Ahadi's Plaything

Story by KopaLionheart on SoFurry

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Two lions are sent on what they think is a diplomatic mission to a neighboring tribe. They had gone there before, each time escaping being transformed into the Borderland's King's property or something worse. Was this the time where their luck would finally run out?

Kopa walks casually towards the border of the Borderlands and the Pridelands, looking back to see his little brother Whitestripe trying to keep up with him. Sometimes he wondered why he had to take the younger feline with him on these diplomatic missions. They were going to see Ahadi, King of the Borderlands, so aptly named as the kingdom was the territory that bordered four other prides as well as the main river for which all the animals gathered regularly. Kopa huffs as he lets his younger brother catch up to him, nipping at his ear, "Keep up little brother or I'll leave you alone with Ahadi and Korin. I wonder what they'd do to you if you were all alone." Whitestripe snickers softly as he begins to pad right behind Kopa, "I hear dad's already gone to see Ahadi today, apparently there was supposed to be some big celebration between the different pride leaders."

Kopa sighs and nods as they walk towards the border, seeing his master shift into his little brother again, wondering why the different pride leaders would all be gathering let alone celebrating You seem to know quite a bit more than me, and I'm the crown prince so what gives?

The little lion seemed to grin at his brother, leaning over to butt his head against his side. "Remember how I told you have I have another side of me? Leogun? Well, for the last few months, I've been having him out and exploring, watching the humans, the other prides, everything, and he sends everything back to me." The feline told him proudly. "He's also my safety valve in case both of us every got permanently transformed and someone used magic to keep our medallions from reforming us."

Kopa nodded remembering how his little brother had mentioned Leogun in the past, apparently using him as a super spy around the region. "But still, why would all the pride leaders be celebrating? What is there to celebrate that would bring all of them together even after all the tension over the past months?" He asked softly as the crossed the border, seeing not the usual two lioness entourage waiting for them, but seven. Kopa stood in front of Whitestripe in case they were hostile, but all they did was start escorting us both to Ahadi's rock.

Whitestripe glanced around as the lionesses fell into place to start escorting them, leaning over to whisper softly into Kopa's ears. "Leogun says that Ahadi showed them proof of when the first great king made us lions, and that all the pride's are coming together to celebrate the day. He thinks it's a way to get all the pride leaders together and transform and claim them all, to rule over every pride as king."

Kopa gasped at hearing this plan, wondering why his brother had allowed them to come today if it was true. He turned and saw the two lionesses flanking them glare as he analyzed any chance of escape, gulping as they unsheathed their claws. If they didn't cooperate now that they were outside their territory, they'd probably be killed for food. He leaned over to his brother "Seriously Stripey, why did you have us come today? Did your mate, Prince Korin tell you to get me for Ahadi to play with?"

Whitestripe the little black lion seemed to snicker as he gave a far too innocent grin to the older lion. "Why, big brother? Why ever would I do that?" He asked, leaning over to nuzzle Kopa, purring to him. "Nothing so complex, I just know how much you enjoy being transformed, changed, hypnotized, and used." He whispered so the other lionesses wouldn't hear. "Even if you don't admit it, I know you loved being a part of Ahadi as his big cock, I bet you would have loved to have truly become nothing more than an ordinary lion shaft if I hadn't stepped in to reverse it before it became permanent."

Kopa's cheeks burned a brand new shade of red at hearing such words from his little brother. With a huff and a growl he turned and pounced Whitestripe, ready to claw and maim the little lion, only to be ambushed by three of the lionesses escorting them, pinning him to the ground and snarling at him while the other four rushed to Whitestripe to make sure he was okay. "You little runt. Traitor. I would never enjoy that. How dare you treat me this way" he yelled before getting a stern bite to his nape, silencing and freezing him, being carried the rest of the way there while Whitestripe was comforted and escorted.

Whitestripe couldn't help but snicker softly as he was pinned down before Kopa was caught and frozen with a bite to his nape. The black cub climbing to his paws and thanking the lioness's before he started following after them. As they neared Ahadi's cave, the first thing he noticed were there many pride's worth of lioness's but very few, if any male lions. So then, where were all of the leaders at? "Huh, maybe Leogun was right about all this." Whitestripe whispered under his breath as he padded over to the lioness that held Kopa.

