6 - Brian makes it

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#8 of Am - Brian

What's that saying about getting everything you wish for? Written 2014.

Brian was having a good dream, and he knew it. His sister was stroking his hair as she held his head against her bare breasts. She stopped and turned him to face a white cat morph, "This is my friend Belle. She needs a friend like you."

The cat slid her paws over his bare shoulders and pressed her soft, furry body against him with a seductive purr, "Nice to meet you, Brian. Your sister has told me a lot about you. Especially about how much she enjoys this." She slid her soft paw down his body and wrapped it around his large erection. She leaned closer to rub her nose against his ear and her whiskers tickled inside it, sending erotic shivers down his body as she whispered, "I can't wait to try it out for myself."

Julie Ann swatted his butt and whispered in his other ear, "You made me feel so good, I just couldn't keep you all to myself. Show my friend how good you can fuck her, too." She smacked his butt harder and his erection pulsed in the cat's paw.

Belle pushed him down on the bed and crawled lithely up his legs to nose suggestively at his towering shaft. Her whiskers teased as she licked the sides, then licked the end with a smile. She stood up and slid her paws down her body, showing off her ample breasts emerging from her long, white fur. Her paws found his thighs and she slid them up his body, leaning low to press her furry chest against his shaft. She gripped his shoulders and slid her soft fur up his body until her breasts pressed against his face.

He reached up and held those tender mounds, covered in soft fur. He pressed them against his cheeks and listened to her purrs. He couldn't imagine a better place to be, especially with his sister encouraging it, then she showed him how it could be better.

The cat sat up on his legs, holding his hands on her furry breasts as she rubbed her furry sex along his long penis. She slid one paw down her body and smiled as he watched her guide his eager shaft inside her. Her purrs echoed his own pleasure as he started humping into her. She leaned down, pressing her furry body against his, and her whiskers tickled his ear as he continued to thrust eagerly.

"I would love to feel your dick in my ass," a familiar male voice echoed in his ear. The cat's fur was short and black. ShdwKt sat up on him and suddenly was Tom. The man put the boy's hands on his penis, "Stroke me off, Brian. Give me something."

Brian panicked and tried to get out from under the man, but he grabbed the boy's face and pulled it to his crotch. The huge penis and balls got bigger as they got closer.

"You've been leading me on all week. You wanted to hang out with me. You wanted to have sex with me. There are plenty of things we can do. You can play with my pussy anytime. You really just want sex. Well, we can do that. Show me your cock, Brian. We're friends!"

The man's voice was suffocating him as much as the giant dick and balls covering his face. He struggled to escape, but it seemed hopeless. Suddenly, he broke free and and pushed away. He kicked those balls and ran.

He landed in his sister's arms and she was rubbing his chest. He felt safe again and relaxed against her. Her touch was always comforting, soothing, arousing... Her hand drifted down his body and found his erection. She stroked it gently and whispered in his ear, "I know where you really want this and after the day you had, you deserve it."

She swung her leg over him and he watched her slowly slide his penis inside her. He looked up her body as she sat up on him and it was covered in short, white fur. Her face had changed and long ears stood on top of her head. She leaned down and rubbed her furry breasts against his cheeks. "I was saving this for Don, but you're my brother and I love you, too."

He held her close as she moved on him and he reveled in the bliss. Instead of driving him to orgasm, it was relaxing being tucked inside his sister as a rabbit, with his face pressed against her warm, furry breasts. All the stress and fear from the day drained away and he felt like the rest of the world just didn't exist as he fell gently asleep.

He did want one more thing to exist in his world. Gizelle smiled at him as she sat on the log in the woods. He walked to her and she lay back, spreading herself open for him. The invitation was just the welcome he wanted and he pushed his ready rod into her waiting honeypot. Everything was right with the world as he slowly pushed in and out of his bear. She rolled him over and sat on top of him, squeezing and moving on his rod.

She smiled as he released his cream into her honeypot with a moan, then leaned down and rolled them over again.


The dream shattered and he jumped, ready to get away from whatever he was doing wrong. He stood up and looked around, then realized that he was standing on the bed with his sister glaring angrily at him and quickly jumped down. He saw his erection escaping his pajamas again and quickly covered it. She snatched her plush dog out of his hands and he tried to tuck his penis back in his pants.

"I'm sorry I woke you like that, but you wet yourself, then rolled over and messed up my bed. And Albert." She held up the plush, showing him the wet spot on its back.

