There Is No Football Team at Vixen's Run High School Part 1

Story by Terinas on SoFurry

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#1 of Vixen's Run

This might take a bit of explanation. This is based on an RP that I did with a friend, Feronordie, back a year ago, between one of his furry characters, a panda named Li, and one of my Flist Characters, Tony Chestershire ( )

The RP itself was a weird, sprawling thing with a long plot, lots of characters, various different kinks such as transformation, diaper play, bimbofication, hypnosis/brainwashing, teasing, and much more. I love RPs like that, and this RP is still one of the favorite ones I've done with someone other than my boyfriend. I liked it so much, in fact, that I brainstormed an entire setting for it, Vixen's Run, a small city in the depths of California, where weird kinky paranormal stuff happens to anyone unfortunate (Or fortunate?) enough to visit. Step foot in there, and like Silent Hill, you'll be lucky to come back out again. At least you'll be lucky to come back out as you were when you entered...

I haven't written anything in the Vixen's Run universe yet, but it's been lurking in my mind for the longest time without any release to a point where I had to do SOMETHING with it. Revisiting one of the 4 Tony and Li Rps I've done with Feronordie was the obvious choice. I had the options to either rewrite the whole thing, or clean up the RP (removing all personal details and private stuff, as well as minor edits so that the whole thing makes some semibalance of Coherent Sense). So this, as lackluster as it is to post an RP and not a proper story, is everyone's first introduction to the Vixen's Run Universe. Hopefully there'll be more coming!

I chose to clean up the RP. I'm actually unsure I could top what Feronordie and I already did as far as the concept goes. Here's Part 1, and if it's received well, I might decide to clean up the rest of it and release more parts. Heck, I might even do some other RPs I've done.

I'd love to do similar RPs with people who share this level of interest and dedication. <3 Anyways, I hope anyone reading this enjoys!

There Is No Football Team At Vixen's Run High School

By: Terinas Tiger

(Based on an RP between Terinas Tiger and Feronordie)

There is no Football Team at Vixen's Run High School. There hasn't been in a few years, actually. How has that come to pass? The answer is something no one would believe, much less remember. It all started like this...

-Part 1: Winners and Wishers-

Player 1: You invite your friend Li over. Li's a girly-boy panda, with a punk rock appearance. He's nothing but skin-tight band shirts and tripp pants. He has black hair with a colored highlight that changes to match his pants' neon highlight for the week. He's got a nice 8 inch monster and a Jacob's' ladder. He's also got a ring on his septum, stud on his tongue, spider bites, and the rings on the outside of his right ear. He's also got stars (you know the ones) tattooed on his chest, abdomen, arms, and one above the base of his tail. He's a major slacker, with failing grades, but he's actually a genius. He has a passion for lsd and weed, but never together -- it's all dependent on how he wants to experience the rave. Currently he's a sophmore in high school, but he failed last year... So now he's repeating grade 10 again. Meanwhile his best friend's already a junior next year. For now, though... It's summer.

Player 2: Tony opened the door to Lee. "Howdy, man!" He snorted, waving a hand. The brown-furred stallion was a foot taller than Li, with broad shoulders and a short, cropped mane. While Li was thin and wispy, Tony was barrel-chested and broad-shouldered, a muscular teenager who likely lived off of protein shakes and football team practices. The horse didn't have an ounce of fat on him, and he tried his best to keep his body in a perfect shape. Lee and he'd been friends since childhood, and he admired the boy for his very outspoken spirit and his brightmind. It was one of the reasons he hung around him, in spite of the fact that they made quite a strange pair. Li's girly appearance and taste in recreational "medicines" always seemed odd stacked next to Tony's preppy, nauseatingly wholesome jock behaviors. And yet, for reasons no one outside the two of them could comprehend, they were best friends. Tony had invited Li over to play some video games during a weekend away from high school. The horse, sweat from his own private exercises, let the femme panda in. "How are yah, man?"

Player 1:"Wha..." Li snapped back to reality. Outwardly, it seem slow, but to Lee it was fast enough to give him whiplash. "H-Huh? Tony, cool. Your place... " He yawned in his thankful unsoiled hoodie.

He did not even wait to be told to come in. He just waltzed on in and went to the kitchen. Just a slight whiff of his scent was enough to tell why. That boi had the munchies.

"Fruit Rings, dude..." he opened the box and started eating them from the bag one at a time.

Player 2: Tony sniffed. "Li, have yah been drugging again? Or however yah say that." He followed his friend in, watching him eat. "Shucks, that stuff'll kill yah." He said, without any tone of condescension. Merely stating a point. Tony had trouble remembering sometimes why Li was his best friend. They truly seemed sometimes to have almost nothing in common, save a love of video games. Tony was straight, athletic, and the product of a nuclear family; Li was from a broken home and a single mother, with a reputation for being a bisexual slut. Yet while Tony couldn't quite remember how they'd ended up friends, he was absolutely certain Li was his best friend. No one else knew how much potential Li had... Tony just wished he'd use it.

