
Story by Janus Oberoth on SoFurry

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#1 of Full Circle

To continue the story of Like a King. Little John family visits him and while the family is slepping Little John and his father remember old times.

Little John waits under the shade of a tree that is at the side of the main road that leads to Nottingham, he listens to the song of some birds and sees as the shades of the clouds move on the ground.

In his inside the bear feels restless because he had waited for this a long time.

Little John leans on the tree trunk and closes his eyes. He listens to the neigh of his horse that is tied to a tree's branch. Little John again opens his eyes and he gets excited seeing a chuck wagon on the way.

The chuck wagon comes closer more and more and Little John smiles when she see who are sitting in the wagon. His heart beats rapidly and he stands up and he waves his hand while he sees as his father begins to stop the wagon near him.

His family finally is here, his father comes down from the wagon and helps down her mother and sister.

"Hi dad." Little John says while he embraces his father with force. He had missed him a lot in all this time. Now Little John has the same height that his father, Lowell had not changed a lot throughout this time, just a few gray hair in his front shows that time had passed.

Little John can attribute it to his calm way of life and without worries.

"John..." Leanna says smiling and cleaning one tear of her eyes while she comes closer to her son to embrace him. Little John squeezes his mother with force while he feels very happy seeing her again.

For Little John she looks fine, many bears always take a bit to get older because the worries in their lives do not overwhelm them and ruin their health no matter that problems were serious.

"Hi bro." Little John's Sister says jumping and hanging on to the neck of Little John. Faith is her name and she hangs with pleasure from Little John, the bear feels as the breasts of his sister press his chest.

They are not big and still they are developing. The bear holds his sister and embraces her with force until she complains. Lowell and Leanna laugh a moment and Little John places his sister on the ground.

He smiles seeing that she is a little attractive lady and already has certainly suitors.

"Well... well, look at you, now you are the Lord." Lowell says looking at his son. Little John smiles feeling a little uncomfortable.

"I prefer to use something less presumptuous, this clothing is very hot in the summer." Little John says looking at his family. The three laugh for some moments before they got on the chuck wagon.

Little John mounts his horse and begins to lead them the way toward his home.

"It surprised us a lot when we hear that you became a Lord." Leanna says looking at Little John.

"Yes my friends wanted to know you... you know, they thought that maybe you are single." Faith says looking at Little John. He laughs just like his parents.

"You are famous close to our house, a lot of friends could not believe that you would have gotten that far, we are proud of you." Lowell says while he drives the wagon chuck. Little John rides the horse next to wagon.

"Well... after all I am who I am is thanks to you and mom." Little John says looking at his parents. They smile content and nod.

"We wanted to visit you before, but we thought that it was not convenient because certainly you were busy." Leanna says looking at Little John.

"Usually governing a region is not easy. Many times I got tired, but that's not to say that I do not would love the idea of all of you stay here." Little John says while he continues advancing.

"In any case your father has been busy at the repair of the roof, he wanted to come with everything in order. The problem of the bandits also is obvious." Leanna says looking at Little John.

"That one no longer is problem." Little John says looking at his mother.

"Did they were captured?" Lowell asks at the same time that he gives a pull to the reins of a par with horses. Little John nods and he sees at his sister.

"Yes, if you have so good men, you can done a lot." Little John says while he feels pleased and pride of his soldiers.

"What happened to them?" Faith asks with interest.

"I ordered that they were hang, well... the ones that survived the attack." Little John responds.

Faith and her parents get surprised and look with incredulity at Little John. Lowell just like Leanna could not believe that his son would have been able to execute somebody.

"They were criminals with long trajectory in pillage, except two boys, I granted them an opportunity to change and both took it." Little John says while he sees that his home finally is visible.

"Wow... Do you live there?" Faith asks amazed seeing Little John's castle. Leanna and Lowell also get excited, this is much bigger and more impressive home than theirs.