He knew the toy was important to her and he was in big trouble for messing it up. In his panic, he used the nickname he had made for her when he was still a baby. "I'm so sorry, Julann. I'll wash him." He reached for the dog, but she held it higher.

"No. I'd rather mom do it, so nothing happens to him."

Getting their mom involved was the last thing he wanted, "Please don't tell her."

"I'm not going to tell her what happened."

"Oh thank you. She still has the plastic sheets and I hate sleeping on those."

"Its fine. Just go get yourself cleaned up."

He hugged her gratefully, "Thank you."

"Brian! I just took a shower."

He jumped back, afraid of losing his small win. "I'm sorry."

She reflexively wiped her thigh with what was in her hand, then realized what she had done and gave an exasperated groan, "Just go get those wet pants off and get in the shower."

He hurried past her, getting a swat on his butt that brought a smile back to his face as he opened the door. He looked back at her as he closed it, finally realizing she was wearing just a towel, then hurried to the bathroom.

He stripped down and turned on the water as he thought about the start to his day: a good dream, a good view ... What else could make the day better? Anything was an improvement from the previous day, but this was starting out to be a world apart. He finished up his shower and dried off, but when he tossed the towel in the hamper, he noticed something that shouldn't be there. He reached in and pulled out his plush dinosaur, Pachy. He wondered why it was in the hamper in the bathroom, instead of on his headboard in his room. Sure, it fell down sometimes, but this was more than gravity. Maybe Julie Ann knew something. He pulled on his pajama bottoms and walked to her room.

Without thinking, he opened the door and walked in, "Hey Julie Ann, do you know what happened to..." He froze as he tried to absorb the reality of what he was seeing. His sister was sitting at her desk, awkwardly leaning over her closed computer, wearing nothing but a towel draped across her lap. Her wavy, red hair cascaded down her back as her breasts hung freely below her hunched chest. He followed every curve and feature, wanting to remember this image in every detail.

"To what, Brian?" She gave him an annoyed glare, then noticed that he was staring at her. She glanced down, then quickly tried to cover her bare breasts with one arm while she scrambled to pull up the towel with her other hand, "BRIAN!"

He smiled, still enjoying the view and adding pluses to his day. "I should keep a camera with me for moments like this."

"Out, NOW!" She lunged towards him, but he backed out quickly and closed the door between them.

He stared at her door, still picturing what was behind it as he backed across the hall until he bumped into his own door. When Julie Ann rushed out of her room and down the hall, he watched with a smile, firmly convinced that nothing could ruin this day and nothing could make it better.

Another door opened and his younger sister, Kristine peeked out of her room at him. He checked to make sure nothing was sticking out of his pants, then opened his door and slipped back into his room to get dressed.

School was uneventful and he rushed home without stopping. He didn't want to take a chance on anybody interrupting his good mood. He dropped his bike and ran upstairs to his room. He couldn't wait to get online and tell somebody about his morning.

The chat room was busy, but he didn't care what they were talking about. He didn't really want to be in that much of a spotlight, either. Fortunately, a message popped up.

PM from Rutter: hey B. Trick made another room for us because it got crowded. Its just me, him and Vicky right now. come on over

Msg to Rutter: Good. I have something to tell you guys.

Bearaiayen has entered #TheBackRoom.

Trickaphilia: Hey, B. Welcome to the back room.

VickyStix: Hey there, Bear.

B: Hey, Vicky. I'm not a bear.

R: so whats the news, B?

V: Oh? Then what are you?

Msg to Trickaphilia: Is it okay to talk about my sister with Vicky here?

B: I'm just a boy.

V: Then what's with the name?

B: It's my name. What's with Stix?

V: Oh, I'm Vicky Stix, the sticky vix. Nice to meet you.

Vicky holds out a gooey paw.

B: Why are you sticky?

V: I'm just a normal red fox vixen, but I love to get covered in thick, oozy stuff, especially honey and other edible goo.

B: Um, okay. Wouldn't that make your fur nasty?

V: I like how it makes my fur feel slick and silky, and when it dries out too much, I can wash it out and do it all over again.

PM from Trickaphilia: Sorry, I'm trying to moderate the main room. Why don't you ask her?

R: come on, B don't leave me begging

B: It involves my sister. Is Vicky okay?

V: I'm fine. What's going on with your sister?

R: Vicky is good. weve talked about lots of stuff

B: Well, I wanted to tell you guys about my morning.

V: Where are you?

R: hes in eastern USA

V: Oh, I'm in Oregon. Hello, neighbor.

R: so what happened this morning?

B: Well, it started with a good dream. A really good dream.