Player 1:"Dude, cereal is so safe. We've been eating it for over a century. Relax." the panda smiled, swaying his hips as he chewed. After a moment he popped another past his big, pouty lips. "So, dude, what's the new game?"

Player 2: Tony rolled his eyes. "Ugh. Fine." He sighed and waved to his living room. "Some fighter game, man. Ultimate Deceased Or Living Mega Edition Three. Ah just got a copy. It just came out last week." He turned and trotted into his living room, sitting down against his couch on the floor, taking a controller.

Player 1:"Sure, but we make it interesting." Li grinned and pulled a save cartridge from his back pocket. A faded label, in yellow tape, read "Wishmaker" on the save cartridge. He looked up at his friend. "Unless you're too scared to place a bet." he pulled a five from his wallet.

Player 2: Tony looked up. "What, yah want to put money on it?" He raised an eyebrow. "Shucks, man. I'll match yer five. Let's make it interesting, though. Ah'll bet twenty bucks!" He stamped a hoof, meeting the panda's gaze.

Player 1: Li smiled and raised the bet to meet his friend. "Alright, alright, if you say so, but don't cry if I win." he smirked and put the save cartridge away into his pocket. He then proceeded to jump onto the couch and last down.

Player 2: Tony nodded. "Yer on!" As he sat on the floor, legs stretched out ahead of him, as he started a match. He picked one of the various female characters, a large fox lady clad in only a bikini and holding a broadsword. Admittedly, the only reason he picked her was he liked watching her boobs jiggle. The name for the character was "Vixinatrix". "Bring it on, Li!"

Player 1: Li absentmindedly put his character on random, locking himself into a buxom panda girl wearing super revealing robes. Her weapons were her high heels. He was locked into her for the rest of the match. "Huh... Never used her..."

Player 2: The horse started the challenge, as he began to unleash several of the combos he'd learned over the past few hours of play. Pushing the buxom panda girl into a corner of blocking as he beat against her with the broadsword, roaring in his self-confident vigor as he had his friend on the ropes.

Player 1: Li dropped the controller and handed over his money. "Rematch? I've got more money." her pulled out another twenty. Li had always had a competitive streak to him, as long as Tony could remember. Winning or losing, he loved to compete, even if he was gambling. Sometimes especially so. The panda tossed his hair back, letting it bounce as he gazed up at Tony, waving the twenty out.

Player 2: Tony looked at him as he took the bill. "Dude, ah spanked yer monotone ass pretty hard. are yah sure about that?" As he sighed, picked up his controller, and set the game up to run again.

Player 1:"No, dude, I can do it. Dude, I just need to figure her out. " he said as he chose the same character and looked through her moves.

Player 2: Tony waited for his friend to catch up, rolling his eyes and whinnying. "Sheesh, it's cool. Ah don't mind taking your money, man." He didn't mention that the panda maiden was one of the lower tier fighters in the game, as he put Lee's first 20 in his pocket.

Player 1: Two hours passed and Li was out of cash. "Son of a bitch! I almost had you!" he stood up. "One more game! Just one more!" The panda pointed a finger at his friend, shimmery purple claw-polish glimmering in the light as Tony stared.

Player 2: Tony laughed. "Li, ah don't know where yah keep getting all these twenties from, but ah really am starting to feel guilty takin' yer money." He put his controller down, and put a hand on Li's left shoulder. "Yah aren't gonna beat me, man. Jess accept it."

Player 1:"Then, I won't bet money." Li took out the save cartridge. "Remember when I was wide receiver on the football team?" he asked. Tony wouldn't be able to remember and Li knew this. To Tony, Li had always been a gothy girly boi panda with a plump ass and not a hint of muscle. "Remember that? I was just as big as you!"

Player 2: Tony blinked. "... Li, are yah high? Yah weren't ever on the football team." He raised an eyebrow.

Player 1: Li chuckled and walked over to the game system. He took his memory card out of his back pocket and plugged it into the slot. "There..." He walked back to the couch. A window popped up on the screen that read 'Do both players consent to the Funtendo Royal Flush's rules of engagement and reality augmentation?' following that was the typical wall of text. "Hit 'a'. This just makes our bets come true. Don't worry about anything too extreme, though. This makes sure no one thinks anything's going on... After all, I WAS on the football team at one point." Li's certainty in that last statement made Tony feel almost like what he was saying was familiar.

Player 2: Tony blinked. Reality alteration? Whatever it was seemed like nonsense, but it was interesting nonsense. He hit "a". "Li, ah don't really get this, but fine. Ah dunno why if you were a football player yah'd want to change to be like... well, as yah are, but if you say so... Yer mah friend, ah'll play along. So how does this even work? What do we bet?" He was trying to imagine Li as a big bulky football player like him. It made no sense. Li was Li. He was a great guy, fun to hang around with, witty, if a bit of a druggy. Sure, he dressed and acted a bit girly sometimes and there were plenty of rumors that he sucked every cock put in front of him, but Tony didn't really buy into rumors much. He did find it a bit funny he couldn't really remember how he had met Li, though. Maybe they'd just known each other long enough for him to have forgotten. "Is this some sorta game genie thingymabobber?"

