Fleur's morning and a good threesome

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#11 of A new chance

Fleur caught Eryn in a difficult position. Arlen and Wilton mess it up during the training, but this does not impedes that Otto and Eryn have a nice threesome with Little John.

Next morning Eryn wakes up with calm and she sees that Otto still is at her side. The previous night had been a lot of fun, she uncovers Otto completely and places her right hand on the crotch of the dog.

The she-wolf seizes the sheath and she begins to give it soft and paused pulls, Otto keeps on sleeping and moaning smoothly in the meantime Eryn continues the stimulation.

She feels as the meat of the bloodhound takes thickness inside the sheath and shortly afterwards the tip appears sliding out. The female looks at it content while she moves her hand and more of the masculinity of Otto appears and grows to its maximum size.

The knot begins to swell up in the base of the canine member, Eryn stops and she moves with calm to position herself face down. She opens her mouth and takes Otto's penis in it starting to suck it slowly.

Otto moans and opens his eyes slowly, he blinks repeatedly until he sees Eryn's vulva in front of his face, and he shakes and attaches his mouth on the slit starting to lick it up and down with pleasure and speed.

Eryn shakes and moans with pleasure, the tip divides the vaginal lips without stopping, Eryn's juice falls on the tongue of Otto. He seizes the buttocks of the female and he caress them while he tries to penetrate into her.

She sucks the thick member without problems the precum drips and Eryn savors it, her right hand massages Otto's two big balls. The she-wolf moves her head slowly and takes it down.

Otto moans with pleasure and closes his eyes when his shaft slides in the throat of Eryn, muscles squeezes his cock. A growl of pleasure slips from the mouth of Eryn the moment that the tongue of the bloodhound penetrates into her vagina.

Her vaginal walls are stimulated and touched in different parts by the tongue in her body.

Both moan and growl of pleasure without stopping the oral mutual pleasure, Otto places his hand below Eryn and he uses his fingers for to stimulate the clitoris of the female, the effect in Eryn is immediate, she begins moving her ass in more speed and soon a squirt of juice is shoot out from her vagina toward the face of the dog.

Otto feels as juice get his face wet and he closes his mouth around the vulva to savor them. Eryn shakes and increases the force of her sucking, her saliva drips on the shaft of Otto getting his knot wet.

He growls and pushes his hips, his knot presses Eryn's lips and semen spurts splashes her tongue and the teeth of Eryn.

She sucks and the seed enjoying the semen of Otto drinking it as her breakfast of the day. The she-wolf swallows each drop and both lovers slowly keep still.

Eryn draws the penis from her mouth and she licks it slowly, she shakes when Otto takes out his tongue and licks her vulva one more time. Otto moves the body of Eryn with calm, she moves and she leans back next to Otto.

He surprises her with a sudden kiss, Eryn rapidly responds the kiss and moans smoothly when Otto's hand caresses her naked breast for some moments.

"It is hour to wake up regrettably." Eryn says smoothly and laughing a little.

"It is true. If you don't mind, I will take the girls with me, as Arlen and Wilton will be practicing I will need help to elaborate their swords of training, and Nolan is not enough." Otto says looking at Eryn.

"Won't they do something hard, isn't it?" Eryn asks looking at Otto while she sees as he sits at the edge of the bed and stretches his body.

"Don't worry, I just need that they hold the things in position while I use the hammer in addition to order a little the place." Otto says looking at the she-wolf. Eryn nods and also gets out of the bed to get dressed and awakening to the boys.

Eryn gets out of the room and firstly touches the door of the boys before opening it while she hears that her children complain in addition to Nolan.

"Time to wake up." Eryn says entering in the room and looking at the three boys.

"No today mom..." Wilton says turning over on one side to take a new position to sleep.

Arlen just responds with a groan of bother while Nolan yawns and rubs his eyes while he sits.

Eryn smiles seeing that the boy is the only one that seems to respond correctly, the she-wolf gets in the room and gets close to the window. She catches drapes and opens them wide.

The grunts of bother of Arlen and Wilton are heard at the moment that the sunlight hits their faces completely. Boys growl and try to cover themselves up.

"Get up, or I suppose that Deryck will be understanding." Eryn says looking at her children with bother.

"Come on... That threat again?" Wilton says with bother and sitting at the moment that he yawns.

"It seems that is the only one that works." Eryn says growling lightly before getting out of the room and closing the door before going to the girls' room.

She before knock the door can listen to movement inside the room, the she-wolf opens the door and sees content as Lorene and Celestine already are out of the bed getting dressed.

They seem tired, but even so the two girls get ready. Eryn notices that Fleur even sleeps soundly without matter the noise and the motion to her around.

"Good morning." Celestine and Lorene tell to notice Eryn's presence in the room.

"Good morning girls, your uncle Otto needs your help you today." Eryn says looking at the two girls.

They nod while they begin to look for her clothing, Lorene comes closer to Fleur's bed to wake her up until she sees that the she-wolf does her a silent facial expression.

"Let's give Fleur a rest, it seems that she needs it." Eryn says looking at the two girls. They nod continue getting ready before the door closes again when Eryn heads toward the kitchen.

She prepares the breakfast for the other ones with calm and care. Otto is the first one in appear and to sit at the table. Eryn serves his breakfast while girls enter in the kitchen.

"Hi." Both girls say almost in chorus while they get close to the table.

"Hi girls." Otto responds looking at his nieces that sit at the table and Eryn with a smile cup serves them some milk and a loaf of bread.

Boys are the last ones in sitting, Arlen and Wilton say hello yawning while Nolan looks more alert than the two bigger boys.

Eryn looks at her children with a lifted-up eyebrow, she cannot find a reason why they seem more tired of what's usual. Eryn also sits at the table and has breakfast next to the other ones.

"Where is my sister?" Nolan asks when noticing that his sister does not appear to join them to you at the table.

"She still is sleeping, I thought about giving her some rest." Eryn says looking at Nolan.

He nods a little annoyed, but he does not say nothing more while he takes his breakfast.

"She can rest, I need you for something very important." Otto says looking at Nolan and winking an eye. The boy gets surprised and nod with enthusiasm while Otto smiles smoothly.

Around twenty minutes later all of them finish breakfast and Otto draws the cart from the shed. He sits on driver's seat next to Nolan while Arlen and Wilton sit beside the girls at the back.

All of them say good-bye to Eryn and Otto begins to drive the cart, in the first place he will do a stop is in center of the town so Wilton and Arlen could go to their training and next he would be heading for his blacksmiths to make what he must do this day.

After saying goodbye to Otto and the other people, Eryn enters in the house and she begins to clean the kitchen with calm. The she-wolf in her mind begins to think about the food that she would prepare for lunchtime.

Eryn cleans the table and washes everything that was used in breakfast, when it is done, she cleans the living room and the exterior of the house piling up the leaves that had fallen out-of-doors of the house.

One more hour later Eryn reclines the straw broom to the wall while she cleans her forehead. She feels pleased to be able to end up fast, the cleanliness that girls did the day before did most of the work.

This afternoon they would receive Little John's visit and Eryn does not wish to show a dirty house to the Lord. The she-wolf feels that her crotch mists over at the thought of fucking with the bear again.

Eryn walks toward her room to fix it too, but the heat in her crotch and the memories of their last fuck with the bear fulfill her mind. Eryn passes close to the room of the girls and she opens the door with care to put her head into it.

She sees that Fleur even continues sleeping, Eryn smiles before taking out her head and closing the door. The she-wolf goes to her bedroom, she enters there without closing the door, and Eryn rapidly gets rid of her clothes and puts her right hand into her crotch.

The woman moans when her hand caresses her clitoris, Eryn feels wetness and her juices in her vulva and thighs. Eryn walks toward her clothes closet and she opens a box at the bottom where she introduces her hand and takes the double strapon that she had used with Otto the last night.

She would not use it with nobody today, but even so it would serve her. Eryn gets on her bed and she leans backwards on it. The she-wolf opens her legs and begins to stimulate her vulva slowly.

Eryn moans moving her hand of get down up between her thighs, her clitoris is caressed by the palm tree of her hand. The woman closes her eyes and she concentrates on her pleasure.

Her juices increase while she enjoys her moment of self-pleasure, Eryn places her right hand on her left tit and she begins to press and to stimulate it with force.

Her fingers twist the nipple and she moans, the she-wolf sinks two fingers in her vagina deeply, she begins to move them in and out without stopping a single moment.

The fingers of her feet contract and distend while her pleasure grows, Eryn feels as the fingers in her pussy are wet in juices completely. In her mind Eryn imagines Little John fucking her with force and vigor before flicking her over and penetrating her anally.

She expects that the bear fill with semen her ass that afternoon. Fantasy makes her pleasure increase until she stops immediately when she listen that the door opens in addition to two steps in the room.

Eryn opens her eyes and sees that Fleur is standing inside her room and she does not move without stopping to look at Eryn that does not move either. Both do not know how to say at that moment until Eryn clears her throat and with calm she takes out her fingers from her pussy.

"I'm sorry... I... am sorry..." Fleur says blushing smoothly and trying not to look at Eryn.

