A Good Wakeup Call

Story by Oridian on SoFurry

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#10 of Breakhorn (Series)

Just after waking up, two young dragons enjoy some time together in bed.

This story is part of a series, but it's easily understandable even without having read the rest.

Sorry for the long wait since the last chapter. I've been busy/sick/stressed and only just managed to get this short chapter edited up.

"Mmh, mm, oh, oh yes!" Lying down on the bed, Pyxis moaned softly. "Mmh, that's the spot. Yessss... Harder...!Ohh! Nerlin you magnificent thing, that feels amazing..."

Standing over Pyxis's prone body, Nerlin paused for a moment. "When you moan like that, it sounds indecent."

"Hmrr, I'll make whatever noise I want. Now keep going," Pyxis murmured, and Nerlin restarted his rhythmic motions.

"Oh,yes..." Pyxis was completely limp, lying on her front on the bed, with Nerlin standing over her and giving her a massage. He was_extremely_good at it. Using his paws to knead and put pressure on her back and wing muscles, and even pulling at just the right spots on her wing to stretch out her joints, it felt like he was slowly turning her into putty. "Oh, oh...!"

With her eyes closed, Pyxis heard Nerlin speak again. "It's distracting when you moan like that. It reminds me of those noises you made yesterday when we were mating."

"Hnnggg... I was in extreme pleasure then, as I am now," Pyxis replied. "How did you get so good at giving massages?"

"That's a bit of a story."

"There's a story behind you giving massages?"

"A_long_ story." Nerlin warned.

"I'll listen to anything you say, as long as you keep rubbing me like that," Pyxis replied.

This got a faint chuckle in response. "Heh. Alright then, story time. So I'm not sure if I've mentioned it to you before, but I have a younger sister. Back when I was just a young child, my sister was hatched with a hatch defect--fused wings. Both her wings were formed, but they were fused onto her back so they couldn't be opened."

Nerlin used his paws and pressed down on Pyxis's upper back, then he slid his paws down her spine towards her lower back, rubbing her muscles. "Think about when you furl your wings up onto your back, and then imagine if your wings were merged with your back, with the skin and scales all connected together. It was like that." He grabbed Pyxis's wings and folded them in against her back.

"The doctors said that my sister needed surgical treatment, but it had to wait for her to get older and stronger before they did the major surgery. She finally had the operation when she was a few years old. I remember my parents looking so worried and scared, but for me I was just too young to even comprehend that something might go wrong. Anyway, my sister ended up alright. The operation went as expected, and her wings were freed and separated from her back." Nerlin slid his paw in the gap between Pyxis's wings and her back. His claws felt ticklish against her scales.

"The first few weeks she was all swathed up in bandages, but eventually they took those off, and then she looked mostly normal. She could finally move her wings instead of having them stuck to her back, though her wing muscles were atrophied from never having been used before. So every day for the next few years, my sister needed to stretch out her wings and get her muscles slowly practiced to taking strain. Things were on a clock, because if she didn't get her muscles strong enough by the time she hit the fledging growth spurt, then her weak muscles might not grow right, and that could even prevent her from ever flying properly."

"Yeah? So what happened?" Pyxis opened her eyes and glanced over her shoulder, looking at the red-scaled drake standing over her.

Nerlin sounded faintly nostalgic as he recounted moments from his childhood. "At first she had to use this special harness to keep her wings furled up on her back, otherwise they'd just droop off and drag on the ground. Every day after school, I would sit beside her and help her take off that harness, and then we'd stretch her wings out. It sounds easy, but her wings were so weak that even opening them up was a huge challenge. Initially I had to help pull open her wing, carefully stretching out her weak muscles, and supporting the full weight of her wing."