Kopa's eyes went wide as he was carried up to Ahadi's rock, seeing the exact same thing his brother was seeing, many pride's worth of lionesses but only one male, a cub slightly younger than Whitestripe that Ahadi had apparently ignored or didn't deem a threat. Either way, he hung from the jaws of the lioness carrying him, earning snickers from many of the lionesses standing outside the cave, making him blush again, almost wishing he could be asleep or dead. He wanted to look around for Simba but the lioness apparently wasn't too keen on letting him go.

Ahadi soon padded out of the cave, looking very, very satisfied. "Ah, Kopa, Whitestripe, hello you two, I was wondering when you two were going to make it, your father was very excited when he received his invitation to our gathering, and let me be the first to say, he's quite a bit larger then I would have thought before." He snickered softly as he waved a paw for Kopa to be set down, glancing behind him. "Come on out here son, you can play with your new dildo's later, we have guests."

Kopa blushed and huffed as he was set down, glaring at Ahadi and Korin as he walked out, "How dare you use other lions as sex toys. You're sick you know that? Well not me. Nu-uh. I am not agreeing to become one of your new dildos or any other sex object. Keep Whitestripe, I guess he loves you and Korin more than our pride or me."

Ahadi snickered softly as he bounded gracefully down and approached Kopa. "My dear, sweet little Kopa, you have it all wrong, if it wasn't for your brother, you, my dear cub, would likely be digesting in my belly at this very moment." He said as he bent forward to lap at his ear lovingly, sending a haze of heat through his form. "Your brother fought and argued almost nonstop to try and protect you and your father, so that I would eliminate you both after how many times you defied me." Ahadi began to gently, almost lovingly groom Kopa, the waves of warmth soothed all of Kopa's sore muscles, and made it hard to think....hard to focus....why had he been angry.....why would he ever want to be angry, didn't he just wanna feel good, to feel pleasure?

Kopa looked over at Whitestripe to see the pain his words had inflicted on his brother, quickly apologizing and hugging his brother at hearing how hard he had fought to save Simba and I. "I'm so so sorry Whitestripe. I didn't know." He then turned back to Ahadi only for a shockwave of pleasure to course through him as he was suddenly licked, being groomed by the large cat, feeling the coarse tongue sliding all over his fur sending his nerves into overdrive. "Whoa...wow this feels good." he said softly, closing his eyes and purring loudly as the grooming continued, many of the lionesses watching giggling at the happy lion, knowing what was coming next.

Whitestripe nuzzled his brother gently. "Hey, you're still my big brother." He whispered gently to him before Ahadi began to make his move, grooming and licking him. "Yes, doesn't it feel so very good Kopa, wouldn't you like to feel this good, or even better always, just like your father?" He asked gently, lovingly to him. "I'd love to have the full set of Pridelanders for my collection, wouldn't you like that, to be part of a beautiful collection?" As he spoke, his paw slid down to stroke over Kopa's shaft. "You've got quite the spire here, I'd bet it'd feel real good inside me and my lioness's."

Whitestripe glanced down. This had been the best he'd been able to fight for, to have his father and Kopa join the rest of the pride leaders as dildo's as their own shafts, and Ahadi had even warned him that if Korin wanted too, he'd be joining the collection as well, to give Ahadi and his pride the full Pridelanders dildo set.

Kopa purred lovingly to his brother, the grooming of the King getting to his senses and overpowering his thoughts. It felt much too good, so he just nodded and purred as the King asked his questions. Why wouldn't he want to always feel this good? Plus he'd get to fill the holes of both the King and all of his lionesses. What was there to lose? "Yes King Ahadi. That sounds so nice.

"That's a very good boy, why don't you and I have some privacy and I can help you find your proper form, doesn't that sound good?" Ahadi asked as he gently lifted Kopa and carried him into the den. Inside, the stone walls had been cut with little shelves, and spire after animal spire stood silent, each one was large and beautiful, a testament to the king or prince it had once been, each shelf even had the name of the pride marked into it. "Ah, here we are Kopa, do you like your new home?" Ahadi asked after setting him down.

