Training in Alola

Story by Infervorous on SoFurry

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Pokémon, yay! Not very proud or excited about the steamy parts in this story. It's Pokémon though, which is always fun!

Please rate, comment, and otherwise critique my writing! Grammar, diction, pacing, length, sexiness, format -- everything! Please let me know what you thought!

"Visiting Alola was the best decision I ever made," said Skummel to the forest around him. As if saying it could banish his doubt and his fear. As if saying it could make it true.

Being in a new place was supposed to be a huge help as a trainer. By visiting new regions, trainers' Pokémon teams were supposed to be strengthened by the new sights and endemic Pokémon. Traveling granted insight into novel battling styles and strategies. It opened up one's eyes. It made a trainer more worldly, more wise.

Skummel spat on the dirt, tasting his frustration. He'd been on Akala island for three days and all he'd learned was that being away from Kalos sucked. He didn't know most of the Pokémon that lived here, which meant he was losing battles way too often. He didn't care about the culture or their stupid island challenges. All he wanted was for his current team to become stronger. Kalos could've given that to him as it always had. Why had he left?

Now, worst of all, he was lost.

The darkening woods told him it was dusk. Any hope of finding the path before nightfall was gone. He'd already been searching for two hours. Route 5, 6, or 9, or whatever the damn number was, had to be the most confusing 'trail' he'd ever walked. Nothing like any of Kalos' trails, each of which he'd thoroughly explored more than once. Skummel clenched a fist against the fresh wave of fear as he searched for a good place to bed down for the night.

He continued to ruminate on his decision to come to Alola as he set his backpack down against a downed log and prepared his bedroll. A few minutes later, his campfire site was ready.

Skummel sighed in relief. Time for the best part of the night. What was to follow would get his blood pumping, and this time not from fear and anger. His fingers plucked the third Pokéball from his belt with practiced dexterity.

"Pyroar, fire."

As soon as she'd materialized, a stream of flames flowed past her fangs to ignite the dry branches Skummel had collected. Without even glancing at her master, she then stalked to the other side of the fire. The red and yellow mane sprouting from her forehead caught the firelight brilliantly, as it always did.

"Oh, don't be like that, Pyroar," Skummel whined, even as a smile reached his mouth. By Arceus he needed this. This would be the one bright moment in his miserable day.

Pyroar did not react. Her tail was only barely moving.

Skummel sighed theatrically as he reached into a certain pouch in his backpack. Pyroar finally turned to watch him while he rummaged through the collection of spray bottles. Skummel pulled out the one he needed. It was cheap plastic with only a sticker affixed to its side. On it was a hand-drawn image of a grassy field.

"Here it is, the Field Egg Group bottle," Skummel said loudly. Pyroar probably could have heard him even if he'd whispered, with those big ears like satellite dishes, but he enjoyed the drama of this nightly game.

His Pokémon practically jumped in front of him, mewling pitifully.

"Oh yes," Skummel said. "You've been naughty, Pyroar. What else is a trainer supposed to do when one of his Pokémon behaves like this? Do you think I should let it slide when you ignore me like that?"

Pyroar shook her head. The sad sounds of her begging continued.

"Fine, maybe I won't make you go first. If you impress me, maybe you won't go at all tonight."

Pyroar nodded eagerly, but her bright blue eyes kept flitting to the spray bottle in his hand. And the pale green liquid within.

Skummel fought to hide his grin as he let the bottle roll back into the pouch. The longer he could keep a serious demeanor, the more obedience he'd ultimately gain from his team. Yet every night was a losing battle. It was simply too much fun to treat as a grave affair for long. Nonetheless, with the rest of the day basically being a waste, it would do them well for tonight's session to be more strict than normal.

"Come on out, Arbok."

Almost before the Pokémon had fully materialized, she was slithering swiftly out of the firelight. Skummel was prepared. This wasn't the first time his Arbok girl had done this. Once the Pokéball had leaped back into his hand, he aimed it at Arbok and pressed the button. Her desperate hiss evaporated as she was turned into light energy and sucked back into her ball's confines.

Skummel spoke to the ball in his hand. "Arbok, Arbok, Arbok. I've been lenient with you for the past couple of weeks. I see now that maaaaybe I should have put my foot down earlier. Tonight, you're not going to be watching like you usually do."

It would be fun to see Arbok more involved tonight. It would be a nice change. True, it might not turn him on as much as some of the others, but he always managed to find a certain sensuality to her hypnotic swaying. A taste of the exotic.

"If you try to run away again, I'll double the dose. I promise you won't like that." He blinked. "Well, you'll like it even more, actually, but it'll be more painful for you to look back on. I think."

The truth was, Skummel didn't know exactly how the pheromones worked. He didn't know how his team felt after the effects had worn off, either. The whole process had a magical feel to it. It was mysterious. It was powerful. It was cheap, too. Skummel had found the dealer in one of the shadier parts of Lumiose City. The man had gallons of the stuff, all sorted by Egg Group. Skummel had been able to snag a few bottles for under ten thousand Poké. If the spray bottles were single-use like Potions and their derivatives, the sprays wouldn't have been worth even one thousand. But they'd shown Skummel time and time again that they were worth their high cost. Easily.