"Here I have all that I need." Little John responds smiling seeing that his family is surprised. All of them get to the entrance, Little John gives the order and the drawbridge gets down to permit that the group gets in the place.

Little John enters in his home with his family, they stop in the middle of the patio.

Lowell and Little John help the two women to come down from the wagon chuck, Faith looks at the place with emotion observing the water source and trees that adorn the whole patio, the girl and her parents feel content being there.

Leanna's attention rapidly is focused in the motion of a bench. She sees as Marian and Skippy are sitting side by side, the vixen is breast-feeding to the little Robin junior. Little John notices that his sister and his father also notices it, he decides to do the necessary presentations.

They get close to the place where Skippy and Marian are, she looks up and to the bear with a smile.

"Dad, mom I want to present you to Marian, the wife of Robin." Little John says looking at his parents and next to Marian. The two bears greet the woman of respectful way, Marian greets them in the same way in the meantime she charges her cub.

"She is my sister Faith." Little John says looking at Marian that smiles at the girl. Faith smiles in a friendly way in the meantime she looks with interest at the fox cub that sucks milk of the tit of her mother.

"He is Skippy." Little John says presenting his parents to the boy. Lowell and Leanna smile content seeing that the boy is educated and say hello respectfully. He and Faith shake their hands.

Little John sees that Skippy looks at Faith with opened eyes with a lot of attention, he boy seems lost in reality. Little John's sister smiles at the boy that wakes up when he hears that the little Robin makes a sound.

A sigh of longing escapes from Leanna and Faith when the cub releases the nipple and yawn largely.

For Little John it does not pass unnoticed that the look of his father is on the naked tit of Marian.

Little John lays his hand on the shoulder of his father that looks at him. Little John makes a grimace indicating that he caught him, Lowell smiles and he shrugs his shoulders before laughing softly just like his son.

Lowell does a grimace to Little John while he aims at with his nose to Skippy and Faith.

Little John nods because he became aware of the interaction of both, clearly Skippy is mesmerized by Faith that also seems to have an interest in the boy.

"Well... I will give you a tour by the house." Little John says looking at his parents and Faith.

They accept and they say good-bye to Skippy and Marian. Little John leads them by all of the patio and its surroundings. Lowell looks at with fascination the place, Faith gets surprised for the luxuries of the house of her brother.

Leanna feels pleased seeing that her son lives with a lot of comfort.

Little John takes his family to the kitchen. They can perceive the aroma that comes from the inside, it is a delicious aroma that opens their appetite.

When all of them arrive to the kitchen Lowell and the rest of his family gets surprised when Dana leaps over Little John to kisses him right into the mouth while he hangs from his neck.

Little John smiling places the girl in the ground before receiving another kiss from Ruth.

She and Dana get surprised when they see Little John's family behind him, both feel uncomfortable by the situation.

The bear presents them to his parents and sister. At the place an evident discomfort is felt, Little John feels that the look of her parents are on him.

"How are the cubs?" Little John asks clearing the throat with discomfort.

"They are resting in their bedroom, Matilde is watching them." Ruth says while she tries not to see Little John's parents. She did not know how to look at Lowell and his family.

Dana notices that Faith looks closely at her, a pot in good timing comes to a boil attracting the attention from all. Ruth and Dana take the opportunity to excuse themselves to continue cooking.

"Mmm... well I guess that you would like to know your grandchildren." Little John says while he rubs the neck with discomfort and looks at his parents. They open his eyes with surprise just like Faith.

"It means... are we grandparents?" Leanna asks while she feels a great emotion. Lowell also feels the same way and his heart accelerates when Little John nods.

He leads to his parents and Faith to the cubs' bedroom that Little John and other ones had prepared. Lowell and his wife feel that their hearts beats when they get in the bedroom of their grandchildren.

Little John smiles seeing that Matilde this next to cradle, she is leant on one bedrail while she observes as the cubs are sleeping. She notices that the other ones enter and rapidly she runs to hang playfully from the neck of Little John.