Kopa shuddered as he was picked up, the pleasure momentarily lessening while being brought into the cave. He watched as he passed spire after spire, gulping at what he'd agreed to. As he was set down, he looked up at the big king, gulping at the sheer power the lion had. "Are..Are you sure there is nothing else I can do to please you Sir?" he asked, suddenly hesitant to become a dildo for the pride.

Outside, Korin nuzzled and comforted Whitestripe. "At least this way they won't ever get old or deteriorate and will be treasured by the entire pride. They won't die either. You did well Whitestripe for your brother and father."

Ahadi rumbled softly, a grin on his muzzle as he looked down at Kopa. "Oh, but Kopa, I already have a place for you picked out and everything." He told him with a chuckle, waving over to a single golden brown dildo, the image of Simba's face carved into the base of the cock, it was sitting alone on a shelf, large enough for two other dildo's to rest on. "My pride land shelf is looking pretty lonely, wouldn't you like to join your father in this pride of place?" He rumbled to him.

Whitestripe nodded his head slowly as he gently nuzzled and licked Korin back. "Yeah....it's better than them getting eaten or killed, that's for sure." He said before asking slowly. "Are....are you going to complete your dad's set of Pridelands spires?" He asked hesitantly.

Kopa blushed at seeing his father reduced to nothing but a large dildo for Ahadi to use as he pleased, growling as the pleasure from before had mostly worn off. He lunged at the king's groin with open muzzle, ready to tear those orbs and thick cock from his loins as punishment for his actions.

Korin turned to Whitestripe and sighed. "You know, I'm not really sure yet. I think eventually I will but I'm not sure I want to give you up just yet. You are too much fun to play with and mate with for me to have you become yet another dildo. We already have plenty."

Ahadi seemed ready for that as his paw slammed down and pinned Kopa to the stone floor of the cave. "My my, my new dildo is certainly rowdy. I think it needs to calm down." He whispered as he bent down and began to lap over Kopa's head and ears, that pleasure flowing even stronger into Kopa. "Such a naughty little spire you are, not knowing your proper place for your owner."

Whitestripe blushed heavily at that and he nodded his head as he bent forward and nuzzled him. "Well, I wouldn't be like every other dildo." He teased playfully. "I'd be only yours."

Kopa grunted as he was pinned down beneath the paw of the King, squirming before freezing as he was groomed over again, the pleasure somehow even more powerful and soothing, the feline purring loudly enough to echo out of the cave. His eyes were closed tight as he was licked and groomed over, unaware that his pelt was starting to come off from the tongue, his body shifting.

Korin nodded and licked the nuzzling Whitestripe. "This is true dear. And I have no doubt that you will be my personal favorite of all the dildos we have here. Come on, we'll do it in my cave."

"That's it little one, good, very good, just feel the pleasure flowing through you, cleaning you out. Good little dildo's like you don't think after all, you aren't a real lion, your just a toy shaped like a cute little lion cock." Ahadi told him as Kopa's fur began to slowly shifted and convert, smoothing out over his body as it became warm, supple plastic. "Now, let's get rid of the excess, good little toys should be smooth, none of these little outgrowths." As Ahadi spoke, his tongue shifted over to begin licking at Kopa's paws, the cub's paws start to withdraw back into his body until they had totally vanished from view.

Whitestripe blushed heavily as he began to slowly pad after Korin. "Do you think, when you do change me, would you keep me like that permanently, or would you turn me back some time?" He asked, he remembered the liquid they had. Ahadi had once tried to use it on them to keep them permanently locked in their new forms, Leogun though had swooped in and saved them from that fate and gotten it off of them after the sealant had done its work.

Kopa could feel his body tingling with all the pleasure and the changes going through him all at the same time. His eyes were closed as the process continued, his arms and paws sliding back, while his legs and paws folded up into a sturdy base to support his weight. He couldn't have felt better as his form became a smooth plastic, warmth radiating from him, his head beginning to feel the effects as well, ready to become a spined tip, only his head and torso left to change.

Korin giggled as he led Whitestripe to his cave. "As a matter of fact, I think I'm going to make it permanent. And I'm going to do it right now." he says, pinning the younger lion right as they step into the cave, licking over the cub. "Relax my friend. None of this will hurt at all."