"Stay put, Arbok," said Skummel as he lazily flicked the Pokéball into the air.

This time, Arbok remained where she'd appeared. Coiled up and hiding her face.

"Now now, show me your hood and--"

A sound from the depths of the darkening forest reached Skummel's ears. It was like the call of a Kricketot, but higher-pitched. And with more of a grinding, nails-on-chalkboard quality to it. He'd never heard anything like it.

"Oh. Must be one of the nocturnal Alola Pokémon that lives in this forest."

Images of glowing eyes flashes in Skummel's mind. He shivered involuntarily. That was his imagination again. He leaned back and spat onto the nearest tree. This was going to be a fun night! He wasn't some little kid easily spooked by some wild Pokémon! He was a full-fledged Pokémon trainer with a full team of dangerous Pokémon. He had nothing to fear.

He turned back to Arbok. "Listen Arbok, I'll cut you some slack. I'll be nice. You can choose who you want to be your partner."

Arbok turned her head, glancing tentatively up at him with one of her dark eyes. Skummel gave her an earnest smile and a nod of encouragement.

"Go on, choose, but don't take all night."

Arbok uncoiled to position her tail-tip over some bare dirt like a pen over paper. Her tongue flitted out every few seconds. She made as if to start writing once, twice, three times, but never actually wrote anything in the dirt. Skummel could read her like a book. She was scared. What a surprise. She didn't want the guilt of singling out one of the others.

"Fine," said Skummel, snatching a ball from his belt. "I'll choose for you."

His Krookodile materialized in front of the fire next to Arbok. He turned away from Arbok and Skummel immediately, rigid as a board. The maroon and black stripes along his thick tail were nearly quivering. Skummel called out the rest of his Pokémon too. Luxray, Pangoro, and Vaporeon. Their reactions were more relaxed. They knew they weren't one of the chosen two. Tonight.

"Alright everyone, you know the drill. Once I use the spray, all of you watch the show and masturbate as you like. If you really get into it, if you really convince me you're enjoying yourself, that's worth something in my book. You'll get more of a say in what happens to you on future nights."

He scattered some empty Pokéballs on the ground for them to use as toys if they'd like, as well as the two Rhydon-shaped dildos he'd purchased a few months ago for nights like this one. Rummaging around in the special pouch of his backpack, Skummel finally withdrew two spray bottles. The Field Egg Group bottle again, and the Dragon Egg Group.

He almost dropped them as that same sound rent the night. That eerie, strained chirping. A shiver crept the length of his spine. Skummel absolutely did not recognize it. Was the Pokémon large or small? Did you find it alone or in groups? What Type was it? Oh no, what if it was a Type that his team was no good against? Was that even...

"Pah!" Skummel kicked the log savagely, blasting pieces of bark upward. One of the tiny chips scratched his cheek bone, nearly cutting his eye. He cursed himself for his paranoia and feelings of deluded helplessness as he felt the wound to see if it had drawn blood. It was dry.

Enough was a enough. He already said this night was going to be worry-free. It was time to enjoy himself. He plastered a confident smile onto his face as he approached his Krookodile and Arbok. Though they studiously faced away from one another, all the others - Vaporeon, Pangoro, Pyroar, and Luxray - watched the pair expectantly. Skummel found it cute how their behavior was so radically different depending on whether or not they'd been selected for that night.

"Arbok. Krookodile. It's time. Face me."

The crackling of the fire was the only sound as his two Pokémon ignored him. Arbok's tongue was out and in, out and in, so nervous was she. Krookodile could have been a statue if not for his trembling.

"NOW!" he roared. His patience had reached its limit. This was a discipline-building exercise, after all.

Krookodile slowly turned. Arbok slowly twisted. And Skummel squeezed the triggers on the spray bottles.

The purple liquid from the Dragon bottle squirted out as a heavy mist that wafted over Arbok's sleek head before dissipating. Skummel could have used the Field spray on her instead if he wished; she was compatible. But Skummel imagined the Dragon spray had a more potent, exciting effect. The experiment would continue on future nights.

The Field spray's green mist swept past Krookodile's long snout. Skummel could actually see his nostrils flare in surprise before quickly clenching shut. It was too late however. And better for Krookodile too, as they both knew he'd be punished if he tried to hold his breath.

The two Pokémon squeezed their eyes closed, no doubt struggling to remain in control. Skummel never understood why. The sprays were good; the effects were inevitable. Why couldn't they ever accept their fate? Not that it was annoying to wait for their resistance to crumble each time. The choked grunts, the sad hisses, the whipping tails and slams against the stoic dirt. Skummel had seen it all time and time again. Each time, he watched with glee.

Finally Arbok's eyes opened in drowsy fashion. Her tongue lingered in the air, as if she had all the time in the world to enjoy the taste. Slowly, her gaze wandered until it found Krookodile. She hissed, a long and self-satisfied sound, akin to a slow smile reserved for an elegant trap perfectly sprung. Soon her smooth length was draped in a circle around her prey. A narrowing, constricting circle.

