moans with pleasure, his father decreases the rhythm of his pushes.

Nick feels sees that his mother washes his penis, she moves her hand with calm. Stimulation is pleasurable for Nick; Elizabeth enjoys this as well.

She enjoys pleasuring her cub and feeling when the cock getting harder in his hand, she cleans each zone before pouring water in the member, Nick shakes when the lukewarm water falls on his sensitive meat and takes the whole foam off.

Soon he feels that the cloth dries his penis with calm, the cloth is rough and it does him to shake with bother, but that stops after some moments. Roger resumes his pushes, and he moans with pleasure again.

He sees that his mother takes the cloth and the water bowl besides the soap before getting out from the bedroom. Roger keeps moving with great pleasure, each push makes his son moan.

In a few minutes Elizabeth returns and climbs on the bed again, Roger stops and Nick opens his eyes, he sees that her mother is before him leaned backwards and with the open legs, she smiles affectionately while she keeps her vaginal lips separate.

Roger releases Nick, he crawls forward and the big member slides out from his hole, Nick positions himself between the legs of his mother and he takes his penis to aim it at his mother's pink cave.

The tip gets between the vaginal lips, and he pushes his penis. Nick pants and closes his eyes, feeling that he again enters such a warm and soft place.

His hips go down and the penis sinks again into his mom. She has her closed eyes enjoying this, Nick moves slowly of her mother, he enjoys each push in that marvelous hole.

His eyes are closed while his ass moves up and down, he feels that his mom's hands take the cheeks of his ass, Elizabeth moans with pleasure and she separates Nick's buttocks for Roger.

He says absolutely nothing, and he positions himself behind his son, Nick stops and looks over his shoulder, his dad smiles openly at him while he points his penis. The tip touches Nick's hole.

He growls smoothly when his dad's penis penetrates in him a single push, Roger does not get worried because Nick's hole even is relaxed. He moves and moan with pleasure.

Roger's pushes make that Nick resumes his thrusts in his mother. Elizabeth moans with pleasure when her son's penis again moves in her vagina.

Nick's penis moves in and out completely from his vagina, his vaginal walls are caressed and release more juices that wrap up his son's cock. Roger moans and growls, moving his penis in Nick.

"We will give a more pleasure to mom, ok Nick?" Roger asks moaning in the right ear of Nick.

He nods and sees that his father takes the right nipple in his mouth, Nick immediately takes care of left-hand nipple. Elizabeth gasps and moans with more force, feeling the stimulation on her nipples.

The bed squeaks while Nick moans and enjoys this, he is trapped in the center of the orgy, it is the more incredible thing that he felt until now. The pleasure that he feels is twice since the vaginal walls caress his penis and his dad's penis stimulates his anal walls, caressing his prostate when it moves.

Roger releases his wife's nipple, and he stretches himself a little to kiss her, she accepts the kiss and wraps up with his legs the best that she can his husband's ass, he increases the velocity of his pushes in Nick achieving that the cub moans with a lot more pleasure.

The kiss breaks after some moments and Roger increases velocity, he feels that soon he would come to his climax, so he pushes with more force.

Nick releases his mother's nipple and grunts with pain while he clenches his eyes and teeth when his dad's knot distends his hole, his sphincter slides over the mass of meat when he is knotted by his father.

Roger growls feeling that he has his penis stuck in his son, he resumes his pushes making them faster and making the pushes of Nick also be quicker inside Elizabeth.

Nick moan with more pleasure, just like his mother. Elizabeth feels that she is close to her orgasm. Nick moans and his penis hardens more, his dad's penis gets thicker in his rectum.

The reaction in his body begins, Nick grunts of pleasure and his balls release his semen that runs rapidly by all their penis before getting out in the form of squirts inside his mother.

Nick's climax is also accompanied by his parents, Elizabeth whimpers with pleasure since his cub's cum sprinkles her vaginal walls and this takes her to the orgasm.

Roger growls since the anal walls clenches each portion of his penis with force, he pushes shooting his seed in Nick. His groin presses against Nick's ass with force.

He feels that his rectum is filled with lukewarm and thick semen, his dad's penis pulsates with a lot of force, the vaginal walls squeezes his penis also making his climax much more intense.

The point of the orgy's summit finishes after some moments and Nick collapses on his mother, he pants fast and his mother smiles at him lovingly.

She caresses him and she kisses him on the forehead, Roger smiles at his son. Nick sees that his parents exchange looks, Roger moves with calm to lean upon his left-hand side.

"Bedtime, sweetheart." Elizabeth says smiling and giving a soft kiss to Nick on the forehead.

"Good nights mom, dad." Nick says looking at his father and next to his mother.

"Good night." Roger says with a smile.

"Good nights, treasure." Elizabeth says smiling. Nick chooses his mother's left-hand tit like a pillow, he rubs his head on it and he closes his eyes, his ears perceive that his parents are kissing one more time, but he falls asleep almost instantly after this incredible night.

Nick Wilde and his mother are © Disney

Roger and the other characters are mine

Written by Janus Oberoth