She looks at the girl and smiles remembering the situation with Nolan, Eryn decides to take a soft and understanding posture.

Eryn moves and she sits at the edge of the bed. Fleur looks at her without knowing that saying and feeling very ashamed, but Eryn does her a friendly facial expression and gives a couple of light blows to the bed tightly on her right side.

Fleur looks at her and she doubts for some moments, Eryn looks at her and smiles at her again. The girl moves to sit at the edge of the bed next to Eryn.

"Take it easy, there is nothing of what to get worried." Eryn says looking at Fleur.

"I am sorry... I woke up and I... did not see my sisters... I got worried... and I found nobody in the house and I listened some noises and I came to see what was happening." Fleur says with discomfort and fear.

Eryn laughs softly and she embraces the girl with care not to frighten her.

"Fleur it is all right. Was I very noisy?" Eryn says without reproach or angry in her voice.

The she-wolf laughs seeing that she nods smoothly.

"Like my sisters." Fleur says looking at Eryn. She opens a little her eyes and smiles again.

"Do they wake up you at midnight?" Eryn asks raising an eyebrow comically. Fleur nods laughing quietly.

"They believe that I do not listen them." The girl says looking at the she-wolf that nods smoothly.

Eryn knows that girls do not have enough intimacy for this, and sometimes it is impossible to control those urges.

"I also make it at times." Fleur says looking at Eryn. The she-wolf laughs smoothly seeing that the girl looks at her with more still.

"At your age it is usual that you begin to masturbate due to the changes you are passing for. Did you ask Lorene and Celestine for advice?" Eryn asks looking at Fleur and the girls denies it.

"No, they still see me like a little girl." Fleur says with bother that it is a surprise and Eryn smiles softly.

"That is not surprise, because you are their young sister. My elder sister was also thinking the same thing about me because we will be always the little ones." Eryn says looking at Fleur.

She nods and both laugh a little.

"But already these growing up and soon you will catch a boy's attention." Eryn says looking at Fleur and pointing playfully at Fleur's tits.

"I don't know... they are not big like the ones of my sisters." Fleur says putting her hands in her breasts and raising them on the air before releasing them to show her point.

"Well, yours are bigger than mine at my age." Eryn says looking at Fleur.

The girls looks at her with some surprise and directly she looks at Eryn's breasts with obvious incredulity.

"I know... the boys like them big, they always were surrounding the girls with bigger breasts, and the boys always were around of my sisters like bees around the honey." Fleur says looking at Eryn.

"That is true in part, but there are something else that attract the boys." Eryn says looking at the girl.

"And how long you have been doing?" Eryn asks looking at Fleur.

"I don't know. I guess that a year before Death of my parents, the first ones." The girl responds looking at Eryn.

"Do you have any problems with it?" Eryn asks the girl. She nods lightly with interest.

"When I make it he feels good, but I do not believe that I can do it as good as Lorene and Celestine make it... they make it out of a way better than mine." Fleur says moving her feet on the air.

"Well each one must learn to know her body... the points that make you enjoy and asking for advices to another woman also helps. Women know much better what another one needs." Eryn says with a tone of complicity.

Fleur nods with calm, she can be sure that Celestine and Lorene did not learn how to make it alone. Certainly both began at the same time and exchanged ideas or comments to improve their moments of pleasure.

"How can it become better?" Fleur asks looking at Eryn.

"Well as I said, you must know the important points and how to stimulate them." The she-wolf responds looking at the girl that listens with attention.

"Can you teach them to me? Fleur rapidly with some nervousness and emotion. Eryn opens her eyes with surprise by the girl's unexpected question.

"Of course... I can, if you want." Eryn says smiling smoothly. She sees nothing wrong in helping to learn a little more her body to the girl. Fleur gets excited and moves her content tail while she looks at Eryn.

"First rule: no clothes. I will not be the only one naked here." Eryn says laughing soft and foolishly. Fleur looks at her with surprise and she nods with a little bit of shame before taking off the nightgown that she is wearing at that moment.

Eryn helps her and shortly this girl is naked at her side, the she-wolf sees the girl with a smile. Her breasts are surrounded by a white and fine hair that covers her chest and stomach.

The greater part of her body is covered by black long fur and her tail tip is white. Eryn smiles once before getting on the bed and sitting on it leaning her body against the headboard at the same time that she opens her legs.

Fleur does the same thing, but she gets comfortable in such a way that she is in front of Eryn and can see what the she-wolf would teach her.

"We found the first point of pleasure on the top." Eryn says placing on her right hand her left tit. She begins to caress her nipple slowly in circles.

Her finger moves on the nipple in different directions while she sees the girl, Fleur rapidly imitates her and she has fun with her right nipple.

Eryn watches this content and she begins to twist her nipple using her forefingers and thumb. The she-wolf moans of pleasure and closes her eyes, she moves her fingers and her body shakes lightly.

At the other end of the bed Fleur sees as Eryn moans, she twist her nipple with her forefinger and thumb. The girl moans with unexpected pleasure.

She repeats the motion and moans again, Fleur places her other hand on her other breast and twists it too. Moans of pleasure get out from Fleur's mouth while she stimulates her nipples.

Eryn moans and opens her eyes, the she-wolf laughs seeing that the girl had decided to lift the bet stimulating her two nipples at the same time. Eryn releases her nipple and she sees as Fleur still continues.

The girl stops after some minutes and Eryn smiles at her.

"Does it feel great, doesn't it?" Eryn asks looking at Fleur.

"Yes... so different, but not so good as engaging in caressing there down." Fleur responds in the meantime she even caresses the two sensitive and hard pink points in her breasts

"Well there we go." Eryn says doing a funny facial expression to Fleur. She laughs while she sees that the woman lays tightly her hand between her legs and her vulva.

Eryn begins to rub her clitoris slowly and to moan smoothly. Her fingers move circularly on her pink point, she sees Fleur that looks at her with a lot of attention.

Fleur rapidly imitates her and moans with pleasure, she had found this point of pleasure some time ago. But she only limited herself to rub it with the palm of her hand.

The girl moans smoothly and closes her eyes, her juices flow from within her body and get wet the bed just like the juices of Eryn. The she-wolf enjoys the stimulation of this place.

She puts two fingers into her vagina and to take move them at the same time that she takes her right tit to knead it and to twist her nipple using her thumb and index.

The she-wolf stops when he hears that Fleur moans with a little bit of pain, she sees that the girl has two fingers in her vagina.

"What happens?" Eryn asks moving to get close to the girl. That takes out her fingers from her slit.

"I cannot go so deep as you. It hurts, if I try it." Fleur says looking at Eryn with some bother.

"Well it is because even you are virgin, darling." Eryn says sitting in front of the girl.

She does not move when Eryn places her hand between her thighs, the she-wolf with calm pushes her forefinger inside the girl.

She feels the internal heat of Fleur while her finger keeps on sliding slowly until the tip touches the girl's virgin barrier.

"This far you can enter." Eryn says moving her finger. Fleur feels and nods shaking a little feeling the light pressure in her inside. Eryn takes out her finger slowly until this goes out completely.

"You will See... at the place where I touched there is your hymen. I suppose that we can say that it is a barrier that avoids to go deeper. When you have sex for the first time, the boy's penis will break that barrier to enter completely." Eryn says looking at Fleur that listens attentively.

"At that moment you bleed a little because the barrier breaks, it is not any what getting alarmed, it is a little painful in that occasion, but after the first time you no longer will have problems neither more pain." Eryn says looking at the girl.

"Why is it there?" Fleur asks looking at her crotch with a little bit of bother.

"The truth is that I do not know it dear, boys use it to know, if you are virgin or no." Eryn says while she reclines her hands to her bed while she looks at Fleur.

"Definitely... if it is important... I should wait for a boy to break it." Fleur says looking at Eryn that smiles smoothly.

"In my experience virginity does not make more or less a woman, and it is not the true that only a penis breaks the hymen, some accidents can make it or trying to masturbate with more intensity." Eryn says looking at Fleur.

"But unfortunately most men do not think that." Eryn says making out of a light face of bother.

"Then I cannot make it as you make it." Fleur says with disappointment. She had seen the intensity of Eryn's pleasure at the moment that she pushed her fingers in her vagina.

"That does not matter, there are many ways of feeling such an intense pleasure." Eryn says looking at Fleur. She looks closely at her.

"How?" Fleur asks with emotion. Eryn opens her eyes a little surprised and smiles.

She notices that the girl looks at her with great emotion and moves her content tail.

Eryn tilts a little her head and Fleur imitates her, the she-wolf laughs a moment just like Fleur. The she-wolf considers her options before the next step that starts to gestate in her mind.

"I can show you, but all this will be a secret, you cannot talk to Celestine or Lorene either to nobody about this." Eryn says taking Fleur's hands.

"Do you promise it?" Eryn asks doing a funny and friendly gesture to Fleur.

She nods and Eryn shakes the hands of both on the air like a confirmation of the first. The she-wolf releases Eryn's hands and she with calm reclines her hands to the young breasts of Fleur.

The girl becomes tense a little, but she does not move. Eryn feels the heat of the fur that cover the two breasts. Fleur's two white hills are not very big, but have the size enough to fit into the palm of the hands of Eryn.