The bear feels content in the meantime permits that the girl have fun for some moments until he places her on the floor. Little John presents the girl to his family, he does not get surprised when his father picks up Matilde and he does her some tickles, Leanna also feels content with the girl and helps to her husband to place her on the floor.

Faith leans forward and greets the girl.

"Matilde why aren't you going to help your mom in the kitchen?" Little John says looking at the girl. She obeys and laughing the girl gets out of the bedroom while Little John's parents look at her and they smile feeling a spark of paternal affection for the girl.

When Matilde gets out of the bedroom, they all get close to the cradles and surround them. The looks of love and affection the faces of all to see the four cubs that sleep in the cradles.

"They all are beautiful." Leanna says looking at Little John, the woman feels that her heart melts seeing the innocent faces of the cubs. Little John nods while he sighs with affection seeing his children and daughters, the bear feels the most fortunate man of the world at that moment.

Little John feels that his father places one of his hands on his shoulder and he gets a squeeze of approval. Lowell smiles at his son before looking at the cubs again, he cannot avoid feeling nostalgic with the bear cubs because they remind himwhen Little John and Faith were cubs.

"Can I carry them?" Faith asks smoothly looking up to see her elder brother.

"Of course when they wake up." Little John responds while he whispers and smiles at his sister, she feels pleased and puts her attention on the cubs.

After around twenty minutes of observing the cubs Little John continues guiding to his parents through the house. They finally get to the terrace and Faith sees the water source, she decides to go there.

Little John and his parents stay in the terrace observing the landscape and taking a cup of wine while they all are sitting at the table.

"It is a beautiful sight." Lowell says while he sees the forest and to the town of Nottingham. Little John nods, he loves also this sight and the bear usually takes some minutes a day to enjoy it after his duties.

Little John notices that his parents exchange looks before Lowell cleared his throat.

"John what happened with Dana and your mother?" Lowell asks seriously in his voice.

Leanna also looks at her son seriously, she expects that her fears not be true.

"Well it is a curious story." Little John says with discomfort while he breathes deeply before beginning to tell truth.

"When I went to Skippy's last birthday, a part of the roof of the house of Ruth drop and she did not have money to repair it so I made it for them." Little John says looking at his parents.

"Did you package hay as I taught you?" Lowell asks looking at Little John. He gets surprised a little by the unexpected question and he nods agrees. Lowell nods with approbation.

Little John feels a little surprised, but he decides to continue. He is concerned about the reaction of his mother, his father can understand him.

"The fact is that Ruth wanted to thank me and as not she had nothing only she could give herself and... well Dana apparently found out about the plans of her mother and the girl hid in a cupboard." Little John says while he looks at his parents with discomfort.

"I realized that she was in the cupboard and things got out of hand." Little John says while he looks at his parents a moment.

"Didn't you force them, right?" Leanna asks looking at her son. She breathes with calm seeing that Little John denies it with the head.

"That's it?" Lowell asks while he crosses his arms and makes out a face of incredulity while he looks at Little John. The bear denies it and takes a deep breathing.

"No Skippy is in this too, sometimes he sleeps in my bed with his mother or sister or they with him." Little John says looking at his parents, they open his eyes in complete surprise.

"Marian and Robin also know about it and usually I fuck Marian, Robin does not get upset because he can make it out with Ruth and Dana or Skippy although Robin's anus is tight and I like to pound it as much as the one of his wife." Little John says chuckling at the same time as he rubs his neck.

"So... Everyone is involved in this?" Leanna asks with calm. Little John nods in silence in the meantime expect the reaction from his father.

"It is a kind of agreement between us, how we got to that it is a long and too graphic story." Little John says smiling with discomfort while he scratches his neck.

He in all his life had not thought about telling these intimate details, the bear expects any word from his progenitors.

