Deceived, but Pleased

Story by Ceeb on SoFurry

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A short-length story for DJ50, featuring the adorabru stallion twink Ricky and FemKahnso, who has a little something extra in this story. ;D A plain female version is coming soon!

Thumbnail background is from

Writing and FemKahnso (C) me

Ricky (C) FA: dj50

If it were for any chick but the one and only Kahnso, Ricky wouldn't have been a roadie. He knew chicks could rock as well as men, but he had friends who weren't so open. They would have picked on him to no end for tagging along with a chick band, but Kahnso had the rock queen pedigree that made it acceptable to follow her around. She'd been busted with coke countless times, and - even though the subject was widely ridiculed in public forums - she had a nasty reputation for raping men who crossed her path.

Ricky was on the ultra-masculine side of the fence; unless you're sticking it in a guy's ass, how exactly are you raping him? It seemed to him that the guys Kahnso raped didn't really know how good they had it. Not me, man, Ricky said, tipsy and about five minutes from going down on one of his fellow roadies. No-o-ot me, dude. That leggy bitch says she wants my dick? No complaints here.

So when the Head Bitch of Rock and Roll herself called Ricky the stallion by name to her hotel room, he didn't hesitate. He exchanged a couple high-fives with the other roadies who heard the blast and he promised to kiss and tell, but he really had to be making tracks now, so sorry, pussy awaits in the promised land.

The black little horse knocked on her door and was immediately taken inside. She was not gentle or casual, instead grabbing him by the shoulder and yanking him in. His heart began to race as he staggered to a standstill. The opulence of her suite was background noise, the zip-lock bag of white powder on the coffee table a meaningless bit of paraphernalia. "Kocaine" Kahnso was bearing down on him, a leather loincloth hanging between her legs like a black tongue, her tits in a sports bra, her jowls pulled up into a twisted smirk. Ricky loved the psychobitch look. Her messy blonde hair started it, but those unsavory red rubies that were her eyes took it to the finish line. She looked absolutely mental, and when she grabbed him by the nuts and the neck, he couldn't help but squeak.

"Oh, my fuckin' god," Ricky moaned - for the most part, at least, because Kahnso stuffed her tongue into his mouth on the last syllable or two, turning the rest of the words into a mush of noise. She depressed his stout equine tongue easily with her own and swabbed the tender innards of his maw at large, spreading her sloppy fox slobber deep. She fondled him possessively, and Ricky would have happily admitted to how much she owned him at that particular moment. His cock was steadily swelling.

Kahnso ground her palm hard and rough into Ricky's rising cock, pushing on the head, guessing correctly where it was under the denim. She pulled back her tongue and the stallion went right for the opposite, thrusting his tongue into her mouth. She bit down on it, drawing a bead of blood but causing so much more pain than that. Ricky shrieked, his eyes popping open as wide as saucers, and he squeezed her biceps for lack of something else to leverage. He was completely hard.

The bitch spit out Ricky's tongue, leaving it slightly swollen, but not much worse for wear. She licked her lips and shoved him away and he collided with the wall, making it rattle savagely. His right shoulder blade bruised against the wall stud; his left hit a hollow and made the plaster crack. "Take those fucking pants off," she barked, grinning wide and pointing severely at his pelvis. "Right now!"

"S-shit, you got it!" Ricky blurted, blushing beet red as he obeyed. He unzipped them, shoved them down along with his boxers, exposing a fat, black horse cock and a matching set of smooth balls. It was such a big endowment that it looked like a kickstand on his lank body. "Oh, god," he breathed, stepping out of his bottoms and creeping closer. "I fucking want you..."

"I bet you do, candy-ass," Kahnso snickered, jabbing her finger into his chest hard enough that he stumbled back and her claw nearly punctured his skin; it left a red, sore mark. "What do you want first?" she asked, tilting her head back a little bit, regarding Ricky with a canted, aloof gaze.

It was a tone full of caveats. Even rock-hard and dribbling precum on the modest tan carpet, Ricky knew that he was being baited, but he didn't much care. Kahnso's deep pockets were what paid him; she owned him in every sense of the word. "I want to lick your cunt," he growled. "And motorboat your tits. I wanna--, gawd. I'd love to jizz down your throat if you'd let me."

She laughed and grabbed him by the wrists and forced him to plant his palms on her thick jugs. He groped her through the sports bra and she moaned promisingly. "Seems like you thought that shit through. You jerk off to me?"