Krookodile's lidded eyes explored the violet coils sliding sleekly around him as he showed his teeth in a lecherous smile. Skummel spotted a flash of bright pink between his Pokémon's legs as Krookodile's member slid out of his reptilian vent.

"Vaporeon, get me started won't you?"

Skummel unbuttoned his shorts and let them fall to the ground as Vaporeon obediently strode over. She'd been on his team the longest and was accordingly one of the wisest. He liked that about her. She was one smart cookie. She knew when to do exactly as he said, and when she could afford to be stubborn. Not that he'd ever admit he was proud of her occasionally flaunting his orders.

His cock was flaccid, but Vaporeon was an expert and getting him a hard-on real quick. Her mouth, especially her tongue, was always moist and slippery. Must be a Water-type thing. Her hot, textured tongue massaged and played with his little penis as Skummel watched Arbok line up her slit with her partner's dripping pink cock. Skummel set the Field bottle down to free up his right hand. It wasn't long before he was able to take over for Vaporeon in stroking his hardness.

"That's the problem with Pokémon sex," Skummel remarked to no one in particular. "You always go straight to it. No foreplay, nothing special, always straight to the dirty deed itself. Aren't you smart enough to spice it up every now and then?"

Luxray, Pyroar, and Pangoro pretended to pay great attention to his words, even nodding along. Pangoro was coaxing his own meat to attention with one of his great claws. Pyroar was squatting up and down on one of the loose Pokéballs. She'd learned that Skummel liked to see her moisten up that way. Luxray's star-shaped tail-tip swept around in the dark fur between her hind legs while her glazed eyes returned to the spectacle in the firelight.

"Make it last longer, you know? Enjoy it. No need to rush."

Yet rushing they were. Krookodile's rhythmic hisses matched his strong thrusts into Arbok's vagina. Cloaca. Whatever it was. His pale underbelly all the way up to his chin's tip was flush against her featureless length. Any reluctance the Pokémon had had mere seconds ago was absolutely gone. He was sex-crazed through and through, his mind consumed by pleasure and the need for more of it. The sprays were something else. The guy who'd sold them to Skummel had said there was 'essence of Rapidash' in the Field bottle. Whatever that meant. That it was potent?

Arbok's head was positioned above Krookodile's, her hood spread wide like a blanket. The flickering campfire highlighted the red and yellow of her hood's pattern of a monstrous, grinning face. Arbok licked her lover's head, nostrils, eyelids, while her eyes intermittently squeezed shut from the pounding she was receiving. There was satisfaction, there. Pure, unadulterated pleasure. When they were like this, when they were under the spray's effects, his Pokémon were truly happy. Skummel was happy too, to watch and enjoy. And the other members of the team were probably happy to get out and stretch their legs. Everyone was happy! Skummel hummed thoughtfully as he continued stroking himself. Maybe he could start doing these sex breaks at midday, whenever he found a private place along the path.

The unknown Pokémon call again filled the evening air. Closer than ever. Skummel reflexively brought his knees up to his chest to protect himself, and threw his arms up to protect his face. The Dragon Egg Group spray bottle was flung into the air.

"Shit!" he cursed, hastily sitting up and reaching for the bottle before it fell into the burning logs.

He caught it but fumbled from the bottle's unusual shape. When he grabbed it with his other hand, squeezing tightly to make sure he didn't drop it, he realized he'd snatched it by the trigger.

PSSH! A blast of the aerosolized purple liquid shot out. Right onto his chin and neck.

"Ugh," Skummel groaned with a sour expression. The liquid was warm and sticky. It felt like it was staining his skin with the way it almost burned. At least none of it had gotten into his mouth. Damn, hopefully he wouldn't have a rash in the morning. The spray wasn't intended for human use.

"That's what my trusty hand cloth is for," he said, procuring an old and discolored cloth from his backpack. "Among other things." He chuckled as he wiped the burning liquid off, then glanced back at the show.

Arbok was wrapped so tightly around Krookodile that all Skummel could see of him was the maroon and black stripes of his tail and snout. Still, the way a certain part of Arbok's length moved outward and inward was all Skummel needed to see. Out and in, out and in. He smiled, stroking himself harder. He'd finish, then let Pyroar clean him off and get him hard again while he made two others go at it. That was fair. Pyroar could watch and do other duties for tonight.

"Great job everyone," he said to his fellow onlookers. "Your discipline is making us a stronger team. Keep it up. I want you enjoying this. I want you giving it all you've got. The Pokémon who..." he paused to cough. "The Pokémon who is last to orgasm will not be seeing much outside of their Pokéball tomorrow."

Skummel pretended to watch them all with an appraising eye as they redoubled their masturbation efforts. Inwardly, he smiled. As long as they were working hard and enjoying themselves, he didn't care enough to watch for signs of orgasm among his team. Maybe Vaporeon would be watching closely enough on his behalf to indicate which one had failed the challenge. She'd been with him long enough to know his modus operandi.

