An Unexpected Enounter

Story by Tissthalliss on SoFurry

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Garris is working towards a paradise that nearly seems too good to be true, but finding himself caught in some annoying environment finds out that maybe he doesn't need to look so far to find what he is after.

Sorry for the lack of stories, I hope this can help make up for it while I work on some more. Sorry in advance if the story isn't very great either, I don't imagine I've become very good at writing with the long time I have spent not trying it.

Thick white snow covered the area, a constant downfall of tiny white specks adding to the layer that seemed to cover everything in sight. High above the ground it seemed as though the snowflakes were making graceful loops and spins, caught in the wind in such a way it seemed to dance. Bristling peaks of mountains could easily been seen rising up, like some great pillars that had forced their way through the unrelenting white that smothered nearly all colour. Specks of grey and black could be spotted on the mountains, spots where rock had somehow managed to avoid the consistent downfall of the soft white blanket that sought to cover everything.

Closer to the ground tall pyramids of snow cold be seen, and on closer inspection actually proved to be pine trees, layered thick in the same natural blanket of the land. All around everything was white, a landscape that anyone could become lost in, even those that had lived there their entire life. Despite the desolate appearance though, life could be found, hidden beneath the sheltering pine trees, or even hiding deep within caves in the mountains, waiting for the snow to eventually melt away. The sun cast its gaze only momentarily, lighting up the snow in a brilliant display, making the landscape appear as if it were buried under some amazing crystal, stretching from horizon to horizon.

It was easy to tell when something was out of place in such a setting, and as such it was not hard to notice the large brown drake trudging its way through the snow, taking steps that seemed too large and were obviously draining its energy. The sensible thing would have been to fly, instead of walk through the deceptively deep snow, but with the air so cold it would have been uncomfortable at the least.

Garris shivered slightly as he continued his journey, holding his wings tight against his body in a futile attempt to keep the cold away from him. It was nothing that he couldn't stand, but the freezing air and snow were harsh against his sensitive wings, not to mention much more sensitive parts of his body, making flying much more unpleasant than walking. He wondered when the sun would rise, because even though it was bright enough to easily see where he was going he had seen no sign of the sun since he arrived in this infernal white waste. Garris was certain that he was the only creature in the area, seeing nothing else living, or even any tracks to suggest that anything actually lived in the area.

He wondered briefly why he was even here, before remembering that he was heading to a much better place, where the sun could play off the deep brown of his wings, and dance along the light red of his underbelly. A place where he could actually find food, and a drink without having to freeze his mouth in an attempt to melt the water that should never have been frozen to begin with. His paws were beginning to ache with the effort of taking such large steps, only to have them sink down into the freezing snow again, but he thought it was a good sign that he could actually feel the cold against him. He was glad that his reach was long enough to keep the cold snow away from his underbelly, and the delicate parts of him between his hind legs.

Garris had hear that sometimes a dragon could walk through snow and not feel a thing, but that was only a good thing if they had lived there and become accustomed to it. Otherwise he knew that a lack of feeling could only mean something bad, something he had heard about the body being so cold that it couldn't even feel the freezing temperature around it, or that it would even begin feeling hot. He snorted at that last bit, imagining the crazy drake that would ever think this land would be anything but cold. He decided to try resting for a bit, hoping to work some warmth into his wings as well as regain some of his lost energy, and seeing nowhere better to stop, decided to just drop where he was.

In a distant area of the snowy wasteland, where slight signs of green could still be seen, the snow seemed to be shifting around, erupting at points only to come raining back down. Once the snow settled, which it only did for a moment, a slight could be seen though, one that was nearly invisible to anything that would see it in the brilliant white. Serral was enjoying himself, diving and twisting through the snow, flinging up big clouds of the marvellous white dust with his wings, tongue lolling out of his maw in an attempt to catch it on the way down.

He was wondering whether or not to try hunting for anything right now, but decided it would be an overly easy task since everything would be hidden away from the snow, so he chose to play in the snow for some more time instead. He had managed to confuse himself at times, wondering why some of the snow moved so strangely, only to find out that it was actually one of his soft white wings, or the tip of his tail. Serral enjoyed being the same colour as his surroundings, loving the simpleness of it, and finding the pure white such an easy sight on the eyes.

He had been living in the snow for as long as he could remembered, and didn't even understand that it was something that should be cold, instead it was nice and plain to him, not warm or cold, but something that he could cover himself in just for the fun of it. He especially enjoyed the days when the sun peaked out from behind the clouds, actually taking the time to sit still and admire the beauty of the area when it happened. There was very little that would give Serral away as not being part of the landscape, some miniscule spots of light grey that were littered across his hide, his light yellow eyes, and the fleshy pink of his tongue.

Rolling over a few times in the snow, Serral found himself suddenly stopped, upside down with his tongue hanging lazily out of his maw. He had spotted something different, which didn't happen very often, except for when the snow melted. There were deep holes in the snow in front of him, spread out unevenly and making an unsteady line. He quickly rolled to his paws, shaking his body quickly to dislodge any snow that had decided to try and stay on him. Poking his snout down to inspect the holes, Serral noticed something, that each one had a distinct shape at the bottom.

He had seen the shape before, he was sure of it, but he couldn't quite remember where. Following the holes for a few steps he realized that they were nearly spaced out like his steps, if only a bit smaller pacing. On a whim he decided to try stepping into one of the holes, and suddenly remembered where he had seen the shape before. He cast a quick glance behind him to make sure, and then pulled his paw out of the hole to double check, it seemed that he had found something leaving nearly identical foot prints to his own. Thinking of nothing else he would rather do he started following the tracks, making a game out of it by stepping in the holes, finding it funny how odd he had to move his body to actually be able to walk like that.