"See, look how handsome your becoming, a proud, Kopa brand Pridelanders dildo for your owner." Ahadi panted, his warm breath washing over Kopa as he watched the changes slowly sweeping over his form. After his limbs had been dealt with, his torso and chest began to curve, becoming a thick cylinder shape, the changes sliding up the younger feline's neck to force his head upward as small spines began to appear along his neck. "Soon my little toy, you'll be all finished, and then you and I are going to get very closely acquainted."

Whitestripe yelped in surprise as the larger lion pounced and pinned on him, wiggling as he felt the rough tongue of his mate start lapping over him, shuddering in pleasure. "I'm....I'm gonna be a toy, just like my big brother and daddy." He mewled softly, rubbing his small form against the other lion.

Kopa whined softly as the pleasure filling his mind became too much for him, his mind snapping into nothing but a pleasure seeking tool, wanting to be used and toyed with. He felt his body begin to curve and his head was forced up towards the roof of the cave, feeling spines covering his neck and head. He opened his eyes, wondering if he was going to be able to see ever again, seeing King Ahadi grinning down at him with a loving smile.

Korin wasted no time on Whitestripe, licking over his pelt to get the fur off of his future toy, groping the cub's tail and pawing over his legs to get the lion immobile so he could enjoy the changes, already feeling the lower half of the lion get started into forming the base.

Ahadi grinned warmly at his new toy as he watched the cub's eyes glaze over as his mind broke, giving a nod. "That's it, toys don't think, toys don't have minds of their own, all they do is bring pleasure to their owners." He leaned forward and licked Kopa's muzzle. "Your nothing but a mindless object, just like your father, and soon, you'll be nothing but an ordinary rubber dildo, just a cute little toy for me to slake my lust on, never a lion again, you can feel it can't you, all of your former lion hood sinking away into the tag on your base." As Ahadi spoke, a small tag began to form around Kopa's base, like a sales tag, the magic pulling all of Kopa's self and lioness into it, once Ahadi pulled that off and sealed his toy, the lion would be nothing more than a simple rod of pleasure in body and mind. He leaned forward and licked Kopa's muzzle again as the feline's face began to shift and taper out into a thick point, more spines starting to grow as his muzzle and face began to slowly sink away.

Whitestripe moaned softly as the warm pleasure engulfed him, shuddering as his limbs began to slowly sink away as his mate worked on him, a thick base slowly starting to form where his lower legs and rear had once been to support the forming toy.

Kopa could only feel pleasure at this point, every other part of him being stripped and forming into his identification tag wrapped around his base, his head shifting into a thick head of a lion cock, the final barbs forming as the transformation finishes, a healthy rubbery lion dildo standing proud on the cave floor.

Korin smiled as a wicked idea popped into his head, licking over all of his mate as the transformation trudges on, but leaves Whitestripe's head alone, wanting to keep his dildo alive and well with a smaller but still living and functional head so he could play with the former lion, muzzle fucking the dildo and making out with the half-toy. He breathed and licked over the rest of Whitestripe, wanting to hurry the process as much as possible so he could have fun.

Ahadi beamed at his newly minted toy. Watching as the process finished itself, a small image of Kopa's grinning muzzle was carved into the base of the Kopa dildo. "Beautiful, simply beautiful." He rumbled happily, leaning forward and lapping gently at the head of his new plaything, scooping it up and carrying it over to a small pool. "Now, let's get you all finished up." He said as he dropped the dildo into the pool. The liquid within rapidly going to work, coating the rubber toy. Ahadi waiting a few minutes before drawing the toy out of the pool and setting it down to dry. The dildo gleaming in the light, far shiner as the sealant would lock the lion's form permanently into its new state. "Now, just one last thing to deal with." Ahadi said with a deep chuckle as he unsheathed a claw, setting it against the tie that bound the id tag to the toy. "Goodbye Kopa, you make a beautiful dildo, and that's all you'll ever be again." He said before his claw slid smoothly and severed the tag, and the lion's mind and personality from his body, letting it flop down to the floor like a piece of trash. Ahadi marveling at how beautiful his limited edition Kopa cock had come out now that it was nearly dry.

Whitestripe shuddered as his body contracted and began to shrink down into a more manageable size for his mate, his limbs now totally gone, until only his head and neck were left, the rest of him was smooth, black rubber, the cub's muzzle facing upward, gasping and moaning softly in pleasure, his eyes glazed over and distant.