She begins to massage the two tits of slow way squeezing them smoothly while Fleur does not move. The girl closes her eyes and enjoys the motion of the hands of Eryn.

The she-wolf presses Fleur's young breasts, Eryn squeezes Fleur's nipples and she begins to twist them smoothly.

Fleur opens her mouth with surprise and gasps, she moans when her two sensitive nipples are twisted by the woman. Eryn sees with a smile as the girl moans and she becomes tense lightly.

Eryn releases the right nipple of the girl that has her closed eyes, the female dog opens her eyes with surprise when for first in her life she feels as a mouth closes around her nipple.

She looks as Eryn sucks her breast smoothly, Fleur shakes when the tongue taps her nipple. Eryn with calm stimulates the tit with her mouth, the left tit is caressed by the hand of Eryn.

Eryn bites and is pulls smoothly putting into practice what she had learned to pleasure another female. Both look at each other and Eryn takes down her left hand moving it on the white stomach of the girl.

Her hand gets to the girl's crotch, she pants with surprise when Eryn begins to caress her vulva slowly, the she-wolf's forefinger moves slowly down between her vaginal lips up and down.

The woman feels that the girl's slit is wet, her juices cover the tip with of her finger, and Eryn places her finger's yolk on the clitoris of Fleur and begins to move it.

Fleur immediately becomes tense and moans when that place is caressed. Her clitoris is pressed and twisted in different directions, Fleur's moans intensify while Eryn watches at her content.

Eryn continues stimulating the rosy point for some moments before to take down her finger and to push it in the slit. The girl's lips open and her finger slips inside.

She begins to move it in and out, Eryn does not push too deep to touch hymen and to break it accidentally.

It is not yet the right time for that matter and it will be the girl's decision when the time comes for her. Fleur moans and pants feeling as the finger moves caressing her vaginal walls in a way that she had not felt before.

She does a strong groan of pleasure when Eryn's fingertip caresses a special place in her inside, the finger of the she-wolf is squeezed with more force while Fleur pushes her head back and she growls of pleasure.

The she-wolf sees as the eyes of Fleur are closed and she moans, she feels as the finger slips out of hers body. Fleur opens her eyes with surprise and blurts out a great groan of pleasure when she feels a lick on her slit passing over her clitoris.

Pleasure is intense and very different to what she had felt in her life, she sees with surprise as Eryn licks her vulva slowly. The she-wolf savors the girl's young juice.

It is taste it is softer than her friends', the vaginal lips become separated with each lick, Eryn moves her tongue's tip on the clitoris of Fleur, she moans and squeezes the bedspread enjoying the first oral sex of her life.

Eryn pushes her tongue with force and penetrates with certain difficulty in the vulva of Fleur, she moans of pleasure and moves her tail while she leans lightly toward back and Eryn holds the thighs of the girl to open more her legs and to have a better access to the juicy slit.

The tongue moves inside Fleur, Fleur's young body shakes with pleasure while she feels as each part of her inside is stimulated. The girl can feel as the tongue of Eryn zigzags in her pussy.

The juice and the saliva mix, Eryn drinks it while her mouth is closed around the slit. The saliva that leaks out goes down slowly going over the anus of the girl.

The canine teeth of the she-wolf dive lightly in the skin of Fleur. She lets herself fall toward back and taking her breasts for to squeeze them with force in the meantime the mature woman continues eating her slit.

A couple of minutes later Fleur's body begins to convulse and she whimpers of pleasure with force. Eryn holds the thighs of the girl without stopping to move her tongue.

The she-wolf does not get surprised when juice squirts are shoot out of the slit and they fall on her tongue. Eryn tastes them with pleasure.

Eryn feels as the vaginal walls squeezes her tongue with force. The woman releases the thighs of the girl before taking out her tongue. Eryn licks her mouth with pleasure while she smiles seeing as Fleur shakes for some instants more.

Fleur pants rapidly while she sees the roof, this orgasm had been incredible, stronger than those that she herself provokes herself rubbing her slit.

Eryn takes the girl's hands, she helps her to sit. Fleur sits in the meantime she even breathes rapidly.

"Did you like it?" Eryn asks with a soft and friendly smile.

"It was Incredible. How did he know how to make it?" Fleur says while she looks at Eryn.

She laughs smoothly.

"A girl knows how to pleasure another girl." Eryn responds looking at Fleur.

She nods and remembers her sisters in the cart of Otto. They had done the same thing and enjoyed a great deal. Fleur can guess that they already had been doing it for a sometime and knowing the points of pleasure of their bodies well.

"Can I touch your tits?" Fleur asks with calm and a little bit of shame while she looks at Eryn. The she-wolf gets surprised and smiles smoothly a moment before agreeing.

Fleur moves to get close to the woman, the girl stretches her arms and her hands touch Eryn's breasts. She feels as the girl begins to squeeze and exploring her breasts.

Her fingers sink softly in her flesh, Fleur presses the tits that are bigger than her hands.

The girl feels their firmness, Eryn's nipple projects out between her fingers.

Fleur sees the left nipple before seeing Eryn, she just does her a friendly facial expression, and the girl leans forward and opens her mouth. Eryn moans and gasps when she feels that Fleur begins to breast-feed her left tit chest.

Fleur's saliva covers her nipple completely.

"Fleur with calm... do not bite very strong." Eryn says placing on her hand the head of the girl caressing her smoothly and smiling. Fleur looks at her in the meantime she does not stop the sucking.

She feels the taste of the nipple that touches her tongue. Eryn moans and closes her eyes enjoying the pleasure that fills her body. Her vagina gets wet with juices that drip in the bed.

"Darling... bite smoothly and pull it before releasing it." Eryn says looking at the girl, she nods. Eryn grunts when the girl does what she indicated her, Fleur bites her nipple and pulls it a short time before releasing it.

She sees as that pink tip returns to its position while Eryn moans. She sees like Fleur rapidly repeat the operation, Eryn moans and pants while the girl sucks her tit with pleasure.

Fleur feels content to see that she can also make Eryn happy, she moans smoothly. The girl changes nipple and stimulates the woman's right breast.

Eryn throws her head back in the meantime the sucking of her mammary glandules continues, Fleur loves what she does. She had not sucked a tit since she was a cub. Her saliva drips from the breast of Eryn and falls on the stomach of the woman getting her fur wet.

The she-wolf stops the girl after some moments. Fleur looks at her with a gaze that shows worry, maybe she had done something wrong, but Eryn smiles at her and she obliges her to release her breast.

The woman catches Fleur's hands and lays them on her breasts again, Eryn makes thumbs and the girl's indexes hold her nipples.

"Twist them, but not very hard." Eryn says looking at Fleur. She nods and holding nipples better, she twists them lightly. The girl sees that Eryn closes her eyes and moans with pleasure.

Fleur again twists the nipples and Eryn moans, she feels as her sensitive nipples give her a good degree of pleasure. With calm Fleur keeps on repeating the motion and learning when it is pleasurable and when it is painful for Eryn.

The woman moans and pants with pleasure enjoying the stimulation of that part of her body.

"You can move down your hands, if you want...!" Eryn says with cogwheel respiration.

She was close to come to her orgasm, the woman feels as fingers release her nipples.

Fleur's hands go down on the stomach of the she-wolf and they soon are located between the thighs of the woman, Eryn reclines toward back lightly spreading wide her legs.

Fleur sees Eryn's pink slit, she looks at it before placing her right hand on her. The girl feels as juices get her hand wet completely.

The girl lays her forefinger's yolk on the clitoris of the she-wolf, she takes a breath and moans when the finger begins to move on her pink point twisting it of a slow and soft way in several directions.

Fleur looks as Eryn moans and shakes with pleasure, the she-wolf closes her eyes permitting that pleasure reaches each part of her body. The forefinger goes down and it gets between the vaginal lips.

They open and close down every time that the girl's finger moves up and down. Eryn moans and pants with pleasure, the she-wolf opens her eyes when she feels a lick between her vaginal lips.

Eryn opens her eyes and looks down, she sees that Fleur is on her chest with her snout to some centimeters of her vulva. The girl perceives Eryn's aroma.

It is very unlike yours, much more intense. Fleur looks up and Eryn smiles at her smoothly and does her a gesture in order that she continues. She brings near her mouth and begins to lick Eryn's crotch.

Fleur savors the juices for some moments before giving more licks to Eryn's pink opening again. She moans of pleasure and gasps when the girl begins to lick her clitoris.

Eryn's body trembles and this is rapidly perceived by Fleur that puts her attention in that point of pleasure for the woman. The tongue strikes the point repeatedly.

The juices of the she-wolf increases in quantity and the aroma becomes intenser, Fleur moves her hand with calm and carefully she introduces her forefinger between the vaginal lips.

She pushes her hand, the girl feels as the heat and the wetness of the woman surrounds her finger completely. Eryn feels as the finger moves in her inside without looking for a place in particular.

Fleur moves her finger sounding out the woman's depth, she cannot feel the membrane that Eryn had described her. Fleur pushes another finger in Eryn, she moans smoothly while the licks continue giving her placer.

"You can push your hand, if you want." Eryn says opening her eyes and looking at Fleur that looks at her with surprise.