It was almost as if whatever had left the tracks didn't even know how to walk properly. Serral wanted to find out what it was that had been clumsily stomping through here, not for any particular reason, just because he thought it could be fun. Garris groaned as he lifted himself back to his paws, shaking slightly before grunting in annoyance, the snow seemed to be drawn to him like fish to water. He looked ahead, not enjoying the sight of so much more snow that he would have to walk through; already thinking of flying would really be that bad.

Shaking his head, already knowing that it would be a bad idea, Garris set out again, half straining to pull his paws free of the snow after every step, trying his best not to fall over just because he couldn't take steps as freely as he was used to. He really would be glad to be rid of this area, and decided that if he ever had to get passed some snowy ocean of annoyance like this again he would just go around. He decided to let his mind wonder while he walked, certain that there was nothing of danger that he would need to concentrate on.

Garris thought about where he was going, a wonderland by all accounts, with excesses of food, easily accessible water, caves in abundance, and more than enough dragons to keep him happy for longer than he could imagine. He had thought the whole thing to be some sort of joke, or a tale meant to be told just for the sake of imagining, but he had heard about dragons leaving their homes, all headed in the same direction, to the same place. He had reasoned that if they were all wrong, and no place like that actually existed, then something similar might come to be with the amount of dragons flooding towards it.

Lost so deep in his thoughts he didn't even think to check his surroundings, otherwise he might have seen the barely visible white shape slowly closing the distance with him. Serral had been keeping his focus on his paws, stepping into the holes in front of him, his tail swaying behind him in enjoyment, a slight flick to the tip of it. It had been a while since he had something actually exciting he could do, he had seen other dragons before, but never when it was so far into the snowy time, which was strange because he always found it easier to find food and shelter when the snow covered everything.

It was easy to just carve out a small cave in the snow beneath him, and if it wasn't deep enough he could always pile some more snow on top. He could have a home wherever he wanted, and the little snow caves he built always seemed to build up some heat which he always thought was nice. Serral fell forwards with his next step, landing on his chest, with his chin pressed against the compacted snow beneath him, one hind leg still holding up the back half of his body as his tail pushed outwards and lifted slightly to help keep him balanced.

He slowly got back to his paws, looking down at a much larger, oddly shaped hole, that wasn't as deep as the others. He inspected it for a bit, poking at parts of it with is nose or paws, attempting to find if it had some hidden purpose. There was a faint scent that he could find on it, strange, but definitely not unpleasant, and he decided to quickly roll around in it before following the tracks again, hoping that it would be fun to smell like something other than himself for a bit. He let a big grin spread across his face as he saw a large shape ahead, stumbling around. Thinking that it would be more fun to try and surprise them, Serral ducked down low against the snow, stepping out of the deep paw prints and quickly making his way towards what he was sure was another dragon, his own paw prints barely visible against the snow as he made sure to keep his weight even and use his wings for support.

Garris felt an odd sensation, almost like he was being watched, and stopped for a moment, looking around and checking his surroundings. He couldn't see anything different; there was obviously nowhere to hide so there was nothing out there stalking him. He couldn't shake the feeling though, and looked back behind him as he slowly started walking again. Garris thought he saw something for a moment, a slight shift in the snow, but he blinked and saw nothing. It must be the place, he thought, all of the annoying white getting to his head, making him imagine anything that could be exciting.

As soon as he turned his head forwards again, the snow shifted behind him, sending up a small flurry of snow, moving forwards at a pace that would be completely unreasonable to the brown dragon. Serral let out a breath he had been holding, he was sure he had been spotted back there, but the other dragon had just looked away. It was like they were blind, because he had been standing at full height when they had looked back. He didn't want his fun to end yet, and knew that he would probably have to reveal himself properly if he was found out. It was fun stalking this dragon, because even though they looked bigger than him, and much more muscled, they didn't seem to have any idea what they were doing.

Serral started moving out to the side of the brown dragon as well as closing the distance between them, deciding it could be even more surprising if he appeared from besides them, or even in front of them, he thought with a massive grin. It was barely any effort for him to pick up his pace, quickly moving until he was in line with the other dragon, but at a safe distance. He was half surprised they didn't hear the snow beneath his paws as he had rushed forwards, but he was doing his best to be quiet so that must have been it.

Garris kept moving forwards, his eyes darting around now. He had definitely heard something a moment ago, but instead of turning to look at it he had decided to act as if he hadn't heard it. If something was brave enough to try and sneak up on a dragon he would show them what they were facing. He tried to keep his muscles relaxed; ready to react for what he knew would be some sort of attack. Even among other dragons he considered himself to be quite powerful, and was certain that nothing could bring him down easily.

Serral was up to the difficult part of his sneaking now, trying to move in front of the brown dragon, which he could definitely tell was larger than him now, and had a somewhat thicker build. While Serral was thin and light, this dragon looked like it was born to be larger, with big shoulders and wings that would easily outreach his own. It wasn't such an odd thing though; from all the dragons he had seen before there were only a few that were actually smaller than him, it seemed like all the other dragons were just interested in being big, while he enjoyed his size that let him run across the snow.

He was half buried in the snow now, digging forwards with his paws while keeping his wings spread out across the snow above him in an attempt to make it look like everything was still normal. Serral had practiced this sort of thing a lot, and knew that it would take some close observation to actually notice something was moving. Garris had seen a slight movement, something so small it could have been just another snowflake touching the ground, but he had forced himself to pay attention, and now tracked something moving across the ground.