V: You gotta give us more than that.

B: I was having sex with Gizelle on the log and it was really good. Then my sister yelled at me and I woke up. I slept with her in her bed last night. She said I wet her bed, but I think I came instead.

R: give him some time to type

V: Sorry.

V: Who's Gizelle?

R: shes a bear morph he met in the woods and they had sex. he got pics and video too

V: Oh. Can I see? Did he have sex with his sister, too?

R: not yet but hes trying

R: the pics are in his shared folder but I think you should ask him

R: B, did you get any in her?

B: I got it on her sheets and her stuffed dog, then I hugged her and she was only wearing a towel, so I got it on her leg, too.

V: Is he trying to get his sister pregnant?

R: I dont think so but its not sex if it doesnt get in

V: Speak for yourself. I can enjoy sex without putting anything in me.

B: I haven't gotten to the best part, yet.

R: oh yeah lets hear more

V: You're being awfully creepy about it. If I had a brother and he was acting like you, I'd probably kick him in the balls instead of taking him to bed with me.

B: I took a shower and when I came back, she was sitting at her desk, completely naked. She didn't try to cover herself when I came in, either. I got a nice long look and she didn't care.

R: seriously?

V: If she doesn't care, why is it so special that you saw her naked?

R: did you get pics?

B: She got upset when I said I should get my camera.

R: bugger

V: How convenient. Do you even have a sister or is this part of your dream?

T: Convenient would be her handing him a camera and posing for him.

T: We've seen the pics of her and she's worth chasing.

T: But seriously B, see if you can set up your camera in her bedroom. The shower proved it worked, now let's get adventurous.

B: You really think I should risk it?

R: it really worked

R: im still enjoying it

V: Sounds like she doesn't want naked pictures of herself on the internet, but what do I know...

T: You're doing so well, it would be a shame to quit now

R: maybe when she sees how much we enjoy them shell let you take some better ones

B: I should go do that now, before she gets home.

R: go for it B were behind you

TheGreatO has joined.

R: hey o

O: Hey B. I heard you're getting some more action. Got pics?

B: I'm off to take care of that now. Bye.

O: Wait a second.

Bearaiayen has quit.

Brian smiled as the thought sank in. He was going to make the day end even better than it started. He looked on his desk,but his camera wasn't there. He checked in his closet, then remembered that he never got it out of the bathroom. He ran out to the hall, hoping nobody picked it up, but saw Kristine closing the door. He groaned in frustration; they must have gotten home while he was chatting. He could at least make sure it was still in there. He went back to his room and loaded the camera software; it connected.

He expected to see his little sister using the toilet, or washing her hands or something; that would have been a quick look and turn it back off. Instead, he found her sitting on the toilet with the lid closed and her pants off. She was facing the counter with her legs spread, so he could see clearly as she pulled her young vagina open. She looked like she was trying to bend herself in half and smell it. She gave up and pushed her fingers inside, then smelled them. She seemed bothered by the smell and quickly grabbed a washcloth, rubbing and wiping urgently. He wondered what might have made her smell bad down there and why her usual bath wasn't enough.

She jumped off the toilet and reached across the counter to grab something, then sat back on the toilet. She started working at her vagina with something. After a moment, she smelled it, then went to the sink to rinse it off. It looked like a toothbrush. It looked like his toothbrush. Brian clamped his hand over his mouth and made a mental note not to brush his teeth ever again. Then he wondered if she had ever done that before. Had he been brushing his teeth with his little sister's vagina flavor? He needed to know what she was trying to wash off. He watched her finishing up a second round of scrubbing with his toothbrush, then she stopped and leaned her head back for a moment. She tossed the toothbrush in the sink, then opened the toilet and used it. She wiped herself, flushed and pulled her pants on, then left, while Brian stared at the screen. He remembered finding his toothbrush sitting in the sink last week; he couldn't decide if he should be sick now or not.

He closed his computer and walked slowly to the bathroom. He stood in the doorway and stared at the toilet for a moment, remembering what he had just seen. He looked at the sink and walked over to find his toothbrush sitting at the bottom. He picked it up like a dirty tissue and dropped it in the trash can. He thought he knew all he wanted to know about his little sister, but now he learned something new and it gave him more questions.

He picked up his camera and unplugged the cord; the clip was still on the counter and he grabbed that, too; then headed for his room. He stopped in the hall and looked at Julie Ann's door, having some second thoughts about putting his camera in her room.

Kristine came out of her room down the hall and ran downstairs without even noticing him standing there.