He shifted from side to side on the log. It wasn't comfortable anymore; he'd been sitting too long. It felt like he was sitting on the nub of a branch or something. Rising to his feet, he steadied himself with his free hand as he continued to stroke himself.

"Must've not eaten enough today," he muttered. His balance was off, like he weighed more than he was used to. And his voice sounded deeper, congested. Hopefully he wasn't coming down with a cold. Well, he'd have Pyroar snuggle with him all night for warmth. He noticed Luxray watching him with a strange expression.

"What's the matter, the show not good enough for you tonight Luxray?" he said. Yep, he was definitely losing his voice. It was growly and hard to comprehend.

Luxray slowly shook her furry head as those red and yellow eyes continued to watch her master. Skummel felt his frustration spike. He was falling ill, he'd wasted a dose of the Dragon spray, and now Luxray was being willful.

"Watch Krookodile and Arbok, now!" he yelled. His voice was strong and powerful, thankfully, even if his words were garbled. He even felt an odd desire to show his teeth. Show Luxray who was boss.

Luxray jumped, and instantly obeyed.

"Good girl," Skummel rumbled. He reached again for his erect penis but a coughing fit took him. Eyes closed, his spittle and breath were hot against the skin of his hand. Now he was coming down with a fever? Damn it all. Maybe this performance would have to be the only one of the night. He should get some sleep. No, what was he saying? He'd earned this! This was his time!

Skummel was surprised to find himself growling under his breath. He sure felt angry. He needed to get himself under control. Focus. Focus on the show, then go to bed.

Yet he could feel the eyes of all of his Pokémon watching him. Watching his frustration. Watching their master appear weak before them all, coming down with some sickness. Watching him standing awkwardly instead of relaxing on the log.

He unleashed his anger in a roar that hurt his ears with its volume. Skummel whirled, attempting to slam his heel into the old hollow log and shatter it beneath his might, but he lost his balance when he spun. Some extra weight behind him threw him off balance. Was he still wearing his backpack? No, it was resting right there on the ground.

The impact of his butt against the dirt felt way off. It hurt a lot, even though he didn't fall quite as far as he normally did when he fell on his butt. Like he'd kinked something. Snarling in frustration and embarrassment, he rose ponderously to his feet once more. The log looked puny now before his mighty gaze. He could smash it like a twig. Skummel raised one heavy leg before shoving it down hard on the log.

The log broke with a thunderous crack as he stepped down hard into it. The way the bark had split beneath his heel, the way the rotting insides had been destroyed by his might, it was grand. Just grand. Skummel threw his head back and roared his satisfaction to the skies. His arms were raised and fingers clenched while his back was arched taut in triumph. The pose felt right. It almost felt like a pair of wings were spread wide behind him, itching from the echoes of his primal roar.

Glancing down to try to extricate his foot, Skummel instead froze in place. It wasn't his slim, hairy leg that had broken through. It was a thick, squat, smooth, and orange leg instead. And instead of a running shoe at the end, there was a massive, bare, orange foot with formidable claws.

He tried to bring his hands up in front of his face to inspect them, but could not reach. Without realizing what he was doing, Skummel's neck arched instead so he could see his hands. They'd become the forelimbs of a brute, barely fit to be called hands. On each, he now had only two thick fingers and an even thicker thumb. Good for nothing but squeezing things and slashing anything in the way. Dull white claws tipped each digit like those on the three toes of each foot.

Skummel felt every one of his anxious breaths puff out of the prominent nostrils on the end of his snout. He could see them slightly flare and contract in time to his heavy breathing. Bending his neck further, he could see his huge belly curve smoothly between his legs. Skummel lowered his head even more, his eyes tracing the base of his new tail.

His weighty head was too far forward. He started to tip, set to bash his nose into the dirt. Another subconscious movement. Skummel's long tail straightened out behind him to correct his balance. He could see its entire length now, between his two legs that were like tree trunks. His tail was, impossibly, even thicker. There was so much mass to it, so much power. And of course, as he'd suspected, at the end of it was a burning flame.

Skummel was a Charizard.

"I don't believe it," he tried to say as he continued twisting his neck this way and that to explore his body. What came out of his long mouth was dismayed grumbling. The sort of sound he'd expect from a trainer's Charizard when its opponent turned out to be a Water-type.

Two wings like a Zubat's, check. Weak little arms but stout legs, check. Horns behind his brows, check. Neck two feet long, check. Gigantic belly, definitely check. There was no doubt about it. He'd become the Flame Pokémon, Charizard. And he had a pretty good idea why.

He stomped over to the spray bottle of purple fluid resting on the dirt. The tattered remains of his clothing sloughed off his legs and the base of his tail like a second skin. He kicked aside his destroyed shoes. The early evening air chilled his exposed wings but he could feel his fire-warmed blood heating them from within. Skummel growled out a curse when he tried to pick up the bottle. Bending at the knees only lowered him a few inches, and his new arms weren't very flexible. They wanted to stay cocked at his sides. Only by bending at the waist to bring his whole upper half down was he able to reach out and grab the bottle.