Player 1: Li let out a snort, clutching the controller tightly "The way it works is: we play and the winner gets to make a request of the other person. Like you can win and tell me to do strip and I'll do it. I won't be able to resist. Alternatively, you could even tell me to be taller and I'll gain a few inches, whatever you imagine." He grinned and pressed 'a' too. "Ready?" He selected his panda girl, as a new screen popped up. 'Good Luck, Tony and Li!' Li pressed 'a' once more to acknowledge the message and began waiting on Tony.

Player 2: Tony grinned. "Sure, ah'll play along." As he selected his Foxy barbarian babe and hit "a". Bring it on, Li!" As he initiated the match.

Player 1:"GOD DAMNIT!!" Li shouted, as he lost once more. This was the closest match yet. Literally 1 HP had been the deciding factor between them. Tony had to admit, Li was getting better at this game.

Player 2: Tony's eyes were wide. "Damn, yah are learning." Tony was impressed. He knew Li was good at learning, but this was pretty fast, even for him when his mind was clear. "Ah'll have t'step up my game." He looked up at Li. None of this could be real, could it? He decided to test it. Just something a bit silly at first. "Ok, so if this IS real, let's see. Ah order yah t' have always worn yer hair down t'your waist. Still yer same style, but yah prefer longer hair now."

Player 1: Li let out a groan, as his hair began to grown out. It cascaded down his body and pooled behind him. "Oh my god, this is going to take forever to wash. Don't even get me fukkin' started on the dye." He ran a paw through his black hair, staring at the purple highlights in it. in a moment, his snarl turned into a smile. "But it's really hot like this, I guess. That's why I grew it out. Plenty of guys love long, sexy hair." He patted at his long, luscious locks, imagining the last time he'd been on all fours, his hair tugged by a lover... "I could tell you stories, Tony! But let's do a new game." He clicked on his panda woman.

Player 2: Tony's eyes were wide. "Holy shit man!" He reached up to touch his friend's hair. Purely out of disbelief more than anything else. "This... this is real?" He sniffed at it. It certainly SMELLED like Li. "Uh, are yah sure we should be messing with this?" As he hit "a" again, starting a new match with his same character.

Player 1: Li wasn't listening. He was sitting up, leaning over the edge of the seat. He was tuned into the TV and everything that was going on, on its monitor. "You're going down, horse."

Player 2: Tony narrowed his eyes. "Fine! Ah'll hand yer head t'yah!" As he started the match, forgetting about his concern as his mind went to combos, muscle memory, and battle music. He was bringing his a-game.... with this character. He was practicing this character, but didn't consider the Foxy Barbarian his best one. "Play well, Li..."

Player 1: Li's character charged him and finally knocked Tony's character into the air. His buxom panda managed to work her way beneath the skanky fox and juggled her from 25% all the way down to 0. "YES~!" He bounced and clapped his hands. "Yeah! Finally!"

Player 2: Tony howled. "Hah! Good one. Dang, didn't see that one coming." He looked up at Li. It was good to see the guy smiling. He sometimes worried Li wasn't really happy, with his whole gothy outlook. Stupid worry, but Tony was a worrier. "Alright... ah want a rematch before ah switch characters."

Player 1: Li held up a finger and grinned. "Hold up, I get one request, remember?" He licked his lips and started thinking. After a moment, he decided to be gentle. "Give me the money back that I bet you, with interest. You won't ask for it back."

Player 2: Tony grumbled and snorted, reaching into his pocket and pulling out all the panda's money. "Hey, a bet's a bet. It's yer money, ah ain't gonna ask t'take it back." As he pressed the money into Lee's fuzzy monochrome paw. The big burly stallion thought for a moment, and then included the 60 bucks he had earned himself the last few weeks, as interest.

Player 1: Li took the money and smiled. "Alright, next round." He lifted his baggy, oversized hoodie up off of his pants, and tucked the cash into his pockets. He looked over at Tony, lingering for a moment, then reclined on the couch once more while licking his lips. He had such plans for his bro. And he had this character all figured out.

Player 2: Tony didn't hold back this time. He kept Li's panda girl on the ground, using leg sweeps and overhead broadsword swings to try and stunlock the high heeled bitch. Even so, it was pretty close. He felt himself having to concentrate on the game as hard as he could, both players lifebars dropping fast.

Player 1: And Li's new skill was no use to the onslaught of attacks from the fox woman. His health fell and the panda snarled, not happy. "I'm changing characters." He muttered and crossed his arms. "I'm not going to lose after this."

