The Watching Mare

Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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Two lovers are spied on and Sheriff Pinto uncovers her sly secret...

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Story © Amethyst Mare / Arian Mabe

Characters © respective owners

Iron Author


The Watching Mare

Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)

Commissioned by Lord Legion

She knew she shouldn't have followed them home: that much was most certainly a given fact. The mare knew the law and, well, she wasn't exactly following it to the letter, telling herself the whole way that she was not doing anything wrong. Of course, if someone had to tell themselves that they weren't doing anything wrong, too often the probability was that they actually were. Her cream-coloured coat did not help the pony mare either to blend into the night, russet-auburn curls bouncing along, as she made her way to the home of the hottest couple in town, or so she had dubbed them on first meeting the sweet duo.

A new bartender in town and a unicorn too to boot, Jolie Trot had set her eyes on one stallion. Or, rather, she had let her eyes wander to Axel, the husband of Sheriff Pinto, even though she knew he was off-limits. And she could not have even told herself just what she was doing, explaining what even she did not understand, the desire she felt for the stallion, the way he looked at Sheriff Pinto.

No... She had to know. She had to see. Or just understand a little more about them as she picked up the pace, darting into their little garden. It was originally a ground-floor property but, annoyingly, they had extended the attic into a bedroom, which made it more difficult for her to clamber up to a spot where she could follow the glow of a lamp through a window. The downstairs, of course, was in darkness at such a late hour and Jolie had heard around town that neither of them were really known for being night owls by any stretch of the imagination. Both of their jobs required them to be early to rise and get to it and her heart, why...

Jolie suppressed a shudder, awkwardly scaling the tree in their garden, although it was a scrubby thing that was not ever really designed to take the weight of a pony. She must have looked like a strange sort of bird - maybe a hippogriff? Or was that no longer politically correct to say anymore? - perched up there in the swaying branches that were too thin to safely hold her - and yet the thought of seeing those firm, solid muscles that she'd glimpsed at his repair shop when he was oily and sweaty and so very hard at work kept her going, lips parted in a sheen of gloss to see just what went on in their private abode.

And Jolie Trot was far from a disappointment. The most boring of things that could have gone on in their bedroom would have still given her a little voyeuristic thrill but what she saw, oh... Oh, she could not have anticipated such eroticism!

For the couple in question was so caught up in their lovemaking at that very moment that there would have been no possible way for them to pay attention to or even take note of their swinging, swaying, voyeur in the tree outside, Serenity on her back with her hind legs splayed to allow Axel to mate her, folds tight and needy around the length of his shaft. Mesmerised, Jolie could not help but watch with avid attention, unwilling to drag her gaze away even though her better mind and sense of self told her that she was doing something entirely ridiculous. Just how he thrust, the muscles in his body tensing and tightening...

Gulping, she moaned, lips forming a tiny, perfect 'O' that Axel, surely, would never have the pleasure of seeing for himself. He had someone but she could not fault him for that, as much as her heart pounded to see and enjoy the show he was, quite unknowingly, putting on for her. His tail flagged as he snorted - she saw his nostrils flare! - seeming to lean even further over his lover as their lips met in a needy kiss that spoke untold words of their lust and love for one another.

Without thinking, she teased her folds with the magic from her horn, the glow illuminating her face and features. She shouldn't have done it but she couldn't find it in herself to either care or hold back, grinding back into the pleasurable touch and tingle of her blue-tinted magic that filled her like a stallion's member, even though it was not enough for her - it would never be enough for her when she could have had a hot stud like Axel if only she'd been lucky enough to snap him up before Serenity came along!

It was by the by though as she bit her lower lip less than delicately and rocked her hindquarters back into the touch of her magic, the light growing brighter and brighter with every passing second. Magic could not be controlled in sex and masturbation was just the same as she flagged her tail shamefully, tipping forward in the tree with her curls falling about her face as Axel grunted all the more loudly, ramming into Serenity with seemingly increased urgency.

"I... Oh..."

Murmured words rose through the windowpane but none were loud enough for her to hear clearly, the mare in the tree filling in the gaps as she imagined herself in Serenity's place. Could she be the mare moaning in such sweet bliss beneath Axel as he drove into her with increasing need, kissing his mare so fiercely that even Jolie would have chanced that she could feel the heat and desire of their mating tryst through even the window?

And then her magic sparked off, striving to send her over the brink of orgasm, the crackle and pop of it giving the gig up in an instant. Gasping, Jolie's eyes snapped wide open again and she half-fell, half-scraped down through the tree branches, landing somewhat on her hooves as chaos erupted before her, her body still tingling with the thought of climax that was, terribly, out of her reach at least for the moment.

No... Right then and there, Jolie trot had much bigger things to worry about!

"What the hay? Did you see... There's somepony out there?"

Darn it!

_ _

It, perhaps, was not a strong enough sentiment considering just what she'd been caught doing but all she could do was make a break for it, tail flying out like a flag behind her as she barely suppressed a squeal of fear and fright.

But the front door banged open, unleashing Sheriff Pinto out into the night, her mane all messed up and the wrong kind of fire in her eyes.