Arching his neck, he scanned the label with one eye. There was no fine print. No indication of how long this might last, or how to reverse the effects. Nor could Skummel recall the dealer mentioning anything like human to Pokémon transformations. Of course he wouldn't, or no one would buy his wares.

Skummel bent forward to set the spray bottle down with a heavy sigh. At least his anger was gone. The Charizard species was known for its stubborn temper, but thankfully it seemed Skummel's mind had been affected only during the transformation process. He was still himself. Small blessing.

Pangoro, Luxray, Vaporeon, and Pyroar were gone. Only Arbok and Krookodile remained, wrapped around each other in their drugged reptilian after-glow. It would be some minutes before they were themselves again. As for the others, Skummel knew they'd probably been scared off by what they'd seen. Their loving, strong master shifting and contorting into a very intimidating Pokémon right before their eyes. He'd be scared too. His team was probably watching him from beyond the edges of the light, waiting until it seemed safe. Skummel couldn't see any of them even with the bright light from his tail-tip.

"It's alright," he tried to say. Again his words became garbled grumbling. His lips were hard and nearly immobile. His teeth were fangs. His lower jaw could only open and close. This body was not meant for talking. He was a Pokémon now after all. Nonetheless, Skummel knew the tone of a Pokémon's vocalizations had meaning, even if they couldn't say words. He made a beckoning motion with his arms as best as he could while continuing to make calm, welcoming noises.

Pangoro emerged from the darkness with cautious steps. As Skummel tromped toward him in joy, he heard the quiet sound of the dirt behind him shifting. He turned his head.

A purple mist blasted out of the spray bottle, splashing his eyes, filling his nostrils, moistening his entire head. Skummel cried out, a low roar of dismay, as he stumbled away. He blinked his eyes clear, catching glimpses of Vaporeon with the spray bottle and trigger in her jaws. She set it down and her face wore the same expression as when she'd defeated some cocky up-start trainer the previous week. A satisfied, challenging smirk.

Skummel's "Why?" was naught but a grumble as his mind raced, trying to understand. The other members of his team emerged into the firelight. Pyroar and Luxray looked worried and guilty. Pangoro watched without remorse.

Then the realization hit. He was a Pokémon. The Charizard species was in the Dragon Egg Group. He'd be affected by the spray.

Vaporeon lifted her blue tail to present her slit to him. She watched over her shoulder with that same smirk.

Skummel cried out, turning away from the sight, even as he felt his body responding. Something heavy and thick was emerging from between his legs. The Pokémon around him began to feel more distant. Part of some other world. The campfire was mesmerizing. He shut his eyes to the hypnotic flames, trying to regain control.

His thoughts were slow. Turning to honey in his head. He could feel his great heart beating slowly in his chest. What could he say? There was nothing. Nothing? Nothing. He couldn't form words. The conclusion took him way too long to reach. He was running out of time. Images of Vaporeon's exposed rear flashed in his mind's eye. He grunted, trying to push it away. What could he do? Flee. Escape. He had wings. He could fly away. Yes, he could fly away!

He opened his eyes. The world wavered. Something flat bashed against his skull. Everything was rotated. Everyone was so tall. Yes, he had fallen. He'd fallen onto his left side. He could feel the cool dirt against his long jaw-line and even longer neck. It was so long. Long and warm. He could lie here forever. His right leg, now so far from his left due to the thick tail in between them, dangled in the air limply. It was funny, really. He glanced at it, admiring the thick claws as he waggled his toes.

There was something new, too. A dark red penis at the base of his tail. It curved upward a little. The heat of it was astonishing. It felt even hotter than the tip of his long, handsome tail. A pleasant, delightful heat, like washing your dirty hands under hot water. Not the kind that burns you. He felt the corners of his mouth quirk upward at the thought. His eyelids were drooping. But that was okay. He was relaxing. Things were fine.

Pyroar's eyes were glued to the Charizard penis between his legs, her eyes curious. Skummel couldn't blame her; it was pretty interesting. Bigger than any penis he'd ever seen, Krookodile's included. He wondered how it would feel to have sex as a Charizard.

And like a floodgate had been opened, Skummel's lust slammed into his brain. He needed sex. He needed sex! His cock was a throbbing fire, his need like a starving man's hunger. It took him a few tries, but he managed to put his feet beneath him by pushing his neck and tail against the ground.

Vaporeon was still there wearing a coy expression. He almost fell down once more, but Skummel managed to stumble over his claws to position himself behind her. Surprised by his abrupt advance, Vaporeon gave half an effort to scramble away. Something dark and needy within Skummel reared its head. Her tail was suddenly in his clawed grip. The flippers wriggled just above his thick fingers. She tried for a moment to pull away, unsuccessfully, her tiny paws scraping up the dirt. His grip was strong now!