Garris had no idea what he was seeing; it looked to be some sort of blanket, but a large one, nearly completely invisible against the white snow. It was moving on a diagonal course, as if it was trying to cut him off. His mind instantly went to the thoughts of an ambush, but he could see no threat at all from the strange thing. Deciding to see if it actually was aiming for him Garris changed his course slightly, enough so that the white thing would miss him. His eyes narrowed when it stopped, nearly immediately, placing itself directly in his path. Even though it looked like it wasn't a threat Garris knew that it would be safer to assume that is was.

He was thinking of what possible danger it could be, and how to prepare, when he saw something else, a slight movement underneath the thing, causing him to try and revaluate what he was looking at. It took him a moment, but he was certain of what he had seen, and now with a different view on what he was seeing he realized what it was in front of him. At that moment he knew that it was a very real threat, because it wasn't some sort of blanket on the ground, but a wing. He wasn't used to this terrain, and he had clearly been outsmarted by this dragon, which had hidden themselves so well.

Serral held his grin as the dragon approached, peeking out from under his wing at the unaware stranger, feeling the soft white membrane of his wing resting against his small delicate looking horns. He was planning to jump up in front of them, to give them a scare before showing that he wouldn't try to harm them. His paws moved under him in anticipation, waiting for the right moment, when the brown dragon was close enough. Crouching down lower, Serral prepared to jump out of the small trench he had dug himself, making sure to keep his wings level above him. He could hear the crunching of snow now as the other dragon got closer.

There was an odd stop though, before some more crunching and then silence for a few seconds. Serral was wondering what was happening and whether he should just jump out now, when he was slammed down into the snow, something large landing on top of him. Garris had decided to attack before they had a chance to spring their ambush, and had landed on top of the dragon before they even knew what was happening. They were slow to react, too slow Garris had though, as if they hadn't had experience with fights often, and they were quickly pinned beneath him.

Serral felt a moment of confusion that lasted forever, before feeling the sting of fear push into him. He found out what had landed on him, and they didn't look very happy. Deciding that it would be best not to try and upset them Serral stopped moving immediately, not trying to struggle out of their grip. With both of their paws pushing down against his shoulders, trapping both of his own against his chest, he doubted there was much he could do anyway. This was obviously a dragon that didn't want to play.

Garris was prepared to grab hold of this mysterious white dragon's neck with his maw, ready to press his teeth down in a threat not to struggle, but the dragon seemed to have already given up. He wondered for a moment if it was some sort of trap, this dragon did seem to be much cleverer than most he had seen; with the way it had remained hidden. Its wings were spread out beneath it, and Garris found himself surprised at the near exact match for colour it had with the snow, besides a few barely visible spots of grey he could see. Slightly confused, Garris looked down at the dragon beneath him, they were obviously smaller than him, and the soft hide his paws pushed against told him that they weren't just all muscle on a thin body.

There was no way they could have won a fight against him, even if their ambush had succeeded against him. Thinking of what sort of trickery they might have Garris moved one paw off of their shoulder slowly, prepared to push back down with his full weight if they attempted to get away. They didn't try anything, they didn't even move and for a moment Garris worried that there was something wrong with the dragon, some sort of sickness that could affect him. He decided that wasn't the case though, as this dragon looked healthy enough, though maybe a little thin, if they hadn't built up muscle they should have at least built up some amount of fat, but it was as if this dragon just wasted their energy without gaining anything from it, else there would be more to show from it.

Maybe it was the lack of food in the area that had made it so they couldn't grow larger, into a more powerful drake. With one paw free Garris reached towards the smaller dragon's maw, pushing down suddenly when they flinched back slightly. He pushed up against their nose, until their mouth opened so that he could inspect what sort of dangerous fangs they were sure to have. He was shocked to find the teeth small as well, scaled to the rest of the dragon. Garris was expecting some sort of over large deadly fangs, ready to pierce through his hide; it was to only real way he could see them besting him.

Why had they planned such an elaborate ambush if they had no way of winning? Lifting his head quickly Garris glanced around; making sure that there wasn't some other opponent sneaking up on him. There was nothing but the snow, no barely visible movement to suggest another such dragon sneaking up on him. He sniffed at the air, trying to see if he could smell anything, and frowned slightly. He found the scent of the dragon beneath him, but it was strange, oddly familiar. Deciding that it wasn't important, Garris gave up at the thought, what a dragon smelled like rarely had anything to say besides where they had been.

Serral kept his eyes on the dragon above him, closing his mouth when his jaw was finally released, doing his best not to appear threatening. He had just wanted to play for a bit, to have fun with something new in the unchanging snow, but it looked like they didn't like him. Serral was worried about whether they would hurt him now, they kept steady pressure on him and he knew that he would barely be able to move even if he tried, the snow beneath him being pushed down and compacted into a near solid floor.

Garris was at a loss of what to do now, this dragon that had obviously tried to ambush him didn't look like they were capable of harming any dragon. They didn't seem focussed on escape at all; otherwise they could easily just roll over and tip Garris off them while he only had one paw on them. They didn't look angry at being caught; instead they just seemed to be scared. Feeling foolish for keeping such an obviously harmless dragon pinned down Garris slowly stepped back, pulling his weight off of them. He expected them to jump up and run, or attack, or something, but all they did was lay there, looking up at him with worry in their eyes.

Garris took a few more steps back, sitting down on the snow before quickly jumping back up, snarling as the cold leached the warmth from his sensitive underbelly and balls. He looked back towards the white dragon and had trouble finding them for a second, they had moved off of the ground and were now a few metres away, standing impossibly on top of the snow without sinking into it. Their wings were held oddly, with the sides of them pushing down into the snow as well. They weren't even prepared to run by the looks of it, any sensible dragon would have taken to the skies and left as quickly as possible.