Player 2: Tony snorted. "Wait, ah get a request, don't ah?" He smirked, the horse's grin insufferable. The stallion paused a moment, lost in thought. He wasn't the smartest, so the options this device offered took him a bit to consider. A couple of embarrassing things came to mind, but he wasn't feeling vindictive. Not really. "Mah request is that yah ain't gonna want or need t'do drugs no more. High on life, Li." He grinned. "Yah'll find other things fer fun instead."

Player 1:"Noooooo..." Li had tears in his eyes, as he stared at the stallion. "No, Tony, I needed those. Oh my god, I needed them so badly. You just don't understand." He felt sick at his stomach. "Time out: bathroom." He ran out and slammed the bathroom door behind him. His body was purging the drugs in his system and sobering him up. For a few moments, all Tony could hear from the panda was gagging and wretching.

Player 2: Tony blinked. "Uh... you ok, man?" The horse felt a bit guilty. He THOUGHT he was going to be helping Li. He waited patiently for the panda to come back, wondering how to make amends.

Player 1: The bathroom door opened again after close to half an hour of purging. "Ngh fffuuuuuuuck..." Li stammered over to the couch, wiping some vomit from his lips, and sat down. He picked up his controller and put in a developer code to unlock all the fighters. He moved over to a busty human girl in an eyepatch and selected her. "I'm gonna fukkin wreck you." The human girl, on screen, waved a cane menacingly.

Player 2: Tony had sat there, uncomfortably worrying, for the whole time. He offered Li a glass of ice water, and then picked up the controller. "Um, ah'm sorry. No hard feelings?" He smiled nervously before hitting "a" and starting the match. This time he was gonna be a bit easy on his friend. After all, he'd just been throwing up and couldn't feel very good.

Player 1: Li was a beast without the drugs blocking his train of thought. He was fast and on point. His fingers were a blur. Tony didn't even need to ease up on him. The victory was perfect. "Aha!" He shouted and pointed to Tony. "I may be sober, but not you. You've got the same passion for drugs I used to have. You're high right now, actually."

Player 2: Tony blinked. His eyes were a bit bloodshot. His mane smelled of pot smoke. He yawned and kicked his legs a bit. "Mmm... what? Ah spaced out there..." He snorted. "Mmm... yah jerk... 's hard t'think." He reached up and grabbed Li, pulling him off the couch and hugging him tightly, before setting him down next to him. Tony was an affectionate druggie. "No more sitting behind me. Yer's gonna put that bum on the floor like me. Fair an' level. Next game, ok?" As he picked out a new character. It was hard to focus, so he picked someone pretty easy. The monkish wolf with the bow staff everyone considered to be a bit cheap. "Alright, ah'm ready..." He slurred out.

Player 1: Tony was speaking, but the game was already started. Lee had him halfway to death, then dead. "There... Hey, Tony what do you like best about yourself? What are your favorite features?"

Player 2: Tony grumbled. "No fair! Ah wasn't.. ready..." He mumbled. It was hard to think. His mind was hazy... "Ah guess ah light mah height... and mah strength. Get lotta attention from girls fer 'em..."

Player 1: Li's victory was absolute. As he heard Tony's response, he decided to tease his friend. "Well, you're even shorter than me and you're not even muscular." he spoke the request, before breaking into a laugh. Like a deflating balloon, Tony shrunk down in height and mass.

Player 2: Tony yelped and looked at himself. Five foot four, just two inches shorter than Li. "W-what the?!?" He snorted. "You jerk! Ah thought we wuz friends! Change me back!" He grit his teeth and stomped a hoof. The way the request was worded, his clothes didn't even fit anymore. The second he would stand up again, they'd be falling off of him. He looked almost like a kid wearing his dad's clothes for a game of pretend. "No fair! Ah'm gonna getcha back fer that..." His cock seemed to be the same size, however, tenting his floppy, oversized clothes, as the horse initiated a rematch, focusing on the game

Player 1: The horse lost again, as Li was far more focused than he could ever hope to be. He looked down at the stallion and smirked. Enough teasing, it was time for him to go for what he REALLY wanted. "You've always look just about as girly as I do since hitting puberty, but you're more of the cheerleader type."

Player 2: Tony whimpered. His auburn mane grew out, curly and spilling over both his shoulders into a curly mass of shimmery brown hair. He felt his hips swelling to a range that could only be called "childbearing". His fur pattern altered, a white heart forming around his butt, as most of the white patches on his fur moved around. One white spot over his right eye, one over his belly. the rest all a deep chestnut brown, save for white floof around his hands and hooves. The horse actually gained some weight, his butt getting pudgier into a proper booty, and his belly forming a faint pudge. He looked softer. More cuddlier. "Ah... you jerk! Ah used t'be-" He froze, as the stallion's memories started to shift in his brain. Tony squirmed. "Q-quit teasing me 'bout it! Ah can't help it..." The stallion hadn't believably looked like a boy since hitting puberty. He'd grown soft in all the right places, and the other guys wouldn't leave him alone. He'd been teased so much... And even though he was straight, he had lots of rumors swirling about their High School about him. The stallion-turned-pony snorted and started a new match, determined to win!