He decided that it was better to know as much as he could. If he had seen Kristine use his toothbrush the first time, he never would have used it again. He looked down the hall at her room, wondering what he could learn. He didn't want to go in now, while she was home, and risk getting caught setting up his camera. He would have to find some other time to do that. Besides, he had told the guys in the chat that he was going to get pictures of himself with Julie Ann. He opened his older sister's bedroom door and slipped inside, closing it quietly behind.

He looked around the room, lit dimly by the single window. He knew where all the furniture was, but he had never really looked around her room before. It seemed smaller than his, but maybe that was just because she had a bigger bed and more furniture. He put his camera on her bed and started with her desk. It was simple and not very cluttered, so no places to hide anything. He sat in the chair and looked around it. The closet looked towards the bed, but he wouldn't be able to hide it if she went in there and it probably didn't have a place to plug in. On the other side of the desk was a set of bookshelves, but he wouldn't be able to get a good view of the bed from there. The bedside table was too close; the window would be too obvious.

He turned past the bed and saw the short dresser at the foot of the bed with her hamper sitting on top of it. It had a perfect view of the bed and he could cover the camera with a shirt or something and it wouldn't look out of place. He jumped up and pulled the hamper down to get a dirty shirt, but it was empty, laundry day. Not to be defeated so easily, he pulled open the top drawer and found her underwear. He smiled; it seemed a perfect cover for his camera. He pulled one out and tossed in on top, then closed the drawer and grabbed his camera from the bed. He set it on top of the dresser, then put the hamper on the floor, so he could see the screen.

He lined up a view of the bed, then grabbed the power cable and looked for a place to plug it in. It was probably beside the bed, so he plugged it into the camera and dropped the other end behind the bed, then fell to the ground and looked. He found a couple boxes and a black t-shirt that had missed the hamper; he pushed them aside and crawled under his sister's bed. He found the end of the camera's power cord and searched the wall for the outlet. He found it, but the cord just barely wouldn't reach. He groaned in frustration and thought. He had to have something that would go that distance.

He scrambled out from under the bed and hurried across the hall to his room. He looked frantically around, but the only thing that might work was the surge protector strip for his computer. He decided to make the sacrifice and crawled under his desk to unplug everything. He ran back across to his sister's room with the solution and back under her bed to plug it in. He put the hamper back in place and covered the camera with his sister's underwear. He could see the lights from the camera through the fabric; that wouldn't do. He pulled the panties off and looked around. He saw the black shirt sticking out from under the bed and grabbed it. It hid the lights perfectly and he ran back to his room to check the view.

He opened his computer and waited for it to connect. He noticed that it was running on battery and ducked under the desk to plug it in. When he got up, Julie Ann's bed was centered in the screen. But what if she did something beside the bed? He hurried back across the hall and turned his camera slightly, then turned around and saw Kristine standing in the doorway.

He didn't have a good excuse ready for being in Julie Ann's bedroom. He tried to think of anything other than the camera and having sex with their older sister. Nothing came to mind. He stared at his younger sister, waiting for her to say something that would spark a thought that didn't involve the excited erection pressing in his pants. He wasn't expecting her to just walk away. He hurried to the door to see if she was going downstairs to tell on him, but she looked back at him for only a moment as she went to her own room. He wasn't sure what just happened, but he was thankful that she wasn't going to stop him.

He closed Julie Ann's door and went back to his room. He wondered if Kristine figured out what he was doing and didn't care or maybe she wanted him to do it. Nah, how could she know what he was planning? She didn't tell on him because she didn't know what to say. He just had to keep it that way and be more careful. He opened the chat again. The main room was still busy, so he went to the private one; Vicky had left.

R: B! did you do her already? lets see it!!!

B: She's not home, yet. I got the camera set up in her room, but my little sister saw me.

R: uhoh did she tell on you?

B: She didn't tell our mom, but she might tell our sister. Should I take my camera out?

O: Nah, just go with it.

T: It's your call. You're the one that has to live with her, not us.

R: Maybe your little sister is just jealous.

O: Yeah, maybe she'll let you take some naked pictures of her.

T: Don't be creepy, O. She's, what, 6?

B: She's 10.

T: Still, that's too young. Let her develop some more.

R: does she have red hair too?

O: Gotta start somewhere. If she's interested, you can get some good shots to watch her growing up, and out.

B: No, it's brown, like mine. Our older sister got her hair from her father.

T: And your red-haired older sister is the one we're going to talk about now.

R: I like her red hair

O: I still say go for the one that's willing.