"To be honest, I did not expect that you were a horny bear like your father, although considering that you got me pregnant I should not waited less." Leanna says while she looks at Little John, he gets surprised for what he listens.

His mother seems relaxed in front of all what's revealed.

"With Time I realized what happened that night, the small cock and your father's happiness when your sister was born. He would never have felt happy if the cub was not his, but as she is your daughter... I guess that it is OK besides I learned about your father's enjoyments." Leanna says looking at Little John.

He looks at his father, Lowell smiles smoothly.

"Before coming here your mother confronted me about the facts about everything... I did not have more choice that telling the truth." Lowell says in the meantime Little John and sees to his wife.

"We were honest about a lot of things. In spite of what I was thinking, your mother had an obvious idea of what happened and I could learned of some things which I had no clue." Lowell says while he looks at his son.

Little John looks at his mother, she smiles at him in a friendly way.

"Doesn't this seem something bad to you?" Little John asks looking at his parents with surprise, they seem not to be affected or shocked for the truth.

"Live as you want, just do not hurt nobody." Lowell says looking at Little John with a smile. Little John rapidly remembers that sentence and the significance that his father had taught him a lot of years ago.

Leanna nods. For Lowell and Leanna the most important thing is that all in the home of Little John are happy in spite of the stranger agreement. Nobody was hurt, so they see nothing wrong, besides they can say absolutely nothing with regard to this matter since his son now is a Lord.

Little John smiles content and after some minutes he help his parents to puts the baggages in the bedrooms of guests. Lowell and Leanna would occupy one while Faith would use another one.

Now all rooms for guests are full and Little John's home has no more space. Little John leads his parents and sister to take a walk in the neighborhood showing them all what's interesting places that has Nottingham.

They also visit the campsite in the forest where Little John and Robin had hidden of the Prince John.

Faith and Leanna get surprised to seeing as Little John lived in those precarious conditions in the forest.

Lowell for his part feels content to see that his son was able to adapt to everything and not looking for comfort, if it is not absolutely necessary to be happy. Little John's family returns the castle for nightfall and having a dinner with the other ones.

During dinner Little John feels that there is some discomfort in the environment, but he expects that it dissipates with time. Ruth and Dana do not know how to see Little John's parents.

After eating they all get together to have fun. Little John notices that his sister and Dana begin to speak and laughing together, that surprises nobody because both girls have a close age.

The bear sees that Skippy gives repeated looks to Faith, it does not go unnoticed for Ruth that looks at Little John. Both laugh softly, Little John plays a chess game with his father in the same time Marian and Leanna talk while they take care of the cubs that sleep peacefully.

All of them one by one excuse to leave to go to rest, Little John and his father are alone after a thirty minutes.

Both get on the terrace and Little John serves a glass of wine to his father and for himself, both sit to see the landscape and talk.

"When you were a little kid I never thought that you would achieve as much in life, we did not have a lot in our house, but look at you now." Lowell says making a grimace and looking at his son.

"Well that was due the great education that you and mom gave me." Lowell says while he looks at his father and raise the wineglass. Lowell nods content and takes a sip of wine just like Little John.

Both slowly drink wine, glowworms fly round about while everything stays quiet. Both talk about their home and the friends that Little John had in his infancy and youth.

Both laugh while they continue talking about different matters. Lowell takes a sip of wine softly and looks at the landscape. Little John sees that his father smiles smoothly before taking a new sip

"John... Do you mind, if I fuck Ruth or Dana? Lowell asks in the meantime in his mind he undresses the two rabbits mentally. The bear feels attraction to the two women, mainly Dana.

Little John laughs seeing that a tent takes shape in the pants of his father. Lowell also notices it and he laughs while he feels as his cock is hard.

"Are they attractive to you?" Little John asks doing a grimace to his father. The bear did not expect more from his old man.