"Can I?" Fleur asks stopping her licks and looking at the woman. She nods smoothly.

"Do you want see how deep is it, isn't it?" Eryn asks doing a friendly facial expression to the girl.

Fleur nods because that is what she looks for, she had felt pain when Eryn's finger penetrated in her body, and she wonders how far a cock can go in the she-wolf.

"Begin pushing your fingers, but make it with care." Eryn says looking at Fleur. She nods and she pushes two fingers in the vagina, when she does not see problems, she pushes the rest of her hand.

The girl feels as all her hand is surrounded and soaking in juices. Fleur stops when she sees that Eryn blurts out a long and guttural groan, her body becomes taut.

"Continue..." Eryn says opening an eye and looking at the girl. Fleur nods and pushes more. The vaginal walls squeeze her hand and part of her arm continues entering.

Eryn moans and feels like as again she was being penetrated by an elephant. Fleur's hand moves while she gets surprised more and more until Eryn requests her stop.

The girl is impressed seeing as far as she could arrive inside Eryn, Her hand and part of their arm are inside the woman. Fleur wonders, if she will be able to do the same thing when she becomes a woman.

"Close your hand and begins to move it." Eryn says panting. Fleur nods and she closes her hand before beginning to move it back and forward in the vagina of Eryn.

She moans when her vaginal walls begins to be stimulated by the hand of Fleur, she moves it of slow way while she sees as the she-wolf moans of pleasure and opens a little more her legs.

The hand moves without problems inside and outside thanks to the juices that release Eryn's vaginal walls and covers it. Fleur's motions slowly go intensifying just like the grunts and growling of Eryn.

The sound of splashing is heard every time that the girl pushes and takes out her hand, she feels as the aroma of sex fills her nose completely.

The fur of her arm is wet in juices completely and she gets surprised when Eryn's body begins to shake with force. The vaginal walls squeezes with more force her hand and forearm.

Eryn growls and howls with pleasure when an intense and grand orgasm fills her body.

The juice squirts are shoot out by the opening of her vagina and spatter the face of the girl.

She closes her eyes when more of the hot liquid splatters her face and snout, some moments after the shots of juice stops and Fleur can open her eyes.

The girl sees as Eryn pants heavily, around her hand she feels more vaginal spasms. Fleur expects some moments before to open her fist and to begin to withdraw her hand.

Eryn pants and feels as the hand leaves her body. She sees as the girl until fingers get out of her vagina, the she-wolf feels a vacuum in her inside. Fleur sees as the juice drips from her hand and forearm.

Fleur moves back and she sits in bed, she sees as Eryn breathes agitatedly and she sits in front of the girl. The she-wolf feels as her thighs are wet by her juices.

Eryn smiles at the girl and Fleur smiles content while she moves her right hand a little toward back, she rapidly feels the presence of a hard object below the bedspreads.

She introduces her hand below the bedspreads and she takes out that object. Eryn opens her eyes with surprise seeing that Fleur has in her hand the strapon that she had placed in bed before beginning to masturbate.

"What is this?" Fleur asks with surprise to see the toy that he has in the hand.

"Ehh... it is a toy that I can use to have fun with other girls." Eryn says blushing a little.

She sees that the girl looks at her with surprise and certain confusion.

She can see the form of two canine penises pointing in different directions. Eryn takes the toy and she gets out of the bed to stand up.

The she-wolf opens her legs lightly and Fleur looks with surprise as the woman pushes one the canine penises in her vagina with slowness. She pants feeling as the cold metal enters in her body and the knot touches her vulva.

Eryn takes a breath when she pushes the knot in her body, she feels as her vagina is full with the metal that rapidly gets warm inside her body, the woman ties the straps around her hips.

Eryn laughs smoothly seeing that the girl looks at her with complete surprise and the open eyes.

"You ... you have..." Fleur says looking at Eryn. She smiles smoothly while she climbs in the bed to sit in front of the girl.

"A cock, a real one is much better." Eryn says doing a grin to the girl. She stretches the hand to examine by touch the false penis tied to the woman. She moves her hands for the toy.

"I use it to have fun with another girl, giving her the pleasure that a male can give her at the moment of fucking. It is not the same thing, but equally pleasurable." Eryn says looking at Fleur.

"Putting it in my...?" Fleur says laying her hand on crotch. The girl trembles lightly seeing that Eryn nods lightly. The she-wolf sees that the girl looks pensive and somewhat fearful.

Fleur gets startled a little when she feels that the woman squeezes her on the shoulder lightly.

"It is not necessary make it now, when you believe that is the right moment just like the guy... Eryn says doing a friendly face to the girl.

Fleur smiles and nods moving her tail content.

"Well there is other places to introduce this little toy and to have fun." Eryn says looking at the girl that looks at her with surprise.

"Do you want me show you?" Eryn asks looking at the girl. She nods silently while she moves her tail looking enthusiastic.

Eryn smiles at her smoothly before taking her by the hands and turning her over to lay her on her elbows and knees. Eryn with care seizes the tail of the girl to push it aside.

"Just calm down." Eryn says looking at the girl that looks over the top of the shoulder at her.

Eryn places her hands on the girl's two cheeks and opens them surprising Fleur. She looks with eyes opened at the moment of seeing that Eryn leans forward putting her snout into the crack of her ass.

Fleur trembles and gasp feeling a slow lick by her whole crack passing on her anus that gets covered in saliva.

She feels as roughness surface stops on her hole slowly, Eryn does not get surprised and does a grin before again licking the crack completely again.

Fleur moans with each lick of Eryn, the girl gets surprised feeling that her body quivers lightly, Eryn's saliva slides down to her crotch.

The tip begins to whirl on the sphincter of slow and soft way. Eryn presses slowly trying the resistance of the hole of the girl.

With calm and patience Fleur's sphincter keeps on relaxing slowly, the girl opens her eyes with surprise when Eryn's tongue penetrates into her ass, the girl's tail hole presses with force, but Eryn pushes her tongue without stopping.

Fleur pants and moans, she feels a strange sensation feeling as the tongue of Eryn zigzags in her rectum. The tip touches different parts occasionally getting in the cracks.

Eryn keeps her two cheeks separate while she hears that the girl moans, Fleur's ass moves lightly and she pushes it against her face. Eryn's hand gets between the legs of the girl.

She feels pleased when her fingers feel the wetness of the vulva of Fleur, Eryn caresses the rosy point increasing the girl's pleasure and the quantity of juices.

Her fingers get wet and Eryn stops to take out her tongue, she sees as the sphincter of Fleur closes after some moments. Fleur pants and seeing over her shoulder to Eryn.

The girl sees as the woman opens the bedside table drawer and takes out a glass bottle with what it seems to be oil. The she-wolf uncorks the bottle and pours some the slippery material on her right forefinger.

Fleur shakes a little when the finger touches her anus, Eryn begins to move her finger in a circularly way covering the pinhole with oil. She sees that the sphincter quivers before she pushes with care and she forces her finger.

Eryn feels that the hole opens and her forefinger slips completely until the last knuckle.

The girl gives a groan of surprise when she feels overrun by the finger.

She feels a strange sensation and her sphincter squeezes with more force. Eryn begins to move her finger back and toward slowly. Her finger appears and reappears continuously.

After some moments the she-wolf smiles hearing that Fleur's respiration becomes intermittent lightly. Eryn's finger begins to move in circles.

Fleur moans smoothly enjoying the strange and pleasurable sensation, she growls when another finger enters in her rectum. The two fingers begin to open and to close slowly in different directions.

Eryn feels as the sphincter keeps on relaxing slowly until the she-wolf can open and closing her fingers with more facility. Eryn stops and takes out her fingers to take the bottle again and to open it.

She covers the toy with abundant oil before placing the bottle in the bedside table.

"Now Fleur, you must relax." Eryn recommends looking at the girl that looks at her over her shoulder.

Fleur nods and feels as the toy gets between her buttocks, she shakes and she becomes tense when the cold tip touches her sphincter. Eryn gives her some tranquilizing pats on her right buttock.

The she-wolf begins to push the strapon and the tip presses girl's posterior entrance. She feels the pressure in her hole and she closes her eyes, it is annoying and lightly painful.

"Relax." Eryn says to see that the sphincter closes with more force. Fleur nods and she tries to relax. She gasps when Eryn's hand rests on her crotch and the woman begins to rub her vulva.

She reacts and she moans smoothly by the stimulation in that zone of her body.

The she-wolf rubs her clitoris slowly, Eryn pushes her hips with more force until the toy tip goes beyond the resistance of the anus of Fleur.

In the room a groan of pain is heard when Fleur feels a burning and intense pain in her posterior passage. She closes her eyes when two tears appear from them and the whips slip down on cheeks toward the bed.

The girl feels that Eryn's hands caress her back slowly.

"The worst part is over." Eryn says smiling at the girl that looks at over the top of her.

"Always it will it hurt?" Fleur asks looking at the she-wolf. She laughs smoothly.

"Until you get used. I felt pain the first time, but doing it regularly make me get used to it. Otto is not a small-sized man." Eryn says doing a funny face.