"Sometimes," Ricky sheepishly said. "You're hot."

"Yeah, I am," she conceded. She pulled him even closer, kissed him on the lips and then bit the bottom one, pinching it with her incisors between her big saber fangs. Ricky didn't shriek this time, even though she drew a bead of blood there too, and she wasn't sure whether she should feel pleased or annoyed. However she was apt to view the silence, she tossed him onto the bed and lunged on him, even snarling to match the gesture.

"You are fucking mine tonight, prettyboy," she hissed, saying what Ricky already knew so very well, but with such a bitchqueen mania in her eyes that he actually was afraid of her. She nipped his cheek, then nipped down his neck and onto his girly chest, through his thin shirt. A series of bloodless pinches pocked him as she went along, and she was leaving these little mementos only for her own amusement. She tugged his shirt up to his neck and slopped her tongue down his breast and over his belly. Its short but thrilling trip ended when she dipped it into his navel.

Ricky shuddered and rolled back his eyes. His cock throbbed against her clothed bosom. He stroked through her hair with a grimace on his face.

The gorgeous vixen planted a terribly brief smooch on Ricky's flaring cockhead before hooking her fingers under one side of his ass. She rolled him like flipping a burger and grabbed his newly-presented bubble butt in greedy, mighty paws. "You better be sweaty back here, hot stuff," she snarled, tugging his cheeks apart.

Ricky gasped, the blush coming back in full force. His fat, black pucker winked at her as if leery of the cool air and the light; a light sheen of sweat covered it along with the rest of his naked, dark flesh. Kahnso stuffed her nose into the pucker and drew a sniff from it, then slobbered up through the girly crevasse of his ass crack.

The small stallion squeaked, bunching the comforter up in his fingers. "Ooh--! Oh, fu-u-uck, you're rimming me," he breathed, his tone an awed and grateful one. "Oh my god..."

Kahnso smooched and suckled the horse's asshole. Her tail swayed side to side, appearing much calmer than the whipping flag of Ricky's two-toned tail, but her tongue was obscene in its work. His anus, his taint, the back of his sack; she piled slobber and affection on all of it, hungry for sweat and musk, receiving both from the horse.

"Gawd, this is so much better than running fuckin' cable," Ricky sighed, folding his arms under his head. "Eat my ass, babe. Christ."

Suddenly as a snapping bear trap and only a bit more loving, Kahnso chomped on the stallion's tail and made him shriek. He whipped his head over his shoulder, staring at her with his wide, red eyes. "Hey, what the fuck!?"

The corners of her mouth came up as if drawn by invisible hooks, showing big enamel and pink gums, all with a thin froth of spit on it. She sniggered around his tail, better felt than heard at that point, and sunk her fingers into his ass cheeks so tight that the flesh dimpled around her digits. When she spat out his tail, she said, still with red and whine hairs stuck in her teeth, "You're mine, boy! I'll take a bite outta you if I fucking want!"

Under any other circumstances (that is, with any other partner), Ricky would've been apt to knock some teeth out with a hoof. But Kahnso... not so much. Besides how frightening she was, she happened to be the sexiest woman in music according to several sensational publications. If a slice of ass like that wanted to gnaw on you a little bit, you fucking took it. Ricky said in a submissive murmur, "Yeah, all right."

"Good boy," she snarled, climbing over him. She absently pulled the hairs out of her teeth and wiped her spittle-covered fingers off on the comforter. Her crotch rested against his ass, warm but featureless under the tough leather loincloth. Sinking further into sheer audacity, she humped him, grunting and panting as she got herself warmed-up on his ass cheeks.

Ricky's cheeks (the ones on his face) were reddening again. His ears were nearly flat. "Wh--, what are you doing?" he asked, his delivery incredulous.

"Enjoying what's mine," Kahnso puffed, using that dully matter-of-fact tone which admonished Ricky for being stupid enough to ask. "What, you think I want that dick of yours inside of me?"

"Well... well, yeah!" Ricky blurted, indignant and grinning in spite of it.

Just like she'd bitten his tail, Kahnso chomped Ricky's neck. He shrieked what was almost a whinny and bucked against her, trying pointlessly to shake her off even though he didn't want her to stop. Fighting was part of the game. He understood this in the subversive, instinctive part of his brain. Blood, a few rich trickles of the stuff, oozed from the gouges she'd put into his flesh; she licked it off of him, rumbled into his ear, kept up her humping. "You think I want that dirty fucking horse dick inside of me?" she reiterated, and her voice was nothing more than a sultry growl.