Serral kept himself carefully balanced, wondering whether he should risk running or not. He was not very good at flying, never having found much of a need for it, but he knew he could easily outrun the brown dragon. What held him back was that he was sure the brown dragon could fly much better than he could, and would be able to catch him no matter how fast he ran. He decided it would be better to show that he wasn't much of a threat, but was still figuring out how to do that. Serral took a few steps forwards, his wings working like crutches to keep him from sinking into the soft powdery snow beneath him.

Garris watched carefully as Serral walked towards him, watching the way his paws sank only the slightest amount into the snow, wondering how he did it. They were also doing something odd with their wings, as if they were trying to keep their weight off an injured leg. Serral didn't move too close, stopping short well out of Garris's reach, and lifted his wings off of the ground, slowly sinking into the snow before lying down, trying to show that he wasn't going to do anything that would hurt the larger dragon.

Serral pressed his chin gently against the ground, letting out a breath of air, watching as the snow in front of him melted slightly before bringing his attention back the Garris who just seemed to be looking at him strangely. Garris didn't know what to think of this dragon, they had attempted to ambush him, surrendered the fight instantly, and then stayed when they had the perfect opportunity to run. They didn't seem to be thinking properly; if it had been another dragon that had caught Serral there was a high chance that he would not be resting on the snow so comfortably right now.

There was no way that this dragon would be able to defend any territory, let alone itself, so how was it able to just sit there so comfortably? Surely another dragon would have taken this territory by now. Garris thought about that for a moment, before deciding that no other dragon would actually want it, there was snow as far as the eye could see, and even if there were more dragons that could handle such cold there was obviously no food, nothing could live in such a wasteland. But living proof of it was right in front of him.

Just the thought of something living out here made Garris hungry, wondering if perhaps there were other creatures hiding in the deep snow, just out of his vision. His stomach grumbled and Garris growled back at it in turn, this was no situation for anything like that. He still had to decide whether he should do something about Serral or not, but when he tried to focus on the dragon again it was gone, a very faint trail showing which direction it had gone, and Garris thought he could see them moving for a moment.

Turning away he decided it would be better to just continue on his way, the sooner he was out of here the better, he would be able to rest on some warm ground and eat something, and it would be nice to fill his stomach after such an annoying journey. He would have loved somewhere to properly rest for a bit, but it seemed that a simple cave was just too much to ask for right now. Garris tried to clear his thoughts of the white dragon with the strange scent, and just kept trudging through the snow, attempting to use his wings as he had seen Serral use them at one point but just ended up with cold wings.

Serral knew what he could do to help try and make the brown dragon happy, he had heard their stomach grumble, and knew that with the skills that they showed they probably didn't know how to fund any food in this area. He would bring them something to eat and hope that they would be friendlier because of it. There was still the chance that Garris would not act nicely to him, but Serral didn't want to let one bad experience stop him from trying to have fun. It was a very rare chance that he actually got to meet another dragon when the snow was so thick after all.

It didn't take him long to find some food, a few rabbits that had burrowed underneath a pine tree, and he was quickly heading back towards where he had last seen Garris, taking large, loping strides to get there, his paws sinking fairly deeply into the snow, but as long as he kept his momentum he wouldn't have to worry about being slowed down by it. It didn't take him long to find the brown dragon again, they had gained barely any distance from where he had last seen them. It didn't take Garris anywhere near as long to notice Serral this time, hearing the dragon coming from a distance away with how fast they were coming.

Garris turned around completely; ready to face the dragon if they did decided they wanted to fight him after all. He watched as the white dragon came forwards, flinging snow everywhere in what appeared to be a desperate attempt to slow down. Serral managed to make a perfect stop before Garris, who now had a decent spread of snow across his head and back, though he didn't seem overly pleased by it. Serral wasted no time in showing that he wasn't there to cause any trouble, and dropped the rabbits on the snow in front of Garris, watching as their nostrils flared, obviously catching the scent of the freshly caught creatures.

Garris looked down at the rabbits, deciding that if Serral was trying to goad him then it wouldn't work, as quick as he could he reached forwards and grabbed the rabbits, pulling his head back to make sure the white dragon didn't make any attempt to attack him. Instead it looked like they were actually smiling at him, enjoying the fact that he had just stolen the rabbits from him. Looking around for somewhere he could sit down and actually enjoy the rabbits it didn't take Garris long to remember there was just snow and more snow, so here would be as good as anywhere.

A soft thump could be heard as Garris dropped onto the snow, letting out a quiet growl as the coldness of it instantly assailed him. He tried to ignore it but found himself getting up within only a few seconds of lying down. It looked like he would just have to eat while standing up, even if it would be uncomfortable. They were only rabbits anyway; he could probably swallow them whole if he wanted to. Before trying that option he looked around to see if he could spot Serral anywhere, and saw the white face with a big grin on it poking out of the snow.

Serral flicked his head a few times, trying to indicate that Garris should follow him, and it didn't take too long for the message to get across. Garris didn't know what to expect, but a small cave wasn't in his thoughts at all so he was fairly surprised when he reached the area that Serral had been. The snow looked fairly smooth as well, not the like the sheet of it that he walked on, almost like it had been pushed and formed into something more solid. Slowly setting the rabbits down Garris pushed his head into the base of the cave, and saw Serral inside, spinning around slowly while his wings pushed out against the snow, smoothing it down.