Eryn seizes the hips of the girl and she pushes hers. Fleur shakes when the cold metal slips deep into her rectum. Her anal walls keep on swelling out adapting themselves to thickness of the toy.

Fleur takes a breath feeling that her entrails are stretched to their maximum while the toy slowly keeps on entering. Eryn looks as the metal penis keeps on entering in the girl.

The she-wolf does not know how much Fleur will be able to take, some moments after Eryn stops when the tip cannot advance more. For first-time-ever Fleur feels completely full in her posterior passage.

"How are you feeling?" Eryn asks giving a soft squeeze to Fleur's right shoulder.

"I feel full." Fleur responds feeling that metal rapidly gets warm to attain a nice temperature. Eryn makes a grin and she begins to move slowly

Her hips move back and forth with calm and care, Fleur closes her eyes a moment and feels as the false penis moves in her rectum. The icky feeling slowly becomes something nice.

Eryn smiles when she listens to a soft groan of pleasure that gets out of the mouth of the girl. The woman increases gradually the velocity of her thrust making them stronger.

Just like pushes, Fleur's moans intensify. The girl has her open mouth while she pants rapidly, the toy tip hits the bottom of her rectum repeatedly.

Her anal walls are caressed without stopping, pleasure is incredible while her sphincter moves back and forth on the metal phallus that moves in her ass.

Her tail moves on the air in the meantime she grunts of pleasure, Eryn looks content the situation without stopping. Fleur gasps when the woman's hands catch her tits from behind and the woman begin to stimulate them.

Eryn caresses and squeezes the two young and soft breasts. Her fingers twist the nipples soft and pleasantly. Fleur moans of pleasure while her buttocks shake with each hit of the crotch of Eryn.

She moans smoothly enjoying the motion of the penis incrusted in her vagina. The knot in her inside contains her juices that keep on accumulating, the woman sees the knot of the penis between the buttocks of Fleur.

Eryn knows that she must not push the knot in the girl, there is a possibility that it fits in her, but it could hurt it and she does not want to ruin the girl's first experience.

Fleur's juices are dripping abundantly from her slit and get the bed wet, she does not move enjoying her first time in sex. She did not expect to make this, her sisters enjoy it and she already sees why.

"Ohh I feel...!" Fleur whimpers the moment that her body arches lightly before beginning to quiver. Her muscles become taut when her orgasm fills her completely and surprise Eryn one more time.

The woman holds the girl while she smiles. Eryn sees content the girl's reaction, some juice drops fall on her mules and knees. After some moments Fleur's body stops the quiver.

Eryn loose the body of the girl to reclining Fleur in bed face down, she toy slips out complete from the posterior passage. Fleur pants and feels a sensation of vacuum in her ass.

The girl requires a moment to recover, she turns over and sees as Eryn unties the straps that keep the toy attached to her body. She sees as Eryn moans smoothly extracting the toy from her vagina.

When the knot is out, juices drip from the pink and the toy is glistening. Eryn's intense aroma gets to her nose.

"Did you enjoy it?" Eryn asks laying the toy on the bed. Fleur nods with enthusiasm and moves her content tail while Eryn smiles at her.

"That stuff lick my... was unexpected" " Fleur says blushing smoothly. Eryn laughs a moment.

"Is it great, huh? I like it very much like to Otto and other ones more." Eryn says looking at Fleur.

The girl gets surprised by that reason, she did not expect that Otto also enjoy it.

Eryn gets up and gets out of the bed before taking the toy.

"Wait for me a moment, I must clean this." Eryn says making a grin and getting out of the room. Fleur waits for a couple of minutes until Eryn returns charging the toy.

The girl sees that Eryn again places the toy its secret place

"This will be our secret, do not tell it to your sisters that I have this little toy." Eryn says looking at Fleur. She nods and the woman smiles again to get close to the bed and to sit on the edge next to the girl.

"You know... it makes me happy that you three came to live with us, I never had daughters. Celestine and Lorene are a little grown up, but I always wanted a daughter... to teach her." Eryn says looking at girl.

"So since from now on, you will be like my daughter." Eryn says looking at the girl. She becomes happy and moves her content tail achieving that Eryn smiled at her and caresses her hair.

"If you need to speak things with me, something that Celestine or Fleur refuse to tell always you will be able to count on me." Eryn says winking an eye to Fleur. She nods.

"Just we need find some time for these activities of girls." Eryn says caressing her breasts smoothly and uttering a soft groan. Fleur laughs a moment and she nods with enthusiasm.

"Well, let's get dressed, there are a lot of things to do before the other ones return." Eryn says looking at the girl. Both look for their clothes to get dressed and to begin the day.

Eryn and Fleur get dressed with calm, the she-wolf notices that the girl looks closely at her and mainly to her breasts. The girl looks at her breasts time after time comparing them with the ones of Eryn.

The woman smiles at her and she does her a soft and friendly gesture, Fleur smiles and she continues getting dressed, when both are ready they go to the kitchen where Eryn begins to prepare food.

She keeps on explaining to Fleur as preparing food, the girl listens attentively and nods repeatedly. Eryn feels pleased, one hour before the noon the front door of the house opens and Otto, the girls in addition to Nolan enter in the house.

Eryn and Fleur go to their encounter.

"How was it?" Eryn asks looking at the group. She notices that Nolan and girls are tired.

Otto does not seem so tied while he gives one soft pats of approval to the boy.

"Not much tired, but the heat...!" Celestine says while she uses a hand to create a wave of air while her sister does the same thing.

"Well for luck I just will need your help tomorrow more, after that Nolan and I can take over." Otto says looking at the two girls. They look content to not to have to feel that heat again after tomorrow.

"Fleur and I did the lunch." Eryn says looking at the girl that smiles content. Otto smiles at Eryn and she looks content.

"That will be good, now they will be able to rest, things always get better when one less expects it." Eryn says looking at Otto. They look at each other with some coquetry and Otto smiles.

"Well... let's finish food before boys come." Eryn says looking at the girls and Fleur. They nod and rapidly get ready to help in the kitchen.

A half-hour later Arlen and Wilton enter by the front door sighing with weariness after a day of arduous training. They greet all while they rub their necks.

"I guess that you had a hard day." Otto says to see that boys look tired and somewhat in pain.

"Well the truth we messed it up today in training." Arlen says with a lot of pessimism and worry.

"While we practiced with the arch, we began to play and an arrow practically flew to window of the place of Little John and it got into his chair just before he sat." Wilton says while the swallows hard at the thought of what happened.

"What the hell were they thinking?!" Otto asks with total surprise. He is completely surprised just like Eryn.

Boys babble something without knowing that saying exactly while they see that their mother looks at them with surprise and it denies with the head feeling surprised that their children made something like that.

"It means... that means expulsion or something like that." Eryn grunts the thinking that now the future of its children no longer is as promising as she desired.

"Well... we do not know yet. Little John was very angry and the Captain asked for Deryck's presence." Wilton says swallowing hard just like his brother.

"The captain ordered us leave while he and Deryck talk." Arlen says looking at his brother.

She nods while Eryn gets worried and growls with angry just like Otto.

"In any case lunch is ready." Eryn says growling again. Her children nod and are going to change their clothes to her room while she and girls serve lunch.

Lunchtime is as unsaid as a tomb, Wilton and Arlen notice her mother's anger and the anger of the other ones. Girls look at them with very evident looks of disapproval.

Just Fleur and Nolan seem not to be very angry or they are not perhaps very conscious of the severely of problem. After the lunch before the midafternoon, Arlen and Wilton are in the living room playing a chess game.

Fleur and Nolan are near looking at them while Eryn does some cleanliness.

She and Wilton cross looks and the she-wolf makes them a gesture pointing with her nose at Fleur and her brother. Wilton immediately opens his eyes and nods quietly, he looks his brother.

Arlen nods lightly before stretching his body.

"We can leave this for a while. Don't you agree?" Arlen says looking at Wilton.

He nods before doing a last motion to take one of the pawns of her brother.

"Better we are going to walk a little." Wilton says looking at his brother. He nods again and he looks at Fleur and Nolan.

"Perhaps you want to come." Wilton says looking at Fleur and Nolan. They get surprised and they smile with enthusiasm.

"We will show you the hiding-place of Little John and Robin Hood." Arlen says looking at the cubs that get surprised and get excited even more. Their tails move with great emotion.

"Why don't you accompany them?" Otto asks looking at his two nieces that help in the cleanliness.

"We prefer to stay." Celestine says looking at her sister. She nods and they look at their uncle.

"Come it will be fun, certainly you would to know the hiding-place of the most famous hero of Nottingham." Eryn says looking at the two girls that do not show up enthused by the idea.

"What happened? A lot of effort?" Arlen asks the two girls.

"Of course not, we just don't want to go with you two." Lorene says making out of a facial expression of bother just like her sister. Boys get surprised a little and they do grimaces.

It already was a lot that their mother and Otto got angry with them, and now girls also seem bothered.

Otto and Eryn look at each other while they know that they should get rid of the girls, if they want to receive Little John's visit.

"The boys will not bother you at all." Otto says looking at his two nieces while Eryn nods with a smile. The two girls look the boys over a second time and do again make a gesture of disapproval.