"Gawd... oh my gawd," Ricky shuddered. He was a roadie for one of the toughest rock acts in the country; he got in drunk fistfights in strange towns and had a couple of false teeth to prove it. He didn't get bossed around by anybody, male or female... in the sexual sense, anyway. In fact, in his go-to Kahnso fantasy, the bitch was his to play with as he saw fit. Everything up to and including her eating his ass had been basically in line with that little fuckfic he'd made up for himself, but now she was going off the rails. She was completely undermining the svelte sex beast he saw himself as, and he liked it, offensive though it was.

"Well?" Kahnso barked, and she nipped Ricky's ear. One of her prominent fangs pinched it and came very near to giving him a new hole fit for a piercing.

"Ow! Ow, goddammit!" Ricky yelped, tears welling in his eyes. He didn't sob or sniffle. "God dammit...! Yes! I think you want my dick!" He snapped it with all the defiance he could manage.

Kahnso laughed. It was a joyless, evil sound. Ricky recognized it as the kind of laugh you heard in a horror movie right before someone had a fire ax added to their person and a gallon of blood removed. "You think I want that black, sweaty horse dick that's been in every other dumb cunt in this town - is that it? You think I'm a slut like that?"

The stallion chewed his bottom lip, squinting away the tears. What way could he go but down? Taking a barely-calculated risk, he hissed, "Yeah, bitch - you love greasy, strange dicks, don't you? You wanna ride me 'til I pop, 'cause you love wonderin' if you're carrying some guy's baby around."

Sharply and sincerely, the vixen let loose a wild laugh. It didn't last long, and she capped it off with a nip on the neck, but it brought some much-needed levity. "You sick little fuck! Been reading the graffiti in the port-a-crapper?"

Then as always, Kahnso didn't give her current fuckboy an inch of quarter. She rolled off of him, flopped on her back, pulled him over and made him lay his back on her thick tits, all in the span of a few seconds. It didn't matter that she still had on all of her clothes; she had complete control of the horse even without her nudity. She clutched his dense horsecock in a greedy paw and started to stroke it. Sweet little gasps escaped him and precum shot from it, wetting his grubby work shirt.

"Oh, gawd," Ricky bleated. He writhed on top of Kahnso's large, soft body. He reached around her and held her wide hips. "Fuck, please lemme have the pussy, I'll be so gentle with it, pretty please..."

"Pansy," Kahnso hissed, speaking into the stallion's hair. "You this easy with every girl or just me?"

"Only you, I swear it," the horse grunted, embarrassed.

A snicker. "Mmm, yeah. I can believe that. All right, boy."

Ricky's ears were pert. One was a little swollen and sore. "All right?" he earnestly asked. "I-I can--?"

"Yes, dumbshit," Kahnso said, but she squeezed his cock like a vise. Ricky gasped and squirmed, pressing his thighs together and grimacing. It was all very fun for Kahnso. "Look at you-u-u. Fucking fairy... I can't believe I'm gonna let you have my cunt."

"God, yeah, yeah, I'm a fairy, I'm a total candy-ass," Ricky agreed. Kahnso's paw was mangling his cock. It throbbed painfully, like that time he'd used a cock ring that was too small - but then like now, with the pain came outrageous sensitivity to pleasure. Precum was oozing through the bitch's fingers. "Fuck, fuck...! God, that hurts, you're squeezing it too much, it hurts!"

Kahnso sniggered. Her other paw had been resting on his belly, just idling there, but now it muscled between his thighs and found his balls. Those got the same medicine as his hard-on. When Ricky cried out, and similarly cried his eyes out, the vixen hissed, "If it hurts so much, how come you're trying to push into me?"

Ricky had no answer. His stomach felt like someone was yanking it down toward his crotch and his whole body was beset by airy tingles besides. Being so ruthlessly molested was unlike anything he had ever felt before. He was so close to coming and so desperate for it that he didn't even care that he hadn't gotten the pussy yet.

The vixen could smell how close Ricky was. It was obvious in so many ways, but his scent betrayed him most easily. She flicked his ear with her tongue and let his cock and balls off gently. Dents from her pads lingered for a few seconds on his flesh. "All right. Get off me, stupid. You can have the pussy now."

That hot little stallion had never been so grateful for anything in all his life. He rolled off of Kahnso, wincing when his balls rubbed on the bed; they were sore, but the pain invigorated him like an icy shower. He got up on his knees, shaky but determined, and pulled aside the vixen's loincloth.