Serral looked out of the entrance and saw Garris looking in, with a decidedly less threatening look on his face. He moved against the far wall that he had recently made and sat down. It wasn't a cave that would last long, unlike the ones he built to sleep in, but it would keep the worst of the cold out, and with two dragons inside would quickly warm up. Garris slowly made his way inside the small snow cave, having to crouch down low to fit through the entrance, the horns atop his head scraping against the snow, showering him with a small amount of it. He was certain that a sizeable mound of snow would be visible from the outside with how much larger it seemed to get. He could stand up comfortably inside and it made him wonder how deep the snow he had been walking on really was.

He made to sit down, with the rabbits still clenched between his teeth, but growled in annoyance because of the still cold ground. Serral was quick enough to get up, offering the space that he had just been lying in, which would surely be warmer. Garris cautiously accepted the obvious offer, walking over to where he had seen Serral sitting, and found to icy ground to be surprisingly warm there. It still wasn't as warm as he would have liked, but it was definitely better than the cold ground he had been dealing with so far.

Once he was on the ground he began eating, surprised at how hungry he found himself, it hadn't been so long since he had eaten, but he had used a lot of energy trying to cross the snowy plains. He finished eating quickly, and found Serral looking at him as he licked the remaining food from his teeth. Serral was glad to see that Garris had enjoyed the rabbits, and he looked fairly comfortable on the ground now, maybe this would help making him more friendly. Slowly moving forwards, Serral watched Garris to make sure that he wouldn't be upset with any closeness.

Garris watched as the white dragon moved closer, they looked cautious even though this was their home that they were in, even if it was an odd home. Garris flicked his head slightly, moving over a bit to show that they could move, and Serral quickly rushed in, lying down close to Garris, looking into his light brown eyes. Everything about the dragon seemed to have a hint of brown, and Serral wondered if they lived in some sort of dirt caves or something for a moment. He pushed his snout forwards, so that it was nearly touching Garris's, and took in a small breath, getting a proper idea of what the dragon smelled like.

From the dragons he had met before he always found their smell to be interesting, it told a story of where they had come from and what sort of dragons they were. Garris was confused as to what was happening, Serral should have been able to easily catch his scent from the other side of this strange cave, but they had come so close just for that? Garris caught that strange scent again that seemed so familiar, and finally recognized that it was his own; this dragon somehow had his scent, even if it was weak. His heart stopped for a moment as he wondered if this dragon was related to him in some way, but decided that definitely wasn't it, they looked nothing alike.

They just seemed to be an odd dragon, living in a seemingly uninhabitable land, not acting hostile at all, in an attempt to defend territory or themselves, and then they even went so far as to find food for him after Garris had let them go after attacking them. He found himself oddly pleased to have found such a dragon, it was refreshing compared to what he had come to know as normal dragon behaviour. When he pulled himself out of his thoughts Serral seemed to be nearly touching him now, with his body lying parallel to Garris's own.

Serral was revelling in the warmth he could feel coming from Garris; he had only rarely been this close to another dragon and never in such a cold environment. Where Serral couldn't feel the coldness of the snow outside so much he could definitely feel the warmth emanating from the brown dragon in front of him. He decided to try his luck and push even closer, his nose pushing gently against Garris's chin. Serral worried for a moment when the body next to him tensed up, and was about to pull his head back when it relaxed again.

In small increments Serral slowly moved closer, his tail touching lightly against theirs, his paws resting lightly on the light red chest in front of him, rising and falling with their breaths. He found that he couldn't actually move his body closer, two large brown paws blocking his path, but he was more than happy with how he was now, feeling the warmth of Garris everywhere that he touched them. Closing his eyes for a moment, Serral just enjoyed the moment. He jumped in surprised when he felt a slight weight on his shoulder, quickly opening his eyes to see what had happened.

Garris had lifted one of his paws off of the ground and placed it on him, pulling slightly against the white dragon. Serral was quick to move forwards, his body pressing up against Garris's as soon as he had the chance, his hind legs pushing the rest of him until he was sure he wouldn't be able to get any more contact from the brown dragon. Garris had been confused as to what had been happening at first, but found that Serral was pleasantly warm compared to everything else in the area, so he had no complaints in letting the dragon push up against him. There were some things he could complain about though, such as the fact that the white drake seemed to be constantly moving, twisting and turning slightly, as if they couldn't get comfortable, and the fact that they seemed to have no respect for personal space, with their body pushing against even his sheath and balls, though it was still a warmth that he wouldn't push away.

Serral didn't want to sit still, he kept moving his body around, revelling as Garris's warmth touched other parts of his body, he tried pulling one of his wings over the top of the other dragon but unfortunately it didn't work out so well, with it just getting in the way. It must be nice to be so warm all the time, though they seemed to be bothered by the snow even with the heat coming off them. At least they didn't seem to be bothered with him now though, which was definitely nice. Garris was starting to feel the first actual amount of warmth he had felt in a while, the small cave was slowly getting warmer, and the snow miraculously didn't seem to be melting, but a lot of the warmth was coming from the smaller white dragon that was huddled up against him.

Serral was warmer than he had been in a long time, even when the snow melted away, and even though the cold had never really affected him he was still loving how comfortable he felt right now. He was also starting to notice subtle differences with Garris, like his underbelly was much warmer than other parts of him, so Serral had worked on pressing his own underbelly against it, and then there was his only recently noticed sheath and balls between his hind legs, which seemed to be the warmest part of him so far, and while Serral wanted to feel more of that warmth he was trying not to overstep his boundaries.