"Of course yes." Lowell says in the meantime with he takes down his pants, his erection is freed and he rocks on the air for some moments. Little John sees that his father's penis hits his stomach and some precum splashes on his clothes.

For Little John his father's penis is big like the one of any bear, but it no longer seems immense to him as he was thinking in his youth.

Both laugh for some moments and take a cup of wine.

"Mom... will accept it?" Little John says while he sees that his father catches his penis and he stimulates him slowly.

"You can fuck her, if you want, she certainly will enjoy it." Lowell says while he winks at Little John, he gets surprised for that reason and feels that his penis stiffens too. For his mind it did not cross idea of fucking his mother again, but it is somewhat exciting.

Lowell does a grimace to Little John and he points his crotch to him using his hand, Little John does a funny face noticing his own erection, the father and son laugh while he takes down his own pants and they feel as the soft breeze caresses their erections lightly.

"You know... this remembers me when we were alone in the forest." Lowell says while he takes his penis and masturbates slowly at the same time he drinks other sip of wine.

"That was an incredible night." Little John says while he closes his hand around his shaft and also he masturbates next to his father. The hands of both move up and down on their erections.

"What about... if we had some fun? I have a coin here and luck determines it." Lowell says while he takes out a coin of his pocket and preparing it to throw it on the air.

Little John chooses cross and looks at his dad. The bear's thumb sets the coin in motion turning and flies on the air before falling in the palm tree of Lowell. He and Little John see the hand that opens slowly to reveal the result.

Lowell shrugs his shoulders when he sees that the result is cross. He takes off his clothes just like Little John.

"Well... luck has decided." Lowell says while he stands up a moment before kneeling down between the legs of Little John. The bear shakes lightly when he feels the respiration of his father feel on his member.

This scene is not something that he had lived in a lot of years, Lowell smiles while his son's member rises proudly, now the cock penis has the same size than his.

Little John pants and gasps when his father begins to lick his cock from the base, following one of the multiple veins that are visible. Lowell perceives the taste of the meat of his son, the taste had not changed.

With his right hand Lowell takes Little John's balls and he caresses them slowly, he copies the motions that his wife does. Little John closes his eyes when his father's lips close around the head of his penis.

Lowell sucks with slowness, the spurts of precum splashes his palate and drip his tongue.

The bear sees as his son moans and growls softly, lips move on the hard shaft. Lowell moves down his head and licks the balls.

Little John catches his penis and he masturbates him slowly while he sees that his father sucks and pull his balls of slow way. Lowell licks the halfback line of the balls of his son, both cross their looks.

Little John's hand moves on his erection, her father's lukewarm and viscous saliva facilitates everything. He moves away his hand when his father licks his shaft to the tip, he again he takes the member in his mouth.

Lowell moves his head and tries to take more of the member in his mouth, when the son was a cub it was easy, but now it is somewhat further difficult. He feels as the head gets to his throat.

Little John smiles smoothly when his see that his father chokes a little, but his member slides in the throat of his old man. Lowell's lips touch the bear's brown fur.

Lowell does not move and he gets surprised when his son begins to push his penis.

Little John holds his father's head while he gives slow and short thrust, his penis moves in the throat that pleasures him. Lowell feels as the precum of his son slides to his stomach in great quantity.

After some moments Little John pushes his father's head slowly, Lowell moves his head back and the member soak member slides out of his mouth.

The lukewarm saliva drips from the shining cock.

"I hope that the table resists." Lowell says rubbing with discomfort his neck and looking at his son's member anxiously." Little John laughs smoothly and he makes his father a grimace.

Lowell smiles and he leans forward at the table and separates his legs with discomfort, he is it is a position that does not enjoys a lot.

Little John looks at the ass of his father with interest, he had not seen that way long time ago, the bear kneels down on the floor and places his snout between the his father's buttocks to begin to lick the brown hole.

Lowell moans when the tongue touches his sphincter, he feels as the tongue moves up and down while he maintains spreads his cheeks. Little John licks with calm perceiving his father's taste, this is strange, but he does not impede him continuing.