Gently holding one of Pyxis's wings, Nerlin stretched open the appendage, holding it gently. "After a lot of practice she was eventually able to open her wings by herself, and then we'd both open up our wings and try to hold them up as long as we could. For me it was so easy. Have you ever tried just holding your wings open and doing nothing? At first you don't feel anything, but then after the first minute there's just this_slight_ bit of tingly strain in your wing muscles. Then as the minutes pass, that strain gets worse and worse until you can't ignore it. But that was my experience, as a normal hatchling with proper wings. My sister could barely last a few seconds at first, and it really hurt her. But I made her do it, and eventually her wings got stronger. And then she needed to do something even harder--rather than holding up her wings, her wings needed to hold her up."

Nerlin used one paw and grabbed the leading edge of Pyxis's left wing, lifting her wing off the bed while using his other paw to press down on her back. "Like_this_. Can you feel your muscles stretching? Now flap your wing down."

Pyxis tried to flap her wing downwards, and her wing muscles easily overpowered Nerlin's forelimb muscles. "Yes?"

"You see how easy that is? Once you fledge, your wing muscles are by far the strongest in your body, especially on the downstroke," Nerlin explained. "But for my sister, those muscles needed to be trained up from nothing. I'd help her stretch her wings every day and slowly she got stronger and stronger until she could finally put up some decent resistance. It made her muscles ache so badly to be stretched and trained, and I would help massage her back and wings when we were done. So...yeah. And that's how I learned how to give massages. A bit of a long story, but that's life!" Nerlin flicked his own wings in a shrug.

Pyxis made eye contact with Nerlin, and she perked up her neck frill. "That's sweet of you, helping you sister like that."

"Family's family. My sister's fine now. She can fly--maybe not as well as me, but she can fly." Nerlin resumed massaging Pyxis's wings, rubbing her sensitive flight scales. "I don't give massages to her anymore, or to anyone. Just you."

"Mmh, that makes me special." Pyxis lay her head down on the bed again, and she swung her tail about blindly until she found Nerlin's tail and entwined their tail tips. "You're the best, Nerlin. Wait, so was that why you found it weird when I moaned? Because massaging me reminded you of your sister, and your sister moaning sexually at you would be very weird?"

"No. Or maybe? Obviously I know you aren't my sister," Nerlin replied. He gently kneaded Pyxis's lower back, just above her tail base. "I'm not sure but it just feels odd. For me, a massage is a fitness or medical exercise type of thing. I'm massaging your wings because we've been flying a lot, and this should help stretch out and relax your cramped muscles."

"Even still, it feels great. You're making my body feel good, though not in_that_ way." Pyxis used her tail to tug on Nerlin's tail entwined with hers, subtly pulling him down towards her. "Although it could be_that_way, if you want."

"Now that's an idea." Nerlin's paws had been around Pyxis's upper back, but now they strayed even lower towards her rump.

Pyxis eagerly straightened up her hindlegs to lift her hips, and she raised her tail to give Nerlin access to her underbelly. "Are we doing this? Let's do this."

Glancing over her shoulder, she watched as Nerlin lowered his head and sniffed about at her groin. "Can I... lick you? There? I've touched your slit and we've even mated, but I haven't gotten the chance to use my mouth."

"Sure! I don't see why I'd have an objection to that," Pyxis replied. She wasn't ignorant at all about the myriad of different ways there were to have sex, of which using your mouth was one method. And then Nerlin licked her slit, and it felt... alright. It wasn't fantastic or amazing, but it wasn't painful of uncomfortable; it simply felt like he had run his tongue against her genitals. "Hmm. Interesting."

"That_is_interesting. You taste interesting," Nerlin commented. "Taste like... hmm..."

"Salty? Yeah, I know." Pyxis just kept still with her hips raised and presented, letting Nerlin slowly get the hang of things as he touched and licked at her genital slit. "Try putting your tongue... yes. Right there's the place. Do that again," Pyxis murmured, and Nerlin readily adjusted his technique as she asked. It was a different sort of sensation from anything they'd done before. Without penetration, there was none of that stretching or filling feeling which she'd gotten from a proper mating. Yet Nerlin's tongue was wetter and more agile than his paws had been, but with a soft, wet sort of friction that felt pleasant against her genital slit.