Player 1: Li watched the transformation happened, feeling something beneath his shorts get tight. He always loved this part. Seeing people change was as much of a rush as being changed... They were the only highs he had left to enjoy after Tony's meddling. And the panda had to admit, Tony made a cute femboy. As the game began anew, it was a cruel twist of fate that caused Li to lose. The gothy panda sneezed and jerked his hands up, leaving him wide open.

Player 2: Tony giggled as he won. Thanks to Li's change, his mannerisms, and even his style of speaking was a bit more effeminate. He giggled instead of laughed, he swished his hips as they played, and bounced eagerly on his butt when his victory was final. The femme pony was less of a jock and more of a prep at school now. He even remembered being a cheerleader instead of a football quarterback. It'd only been a natural fit for the cute, effeminate mare-boi. The changes were insidious, and Tony didn't even notice his behavior was different. He thought about trying to use his boon to make Li fix things, but he wasn't really sure how. It felt too complicated anyway, for his drugged up mind. He snorted. "Al'right..." He grinned. "Yah've always been really too horny. Like, really horny. Round anyone yah like, yer a big femmy slut." He grinned dumbly. He'd see if Li could win while in a male's equivalent of heat

Player 1:"I'm just oh em gee..." Li rolled his eyes and pursed his plump lips. The gothy panda ran his hands over his body. He was tingly all over, feeling a wave of heat hitting him. The front of his jeans were tenting. "Ngh, rematch!"

Player 2: Tony chuckled. "Hah, sure!" As the horse started the next round, learning to work around his muzzy, fuzzy mental headspace and gradually learning to compensate for it... and to fight dirty. At one point during the bout he reached over to tickle Lee, grinning as he teased the OBVIOUSLY more girly asian panda boi.

Player 1: Li let out a moan, as he won again. But just barely. "Fngh... L-lets see how happy you are without a cock! You're just.... Oooh... You're just some Sissy cunt boy!" he unzipped his shorts, took out his cock with one paw, and whined. All eight inches were on end, with the silver piercings glowing brightly in the monitor's light. Li's shaft dribbled a fat dollop of pre down te front, as he groaned in torment.

Player 2: Tony moaned and squealed, feeling his cock pulling inward, shrinking until it was no more. The proud anaconda of the trowsers, once over a foot in length, vanished into the pit. The experience felt oddly arousing, as the horses new pussy was already moist just as it formed. He blushed, but snarled. "Gah! You... you bitch!" As he started a new game, he ignored the panda's whipped out cock. Li was a huge slut and they both knew it. What sort of friend would Tony be if he didn't put up with Li's overactive libido? Letting him air out the shaft was just easier than letting him deal with tight, uncomfortable shorts. The stallion was playing much better now than he had before, blocking and whittling down Li's health bar.

Player 1: Li broke through Tony's defenses, after a drawn out fight. But it wasn't enough. Eventually, time was called though. He lost, but just barely. Tony had just enough to get past him. Li had lost again. He groaned in defeat, trying to resist the urge to stop playing so he could paw off.

Player 2: Tony found himself giggling as he won. He barely even noticed. It felt natural. "Yaaay!" He bounced, wiggling the junk in his trunk as he did a little dance. Then he looked over at Li. It was time for him to strike back! "Alright. So... from now on, you can't remember ever being attracted jess t'girls, if you ever were. Yah also like men. An' cuntboys..." he said, not sure why he added that last part specifically. "And that's how it has always been, right?" The horse had to cling to keep his oversized pants up.

Player 2: (OOC: Tony + cheerleader mindset = bubbly, energetic, very physical)

Player 1: Li looked up at him, with his cock out and throbbing. "And you're just a brainless bimbo cuntboi with tits instead of brains!" he laughed. "You can't even stand to have your body covered with decent clothing, slutty Toni." he grinned. Lee had cheated... During Tony's (now Toni) dance, he bumped the a-button to start a new match. He'd been beating on his buddy's character while Tony/Toni had been celebrating.

Player 2: Toni shuddered and moaned. His pants were gone. Or more accurately, they had never been. Both of the bois remembered Toni having always worn just a pair of white lacy panties. The ones that always rubbed against her clitty and made her moan and dribble into it. The panda found the room to be saturated with the scent of a lusty mare. Li could remember Toni as having never wanted to wear anything more than underwear around his parents house. She barely put up with being clothed outside. The horse rubbed her fat, c-cup tits and whinnied. "Gawd, you are such a cheater!" She plopped back down on her butt with a jiggle, leaning against Lee, resting her head on his shoulder. "Fine... lets play again, meanie." Toni was really only a cuntboi in mindset now, biologically nearly a female. And on the drugs, it was hard for her to even insist on a male pronoun. Really, she barely even remembered why she'd care about being male when she had a hot, throbbing clit... As she started the game, the whorse performing surprisingly well, and soon having Li in the ropes.