Garris was certain that Serral was starting to overstep his boundaries; their white hide was pushed against his own as close as he could manage, and now he knew for certain that the white dragon was a male because of what he could feel pressing against his belly above his own equipment. One thing that Garris was thankful for, besides the free meal and increasing warmth, was the fact that Serral smelled overly clean. It was never a pleasant experience to lie near a dragon that didn't bother to stay clean, but Garris thought it made sense seeing how Serral spent his time living in frozen water, and there wasn't any mud or dirt that could build up anywhere.

All in all, Garris found Serral to be a very pleasant dragon, even if they did like to get closer than they should. He did have to admit that he found the closeness nice though, it had been a while since he had been able to be this close with another dragon without some sort of fight happening. Looking down at the face of the white dragon pressed up against him, Garris was surprised to find him asleep, with a smile on his face. He wondered how a dragon could fall asleep in such a situation, or how they could fall asleep so fast at least.

It still felt fairly cold, though that was changing rather quickly now, and Garris was starting to notice that Serral's body much cooler than his own, and worried for a moment that maybe the dragon was freezing. He dismissed the idea though; there was no way that he could have fallen asleep with such a content grin on his face if he was that cold. Maybe the white dragon was just naturally colder than he was, to help him survive better in the cold snowy mountains. Garris still found it oddly comforting, even though what he really wanted right now was a warm fire and somewhere that the water doesn't freeze in the air.

Serral was overly comfortable in his half asleep state, his eyes closed and just enjoying the pleasant warmth that seemed to surround him now, he wriggled around a bit, pushing himself down Garris's body a bit lower so that his head sat comfortably underneath the brown dragon's, with their chin resting along the top of his head. Garris didn't mind the white dragon moving around, letting out a pleased grumble of his own as they moved a bit lower. He was happy just lying there for now, with the strange new company of an odd white dragon, happy enough at least until he felt Serral's soft sheath push against his own, causing Serral to let out a happy murmur.

Serral could feel immense warmth pressing against both his balls and sheath, so immense that it almost seemed hot, but it felt nice for him, very nice. Definitely nicer than the cold snow outside he decided, only now thinking of it as cold while he was in such a warm environment. It wasn't very often that he felt something so pleasant between his legs like that, he had used his own maw more than enough times for enjoyment, but this was different. The thoughts of other warmth that he had felt caused his sheath to bloat slightly, the tapered tip of his light blue member peeking out.

Garris immediately noticed the slick warmth pressing against, and his inquisitive sniff proved that he was right as he caught the scent of Serral's musk. The white dragon was obviously enjoying themselves more than Garris had initially thought. He looked down at the dragon again, and they still had that grin on their face, with their eyes remaining closed. They must not get the chance to be near many other dragons, which would explain why he had acted so odd. Garris was wondering whether he should try and move away from Serral or just let them stay comfortable when he opened his eyes, looking up at him.

Garris had expected them to move back at the point, realizing that they were being too familiar with a dragon they didn't know, but instead Serral just stayed there, with his white body pushed tight against the larger brown one next to him. Serral could feel his own arousal, but since Garris didn't seem to be bother by it he didn't move away, instead just closing his eyes again and attempting to somehow move closer to Garris. Serral loved finding friendly dragons like this, even if they were a bit angry about something when they first met.

He couldn't remember meeting any dragon that would let him lay as close as he was with Garris right now though, which means that Garris was extra nice. Serral wondered just how nice they would be though, maybe he could have a whole different kind of fun with him, he wasn't pushing him away even with the tip of his member pushing against his soft underbelly, so maybe he was interested in that sort of thing? Deciding to see whether the large brown dragon was up for some fun, now that they were nice and warm, Serral wriggled his body downwards a bit, until he could feel his plump sheath pushing against Garris's own, and then decided to keep just a bit of movement there.

Slowly grinding his hips back and forth, Serral made sure to watch for any sign that Garris didn't want this sort of thing, but when no objections came he let a big grin spill across his face, giving a quick lick along the underside of Garris's jaw, continuing the gentle movements of his hips, waiting until he felt what he was sure would be coming any second now. Garris was shocked at what was happening, Serral had clearly gone passed any boundaries, and now seemed to be happily occupying himself with working to make Garris's own member emerge from its warm housing.

Garris let out a tight breath between clenched teeth as he felt the deep brown tip of his member emerge from his bloated sheath, expecting it to be met with cold air, but it was pleasantly warm instead. He was still wondering if he should stop or continue with this sort of thing, but it had been so long since he had been in such pleasant company, so decided that it could be nice to see how things went. Wrapping his paws around Serral's back, which wasn't a very hard task with the lack of size the white dragon had, he pulled them tight against his chest before rolling gently onto his back, his wings splayed out on the ground beneath him.

Serral was overly pleased with the attitude from Garris, and couldn't help himself from giving him a few thankful licks, his tongue gladly lapping against everything it could reach, from Garris's chest, along his neck, to the tip of his chin, all the while continuing the decidedly nice grinding of his hips. He could feel the heat coming from Garris's member, even if it was only the tip peeking out for now, and decided he definitely wanted to feel more of it. Twisting his hips slightly, Serral started pushing and grinding his own member, which was rapidly growing from both the sensations he was feeling and the thoughts of what could happen later, against Garris's.

Garris let out a pleased huff as he felt Serral's length pushing against his own, helping to coax it out of his sheath and into the open. Though Serral's member didn't feel as warm as his own, Garris found it to be a nice comparison, starting to slowly move his own hips in an attempt to feed his growing lust. With his own member reaching nearly full length, and his excitement overflowing, Serral decided to try and speed things up a bit, sending short thrusts against Garris's underbelly and member, painting them both with his pre. Letting out a pleased rumble from the suddenly more intense actions from Serral, Garris decided to help out and enjoy himself all the more, bucking his hips upwards, getting even more friction along his sensitive flesh.