Eryn tries to think something fast, she does not wish to waste this opportunity just like Otto.

"Well in any case. Would you go to the store of cloth? I need to buy a couple of meters to make new clothing." Eryn says looking at the two girls that listen attentively at her.

"But I need it for today, Bill can be late so you will have to wait for him." Eryn says looking at the two girls. They look at each other and nod in silence.

Fifteen minutes later boys and girls leave the house to head toward the town. In the middle of the road they would separate to be able to go for their respective destinies.

"Good idea, Bill will not show up in his establishment today." Otto says at the same time that he closes the door and kisses Eryn on the mouth for some moments.

"Of course, girls will wait for him all afternoon." Eryn says laughing just like Otto. Both just need to wait the arrival of their guest to begin the fun that they had planned with Little John.

Otto hopes that Little John will not object his presence, the bloodhound dedicates himself to repair a floorboard until his ears put on in alert listening that the wheels of a carriage stop front the door of the house.

Eryn also feels it and she hastens to get to the front door, the she-wolf opens it just before it was knocked by the first time.

"Hi Little John." Eryn says to see the bear stopped in front of her. The woman sees that he is wearing a fine clothing because certainly he comes from the headquarters where he spends a great part of his time in his duties.

"Hi Eryn." Little John says winning the hat of respectful way. The she-wolf moves and allows Little John entering in her home. He opens his eyes with a little bit of surprise seeing Otto that finishes fixing the floor.

Otto with a smile gets up and shakes hands with Little John. He forgets his initial surprise and nods while he says hello to the bloodhound. For Little John it is a pleasure that Otto now is compromised with Eryn, the dog is a good man and loved in the town.

"I hope that you don't mind if I ask. Can I participate too?" Otto says doing a comic and friendly facial expression to the bear. Little John laughs smoothly for some moments.

"Of course. If a husband does not know that I will fuck his wife, I feel terrible." Little John says doing a grin to the bloodhound that feels pleased just like Eryn.

"But not yet we are married." Eryn says looking at Little John. He shrugs his shoulders lightly.

"Even so I do not like to fuck someone else's woman without his consent." Little John says looking at Eryn. She opens his eyes with some surprise and nods while a smile appears on her face.

"So let's not waste time." Eryn says looking at men that nod and feel excited. The she-wolf smiling walks toward her room in the meantime she moves her tail and ass for Otto and Eryn.

"I bet that you fucked it many times." Little John says in relation to the ass of Eryn.

"Yeah. We love it complete." Otto responds making an affected and accomplice smile.

Little John smiles too while they see that Eryn enters in her room.

Otto is who closes the door when they enter, the bloodhound sees that Eryn begins to get undressed before him and Little John. The bloodhound notices that the bear looks at the she-wolf with desire while he rubs the crotch with a hand.

Eryn feels content when she sees a tent forms under the pants of the bear. Little John sees as the clothes of Eryn continue falling on the floor and the body is revealed.

The body of the she-wolf attracts him in spite of the fact that she is not in her young years like other females, but even so she knows how to pleasure a male. Little John begins to get undressed rapidly just like Otto.

The bloodhound is the first one in being naked, he kicks his pants at the side of the room while Little John with care places his clothes on the table that is near.

Otto sees the genitals of the bear with interest, they are quite big. His erection is gross worthy of a male of his size. His balls are big also, but Otto does not feel envy since his cock also is big.

Eryn licks her mouth seeing the cocks at her disposal that afternoon, she with a smile and doing a gesture invites the males to come closer. Little John content does some steps to get himself in front of the she-wolf.

Soon Otto joins up him, he gaps when the left hand of Eryn closes around his penis and she begins to masturbate him slowly.

Little John has also a good time by the caresses on his cock, the right hand of Eryn moves up and down on his shaft. The precum goes out by the opening of his penis and forms a brilliant cape.

Eryn smiles at the bear and she kneels down before him, she begins on the balls of Little John. Her tongue moves licking each centimeter of the furry orbs covering the fur that covers them with saliva.

Little John feels as every one of his balls are raised on the air by the tongue of the she-wolf. She stops her licked and repeats the process with the balls of Otto.

She and Otto look at each other without Eryn stopped. Her tongue moves on the halfback line that divides both testicles. Her right hand massages Little John's balls not to let the guest outside.

Otto moans when Eryn's tongue raises more and touches his knot. The she-wolf enjoys the familiar taste, her tongue moves slowly on the mass of hard meat in the base of the canine penis.

The lukewarm and viscous saliva covers it. Eryn stops to give care to Little John.

He moans smoothly the moment that Eryn's tongue touches his penis head, the she-wolf gives taps with the tip in the sensitive place. Her tongue picks up the precum that she likes very much.

Little John moans and sees content as the woman licks his member slowly from the tip that she still kisses with care. Eryn sucks his balls with calm for some moments before opening her mouth and taking the cock in it.

The bear growls with pleasure when the she-wolf begins to suck his hard meat. Eryn's head budges slowly and the penis enters and gets out of the hot and wet place.

She tries to wrap the erection with her tongue while semen falls on her teeth and tongue, her hand moves without stopping on the swollen member of Otto while he moans.

He looks closely and smiles sees as Eryn sucks their guest's cock with complete pleasure.

Little John growls smoothly when the tongue of the she-wolf whirls massaging his penis head.

She stops the oral work in the member of Little John and takes Otto's hard shaft in her mouth to suck it with calm. The dog growls of pleasure feeling the suction that makes him tremble.

Eryn's teeth rub on it and lips move around his meat. Eryn's head shakes while she focuses on her future husband's member. Little John moves his hand on his glistening erection.

Otto clears his throat and does a facial expression to Eryn, she nods and takes Little John's penis. She assembles members and licks them before introducing the most she can of both in her mouth.

Little John feels heat and hardness of the canine member of Otto next to his. Eryn sucks and enjoys the mixture of the precum of both men.

"She has a good oral talent." Little John says looking at Otto. He nods while he moans with pleasure.

Eryn feels pleased while she continues sucking the two shafts for a couple of minutes more. The she-wolf takes out the two penises and masturbates them slowly while she sees with a smile at Little John and Otto.

"What do you propose? Little John asks while he enjoys the hand of Eryn moving back and forward on his member slowly. The bear feels as a drop of precum seeps through the opening of his member.

He shakes when Eryn licks it with slowness.

"Otto and I were thinking about two double rounds, if you are willing." Eryn says doing a grin to the bear. Otto looks at the other man expecting the answer that is not a surprise at the moment that Little John nods.

"An opportunity to fuck an ass and pussy that always is desirable." Little John says looking at his friends that laugh smoothly.

Eryn pats bed to invite one of the males. She with pleasure sees that Little John accepts the invitation while Otto stimulates his member slowly.

The precum drips from the tip of the canine cock, the bloodhound sees as his friend leans backwards getting comfortable better in bed. Eryn positions herself between the legs of Little John and she masturbates him for some moments before moving to position herself on him.

Little John sees as she takes down her hips at the same time that she catches his limb to aim it at the midway of her legs. Eryn feels as the head of the member touches her vulva and divides her vaginal lips.

Eryn takes down her hips and closes her eyes when a groan of pleasure escapes from her mouth when the member sinks in her pink grotto. Her hips go down while Little John moans and closes her eyes enjoying the woman's inside.

The vaginal walls keep on opening slowly as his member disappears, Eryn takes down her hips and member's last centimeters enter in her vagina.

She feels full there and she likes it, Little John looks at her and smiles before taking the woman's tits and squeezing them with pleasure. The bear feels their firmness that he likes, he twists the nipples and the she-wolf moans with pleasure.

Both are hard for that moment. Little John massages the breasts for some moments until he sees that Otto still is waiting while his hand moves on his member.

The bloodhound gets on the bed seeing that Eryn leans forward to raise her ass and opening the bedside table box and extracting the bottle oil. The bed rocks lightly when Otto gets in position with a little bit of difficulty.

Eryn passes him the bottle and Otto opens it to spill some of the slippery liquid in the crack of the woman. She shakes lightly when her hole is covered by the cold oil.

Otto scatters the oil on his member from the tip to the knot before closing the bottle and positioning himself behind Eryn. He uses a hand to separate the buttocks of his fiancée seeing the hole in middle of the two cheeks.

His hand directs his cock and the tip touches Eryn's sphincter, she gets ready while he moves her ass. Otto pushes with force pressing the woman's posterior hole.

Eryn closes her eyes and clenches her teeth when her anal passage is pierced by the tip of the member. He moans and pushes his member slowly in the anus of Eryn.

Little John through the membrane that divides both tunnels can feel as the bloodhound's shaft enters slowly. Eryn has her eyes while her rectum gets filled with hard and hot meat.

Otto's knot touches the buttocks of the she-wolf.

"Time to begin." Otto says smiling at the bear. Little John nods and both begin to move inside Eryn. The pushes of both give pleasure at the she-wolf.

She moans when the two members move inside her body to an unequal rhythm. Little John moans with pleasure, the she-wolf's hot and moist inside caresses his member every time that it enters and gets out.

The woman's juices glides on his shaft getting to his balls. Her penis head touches the entrance of the cervix of the she-wolf repeatedly while the spurts of precum sprinkle the vaginal walls.