Player 1: Li was just too distracted to play while his femme best friend was so close to him. The scent in the air was driving him insane. His pierced cock was a diamond. He could only sigh as he lost once more, the goth boi's eyes locked on Toni's blossoming tits as they grew outwards.

Player 2: Toni cheered, raising her...his... whatever... arms in the air and giggling, rubbing his ass against the other boy's, and then looking over towards him. "Now, ah want yah to no longer be able t'lie to me or not answer mah questions. Ever." the horse said in a lusty, breathy voice that made Li think of a porn star. Wasn't Toni's mom a porn star? It was hard for Li to remember what Toni Chestershire's parents did all of a sudden. "Why didyah stop being a jock to become the cutie yah are? And why didyah make me... like this?" It had taken all he could to even ask that. He had wanted to use her change make Li his boyfriend, or needing to fuck him hard, or something fun like that. Asking silly questions felt sooo boring. But a part of him felt like he should, even though he felt it was kinda dumb to ask.

Player 1:"I lost a bet on this machine and the other guy made me like this. A walking gay porn centerfold for him to play with..." he admitted as his hand absently stroked his cock. He had to touch it... He was such a femmy slut... "And I was angry. I hated being smart and drugs made the world better. I didn't have to be thinking all the time. I could have fun..."

Player 2: Toni pouted. "You... hated being smart?" He looked up at Li, batting chocolate eyes at him. "Ah'm soo sorry ah made you lose that..." She felt like taking away her friend's drugs was so cruel now. The whorse rubbed the pandaboi's thigh, mostly on instinct. She wanted to make her friend feel better... "How 'bout we play one more game. An' if ah win ah'll help that, and if yah win, yah can make me do whatever you want..." Toni didn't worry about the game anymore. It was just a fun thing to play and spend time with her bestie. Her bestie who had that best pierced cock... mmm... maybe afterwards she'd give him a pony ride...

Player 1: Li clicked the start button and held her close as they played. His bestial cock was leaking pre from the tip. He was so horny from that sexy pussy right beside him... That hot, tight, most cunt lying just within his gaze. He wasn't even looking at the screen anymore. His tongue flickered over his plump cock suckers. He was definitely going to lose this one.

Player 2: The horse was button mashing at this point. Toni had forgotten most of the stuff she'd learned about the game. She barely even thought about how she used to be a big sweaty jock at this point, What the pretty pony was now was sooo much better. In spite of this, she won. She snorted and swished his tail. "Yay!" She rubbed at Lee's chest through whatever the panda was wearing. "Now ah want yah t'become one of two thingies... either you can go back t'being on drugs t'cope, and we stay besties..." She smiled and licked her puffy, cocksucking lips. "Or you can change yahself to enjoy being a smarty and that we've always been dating... and mating... and maybe using my tits and your brains to make the rest of the football team into a new cheerleading team..." She smiled. "Ah wantcha to pick."

Player 1:"Option two..." he groaned it wasn't fair. She got to keep the drugs, while he was forced to choose between the drugs and her. He wanted then so badly, but the thought of them made him so nauseous. "I choose you..."

Player 2: As he said it, the game made the necessary changes to both their minds and bodies. Li and Toni now had a full suite of memories of becoming boyfriend and girlfriend two years prior, immediately getting physically intimate, and spending nearly every moment together since then. They remembered how they had been before, but the new memories felt more "real" now then their old ones were. Toni squealed as she moved down to slide her moist, warm tongue along his pierced head. The pony parted her lips and began to suckle on her boifriend's cock, rubbing his piercing against his cock with her tongue as her mouth swallowed his meat, the whorse getting on all fours, rump in the air, tail lifted, as she began to bob up and down on the panda meat stick she was being treated to. She could Trust Li. He could do the thinking for her. The idea of him got her wet, as she reached up to finger her slit, the fully female filly sucking his cock as if she'd been doing it for the past two years.

Player 1: The panda let out a deep, throaty moan as the horse turned into a carnivore. His hands grabbed her ponytail and gave her a push, working her down to the base. He was thick as a soda can, so deep thrusting that was quite a feat. His hips slowly bucked, fucking her pretty, little face, before pulling her off. "F-Fuck... " Li groaned, as his cock met the fresh air. "Toni, I need to fuck your pussy. Get up on my lap. " he smacked one of his girly thighs, causing his towering manhood to wiggle. "Don't you want these studs in your hot cunt?"

Player 2: Toni had some panda spunk dribbling down her lower lip, glistening above her chin as she giggled. "I love it when you manhandle your pony, Li..." She stared at his cock, watching it twitch as he flexed it. "F-fuck... I need that..." her body was liquid fire, and she had to put it out. She stood up, her breasts bouncing now with even the slightest motion, as she stepped towards him, sliding her saturated white panties down her legs as she did. She put her hands on Li's shoulders and arched her body forward, letting her clitty rub the head of his cock. "Gonna fill mah fulla baby batter now?" She stared into his eyes.