The heavy breathing of Lowell fill the terrace, the eyes of the bear open when his son pushes his tongue with force, Lowell relaxes and gasps when his hole is invaded to be stimulated internally.

This is sensation that he loves, his wife makes it very frequently. Little John perceives the aroma of the fur of his father while he moves his tongue that is squeezed with force.

Little John does not stop while he bathes his father's rectum with saliva, after some minutes the bear withdraws his tongue and he stands up. Lowell feels the tip of the penis of his son lands on his sphincter.

Little John holds his cock and pushes it with calm pressing his father's posterior hole, Lowell feels as the bulbous head tries to enter in his body, the precum gets his brown small crease wet.

His son holds his hips and pushes with more force, Lowell opens the eyes with surprise and growls with pain when his sphincter is perforated by the hard penis of his son. Little John moans when the head enters in the tight and hot passage of his dad.

Lowell pants with difficulty and squeeze table borders feeling that his rectum is invaded, his anal walls stretch to mold around the hard meat of Little John.

Little John's groin touches her father's buttocks, the bear gets comfortable better and begins to pump his penis, Lowell growls feeling her son's thrusts, this feeling is something that he had not felt in a long time.

His anal walls are caressed pleasantly, the spurts of precum sprinkle his inside facilitating his son's work. Little John moans and growls like his father, his father's passage is tight, he is used to the anal sex.

He had not changed since he fucked him when he was a cub. Lowell's erect penis rocks on the air releasing thick drops of precum that fly through the air.

Little John's balls hits his father's testicles with each push. The precum sprinkles the anal walls that are made slippery improving the lubrication for Little John.

Lowell moans and growls with each thrust, the head of the penis of his son rubs on his prostate and his pleasure grows for a moment. His buttocks shake when Little John's groin hits them.

Little John moans and growls with pleasure, his father's sphincter moves on his penis with each drive. Little John's penis moves rapidly, he takes out his penis until only the head is in, Little John pushes until all his member enters again in his father.

The two bears moan and try to control himself to wake up nobody, Little John expedites his velocity. His father moans and closes his eyes enjoying the pleasure that increases at each moment, his son moves just as he makes it at the moment of fucking.

Lowell feels as the head of the penis of his son touches the bottom of his rectum. The spurts of precum covers splashes his tunnel.

He feels as the hands of his boy press his buttocks, Little John spread the cheeks and sees as his shaft moves in and out. Little John's hips move with more velocity.

He growls and pumps, Lowell feels that his hard father rocks between his legs while releases shoots of precum. Little John changes a little an angle and his penis head presses his father's prostate with force.

Lowell opens his eyes with force and growls when a powerful semen spurt is shoot from the opening of his member that beats with force. The anal walls shake and Little John feels the anal spasms around his cock.

He clenches his teeth and growls while he pushes his cock emptying his balls in the ass of his father, sperm shots cover Lowell's anal walls. Both pant and do not move for one moments.

Little John pants when he withdraws his penis of slow way, Lowell takes a breath when the penis head leaves his rectum and sperm begins dripping from his hole to his balls.

He turns over and he sits at the table. Little John does him a face before kneeling down and places his head between the legs of his father, Lowell moans when his son begins to lick his balls.

Little John licks and his tongue goes by his father's big hairy orbs, he enjoys the licks on his testicles. The tongue moves for the erection of its father until he arrives at the head of her penis.

Lowell moans when the tongue begins to hit his penis head, Little John feels the taste of the meat of his father in addition to the precum that oozes of the tip.

It is a taste that he did not feel for a lot of years ago, his right hand takes and stimulates the testicles while his mouth opens and it closes around the swollen member of his father.

The head of the bear begins to budge slowly taking more of the masculinity of her father. Lowell moans and enjoys oral sex, he feels as a soft breeze stirs its fur.