Skummel felt his drowsy smile widen when he pulled her tail up to reveal Vaporeon's vagina. His long neck allowed him to bring his nostrils close. The scent was delicious - sweet, moist, enticing. After a prolonged rumble of pleasure, he prepared to impale her slit on his huge Charizard cock. Her dark eyes seemed unsure now, despite the taunt in them only a minute prior. With every eye on his Pokémon team watching, Skummel pulled Vaporeon onto his length.


An involuntary scream of pleasure escaped his fangs. She was so tight, so warm. He pulled back before spearing her anew. Her folds grew slick around his penis as the Water-type began secreting her natural lubrication. Out and in again. He wanted to laugh at the ridiculous squelching sounds he was making inside her. Coughing growls came out instead of a chuckle.

Skummel could feel the muscles in her tail begin to hold it up of her own free will, so he released his grip. Vaporeon was into the sex, now. She rode him in time to the rhythm he set. Small panting noises came from her little mouth. Her head was cocked to the side, as if some deep question was rippling in her mind. The flipped tips of her tail waved back and forth. Dancing below Skummel's taut jaw.

Other than the immediate, visceral pleasure, the night didn't feel real. The campfire jittered as it burned, occasionally breaking the smooth movement of its eternal transformation, like an old television skipping frames. The quiet sounds of the night pressed in on his awareness, then retreated, then pressed on him again. Pangoro, Luxray, and Pyroar watched him intently, but he couldn't feel their scrutiny. They didn't matter. None of this mattered. Was it even real?

He was growling again. A deep sound originating from his huge belly, vibrating his long, long throat. Skummel had heard that sound before when a trainer's Charizard was having its chin scratched after a well-earned victory. Its meaning was simple: pleasure.

Sexual juices began to run down the underside of his red penis. Drops spattered the dirt underneath his bulk. Water-types produced plenty of lubrication it seemed. Good thing too, as Skummel's cock was stretching Vaporeon a great deal. His thrusts naturally began to drive deeper as she opened up inside. Her hind legs almost left the ground each time his strong hips pushed him into her. Not that she was complaining. She'd gotten what she'd asked for, alright.

Minutes of fiery pleasure passed. There was nothing complex to the sex. Just two Pokémon going at it. Same position. Same rhythm. The only odd thing was the audience. Even Arbok and Krookodile were watching, though they seemed confused about what was happening. Skummel couldn't care less about any audience. He was doing what felt right, and he was giving it his all.

He noticed a tiny string of saliva between Vaporeon's upper and lower lips as she panted for him. He then realized how wet his own mouth was. And an idea wormed its way into Skummel's drugged brain. Extending his head toward hers, Skummel let his long tongue slither out of his mouth. Vaporeon turned her head toward it, taking the wet organ into her own mouth. Sucking on his much larger tongue. Running it between her tiny but sharp teeth. His blunt muzzle butted against her soft face. Their eyes locked.

The extra stimulation worked wonders. Now they were linked in a circle, closer than ever before. He was so deep inside her that her rear pressed into the soft fat of his belly. As if she wanted her whole body to be enveloped by his.

Skummel had a theory that the larger a Pokémon was, the longer it would take to orgasm. He'd made it up after noticing a trend among his own team. When Vaporeon began to squeal and cry, wriggling on his cock, he knew he was definitely onto something. Her eyes squeezed shut and she pulled away from his tongue. She grew rigid beneath his onslaught of her vagina. Copious amounts of thin, mucus-y fluids drained out of her slit, coating his penis and staining the dirt with musk.

Skummel didn't stop. The sensations were delightful. Yet some part of him began to wonder - what was he doing? He'd just brought his Vaporeon to orgasm. Was this...real? What was he doing?

But when Vaporeon slid off his rod to be replaced with Pyroar, his thoughts were derailed. Pyroar had been pacing in agitated fashion beside their mating display for a while, clearly itching for a turn. Maybe it was a Fire-type thing? Skummel's penis drove deep into her immediately due to Vaporeon's lubrication. Instantly, she was grinding against him with vigor, using all four paws to push and pull against him. Her claws were out to grip the ground. She was purring like a Pokémon possessed. He'd never seen her like this.

The heat was astonishing. Skummel almost pulled out from a logical fear of being burned. But an instinct deep in his brain assured him with mountainous confidence that it was alright. That it was okay.

Pyroar eyes flashed at him over her shoulder every now and then. There was provocation in them. A sort of smugness. He could feel her amusement in the tone of her purring, and in her strange new body language. It was as if she expected him to not enjoy this. As if it was a grand joke that was going over his head.

Nonetheless, his body and most of his mind wanted to keep servicing her fiery feline vagina. He lost himself in the pleasure. For a while.

Soon Skummel's body began to grow restless. He spread and partially folded his wings repeatedly, trying to work off the building irritation inside. He felt an urge to toss his head hither and thither, and obeyed. After one especially deep thrust, he snorted sharply. His tip had pushed even deeper through her cervix. A small squirt of pre-cum filled her womb. Skummel raised and stomped a foot. He couldn't understand. What he felt was almost like anger. He felt like his ability to think was being smothered by an unthinking beast.