TheGreatO has been kicked. Reason (Drop it)

TheGreatO has joined.

O: Okay, fine. Can we get a live feed this time?

R: ooo yeah I don't have anywhere to go today

B: I don't know. I don't want just anybody seeing it.

B: What if something happens that I don't want to show you?

O: It's just us.

R: you've got nothing to be ashamed of. you're as sexy as she is

T: You can set it up and send a private message with the info to just the people you want to share it with.

PM from Trickaphilia: ShdwKt isn't on my server anymore. I banned his whole IP block.

R: I hope you want to share it with me

O: Yeah, I'll take one, too.

PM from Trickaphilia: In related news, I sent him a couple trapdoor viruses. When I get access, I'm going to make sure he never bothers you again.

Brian took a moment to think. Recording it was one thing, but did he really want them watching him while he did it? He trusted Trick and Rutter, but O wasn't always nice. He opened the camera software and looked through the settings until he found how to share a live feed. He turned it on and copied the link.

Msg to Trickaphilia: Here's the [link] and what do you mean about viruses? I don't want you to do anything that will get you in trouble.

Msg to Rutter: Here's the [link] Don't share it.

PM from Trickaphilia: Brian, I work in digital forensics for a private investigative firm. I'm allowed to follow leads and if I find illegal activity, I can report it to the authorities.

R: I like her room. it looks kinda like mine

Msg to Trickaphilia: Isn't what I'm doing illegal? Are you going to report me?

O: Dude! Come on! This was my idea in the first place.

PM from Trickaphilia: It's a gray area that I choose to ignore. Just don't do anything with your other sister. She's too young for sex.

Msg to Trickaphilia: No problem there.

O: Don't leave me hanging here, B.

T: It's his choice who he lets watch him have sex with his sister.

R: where did she get that plush dog? I like it

Msg to TheGreatO: Here's the [link] Don't give it to anybody else.

R: hey B go stand in her room and wave to us

O: Yeah, I want to know this isn't just a picture.

B: Okay, brb.

Brian turned to hurry across the hall, but froze as he saw Kristine standing in his doorway. For a moment he thought she knew where he was going. How long had she been watching him?

"Dinner," she quickly dashed down the hall, leaving her brother to wonder.

He turned back to tell them he wasn't going.

T: Guys, it's a live feed. You can see shadows changing in the window.

R: but I want to see B again

O: I want to see the other sister.

T: Don't make me ban you, O.

B: Time for dinner. I'll be back later and let you know when she gets home.

R: aw okay see you later B

He left his computer open and headed downstairs. He helped Kristine set the table without a word between them, then sat down and stared at her until their mother brought over a dish of lasagna. She served them and let their father know dinner was served. He came out and they all ate quietly. Their mother seemed bothered by something and Brian wondered if Kristine had told her he was having sex with Julie Ann. No, how could she, she didn't know, right? Besides, she would have started yelling by now.

Tonight Brian ate slowly. He had nothing to do until Julie Ann came home and if nobody was trying to make him talk, he didn't need to find an excuse to leave. He even had a second helping and enjoyed eating it. He was actually surprised when his father got up and went back to his office. He watched his mother take care of his dishes, then go back to finish her own meal. A moment later, the door opened and Julie Ann came in.

Their mother got up, "There you are. Come have some dinner."

She almost said something, then came to the table and sat down, giving her brother a smile hello as their mother fixed her a plate.

Brian smiled back, happy to see that she wasn't upset at him for anything. He sat and watched her eat, trying not to be too obvious as he imagined her naked.

"Brian, Kristine, go up to your rooms. I need to talk to your sister."

Kristine took her dishes to the sink, but Brian hesitated. He wanted to know why their mother was upset with Julie Ann.

His sister put her hand on his shoulder, "Go on, Brian. She just wants to talk to me alone."

Reluctantly, he took his dishes to the sink and walked up the stairs. He stopped at the top and looked back, but they were both watching him, so he hurried down the hall to his room. He wished he had microphones and cameras all over the house, so they couldn't keep secrets from him. He poked his computer so the screen would wake up and saw the chat waiting for him.

O: Hope we don't have to watch him jerk off this time.

R: I didn't mind that

O: You wouldn't

R: maybe she'll do it for him this time

O: I'd like to see more of that bear. She was sexy and knew what to do with a dick.

R: don't talk bad about Gizelle her mom was a wonderful person and she has been through a lot

O: I don't care what she's been through. I just want to see her furry snatch sliding down my cock.

T: If she could find it.

O: You won't have any trouble finding it when I choke you with it.