The left hand of Little John gives pulls to its penis, her member one more time hardens. Lowell's member disappears in the mouth of his son, the little shots of precum fall right into the throat of Little John.

He moves his head, his father moans when his penis enters in the throat of Little John. The bear's mouth touches her father's groin while he continues massaging the testicles with a hand.

"Damm... John that is good." Lowell says growling while he sees his son. The muscles of the throat of Little John move around his erection. Little John says absolutely nothing in the meantime slowly he moves his head back and his father's penis slips out of his mouth.

Lowell's member hangs between his legs, the saliva drips abundantly of the hard shaft. Little John licks the penis and the head for some moments before to stop and to release his father's balls.

Lowell gets down from the table and his member rocks on the air, the precum oozes of the opening.

"This is not very frequently." Little John says while he bends over at the table and exposes his naked ass to his father. Lowell covers in saliva his forefinger and introduces it between the buttocks of his son.

The tip touches the sphincter, Lowell pushes with force and his finger slips inside the other bear.

Little John moans with bother to feel this, he feels that the finger begins to move with slow way in circles.

The bear shakes when the yolk caresses his gland, Lowell smiles and he does not dwell on his stimulation. Little John's member hardens more and more precum drips.

Another finger enters in the anus of Little John and it begins to open to expand the hole, Lowell makes this a little more before stopping he leans forward to introduce his snout between the buttocks of his son.

Little John blurts a growl of pleasure out when the tongue begins to move in his crack, his wrinkled ring is wet in saliva. The tip sketches circles in his sphincter.

Lowell places his hands on the buttocks of his son and opens them, he sees the hole, his lips close around him and his tongue presses it. Little John feels that the tip forces his sphincter.

The tongue is powerful and in some moments more it penetrates into his being, the bear presses table borders when her anal walls are stimulated by the tongue of his father.

He feels that his tongue is squeezed with force while it moves, the saliva drips from the mouth of Lowell dripping to the balls of his son, Lowell introduces the hand between the legs of Little John and seizes the balls of his boy.

He pulls them and squeezes with calm while he continues eating Little John's anus, he moans and growls soft while he has his closed eyes, his father's hand moves further down to catch his shaft directly.

The hand moves back and forth on the hard cock stimulating it slowly, Lowell moves his tongue until he gets tired. He takes out his tongue and he stands up while he caresses his penis.

Lowell surprises Little John when he catches him and turns him over to lean him backwards on the table, Lowell positions himself between the legs of his son and taking his member he lays it on the swollen one of Little John.

"Well as I said the males of our family are well-endowed." Lowell says making a grimace and comparing sizes. His penis and the one of Little John have almost the same size and his son's penis perhaps is a little bigger.

"That is not new thing, all girls say it." Little John says raising the head to see his father. Both laugh some moments. Lowell takes down his penis and the head moves on the penis of his son.

The tip caress his balls to place his cock in position, the sensitive head touches Little John's sphincter.

Lowell maintains the legs of his son separated and pushes his penis with force. Little John growls with pain and clenches his teeth when his sphincter is forced to open when the member enters in his anus.

He pants when the hard meat goes up to the bottom of his rectum, it had not been so full since long time ago. Only his father could fill him this way, Lowell begins to pump his penis slowly.

The older bear moans and pants feeling the squeeze of the entrails of his son, the penis enters and gets out of the anus of Little John. His balls are hit by the belly of his father.

The spurts of precum drips from the tip of the penis forming puddles on the belly of the Lord of the place. Lowell releases his son's legs and puts them on the table and his thrust gain force and speed.

Little John growls enjoying each one, his anal walls are rub at every moment, some cracks of his rectum fill up with abundant precum.

Lowell moves while he fucks his son after so many years, he thinks that his son had not had a lot of anal sex and his as is still tight. After some moments Lowell stops and of a pull he takes out his penis.