Nonetheless, he struggled to understand despite his clouded mind and his body's swelling restlessness, until finally he had a flash of insight.

He wasn't supposed to be a Charizard! He wasn't supposed to be fucking his own Pokémon team! What was he doing? How had he allowed himself to drown in the drugged arousal?

His heavy body froze. Pyroar noticed, and pulled off of him in order to turn around and take his throbbing cock into her mouth. The red and yellow striped mane above her eyes swayed and danced as she worked his length with her raspy tongue.

Skummel growled deep in his throat and closed his eyes against the intense pleasure. The overwhelming instincts threatened to immerse him again. Only barely could he hang onto his train of thought.

How long was he going to remain a Charizard? If it lasted the whole night, he had no doubt that his team would continue to milk him. Take advantage of him. For whatever reason, they were all content to watch or play with his new form. It made little sense. This was abuse! This was wrong, forcing him to have sex like this! Skummel had never been this abusive, this twisted and cruel. Why was this happening?

Reluctantly, he allowed himself to enjoy Pyroar's passionate ministrations. With the feelings coursing through his veins, it was hard to resist the pleasure. He flexed his strong core muscles to push his great belly toward her, then pulled back. In, and out. His wet tip smeared the back of her throat. Pyroar made a coughing, gagging sound that he frankly found very cute. In response she pulled her muzzle off - not without letting her fangs lightly tease his cock as she did - before turning around once more and plunging her rear onto his member. He roared in appreciation.

It was a few seconds before Skummel remembered himself. The uneasiness inside him was only growing. The brown-tufted tip of Pyroar's tail batted him playfully along his hard jaw.

He needed a plan. To escape so that he could think things through properly. His eyes found Arbok and Luxray, the remaining two females on his team, and what he saw scared him. Well, he couldn't actually feel any fear in his heart for some reason, but the sight was...unsettling. Arbok was slithering this way and that as she watched. Clearly she was excited to have a turn with him next despite the way her vagina was still moist from her forced copulation with Krookodile. And Luxray, while evidently nervous and shy as usual, looked like she wouldn't mind a chance to take advantage of his drugged state either.

But if he could get away, the spray bottle would wear off. He could figure out why things were happening. He could get his Pokémon back in their Pokéballs. He could find help and become human once more. It would all work out. But what to do?

His blue wings stretched open, reflexively flapping from the energy inside him. The pressure of the ground beneath his clawed feet lessened in response. Yes, yes that was it! If he used his wings properly, he could fly into the canopy to escape! But he would need a distraction. His Pokémon would be able to use their moves to take him down. Who knew how many tries it would take him to fly properly?

The heady intoxication of the drug had definitely worn off some at this point, but Skummel doubted that his pleasure was lessened because of that. Every thrust was still fire. Pyroar was experienced thanks to Skummel's agenda, and her skill showed. She knew how to waggle her rump side to side to bend his cock ever so slightly. The movements were tiny, but the added excitement and stimulation could certainly be felt. Her tail's fluff played ineffectually against his mouth, his long neck, his swollen belly. It made him feel big and dominant when this little feline's tail was nothing next to his great Charizard body. His definition. His size. And her voice. Her incessant purrs let him know how good it felt for her to have his big cock so deep inside her.

Skummel found himself snorting again. A rough, assertive gesture. This time he realized just how hot his breath was. He'd actually exhaled smoke that bent the air with its heat. With a start, Skummel realized there was fire in his belly. He was a Charizard, after all. He could use Pokémon moves. He could breathe fire! Pieces of a plan instantly fell together in his analytical trainer mind. Yes, he knew what he could do. He'd get out of this mess. He'd figure it all out. He only needed to wait for the perfect time.

He allowed himself a grumbling roar to encourage Pyroar. She heard the impatience in his voice and understood. Her upper body lowered even further to the ground, her furry chin flush with the dirt. Skummel felt her depths slide around his entire cock as she pushed with impressive might back against him. As he hilted around her furred entrance, he could feel his tip sloshing about in the small pool of pre-cum in her womb. As she slid partly off of him, he gasped with the intensity of it. Then her entire vagina was around his penis again, softly burning every square inch of his length.

The claws on Skummel's brutish hands scraped against one another as his fingers curled. His massive tail extended fully backward, and his tail and wings were chilled for a moment from being away from his tail's flame. He couldn't stop himself from groaning. The pleasure was too much. But Pyroar wasn't stopping. She did the same thing once again, and he moaned in his deep, angry Charizard voice. His eyes were closed most of the time, but when they were open, he could see all five members of their audience watching attentively. Some of them with hungry expressions, some with pleased smiles.

He grit his sharp teeth. He beat his restless wings. He twisted his strong neck left and right, left and right. No matter how hard he squeezed his eyes shut, or how he pushed his tail against the ground, or how his toes clawed furrows in the dirt, or how hot his broken breath became, the scorching heat of his pleasure was unabated. He thrust deeply into his Pokémon mate in time with her eager rhythm, groaning the fumbling song of his burning satisfaction all the while.