Garris's member was now reaching passed Serral's own, the large brown length working to cover whatever it could reach in his own pre, helping to make his sharp thrusts even better. Coupled with the feeling of Serral's slick member grinding against his own, and the licks that still continued to assail him, Garris found himself quickly reaching his full length. Serral seemed to be getting more enjoyment out of the mutual act now, with his hips raising above Garris's body, only to push back down against it, sending his flesh sliding along the thick chocolaty length of Garris. Both dragons were letting out pleased huffs and grunts now, thrusting against each other in an attempt to earn more pleasure, Garris's wings twitching against the ground while Serral's tail slapped happily against the hardened snow beneath him.

Deciding to try and go for some longer strokes, Garris hooked his paws underneath Serral's shoulders and pulled him upwards, feeling the light blue member paint a trail of pre along his underbelly as he did. Serral's licks continued still, working to cover Garris's lips and face at this point, making it easy to tell that Serral was overly excited. With Serral now held higher against his chest, so that his face was even with Garris's own, the brown dragon decided to take more control over the situation, holding Serral tightly as he rolled again, being sure not to hurt the smaller dragon, only stopping when he found himself above the smooth white of Serral.

Serral's tail still slapped and slid happily along the ground, his hind paws twitching every now and then. Garris knelt down above Serral, slowly grinding his member along Serral's body, letting out a groan of pleasure all the while. The tip started pushing gently against Serral's balls first, moving up his own length in a slow, almost teasing fashion, until Serral could feel the weight of Garris's decided larger balls resting atop his own, the brown length that had escaped his sheath nearly a full third longer than Serral's own. Garris started thrusting down against the smooth underbelly and slick member of Serral faster after the first initial thrust.

Serral was enjoying himself immensely, unable to keep his tail still at this point, and his tongue lolling out of his maw after deciding that Garris's face was suitably covered with his saliva. The heat from the large length grinding against him was nearly as enjoyable as the sensation of it pushing against his own length, which had already started to form a knot at the base. If this kept up he was certain he would find his release, but he also wanted to make sure that Garris enjoyed himself just as much. Garris's thrusts were becoming slightly less steady, not because he was near his peak, but because he was just letting himself enjoy it for a bit, with his member often hitting to the left or right of Serral's member.

Serral tried lifting his own hips and thrusting to help increase the pleasure, but it seemed to just make Garris take an odd angle with his thrusts instead. Serral was about to lower his hips again so that the brown dragon above him didn't have to work so hard, when he felt that hot length push against his tail, much lower than it had reached so far. Garris barely seemed to notice, his length pushing and sliding along the soft inside of Serral's tail, moving forwards before finding himself stopped suddenly. Before either of them had managed to realize, Garris had managed to bury the tip of his member within Serral's tailhole. There was a moment of silence, and it was as if time stopped, Garris was already pulling his hips back, not wanting to cause Serral any displeasure, but the thoughts were nearly knocked from his head when Serral pushed his hips down, sinking even more of his member into that tight passage with a needy growl of pleasure, his hind paws grasping at the air as his tail beat a steady pattern against the ground.

Surprised by the sudden pleasure gripping more of his member, Garris couldn't help himself but to attempt to bury himself further into the soft white rear beneath him, sinking nearly half of his member in a single thrust, making both dragons groan and growl in pleasure. Serral wriggled his rear around beneath Garris, immensely enjoying the feeling of having the thick length pushing into him, making his own member twitch against his underbelly, spilling more pre onto it. He had felt pleasure from other dragons before, but that was almost always just with their maws, this was something entirely different.

Crouching down above Serral, Garris was making sure to take advantage of the new found pleasure, thrusting his hips back and forth, sinking the same half of his member in over and again. He would love to feel his entire length inside the white dragon, but he didn't want to hurt them, so limited himself to what had already been inside the tight depths of the energetic drake. Serral couldn't keep still beneath the onslaught of pleasure he was facing, constantly wiggling and moving beneath Garris, the small horns on top of his head digging furrows into the snow beneath him, while his tail did the opposite, pushing it down more and more. His paws clutched desperately at Garris's shoulders or neck at times, with his hind paws reaching up to try and grab at whatever they could.

His knot was almost completely formed now, his sheath tight with all of the hard flesh spilling from it, and his balls gently rocking back and forth with ever thrust from Garris. The heat of the flesh inside him was working to drive him mad, flowing into his body with the intense pleasure that Garris's member offered, making him feel as if his hide was flush with the heat. He clenched around the heat of Garris's thick length whenever he could, attempting to pull it deeper into him, so that he could feel the warmth fill him from his core. Garris found himself more than happy to help fill the whining dragon beneath him, who didn't even seem to know what he wanted.

Garris had found Serral's insides to be strangely cool, like the rest of him, but it was definitely not cold enough to cause him any displeasure. And now, whether it was from the constant friction, his own flesh, or the liberal amount of pre he was pumping into the white drake they were beginning to heat up. Garris could feel a hint that he knew to be his own knot forming, and while he wanted nothing more than to bury it inside the tight, pleasurable warmth in front of him, he knew that Serral likely wouldn't handle it well. Despite his efforts to not force too much of his length into the dragon he found that he was steadily thrusting more and more of his thick flesh inside them, though Serral looked to be in pure bliss than any sort of discomfort.