It took a second to register what he was seeing, but a second was all Kahnso needed. The bitch laughed like a hyena and left her passive stance, getting up on her knees, making the bed wobble and shake. Ricky was stunned enough that he lost his balance, catching himself but landing on his side like the prize damsel in a pulpy film. "Wuh--, wait a fucking second!" he pathetically said. "You lied to me...!'

"Goddamn right I did," she cackled, throwing herself on him. He shrieked - some seven feet of Amazon wasn't something you wanted to see flying at you - and found himself pinned hard. Her fat sheath and fatter nuts pressed against his. Her knotted slab of meat throbbed hotly on his horsecock. "No pussy here, boy, 'cept for yours. I'm gonna make a mare out of you before we're done."

"I do not get fucked in the butt!" Ricky snapped, but there he was with a big, coked-up chick-with-a-dick squirming and moving against him, keeping him trapped and negotiating her dick up under his balls. That policy was clearly about to change.

Kahnso pushed her pointed dogcock against Ricky's pucker. That thick donut was still slippery with saliva, but her dick was too big no matter how slick he was. In it went, excavating the stallion's overly tight, virginal asshole slowly but implacably. As she entered him, she rumbled with outspoken pleasure. Her full breasts heaved with her slow, deep breaths, and the evil mania never left her features. It only grew meaner as she drank in the sheer worry (and obvious pain, how she loved expressions of pain) on his pretty face.

Ricky was crying again. Tears rolled down the sides of his head, but he refused to sniffle and sob. He immediately understood what the tabloids meant when they referred to Kahnso as a rapist.

The big, red bulk of the vixen's knot kissed up to Ricky's anus. His gulping, dark ring was plainly many sizes too small for such a large piece of meat. Kahnso seemed to realize this herself since she didn't try to knot him; she pulled it back instead and started a steady pace with which to breed her fuckboy. She leaned over him, paws denting the mattress on either side of him, tits still tight in her sports bra. "Say my name, cocksucker."

Their eyes met. Ricky could still see how wicked she was through his tears. "K'h--, Kahnso," he bleated.

"Good boy," she purred. She pushed her knot against him, putting great pressure on the thick pad of his anus.

Ricky winced, arching his back. Prostate stimulation kept him hard; he'd been so close to his orgasm when the secret came out that he still wasn't far removed from his release... and if not, blue balls were his fate.

She licked his neck, teasing the broken skin where points of blood congealed in the fur like jelly. Her tongue followed the angle of his jaw, ending with a smooch on his nose. "Get my tits out of this bra," she sternly said. "And you can play with 'em."

The boy did what he was ordered, pulling up her sports bra, letting those big tits out to breathe. He cupped them, finding their soft warmth a comfort in spite of the burn of the sodomy.

"What do you say, boy?" the vixen asked with a growl. She ground against him again.

"Ah...! I-I don't know, what do I say to what?" Ricky bleated.

"I'm letting you play with my boobs," she said, sounding exasperated, with a roll of her eyes to boot. "So what do you say?"

Years of being raised by semi-decent parents paid off. "I say thank you, ma'am!" he chirped.

"Good boy!" Kahnso crooned, delighted, and she smooched him again. "Mmm, I'm gonna knot you. You ever been knotted?"

"No," Ricky started to answer, but Kahnso cut him off as if he weren't speaking.

"It's so fun. Gawd, the way their face scrunches up and they just--," she bucked her knot against him, her hips colliding with him under such force that he shrieked. "Yeah! They make a noise like that," she cackled. "When you feel it just stre-e-etch around you and you can count their pulse with it, that's the best feeling in the world."

"God help me," Ricky whined.

Kahnso purred and kissed his cheek. It would've been a sweet feeling if not for the ongoing destruction of his perfect ass. "You are so fucking cu-u-ute, Ricky..."

The sweetness mixed with the pain of the fuck and the threatening grind of the knot was horrible. Ricky really wanted to smile and blush and be a good boy when the vixen with her nice tits and bottomless bank account lumped praise on him, but the ass rape killed any hope of such a saccharine display. The entire situation was like something from a slowly-unfolding nightmare.

Now the vixen was huffing, grunting. She bit her lip and closed her eyes tight. That strained face with a grin at the corners of her mouth - it was beautiful. Ricky couldn't help himself and he kissed her on the lips. She popped her eyes open, allowing her grin to show in its full force. "Oh, you wanna kiss me?"