Player 1:"No, I'll fill you when I'm good and ready, my slutty cum dumpster." he said as he grabbed her by the hips. He then forced her around and down onto his cock. Li had absolutely no foreplay in mind, only pumping his prize mare full of his baby batter and wearing her like a cocksock.

Player 2: Toni squeaked as she felt Li pull her down, impaling her on his spear. The mareboi... Well, truly a mare now, arched her head back and whinnied as she felt that studded cock inside her for the first time. Yet a growing part of her remembered it being the millionth time. Flexing her lips against it, she felt the studs rub against her wall, making her positively drool down there. She panted. "Nnngh... use me... rut me..breed me... just rape me..."

Player 1: His fingers gripped that soft ass flesh and dug in as he bounced against her. Each thrust sent a wave of force through Toni's body that emanated from the back of her cunt to the top of her head and down to the ends of her hooves. "Mmm, Toni, you're such a whore..." he murmured before kissing her deeply.

Player 2: Toni felt herself being kissed, her cunny already soaked and juicy as she felt her tits bouncing, her nipples hard. She felt like her whole body was coming alive as he mated her. She wanted him. She NEEDED him. His body radiated heat and she felt the urge to get as much of it on her as she could. The mare came early, her clear juices dribbling out of her, soaking the panda's crotch and balls and leaking onto the couch as she lifted her tail and squeezed her cunt, hoping, no BEGGING, formore

Player 1: Without warning Li threw her to the ground and pulled her up to her hands and knees by her mane. "You're just a fucking mare, only good for making foals. You're no good without a knocked up belly." With a few strides, Li circled around Toni's body, moving behind her. A fuzzy paw slapped her ass hard, causing her booty to jiggle and wiggle, before plunging back into her clit. She was acting like an animal, so he was going to fuck her like one.

"Don't even talk. Breeding mares only whinny and neigh... " he spanked her again, as her fucked her sopping wet pussy. Both his hands grabbed her hips, pushing and pulling her in sync with his movements. Each thrust gave her the full length of his cock, from the bottom of head, down to the base.

Player 2: Toni neighed in surprise as she fell to the ground. Listening to Lee filled her with a mix of panic and arousal. He was... a bit beastly. It was very hot, but also very surprising. The mare let out a low neigh as he thrust into her pussy, bringing her to orgasm again and again, her cunt releasing wave after wave of spunk against his panda cock as she got on all fours, panting.

Player 1:"You're not even a mare. You're just a bitch in heat." He reached up and put her face to the ground. "Mares have a sense of pride and dignity. You're just a cock-hungry bitch. Bark for me, bimbo bitch. Bark for your master like good pets do."

Player 2: Toni felt her lips rubbing against the carpet. Being treated like this was a turn on. The mare was a bit of a slut, and liked being manhandled sometimes. She opened her snout. "W-woof! W-woof!" She tried to sound as much like a dog as she could, her tail lifted to flash her ample behind to Li as she felt herself trembling with need. She needed to be filled. To be stuffed. She reached up to brush some of her mane out of her eyes. "Bark!" She turned around, looking at Li with a timid, needy glint in her eyes, her lips still smeared with his seed.

Player 1: Li grabbed her by the base of her tail and lifted. Her butt came up as did her knees, giving him the perfect angle to flood her womb. He did exactly this, while he had her elevated. He came inside of her, stuffing her pussy with cum. Without rest, he kept thrusting and cumming into her, forcing his cum even deeper inside. She would feel the warmth even in the center of her chest, as her belly poked out. Lee was cumming enough to distend her stomach, like a good meal.

He wasn't done, though. He pulled out of her with a satisfying pop and grabbed her mane like a collar. He jerked her around and put her face into his crotch. He made sure her nose got his musk inside, before making her face him. Her nose was coated with a medley of their cum. "Smell it, bitch. That's what your master smells like. Now," Li let go. "Clean my cock, but no sucking. Bitches lick their owners clean." Behind her, Toni could feel a warm trickling down her legs. A drop came from behind her, as the thick cum was dribbling out of her gaping pussy. "And when you're done, clean up your mess."

Player 2: The scent of the Panda's lust filled Toni's snout. After getting a bellyfull of his cum, the scent was a sort of breaking point. Toni looked up at the panda and saw her Master now. Not a lover. Not a friend. Li might still be both of those, but she couldn't see him right now without seeing an authority figure. She knickered and blushed, leaning in and slurping at his cock, cleaning it like a bitch would. Her long, equine tongue lapping every droplet of his cum off as she reveled in the musk of a real male.