Deciding to find out whether he could allow himself more pleasure or not, Garris pushed in harder with one thrust, sinking his member well passed the half-way point into Serral's tight depths. Serral let out what could only be described as a yowl of pleasure at that, arching his back and pushing back against the invading spire of flesh, his member throbbing and twitching against his underbelly, working to create a small pool of pre on himself. Garris took this to be a very good sign, and worked on burying more of his length into the needy dragon, grabbing hold of Serral's shoulders to keep the dragon from sliding across the floor as his thrusts became harder.

Serral's erratic clenching didn't ease up, seeking to pull more of the thick flesh into him, and he knew that he was only moments away from release. He wanted to try his best to hold himself back though, in case Garris stopped because he thought that he wouldn't want to continue after finding his release. Serral was overly happy to find Garris pushing himself deeper into his rear, it was as if they were holding back for some reason before, but now they were prepared to really help fill him with that irresistible heat. Serral was wondering when he would feel the thick knot that he knew would be at the base of Garris's length, surely there couldn't be much more of it to fit inside him.

Garris was letting out constant groans of pleasure, having buried most of his draconic length inside Serral, surprised that the small dragon could fit so much inside him. He had stopped worrying about them when they showed no sign of discomfort after he had found himself shoving nearly all of his length inside with every thrust. He still didn't want to force his knot into Serral, which was rapidly growing now, because even if they could handle the length and thickness of his member the knot was an entirely different matter. Serral thought he was doing a good job at holding back his peak, his paws desperately hanging onto Garris as if that might help him, his tail slamming against the ground repeatedly.

He was sure that he could hold off his release for a while longer, and then he felt that knot press against him. Not hard, just a light push, and Serral found himself roaring in pleasure, releasing his seed in thick bursts against Garris's underbelly, his muscles clenching down tight as he rode the massive waves of pleasure rolling over him, his hide feeling alight with the warmth ramming inside him. Garris heard Serral roar, it was impossible to miss, even if he was beginning to become overwhelmed by pleasure himself. The tight contractions around his length took his attention quickly though, his hips working hard to rapidly slam his length in and out, and he barely noticed the heat of something splashing against his belly.

Even though he had decided against trying to fit his knot into such a tight passage, Garris found himself pushing forwards with his strength on every thrust, feeling that tight opening relent just the smallest amount more each time. If he didn't want to knot the small dragon he would have to ease up now, he knew, but the thoughts were gone from his head as he felt Serral's rear wriggling around beneath him, clenching and twisting slightly around his length. With a growl Garris pushed forwards, his knot pushing hard against Serral's rear, though it seemed like there was no way it would manage to fit inside.

Garris pulled his hips back again, slamming them forwards in an attempt to sink his sensitive knot inside the warm depths of this amazing white drake. He wondered if it was even possibly to fit it inside, but that thought barely crossed his mind, so focussed on slamming his hips forwards that he couldn't focus on anything else. Serral felt a slight worry when he actually noticed the size of the knot slamming into him, having calmed down a bit after his release. His member was still hard and twitching though, being given no rest as Garris continued to pound into his sensitive insides, making him groan and huff in pleasure still.

It felt like Garris wouldn't be able to get his knot inside in any case, with his thrusts slamming into him again and again. He felt a mix of relief and disappointment, but that was replaced with an odd sensation of immediate fullness as Garris let out an overwhelming roar, his hips rapidly thrusting inside Serral. It took him a moment to realize what had happened, his senses feeling foggy, before realizing that massive knot had actually managed to fit inside him. He let out his own much weaker roar, his member weakly throbbing as it sought to unleash another torrent of seed that he just didn't have.

Serral fell back against the ground, panting, before Garris even finished his roar, his hips still pushing and tugging backwards as his hot seed poured into Serral, making the white dragon let out a long groan, his tail weakly pushing at the ground, and his paws finally falling from Garris's shoulders. Garris's roar finally started to quiet down, after what felt like an eternity, and he found his hips still weakly thrusting against Serral's rear, his overly sensitive flesh pushing against the slick insides of the white dragon beneath him. It took Garris a moment to realize that his knot had been forced inside, which is what must have forced him to his sudden, overwhelmingly pleasurable, peak.

He looked down at Serral to make sure they were ok, and found them to be barely conscious, a massive grin split across his face, his tongue hanging limply from his maw as his chest heaved rapidly to try and get back his lost breath. Garris had to focus so he didn't just fall atop the small dragon, falling onto his side, and earning a weak groan as his knot tugged Serral along with him. He pulled the dragon to his chest, ignoring the sticky warmth that he knew was seed, and wrapped his paws around them.

Serral licked at the brown neck in front of him a few times, before falling asleep, a warmth he had never felt flooding him inside, and feeling more full than a meal could ever make him. Garris wondered for a moment what would happen to Serral after he left, continuing on to his paradise, but found himself frowning suddenly. Here he was, in a land where caves could be made in minutes, where there was more water than he could ever need, where food seemed to be easily found, and where there were more than enough dragons to keep him happy. Why would he leave when he had found what he was looking for already? And if it was too cold for his liking, well he always had a little white dragon to keep him warm.

A Lazy Day

> Hello everyone, sorry I've been gone for so long. Just a heads up, this story isn't as good as some of the other stuff I've written, I'm just trying to get back into the habit of actually writing now. That being said, I'm pretty sure the dialogue in...

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Soldiers for Hire: Desert Heat

Hey everyone, sorry to take up your time with this message, but I just thought to warn that unlike my other stories, this one contains a fair amount of combat, and is filled with grisly and gory scenes. Besides that of course, is a fair amount of...

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Curiosity Spilled the Cat

Wondering through the deep rainforest, climbing over fallen trees and odd clumps of dirt, Andriss slowly made his way towards the sound of running water. His tongue was flicking excitedly around the inside of his beak at the prospect of finally...

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