Little John gasps when his posterior passage gets shallow.

"Let's do it as that time in the tent." Lowell says while shakes his member with his hand. Little John nods and he stands up, his member and the one of his father touch again, the tips touch and mixed precum drips to the floor.

Lowell sits on a carpet and he leans back looking at Little John, he positions himself on his father and he sits slowly. The hand of the bear catches the hard penis and aims it at his buttocks.

The penis head gets between his buttocks and touches his sphincter, Lowell moans with pleasure when her son takes down his hips and he is impaled on his cock. The ass of Little John moves down more and his buttocks touch his father's crotch.

The bear feels again full and places his hands to the sides of the chest of his father, on floor. The bear begins moving, his ass goes down and up slowly, the penis moves in his anal passage.

Lowell moans and pants and for a moment has a vision of his cub riding him in that night in the tent and now he is completely grown man.

Little John moans when the head of the penis of his father caresses on his prostate with force in each motion when his ass up and goes down. Lowell with his hands begins to stimulate his son's genitals.

His right hand moves on the shaft while his other hand touches caresses the weighed balls of his son. Now it is a man's penis, very different to the one of a cub.

Little John shakes and moans while he moves his ass, this is an unusual position for him, but enjoys it completely. Both moan and pant with pleasure until a strong squeeze in his balls makes Little John explode.

Sticky- semen squirts fly through the air and land on the chest and Lowell's face, it does not matter him because his own body becomes taut the moment that the anal walls squeeze his penis with force.

One more time his seed spatter the rectum of his son, pleasure is big and one semen shot falls directly in his open mouth. Lowell feels his different taste that he knew of his son.

"Just like old times, uh?" Little John asks looking at his father.

"Sure." Lowell responds breathing agitatedly and dropping his head toward back to rest it on the floor.

Little John also breathes agitatedly while he feels that his rectum fills up with sperm slowly.

After a few minutes Little John gets up and feels as his father's penis slips out of his anus.

Semen is dripping from his dilated anus and fall on the balls and the member of his father.

Little John looks around and takes a cloth that is near, he used to clean the crack between his buttocks while his father stands up. They look at each other while they are still naked.

Little John passes the cloth to his father, he is also cleans himself before taking his clothes and getting dressed as Little John. The two are fully clothed few minutes later.

"It's bedtime." Lowell says watching his son. He nods and with his father and he takes a last cup of wine before going down from the terrace to their bedrooms. Little John and his father say goodbye before separating.

Little John comes to his bedroom and enters in it closing the door. The bear smiles seeing that Ruth and Marian are naked in bed waiting for him, Little John takes off his clothes to climbs into bed.

Meanwhile Lowell enters his bedroom and gets naked to get into bed with his wife.

"Where were you?" Leanna asks as she turns over to see her husband while she rubs her eyes.

"Fucking with Little John." Lowell says as he sees his wife. She opens her eyes wide.

"Horny Bear ... with our own son." Leanna says grunting and hitting Lowell's chest with her fist playfully.

"Well ... our horny son wants another time of fun too." Lowell says placing his hand on the right breast of Leanna and giving it a squeeze gently. The woman is surprised and licks her mouth sensually.

"Tell me everything." Leanna says as she smiles at the same time that she moves down her body to disappear under the sheets. Lowell gasps when his wife's lips close around his right testicle and begin to suck.

Lowell smiles and closes his eyes to enjoy that special feeling.

Robin Hood, Little John, Marian, Skippy and King Richard (all of them from the animated movie) © Disney

Ruth, Dana and Matilde © Disney (they appear in the movie, but they don't have names)

Lowell, Leanna, Faith are my characters.

Written by Janus Oberoth

In a certain stable

Two days later Perdita and Pongo are resting close to the house, they nuzzle affectionately each other. Perdita licks Pongo's cheek of slow way, he closes down one of his eyes while he feels that his cheek gets wet with the warm and slippery...

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