Eryn feels as her buttocks shake with each blow of the groin of Otto on them. The dog moans and drools on the body of Eryn, the posterior passage is tight and hot as it is usual.

Otto enjoys the squeeze of the entrails around his cock, his penis enters and goes out while the sphincter moves back and forward around his cock. His precum increases lubrication and pleasure.

The three participants of the orgy growl and moan with pleasure, shortly Otto and Little John mark the rhythm of their motions to give more pleasure the woman. Eryn feels as when Otto's penis enters Little John's penis goes out before the cock of the bloodhound leave almost complement and the head of the big member of the bear touch the entrance of her cervix.

The breasts of the she-wolf press the chest of Little John that does not stop his pushes.

He pumps with force, Little John and Otto look at each other grinningly. Eryn not see this because her eyes are closed.

Otto holds with force the hips of Eryn and pushes his knot. Eryn's eyes open and she growls with pain when her sphincter stretches to hedge the mass of meat in the base of the member of the bloodhound.

He pants with pleasure when the hole of the she-wolf closes behind his knot, immediately the two males increase velocity and force of their thrusts inside the woman.

The bed squeaks with force and the headboard hits the wall until Otto's penis begins to release sperm that splashes Eryn's rectum filling some cracks.

The bloodhound growls and pushes with force, the splashing of seed make the woman get to her own orgasm and her body becomes tense achieving that her vaginal walls squeezes Little John's limb with more force.

The bear growls and his member throbs in the woman's pussy at the moment of releasing semen jets that make even intense Eryn's orgasms. She lets herself fall on the body of Little John while she breathes agitatedly.

Otto pants completely content while his tail moves on the air and his seed continues filling Eryn's ass.

"It was a good beginning." Little John says doing a funny face and looking at Otto. He nods and spanks Eryn that moans smoothly with pain.

"I wanted for long time that you visited us." Eryn says getting up a little to see Little John.

"Well... I have a lot of duties to leave them without doing, it is my job, now I am planning to construct a couple of new roads." Little John says looking at the couple that gets surprised and pays attention to him.

"First I will get a bit comfortable." Little John moves to get out from under the woman and to sit in front of her with the open legs. His member covered with and juice and cum is in front the she-wolf.

She does not doubt and closes her mouth around the shaft to begin to suck it in a slow and soft. Little John moans with pleasure closing his eyes for some moments before opening them and beginning to explain his plans while Eryn gives him pleasurable oral sex achieving that his member began to retake its hardness.

Eryn moans softly when Otto resumes his pushes in her ass, he pumps with calm in the meantime he listens to Little John attentively.

More roads would be beneficial for the town, attracting more people to live here and making things easy for everyone. Otto moves inside the anal passage and his member takes hardness.

His precum again flows being dripping inside of the woman that does not lend a lot of attention to the bear's words, but yes to his member. Eryn enjoys the taste of the hard meat in addition to the semen of Little John.

She licks Little John's balls slowly while she masturbates him with a hand. The she-wolf feels as the member of Otto moves in her posterior hole, the knot begins to stretch her hole when Otto seeks to get out from her inside.

Otto pulls with calm while he nods and continues listening to Little John. Eryn growls with pain while her anus keeps on opening slowly. Otto's knot keeps on appearing little by little.

He pulls out with determination and calm seeing as the great mass of meat in the base of his penis keeps on appearing slowly. Otto sees as the sphincter of Eryn keeps on gliding over his knot.

The she-wolf pants and gasps when Otto does the final pull. The canine swollen cock slips out from his rectum completely and the white sticky semen spills from her open hole.

"And that is what I have in mind...." Little John says laughing smoothly thinking that his friends neither they had paid attention to him.

"It seems a good plan for me." Otto says sitting at the edge of the bed and standing up.

"Me too." Eryn taking Little John's member and masturbating him slowly. The bear smiles and sees as Otto does a grin before heading for the door and going out of the room.

Eryn licks the cock slowly and sucks the sensitive head. Little John growls and closes his eyes to enjoy the oral job of the woman. She opens her mouth to take the penis in it.

Eryn's head begins to shake slowly, her lips moves on the hard member. She enjoys the precum that is dripping from the opening of the cock in her mouth.

Little John permits that the she-wolf have fun with him for some moments before that Otto again enters in the room. The bloodhound's canine member is completely hard and filtering precum that falls to the ground.

Otto gets on the bed and Eryn stops the sucking of the masculinity of the bear. Little John moves and leaves room for Otto, he gets close to Eryn and he leans backwards in front of her.

The she-wolf watches him content and she takes the cock to caress it slowly, her hand moves for the whole hard meat up and down touching the knot while she sees Otto.

Both look at each other smiling and Eryn with calm positions herself on the bloodhound, he sees as the woman catches his cock and she aims it at her slit.

Eryn takes down her hips and closes her eyes when Otto's penis slides without difficulty in her vagina thanks to her juices and the remanent semen of Little John in her body.

Otto moans when the soft walls wrap his shaft completely until the vaginal lips touch his knot. Eryn has her eyes closed until she feels Otto's hands on her tits.

The bloodhound presses his fiancée's breasts with pleasure before she leans forward to place her left nipple in mouth of her lover. Otto begins to suck it and she moans.

Eryn looks over her shoulder to Little John. The bear is caressing his cock slowly while he looks at him. Little John smiles when he sees that Eryn uses her hands to spread her buttocks showing him her posterior hole.

Little John accepts the invitation and he positions himself behind Eryn, he scatters saliva on his cock and he points it at the midway of the two cheeks. The head touches the sphincter and he begins to push.

Little John's hands hold with force the hips of the she-wolf while he pushes. Eryn's sphincter gets wet with precum until in some seconds later it opens to wrap the member's head up and to close behind it.

Eryn growls with a not much pain and Little John makes it with pleasure when heat hedges that part of his penis. He pushes slowly sinking his member in the posterior passage.

The rectum keeps on becoming full of hard meat while Eryn closes her eyes. Centimeter by centimeter Little John hard meat fills the rectum until the head touches the bottom.

Otto begins to move slowly inside Eryn, she moans of pleasure that duplicates when Little John begins to move too. The bear grunts of pleasure with each thrust that he does.

Eryn's anus is tight as the first time that he pounded her in the patio of the house. His penis appears and disappears in the crack in middle of the cheeks of the female, she moans feeling that his sphincter moves back and forth.

Her anal walls are caressed and the precum sprinkles her rectum blending in with the semen of Otto.

Otto pumps his cock while the bed creaks. His big balls bounce and he can feel the motion of the member of Little John in the other tunnel.

Eryn's juices cover his shaft and drip on his knot getting it wet. Otto sees as she moans while her eyes are closed. Breasts rock in front of their face by the pushes.

The she-wolf's mouth opens and she moans when Otto's lips catch her right nipple. He sucks and nibbles the hard nipple achieving that the pleasure of Eryn increases.

Otto pushes with force and the pink opening opens, he growls when he knots Eryn.

The she-wolf grunts feeling full again in her two tunnels, Otto increases force and velocity of his thrust.

Little John pumps with force inside Eryn, his presses the buttocks with force sinking his fingers lightly in the round hills. The tail of the she-wolf moves showing her pleasure in that moment.

The heavy breathing of Eryn accelerate as she feels as another moment of great pleasure comes closer. The she-wolf clenches her fists on the bedspreads at the moment that all her body becomes taut.

Her vaginal walls clenches the canine cock with force and surround it in with juices completely. Otto growls and pushes with force when his penis shoots sperm jets that sprinkle Eryn's vaginal walls.

In the other tunnel the anal spasms give the last stimulation to Little John's member. The bear presses his groin against the cheeks of Eryn at the same time that he growls ferociously.

His balls release his semen that runs for all his penis and cum is shoot out by the opening splashing the anal walls of Eryn. The posterior passage becomes flooded completely filling the cracks that the semen of Otto had not filled before.

The three of them pant rapidly and Little John draws slowly his cock from ass of the she-wolf. The head of the cock gest out and that the seed drip in a great white waterfall that gets wet Eryn's crack and the balls of Otto.

"Eryn your ass has not lost its charm." Little John says sitting in bed and stretching a little his body. The she-wolf sits content and moving rapidly she leans backwards in bed with Otto on her.

"Well... we can see what you say about this one." Eryn says doing to a grin and using her hands to spread the cheeks of the anus of Otto. He gets surprised and he shrugs his shoulders while he looks at his fiancée.

"Otto... I didn't know that you were in this too." Little John says making a funny face and smiling while he moves his hand on his penis to achieve a new erection.

"When you live here and share time with the boys you get used." Otto says looking down on Little John.

"Of course, those boys have some good tail holes, but I would like to try the firm asses from those beautiful girls that you have as nieces" Little John says while he feels as his member hardens again.

"That is out of discussion, my brother would hang me, if he would found out that I allowed it." Otto says making a funny face. Little John laughs and he moves positioning himself behind Otto.

He feels as the head of the member gets inside between his buttocks and soon touches his sphincter. Eryn maintains the buttocks of Otto separated for Little John, soon Otto's hole begins to be under pressure.