Ricky only nodded. A kiss was gentle and kind. He wrapped his arms around her, feeling down her heaving, toned back. Kahnso crushed her lips into his and snarled; he opened his mouth and was immediately given the tongue. She was pushing against his ass with everything she could give him.

Feeling that soft, pink tongue tracing over his teeth, rubbing his palate, grinding sordidly on his own tongue was as relaxing as it was arousing to Ricky. He humped her belly, trying (failing) to ignore the threat of the knot. Her fat meat was putting wonderful pressure on things he'd only heard about from fags in drunk, anecdotal stories at the same time as it was stretching him in ways unintended for such a delicate orifice. He was still crying, and there was no stopping that, but his cock was oozing on her, on himself, and his flare rubbed sinfully into her washboard of a belly and silky fur. Ricky was about to pop.

Kahnso nipped him in the kiss, biting his lip, pinching his tongue and her own in the deal. It made him wince and grunt, made him push her by the shoulders, but there was no way such a small horse could displace such a big fox. Shocked by the pain, he clamped his ass down around her and kicked the bed with his hooves. It was too much to bear, and with a well-earned orgasm accompanied by no small amount of self-loathing, the twink horse erupted.

Cum shot from Ricky with the irregularity and occasional violence of a geyser. He kicked and thrashed, raking his short nails down Kahnso's back and arms in a lame attempt to rip her skin. His mess slopped across his shirt in big, messy stripes but not before shooting against her belly. Kahnso clearly noticed the release and she showed her acknowledgment by sniggering into his mouth. Her eyes opened, narrow and disdainful, and Ricky couldn't find it in himself to look away from the singer's evil ruby glare.

She kept the stare even as she bucked into him as if he were the mare and she were the stallion. Her knot savaged his asshole, turning black flesh purple and blue. It was still too big to fit inside of Ricky, but too big wasn't in Kahnso's lexicon; she bullied it against him over and over and over, ignoring the rising squeals and yelps of the boy still trapped in the kiss. Finally that dumb, coke-addled persistence paid off; Kahnso buried the knot.

First was that horrific stretch, as Ricky's poor anus was forced to accept the bulb of the knot. In that moment, he solemnly understood why childbirth was such a terrifying prospect and vowed never to tell another woman to just get over it. But once the knot was past the delicate bottleneck of his asshole, it settled into the considerably more roomy passage past it. There, the bulk of her knot pushed on his prostate and made his limbs fall away, weak and tingling. He had already had his orgasm, but the pressure of the knot made him feel as if he were having a second one; and indeed, his cock shot again, but with a much smaller payload. It was a dribble compared to his mighty eruption.

Kahnso broke the kiss off and thick slobber of vulpine and equine varieties bridged their snouts. She panted and grunted bestially, hunkering down over Ricky, rubbing her slobbery muzzle on his until their fur mutually shined. She tried to move her hips to no effect; Ricky was stuck to her, or perhaps it was the other way around, but she decided that didn't matter one fucking bit.

"Oh--, oh fuck," she puffed, and her tone had become hollow - unfamiliar in its powerlessness. Ricky was going to ask what the problem was when Kahnso followed up with a sharp gasp. She clenched her eyes and grit her teeth. She blasted into Ricky, shooting her ropes one after another, each accompanied by a sharp (and for Ricky, very stimulating) twitch of her meat.

Having such a thick and hot mess of cum slopping into him was among the best feelings Ricky had ever felt. It only added to the pressure her overwhelming cock put on his innards, and what was more was the fact that her knot wasn't letting so much as a drop escape him. He felt full and stimulated and very, very warm, and he wrapped his shaky arms around her and started pecking her with kisses.

"Gawd," Kahnso breathed. "How would you like a new Porsche?"

Ricky blinked. He was still pleasure-drunk, but he was intrigued. "Um...? Uh, sure, I guess, yeah. I mean, I'd like one a lot."

She grinned. It was her natural expression. "You gotta earn it. You're gonna learn to ride my dick and take the knot. And learn how to eat ass."

Ten minutes ago, Ricky would've told the psycho bitch to go fuck herself. He squirmed against her, silently appreciating the knot in his ass. "I want a Lamborghini instead," he answered with a grin of his own. "Like the one you drive. And I'll be your fuckboy all year round."

"Deal," Kahnso laughed. "You little shit smear. We're gonna have fun."