Kopa couldn't feel anything other than pleasure with every touch, his form shivering as he was coated with the sealant and picked out to dry on the floor. He didn't even feel anything as the tag was severed from him, locking him into his form permanently.

Korin meanwhile grinned as a few white stripes formed on the otherwise night black dildo his mate was becoming. He leaned down and nuzzled the head of his prized lion mate, taking the head into his muzzle to stop the transformation right where it was. "Welcome to your new life Whitestripe. I'm keeping your head and mind intact so we can have some fun together instead of me just using you. But don't worry I will definitely use you too. This way, you can rim me and we can make out and you can give me blowjobs. So much more useful than just a dildo don't you think. And you will get to watch every time I take you up my rear for some anal training. All the time you will feel amazing pleasure and I promise I will never hurt you. I hope you like it sweetie."

Ahadi rumbled as he scooped up his new golden brown dildo, laying down on his side as he began to lap over the head and sides of his toy with his tongue. "Hmmm, now, let's see if you are as good as your father shall we?" He asked before reaching down and lining Kopa up, letting out a grunt as he began to feed the Kopa dildo into his rear, rumbling happily as he felt the spine tug on his sensitive walls. "Mmhmm, that's it, what a good toy you make, my toy forever." He spoke happily as he began to pump the toy back and forth within his depths. "Welcome to my collection, you're going to make a wonderful piece with the rest of your family." He began to pant heavily, already feeling the pleasure welling up before he blew his own load onto the stone floor.

The little lion cock let out a weak help as the muzzle of his mate engulfed his head, rumbling as that wet heat began to soak into him as the changes stopped. He mewled happily, rumbling to him, the pleasure slowly breaking his mind down as the older lion began to describe his new life as a simple possession and plaything.

Kopa could feel the paws playing with him and the sudden tightness around his form as he was licked and stuffed deep into Ahadi's tailhole, succumbing to the wonderful pleasure of being nothing but a toy for the lion's to use and play with.

Korin smiled down at his mostly rubber mate/toy. "Now Whitestripe, no free thinking okay. Nothing should go through your mind except pleasuring me. That's your only desire. Whenever I come in, you ask what you can do for me and once I say something, you do it with love and without question. Now to see if you're ready or not." He slowly walked over the toy and presented his cock to the face of the Whitestripe dildo. "Clean me off sweetie. My cock is dripping with pre and it's going to chaff."

Ahadi rumbled, his breath coming in deep, pants as he slowly drew his new dildo out of him with a lewd pop. "Mmhmm, marvelous, simply perfect." He said proudly as he climbed to his paws, lifting his Kopa dildo up and carrying it over to his shelf, setting it besides his Simba dildo. "Ah, you two look beautiful together, just wait until your little brother joins you, then we'll have a complete collection." He said proudly, stretching as he marveled at all of his new toys.

Whitestripe stared at his mate, taking in his every word before nodding happily. No thinking, thinking was bad, he listened and he obeyed like a good toy should. Whitestripe's little muzzle shot forward as he was given his orders, latching around Korin's cock and starting to suck on it happily, his tongue gliding over it to clean it of every drop of pre.

Kopa suddenly felt cold as he was slid out of the King's tailhole and placed on the shelf to be used later, wishing he could be of more use to someone's tailhole or pussy.

Korin smiles as his cock tip is enveloped by the muzzle of his lion dildo of a mate, moaning softly as the former lion buries his muzzle into cock, slurping out all the pre and cleaning it thoroughly. He reached down and stroked over Whitestripe's head as he suckled and licked, petting his mate and purring to him. "Very good Whitestripe. Very good indeed. You can stop now love. You've passed. Time to introduce the pride to all the new toys so I'll be back later."

Whitestripe rumbled pleasantly as he worked on his owner's shaft, trying to give him as much pleasure as possible before being told to stop, halting instantly and releasing his cock as he grinned lovingly up at him, waiting for his new orders, to wait for his owner's return.

Furry Fleshlight Fun

Kopa poked his mate in the right butt cheek as he stealthily shot back into the bushes, running as fast as he could knowing that the tiger would be hot on his trail. The two felines were playing tag to build endurance for the upcoming Furathalon a 5K...

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