Otto moans with bother feeling that his sphincter is forced to open, Little John pushes with more force while the precum gets the posterior entrance wet. A growl of pain suddenly comes out from the mouth of Otto when the cock's head penetrates him.

Little John growls when heat surrounds his cock. He holds Otto's hips and pushes slowly.

"Big?" Eryn asks looking at Otto with a smile. He nods while he feels as his rectum keeps on filling up with the hard erection of Little John. His anal walls stretch more than is usual, Wilton and Arlen are not as big as Little John.

The bear pushes slowly enjoying the tight entrails until his shaft no longer can enter. Otto feels full at the moment that Little John begins to move.

Otto closes his eyes and moans with pleasure to feel that the erection enters and it gets out of his ass slowly. Each part of his tunnel stimulated by the member of Little John.

He has also a good time, Otto is pretty tight like any anus that he had taken some minutes ago. His thrust begin to accelerate inside the bloodhound, he moans of pleasure just like Eryn.

Eryn moans when Otto's member moves in her vagina due the pushes of Little John, the tip penetrates lightly into her cervix. The she-wolf feels as the cock moves back and forward with each thrust.

The sound of slapping meat is heard every time that Little John's groin hits Otto's cheeks.

Otto moans feeling a double pleasure, his cock is caressed by the vaginal walls of Eryn and his precum is dripping from his penis tip in Eryn.

Eryn clings to Otto while she growls of pleasure, she has a good time every second, and the big balls of the bloodhound hit her perineum. The member in his vagina is as hard as before and he seems bulking more at every minute that pass.

The woman closes her eyes when Otto's mouth takes her right tit, he sucks with pleasure without stopping to growl. His tongue pats the erect and sensitive nipple is covered in saliva.

Eryn's juices are plentiful mixing with cum of Otto and Little John's semen.

The three members of the orgy grunt of pleasure, Little John's balls rock on the air while he pumps with force inside his friend. The sphincter moves of back and forward on his shaft.

The precum is sprinkled on the walls of Otto, he pants and releases the nipple when each muscle of his body tenses. Otto clenches his teeth with force at the moment that his penis throbs with force starting shooting semen squirts in the vagina of the she-wolf.

Eryn opens her eyes and whimpers with pleasure, the seed cause splash against her vaginal walls initiating the chain reaction of the orgasm of the woman.

Her juices are freed, but they a hold inside her by the knot of Otto. He feels as his member covers himself up with juice and mixed seed. Otto's anal spasms do not help Little John.

The bear stops pressing his groin with force against the buttocks of Otto, he growls ferociously releasing sticky semen that bathes the whole anal passage filling cracks complete.

Little John pushes with force while Otto and Eryn moan of pleasure. Eryn and Otto join up in a kiss while Little John takes out his cock and he lets himself fall seating in bed.

"Does you mind, if a take a break?" Little John asks cleaning his front with his arm.

"Of course that no, you are our guest." Eryn says simpering and looking at the bear. He nods and sit to rest while Otto and Eryn enjoy their union.

Around thirty minutes later Little John gets dressed with calm in the meantime Eryn and Otto still are naked perched of the bed.

"I guess that soon Garret will proceed to pick me up." Little John says putting on his body his last clothe.

"Little John... I know what happened and I want to apologize to you. I know that boys are sort of immature, but please do not expel them." Eryn says looking at Little John.

"This is the best opportunity that they have, I know that more I can offer you besides some a good occasional sex in order that you help them." Eryn says with sadness and begs the bear.

"You can count on my ass too." Otto says doing a light and friendly facial expression while he embraces Eryn.

"Fuck with me is not a duty neither a kind of payment, if a village woman wants to show her gratitude it is OK, although at this point everyone in Nottingham already should consider the opposite." Little John says doing a funny face that makes laugh Otto and Eryn smoothly.

"I suppose that boys did not tell you that the arrow brush past my ear, if Faron did not keep me busy some seconds more..." Little John says looking at his two friends that open their eyes with surprise.

"If this would have been something more discreet I could make something, I know that boys are good, but in this incident there were a lot of witnesses. My men saw it and this has become a subject that is in the hands of Deryck and the Captain."

"Such a serious lack of care cannot be permitted and don't have a punishment. If it were for me, I would let it pass, but it would be seen very badly in front of the rest of soldiers that can think I am not firm." Little John says looking at the couple.

Otto nods and Eryn seems to understand him too. She does not want to imagine to her kids out of the training, but under the present situation it is something that she should consider now.

"I will talk with the Captain to try coming to a good term, but I can't promise anything because as I said this before it is in the hands of the Captain and Deryck that are their senior officer and instructor respectively." Little John says looking at Eryn and next to Otto.

"Please do what's possible." Eryn asks for again looking at Little John. He nods and the she-wolf smiles smoothly.

Otto and Eryn take their clothes to get dressed before accompany to Little John at the front door.

Little John leaves the house tightly the moment that his carriage appears to stop in front of the house.

"Well... thanks again to welcome me so well." Little John says winking an eye the couple that laughs soft and with complicity.

"You are always welcome Little John." Eryn says looking at the bear. He nods and says good-bye before entering his carriage that begins to move few moments later.

Eryn and Otto see as the carriage goes away, they enter in the house to close the door after.

"That was great." Otto says positioning himself behind Eryn and kissing her on the neck smoothly.

"I know it." Eryn says without a great temper. She had expected to be able to help her children talking with Little John.

"Everything will be all right, this is not the end for the boys." Otto says pressing Eryn's hands.

She nods and decides to hope for the best. A military career is not the only option that her children have in life. Eryn separates from Otto and giving him a light soft smile she goes to do some cleanliness.

Otto smiles and also looks at her for something. A half-hour later house's door of open, Otto sees that Nolan and Fleur enter completely excited and happy.

Wilton and Arlen enter after them.

"How was it?" Otto asks looking Nolan.

"The hiding-place of Robin is incredible." Nolan says with emotion while he sees his sister that nods with enthusiasm.

Then you had a really good time." Eryn says entering in the living room and looking at the cubs. Fleur nods content. Otto and Eryn laugh smoothly looking at each other.

Wilton and Arlen look content because they had also enjoyed the long walk with the two young ones. They turn over when the door opens again and girls enter in the house.

"Didn't they buy the cloths?" Eryn asks feigning surprise and light anger to see that girls have their empty hands.

"We did not buy them because the store was closed." Celestine says with a growl of bother while she looks at her sister, she nods. Otto and Eryn look at each other rapidly and they control themselves not to laugh without noticing that girls look at them and raise their eyebrows.

The rest of the afternoon Celestine and Lorene spend it in the room of the girls chatting. Otto is a bit surprised by that, but he does not give too much importance to it, and the boys are busy in their own stuff.

Fleur helps in what she can to Eryn.

Dinner is quiet it while they all listen to Fleur and Nolan telling the story of their walk in the forest and the visit to the hiding-place of Robin Hood and Little John.

Eryn looks content to them just like Otto. When the dinner is over, the girls clear the table and everyone in the house prepare to rest after a long exhausting day.

Girls are the first ones in saying good night and leaving at their room, Nolan does the same thing and yawning he heads toward the room that he shares with Wilton and Arlen.

Both want to leave to their room, but Otto does them a gesture in order that they stay, both brothers look at each other and sit at the table again.

"Today your mother and I talked with Little John, we tried to ask him for help in this subject of the arrow in his chair." Otto says looking at the boys. They nod slowly while they know that they are in a fine mess.

"He told us that this subject is not in his hands, everything depends on Deryck and the Captain. I suppose that both already have a good idea of what it can happen." The bloodhound says looking at the boys.

Arlen nods swallowing hard. He and his brother know that the Captain could throw out them with a kick and saying goodbye to a future military career.

"In any case I hope that you learn from your mistakes, if this does not come out all right, they can still learn how to be some good blacksmiths. I will teach you everything that I know." Otto says looking at Wilton and Arlen.

"We know that we got in this problem... it was not somewhat intentional." Wilton says looking at Otto. He nods slowly.

"Even so, I believe that I explained you that a weapon is not a toy and one should be very cautious when you are using them." Otto says with a soft growl. He sees that both nod shamefacedly.

"Well now it is time to rest, tomorrow we will see what happens." Otto says looking at both boys. They nod and they get up saying good night to Otto and to their mother.

She had been listening everything from the entrance to the kitchen, Eryn sighs with sadness and worry while she sees her children being going to their room. Otto gets close to her and embraces her a moment.

"We are going to sleep to, after such an agitated afternoon we need to rest." Otto says looking at Eryn. She nods and smiles impishly.

"For me I would be still doing it." Eryn says doing a facial expression to Otto and catching his crotch.

"We can have fun alone." Otto says smirking.

Eryn says absolutely nothing and Otto begins to walk toward their room in the meantime he follows Eryn pressing his crotch on the buttocks of the she-wolf. She says absolutely nothing while she feels content perceiving as the member of Otto begins to grow.

Otto Little John © Disney

Eryn, Wilton, Arlen, Fleur, Nolan Lorene, Celestine Wilder and Jake, Giselle, Haze, Gregory are my characters

Written by Janus Oberoth