Through it all, Skummel managed to hold onto that tenuous thread that led to his plan. The plan that would get him out of this madness. No matter how good it might feel, it was abusive and wrong and confusing and bewildering and it needed to be sorted out.

At last the moment came. Skummel found himself barking a warning of what was to come. Whether or not Pyroar understood, he could not see, because his eyes were closed too tightly against the onslaught of building pressure inside him. His neck bent forward, his tail crinkling as he pulled it close to his thick legs. He felt his wings folded tightly against his broad back and shoulders. A vicious, primal snarl built in his throat.

And with his mighty Charizard orgasm, Skummel roared like he'd never roared before. The blast of sound resounded against the tree trunks, sending wild Pokémon scurrying away in the canopies and underbrush. The campfire whipped and wavered as it hissed.

Skummel felt like the king of the world as the muscles and tubes behind his thick red cock contracted with the force of his release. When the first spurting blast of his semen coated Pyroar's insides, she pushed back to wrap her dilated vagina around his full length. His cock bucked and writhed as it spewed semen just as his throat and head poured out his masculine, dominating roar to the outside world. As his orgasm peaked, the plan was forgotten. But as he came down, the plan came back to him. He reached for that burning reservoir in the core of his belly and beckoned it upward.

It was like he was vomiting. An ancient reflex that couldn't be stopped once it started. But the vomit was ten thousand degrees. But the burning was a salve that warmed him through and through as it went. But the retching was satisfying instead of unwanted.

But instead of the contents of his stomach, glorious orange fire issued forth from his parted jaws.

Skummel swept the campsite with the stream of flames. Once, twice, three times. The searing light wafted heat against his eyes, but he was a Charizard. He was made for this.

However, he couldn't see who he was hitting with the Flamethrower. He'd never done this before. The fire was everywhere, no method to the chaos. He lost track of where he was looking. His vision was a curtain of flame. The leaves above were singed. The grass and branches were burning.

When it finally ended, his belly was collapsed from the mighty exhalation. Pyroar was still riding his cock, her body shaking from her own orgasm. Her mournful mewls matched the mood of the forest around the campsite, as it began to slowly burn to ash.

Skummel drew in a great breath, thrusting his swelling belly forward as he did so to eject Pyroar from his length. Viscous white fluid arced through the air and spattered the ground when she popped off. The waves of Skummel's pleasure were settling into calmness as he unfurled his wings. Concentrating, he tilted them and flapped. His feet left the ground for a second.

A savage glee swept through him. He could really fly! Skummel flapped again, harder. And again. And again.

His feet were off the ground. He moved his head left, then right, back a bit, then left again, trying to keep his balance. His tail bent and swayed with jerky movements as well. His efforts kept him from unbalancing as he ponderously ascended.

A low-hanging branch appeared in front of his nose. He flapped, and it was beneath his chin. He flapped again, and it vanished from his sight. Skummel flapped once more, and again. And again!

And stopped.

A heavy purple mist had splashed against his face, seeping into his nostrils, his eyes, coating his skin. He snorted and coughed, shaking his head to disperse the sudden attack. His feet sunk into the dirt from his heavy impact with the earth. A second impact shook the earth a second later. Someone else, someone very heavy, had landed hard against the ground in front of him. Once he'd managed to blink his eyes clear of the droplets, he beheld his assailant.

Skummel had never known Pangoro to smile. Pangoro wasn't smiling now. The purple spray bottle was in his black fist. He dropped it to the ground and stepped back to stand beside the campfire. His furry arms folded in front of his chest.

Arbok slithered up to Skummel and raised her head up to his level. She bent her mouth forward. Skummel felt her thin tongue fluttering rapidly against the skin of his long neck. She pulled back and her eyes glanced downward. He followed her gaze.

Her vagina, surrounded by fine purple scales, was in plain view. She'd twisted her length so it was facing up toward his eyes. It was still wet, the tissue colored and inflamed from the mild trauma of her recent drugged intercourse. Skummel could see a small pool of Krookodile's semen at the vestibule of her vagina.

He looked up again. And as he fell into her grinning, dark eyes, Skummel felt his shocked grimace fall away. A lustful smile replaced it.

High above, the stars had just come out in the Alolan night sky. They twinkled with innocent light as Skummel's body joined with Arbok's. The rest of the team watched.

Project Universe - End

Benjamin's heart began to race. The world had jumped! Jesse had used Project Universe to blind and deafen him, along with the visiting board members. The silent darkness had been absolute as he sat on the testing room's floor, bound by chains. A...

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Project Universe - Part 3

"Natasha is paralyzed!" Right Slave, currently a mirror image of Natasha's own nude human form, watched her from across the stale, white testing room with a triumphant expression. An expression that slowly devolved into one of fear when nothing...

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Project Universe - Part 2

"Jesse is paralyzed!" He lost control over his body immediately. His fingers uncurled from around Beth's nubile wolf-woman form. His fearsome jaws went slack, his tongue lolling out of his mouth like a dog after a long walk. All the tension in his...

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