T: All I'll be choking on is laughter.

O: You won't be laughing when I shove my tail up your ass.

T: You know what...

TheGreatO has been kicked. Reason (Shove it up your own ass)

R: why is he so mean?

TheGreatO has joined.

O: You really like playing with your power.

T: It is mine and you're not contributing to the conversation.

O: There is no conversation here. We're just waiting to watch B hump his sister.

T: Then we'll wait.

R: do you think B will ever find Gizelle again?

T: We can only hope so.

O: Do you think anybody cares if it's not on video?

R: he is a person he has feelings

T: And so does she.

O: Don't care. Want sex.

O: Fuck. I gotta go. I'll be back in an hour or so. Don't start without me.

TheGreatO has quit.

R: I hope he misses it all. B doesn't need comments like his

T: It would be a shame if his internet connection failed temporarily, just for this evening...

R: can you do that?

T: Not directly, but I may be able to fool him enough that he's too distracted "fixing" it to try B's link

R: DO IT!!!

B: Hey guys. My sister is home, but my mom is talking to her. Sounds like she might be in trouble.

R: uhoh is she still going to let you sleep with her?

B: I don't know.

T: Don't worry about it, B. If she's not in the mood, don't push it.

R: maybe she needs a hug

B: I just hope she doesn't find my camera and figure out why it's there.

R: if she's not in the mood wait till she goes to the loo then grab it

B: I can do that.

B: Hey, how much do real hidden security cameras and microphones cost?

T: Well, there's cheap ones that aren't very good and there's "sell your relatives to get one"

B: Kinda figured.

He heard Julie Ann grunt her frustration in the hall before closing her door.

B: Gotta run.

R: ooo I see her.

He switched to the camera program and hit record, but it popped up an error about location not found. He suddenly remembered that his drive was plugged into the strip that he took. He groaned his own frustration, but decided he needed to get to his sister before she went to bed without him or worse, found his camera. He gave up on recording it and hurried across the hall to knock on her door.

There was no response at first and he wondered if she had already gotten in bed and wasn't going to let him in. Just as he was thinking he was doomed and she would find his camera in the morning, the door opened.

"Brian..." she looked like she was about to say something else as she hesitated, then she sighed and opened the door more. "Come on in."

He walked in and she closed the door behind him.

"Sit down," she gestured to her desk chair and he took it while she sat on the bed. "You remember what we looked at the other day and when I told you about my friend that was attacked?"

"Yeah, the cat morph. Is she okay?" Brian slid to the edge of the chair, worried that she was going to say she died.

"She's fine. She's gone home with her dad to rest."

"Her dad? Is he a cat, too?" He was liking the idea of meeting more morphs.

"No. He kind of adopted her. But anyway, I need to tell you about something else that happened."

"Another morph?"

She stared at the ground. "No, these were humans. I told you that some guys attacked Don. Well, they got out of jail yesterday and came back to his house."

"Is he okay?"

"When they came, he was out, helping my friend. I was there, watching his dog."

"The one that they beat up?"


"Did they hurt his dog again?"

"No. She was safe." She looked straight into his eyes. "Brian, they attacked me."

"What? You're not a morph. Why would they attack..." Pieces fell into place and he sat up. "It's because you love him." She nodded and started to say something, but he spoke first, "They attacked you because you kissed a morph? That's stupid."

"They didn't just attack me, Brian. They tried to rape me."

He jumped to his feet, "WHAT?! That's even stupider. They can't force you to love them."

"They told me they were going to make sure I have human babies."

He sat down as the thought rolled through his brain, "Did they do it? Did they make you pregnant?"

His sister smiled, "No. The police arrived before they could."

"Good. I hope they shot them all." He wanted to see them stabbed with a chainsaw over and over again.

"Well, they did shoot one."

"Serves him right for trying to rape my sister."

Julie Ann laughed and pulled him over for a hug, pressing his face against her chest.

He pushed her breast away from his face to look up at her. "You're my sister and I say you can love anyone you want." It just came out, but he meant it. He knew he was pushing her towards her rabbit, but he was willing to give up his chance of having sex with her if it meant she was happy.

She took his hand off of her breast and held it, smiling at him. "Brian. You know I love you, right? You're the best brother I could have ever hoped for."

"I love you too, Julie Ann. You're the best sister in the world."

She laughed and squeezed him, then started rubbing her thumb on his palm. It was oddly arousing and he watched her making circles on his hand as she talked. "I'm glad you said that, because I have something else I need to tell you. Don and I ..." Her circles slowed and became more sensual as her fingers joined the dance over his hand. "... We're going to get married."