She felt her pussy leaking his seed and felt almost ashamed. A good bitch would hold every drop, she felt. She needed to practice. To not leak any of his precious seed. To not waste it. Toni blushed, barking again, her head lowered and docile, not a trace of fight left in her, as she finished cleaning off her Master's cock and crawled, on all fours with her butt waving up in the air, to a position where she could better lick carpet and clean up her own leakage. After a few minutes the act, disgusting as it was, was finished. The mare kept her head low, not even looking at her monochrome master, not trying to tease or joke with him anymore. She was terrified. And also turned on. But with his musk filling her nose, how could she not be?

Player 1: Li reached back and dipped three fingers into her mare pussy to stir things around. He felt between the lips and toyed with her clit, just a bit roughly. The sheer amount of cum on his fingers made them slip, constantly rubbing the swollen button. Once he had his fill of fun back there he scooped out a handfull of cum and held it under her nose. "There, you're such a good girl..." he stroked her mane with his clean hand, offering her the cum. "Here's a treat for master's good little bitch."

Player 2: Toni squealed a bit as she felt her honeypot being stirred. Li felt her cumming again against his paw, getting it thoroughly soaked as he took his prize. Her body trembled and she had to fight to just stay standing. The mare felt him pressing the mixing of their shared cum, like a treat, up to her snout. She smelled it, taking in the scent. After a moment's hesitation, her tongue flicked out to lap at it. She found she liked the taste, and was soon cleaning Li's fingers of every drop. She still wasn't talking. Still a mix of scared and turned on. But she was calming down, the mare bitch blushing when he called her good, licking up his arm to get as much of the salty sex goo as she could.

Player 1: Li stood and patted the side of his thigh, as he gathered up her panties and started walking to her room. "Come on girl." He made a motion for her to follow him. "Don't forget, good girls stay on their hands and knees." He sat down on the edge of her bed and pet his lap. His fat cock was still out and laying over his thigh. "Come on, you can do it."

Player 2: Toni crawled forward on all fours, keeping her head down as she went towards her Master. It took longer, as she was unused to crawling and was keeping her pussy as tight as she could to keep from leaking any more precious seed. After about a minute of effort, her tits jiggling and her ass waving back and forth, Toni made it to Li, her head bumping into his legs, nudging him as his mare bitch stood there on all fours in front of him.

Player 1: He scooped her up by the pits and put her on his lap. "That's a good girl..." He kissed her temple and gently stroked her back. He smiled at her. "I love you, Toni..." He whispered and gently ran his index finger along her clitty. He was going to give her one last orgasm before bed. She looked a bit shook up.

Player 2: Toni pressed into him as Li picked her up. Her tits pressed up against his body as she looked into his eyes. "Ah... ah love you too, Li..." She whispered, risking punishment for speaking because she wanted to say it. The slutty mare couldn't help but groan, her eyes rolling back in her head, as her panda lover began to finger her again. By this point she wasn't in any danger of leaking anymore. At least not her Panda Master's cum. She squirmed, having trouble handling the sensation of being fingered, her body near the brink of a climax already.

Player 1: He kept fondling her clit, before reaching back and grabbing a handful of mare butt. "Such a good pet." He pecked her forehead. "Mmmm...." He let himself linger. That nasty testosterone was out of his system now. He was much more compassionate. His balls were drained. It was time for a more tender touch.

Player 2: Toni panted, her tired body spurting out one more climax, leaking out all over Li's fingers as the mare fell over against him, exhausted after all the sex. She whinnied faintly, fluttering her eye lashes and pressing herself up against him as much as she could, trying to almost crawl inside him for warmth. Toni nuzzled at Lee's chest, her tail swishing on the bed, as she finished her last spurt for the moment. "Mmm...." She couldn't resist yawning. Li had tuckered her out.

Player 1: Li scooped her up and carried her to the head of her bed, bridal style (or perhaps bridle?) He laid her down and slid her into the covers, before sliding in to spoon her. The thin panda boi slipped his arms around her and stroked her thighs. He slowly slid them up along her body and cupped her breasts gently, before finally leaving them on her stomach. Her flat, sexy stomach... He gave the base of her neck a kiss and smiled. "I love you, Toni. Good night."

Player 2: Toni yawned again. Her parents would likely be home tomorrow morning. But if Li had been right they wouldn't even bat an eyelash at her the way she was now. It was all right. She could leave the thinking to Li... she just wanted to sleep, smoke some pot, and let him fuck her like the bitch mare she was now... that was all she really wanted now.

She fell asleep, feeling full, warm, and happy.

-End Part 1-

There Is No Football Team at Vixen's Run High School Part 2

There Is No Football Team At Vixen's Run High School By: Terinas Tiger (Based on an RP between Terinas Tiger and Feronordie) _There is no Football Team at Vixen's Run High School. There hasn't been in a few years, actually. How has that...

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Courtship Part 5: Seeing Eye to Eye

Courtship By Terinas Tiger Part 5: Seeing Eye to Eye I'm hung up on a guy. That's my problem, right there. My thoughts keep coming back to him. Admittedly, there's some pretty good reasons for it. Teri was my first, the person who dragged...

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Courtship Part 4: Moving Up Is Hard To Do

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