"Who's there? Show yourself!"

Jolie was hardly over the fence at the back of the garden as she jumped and caught her hoof, tumbling down once more like a sack of potatoes. But, this time, she could not keep down her cry of pain, hurt thrumming through her leg even as she hobbled up, tears in her eyes, and tried to force herself on.

"Ouch, ouch, ouchie!"

It was a filly-ish thing to say but it burst from her lips regardless as she pelted her way down the road as if Cerberus himself from Tartarus was hot on her heels, chasing her down. Although it was only Sheriff Pinto, some would have argued that she was worse than any hound of the Equestrian zone of banishment.

Lips pursed, Sheriff Pinto skidded to a stop, tail pulled down to cover her marehood from view, the red-hot heat of embarrassment at being watched in the act creeping down her neck. That had been a mare for sure! And just what was a mare doing acting the part of a peeping Tom? Squinting, she listened intently, ears swivelling back and forth, but was forced to give up the chase as her quarry made good her escape, having had too much of a head start to catch up with under the cover of nightfall without some serious questions being asked first of all.

She sighed heavily, tail trying to twitch anxiously even as she forced it down.

"Who in the hay was that?"


Sheriff Pinto had a hunch but it was one that she needed to 'hear' for yourself in order to follow through in the right way. She made her excuses from the sheriff's office and worked her way around town, eyeing up those who she thought may have been likely suspects as to the voyeuristic interlude and finding all to be clean and clear. They just didn't sound like the mare she'd caught in the garden, although not even Serenity wanted to consider the thought of what they had been caught doing! Sure, it was normal for couples but no one wanted to be watched like that!

And then it all became clear, the pieces of the puzzle slotting perfectly together. The bar was the last place she went, thinking it to be mostly empty on such a day, but the bartender was still there and, well, maybe she'd know if there was somepony that she should be keeping a closer eye on about town. Yet the look on Jolie Trot's face as she tried to do everything but look directly at Sheriff Pinto told a tale that she'd rather have left untold. The limp in her hind leg, however, merely confirmed it.

"Jolie Trot, I think y'all have some explaining to do."

The bartender bristled, standing on her good hind leg as she wiped out a glass that was already clean, running the fresh cloth around over and over again.

"Explaining? Just who do you think you are coming in here demanding explanations from me! I haven't got anything to say to you - Sheriff Pinto!"

But, of course, the truth was what it was and Sheriff Pinto eyed her levelly, eyes raking across her body from the obvious limp to the scratch on her cheek, gleaned in her not so elegant escape the night before.

"What were y'all doing watching me and my husband?" She said in a low, hushed tone, not wanting to advertise to anyone who may have been near enough to overhear while still conveying the severity of the act she'd been caught in. "This is bull, what y'all say about me demanding explanations from y'all, all this about_innocence_. I know what I heard."

Jolie wavered...and broke, tumbling down on the bar in a burst of tears that seemed to come out of nowhere.

"I-I-I'm so sorry! I didn't think... I don't know what I was thinking, I should never have looked! He was so nice, every other stallion just seemed to be wanting to get under my tail, not wanting to know anything about me... And Axel was so nice that I had to see where he lived and things just got so out of hoof! I never intended them to go that far - I'm so sorry for everything!"

Sheriff Pinot baulked but, fortunately, her professional side took over, commandeering the situation as she so desperately had to if she didn't want to be the subject of town gossip very soon. Twisting her lips, for even reaching out to the mare who'd watched her and Axel together seemed, somehow, uncomfortable, even if she had to do it, had to be the bigger pony in the situation that had spiralled shockingly out of control, just as Jolie had said.

But there was no harm in the mare and dragging her to 'justice' for it just didn't seem right, not when nothing all that terriblyuntoward had come to pass. And Serenity was quite sure too in herself that Jolie Trot had well and truly learned her lesson - to say the least of it!

"Alright, alright, don't go getting y'all's tail in a knot now, this is awkward enough for me too, Sheriff Pinto said, awkwardly patting the mare on the back. "I'm sure y'all will find a nice, handsome stallion about these here parts soon enough but...look..."

She leaned in closely and seriously, making Jolie gulp and meet her eyes regardless of how much she didn't want to.


"When it comes to Mr Axel, it's look but not touch... Understand that?"

Gulping down her tears, even Jolie had to giggle just a little at the good humour and wink in Serenity's eyes. Sure, it was an awkward situation in itself but they just had to make the best of it, getting by clumsily but surely, even if they would, hopefully, never again speak of the incident.

Best not to even remember it, in fact.

"Yes... I understand. You're a very lucky mare, Sheriff."

Serenity grinned.

"I sure am!"

Mare for an Evening

**Iron Author** **Gender Swapping** ** ** **Mare for an Evening** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by Lord Legion_ "Summer... Is this really necessary?" "Yes!" The orange-coated stallion chuckled and...

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Ghostly Tickling

**Iron Author** **Tickling** ** ** **Ghostly Tickling** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by Seraphon_ _ _ _ _ "Are you sure we should be in here?" The Bunnelby hopped along nervously, clutching the camera close...

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