Mesmerized by her erotic motions, he spoke freely, "Well, I knew that."

"Oh really? Who told you?" she began tracing the edges of his fingers and his pants became uncomfortable.

"I just knew." The words weren't important, as long as she kept touching him. "You're so happy when you're with him and talk about him and kiss him. You have to get married and live happily ever after."

She suddenly clasped his hand and it broke him from his trance, "Oh Brian. Sometimes you say the perfect things."

She put his hand on her breast again and hugged him, then wrapped her arms around him and hugged him again. Whatever he said, he was glad he said it. She put her hands on his face and gave him a long kiss on his cheek, then smacked his butt. He was feeling on the edge of losing himself.

"Now, go get ready for bed. It's been a long week and I need some sleep."

His brain was focused on one thing now. "Can I come back and sleep with you?"

She hesitated and he thought she might say no, but then she smiled. "Wear pajamas that fit and give me a few minutes to get ready."

He bubbled with excitement and his erection throbbed in his pants. His head was swirling so much, all he could do was smile.

She grabbed his hips and turned him towards the door, then smacked his butt a little harder. He groaned as he lost his load in his underwear, then stumbled as he forced himself to move towards the door. He got it open and closed it behind himself, panting as he hurried to his own room. He grabbed his pajamas and changed quickly, using his shirt to wipe himself dry, then hurried to relieve himself in the bathroom. He thought about how he would soon be snuggling up with his sister and his erection returned as he finished. He flushed and tried to calm himself back down so she wouldn't notice and send him back to his room. He opened the bathroom door and almost ran into her.

She smiled, "Go on and crawl in my bed. I'll be there in a moment." She brushed her fingers through his hair as she walked past him into the bathroom and closed the door.

He hurried to her room and jumped onto the bed; his body vibrating with excitement. In the silence, his brain started working for a moment. He looked at the camera, it was pretty well hidden, she would have to move the shirt to really know it was there. He thought about the guy and the buck and the otter that would be watching him and started to wonder if he should take it down. Just as he started to crawl down the bed, the door opened, no time; he flopped back in the bed and pulled the blanket up.

Julie Ann came in and closed the lid of her computer, then smiled at her brother for a moment. Her nightshirt stopped mid-thigh and her wavy, red hair flowed over her shoulders. He wondered if she was posing for him, then she turned off the light and crawled in beside him. She reached over and pulled him closer and he wrapped his arm around her side. "Good-night, Brian."

"Good-night, Julie Ann."

She kissed his forehead and rubbed his back, then settled down with a sigh.

Brian lay in his sister's arms, thinking about her body pressed against his. He had been here before,but this time seemed different. She seemed relaxed and happy; he wished he could be. All he could think about was the audience they had and if they would be upset if nothing happened. She started rubbing his back and he closed his eyes. It calmed him and he started doing the same for her. Her hand gradually pushed his shirt up until she was rubbing his skin, so he took the idea and pushed her nightshirt up until he could get under it.

She moaned happily at his touch and moved closer to him. He could feel his hard erection poking against her belly and hoped she wouldn't make him turn around. She moved her hand up and began stroking his hair, her fingers pushing through it sensuously. He couldn't reach her hair, so he moved his hand in the other direction and gently stroked her round butt. Her leg moved and he froze for a moment as her knee slid over his thigh, but she was still stroking his hair, so he resumed caressing her butt.

She pushed her hips against him, and he looked up at her face. Her eyes were closed and her mouth slightly open; she looked like she was asleep, but she was moving. Feeling bold, he watched for her to open her eyes as he carefully slipped his fingers under the top of her panties. He slowly pushed the thin fabric down her soft butt cheeks. Her skin was smooth and warm and she didn't seem to mind that he was undressing her.

The excitement rushed through his body and he wanted more. With her chin raised, he couldn't reach her lips, so he kissed her neck. This seemed to be just the right touch as she moaned and slid her leg up his, moving her hand down to his back and pulling his body tight against hers. With another sensual moan, she rolled onto her back, pulling her younger brother on top of her.

Brian froze in this new position, terrified that she would wake up and be mad, but she shifted her butt away from the edge of the bed and her arms relaxed, sliding down his back to rest on his hips. He relaxed as she stopped moving with a smile on her face. He looked down her neck and chest and saw that her shirt was pushed up past her belly. He watched her face and cautiously pulled the edge of her shirt over her breasts. He stared at her perfect mounds, the thrill of this freedom pounding in his head, and carefully slid his hand down her breast and over her pert nipple. Suddenly, she grabbed his hand and he looked up, expecting her to be glaring angrily at him, but her eyes were still closed. She pressed his hand against her breast and sighed, then began pushing and squeezing her breast with his hand. He started copying the motion and she moved her hand away with a gentle moan. He started to think she actually wanted him to touch her, maybe she was awake and only pretending to be asleep. He slid down her body a little and laid his face on her chest, using both hands to squeeze her breasts against his cheeks. He rubbed his thumbs over her nipples and she put her hands on his head again, moaning happily as she held his face between her breasts.

With his erection aching with anticipation, Brian slid a hand down to free it from his pajama pants. As he started to bring his hand back up, he discovered that her bush was exposed over the edge of her panties. He ran his fingers through the tuft of hair and his sister moaned and slid her hands down his back, gently trying to pull him up. He moved his hand out of the way and pushed his hips against hers, suddenly finding his penis against warm, wet flesh instead of fabric. He moved his hips to enjoy the feeling and she moaned, pulling at his back again. Encouraged, he continued until he felt it slip inside and he froze as she gasped with pleasure. He watched as she opened her eyes and looked down at him. His stomach sank as her surprised expression told him he was in trouble now.

"Brian," she said his name in that annoyed, grumbly tone that he was so familiar with, but then she closed her eyes and leaned her head back as she took a breath. She seemed to be thinking about something and he worried that she was trying to decide how to throw him out of her room without waking everyone up. Just as he thought he should leave quietly to avoid bigger trouble, she smacked her hands on his butt and pulled him deeper inside her.

His body knew what to do and as he began thrusting his hips, she slid her hands up his back. He pushed aside his confusion and focused on what was happening; his sister wanted him to fuck her, and he was doing it. He pushed himself to thrust as hard and fast as he could for her, until he couldn't hold back any longer. He felt his body clench and soon he was shooting his young cream deep inside his sister. She moaned and rubbed his hair, then slid her hand down his back. Her tender touch told him she liked it and he was glad to have given it to her.

Her fingers slid under the edge of his pajama pants and she squeezed his butt. He felt his penis pulse a little more into her and he looked up to her face with a grin. Her head was leaned back and she was still breathing heavily. He gasped in surprise as she held his hips against her and rolled over to lay mostly on top of him. She began grinding her hips on him and sliding her pussy along his length. She really did want him and he was determined to give her all she wanted. He started matching her rhythm and pushing his hips up to thrust deeper. He couldn't believe how amazing it was.

Julie Ann moaned her pleasure, "Oooh, Don."

Brian stopped in surprise, but she kept going and the rhythm was lost. He winced as his erection slipped out of her and felt like it bent. He forced himself to stay quiet through the pain, both physical and emotional, as he realized that her enthusiasm wasn't for him, but her rabbit. His penis throbbed for a different reason now, but the strokes of his sister's wet pussy soothed his body, if not his mind.

He thought about what she had said to him. She was going to marry her rabbit soon. She had told him before that they hadn't had sex. That meant that they were probably waiting until they got married. Those men had tried to rape her to make sure she had a human baby. He had just raped his sister in her sleep while she thought she was getting her rabbit. He had just done what the bad men wanted. That meant that he was a bad person, a horrible person.

Julie Ann moaned and stopped moving; he could feel her pussy twitching around his erection and it responded by shooting a load of his horrible human cum between them. He held her hips, wishing he could start the evening over again as she kissed his forehead, then his cheek, and finally caught his lips in a passionate kiss. Yesterday, he would have loved her kiss, but now it made him feel even more guilty and he tried not to cry. She slid her body down his and rested her head on his shoulder. He could feel the slime of his crime pressed between them and even worse, her wet pussy on his thigh.

He lay quietly in torture under her, thinking about the consequences of what he had just done and imagining her horror when she found out, until she finally rolled over onto her back beside him. He stared at the ceiling for a moment, then looked at his sister, smiling blissfully in her sleep. He sat up and pulled off his shirt, then started carefully cleaning up the mess he had made. He pulled her nightshirt down, her beautiful body, a stinging reminder of his evil deed. She moaned as he cleaned between her legs and he wished he could just reach inside and stop her from getting pregnant. He tugged the top of her panties up to cover her bush, but couldn't straighten them out or pull up the back. He knew she was going to find out when she saw her panties crooked and felt his cum inside her.

He looked at the camera and realized another reason he was a horrible person. He threw his shirt at it and curled up against the wall.