Over time the pleasure gradually started to build up as he began focusing his licks right at her sensitive spots and figuring about the sorts of things she liked, but then Nerlin suddenly stopped and just lay down on the bed just as Pyxis was getting really into it. Twisting his head from side, Nerlin rubbed his neck. "Sorry! Just give me a moment. It's fun to lick you, but my neck is starting to hurt from this position."

"Oh... my bad." Pyxis lowered her hips, then she rolled onto her back and spread her legs. "Is it easier if I lie like this?"

"Probably, though there is something about your previous posture which I preferred," Nerlin replied.

"Hmm?" Pyxis rolled back onto her front and raised her hips up again, curling her tail out of the way. "You like this?" Impulsively she tried rocking her hips from side to side, and Nerlin's head tracked the motion.

"I like that. You lying down on your back is just a normal position, but when you do that thing where you raise your hips--there's only one reason to take that position, and it's_sexy_. And that tail shake is_extra_ sexy." Nerlin pushed himself back up into a sitting position, revealing his own underbelly, where evidence of his arousal was evident.

"Look, a penis. You can put that in me," Pyxis muttered, then she burst out into giggles. "Heheh! That was the worst remark ever. I was trying to think of something sexy, but I'm terrible at flirting."

Nerlin took a step closer and put a forepaw on Pyxis's hips. "You seem pretty good to me! I want to just... mate with you again. I'm_going_ to mate with you again."

"Do it! Mate me." Pyxis turned her head forward as Nerlin stepped over her, and his phallus brushed against her raised hips. She was feeling so aroused at the moment, and judging from Nerlin's erection, so was he. There was a moment of quiet, eager anticipation as Pyxis felt Nerlin clutching her hips, standing over her so that his chest was pressed against her wings.

And then that moment dragged on as Nerlin's penis kept slipping against Pyxis's underbelly, missing her genital slit. She tried shifting her hips to line up with Nerlin, but they both moved and ended up overcompensating. "It's higher than that. No, still higher. Wait, not that high. Not there," Pyxis said to him.

"Hang on, let me just... I need to get things lined up. Our underbellies aren't quite aligned in height," Nerlin muttered. Pyxis straightened up her hindlegs a bit more, arching her back further, and then Nerlin finally got a good angle. The tip of his penis slipped into Pyxis's slit, and he growled in pleasure. "Rrr, there we go."

"Yes, that's--whoa!" Pyxis exclaimed as Nerlin suddenly pushed his hips forward, spearing his penis all the way into her depths. The abrupt spreading sensation was a sharp mix of pain and pleasure, and it made Pyxis go all tense. It wasn't that Nerlin was really hurting her, but she felt so vulnerable with him fully in charge, and her muscles hadn't been quite ready for such a sudden stretching. She'd been wet from his earlier licking, but still tensed up.

"Are you ok?" Nerlin asked, stopping when he heard her exclamation.

"I'm fine. I'm fine. That's just... very deep. It feels like this position lets you go deeper than before." Pyxis took a few breaths to calm herself. She was still very much aroused, and yet things felt different from when they'd mated the night before. Crouched down on her front with Nerlin standing behind and over her, she had almost no control over the penetration. It was an unexpected difference compared to yesterday when she'd been crouching over Nerlin. "Go slow for now. Give me a minute to get used to it."

Nerlin stretched his head forward to lick at Pyxis's neck affectionately. "Ok. I'll do whatever you say." He had one paw holding Pyxis's hips and another paw on her back. Slowly he began to rock his hips, gradually sliding his phallus in and out of her depths, with each stroke taking many long seconds.

It took Pyxis a minute to get used to the slow, steady thrusting, but that strange sense of vulnerability also made her even more aroused. Nerlin was in control of the speed and depth of their coupling, and she could only just rock against his movements, taking what he gave her. There was that rhythmic feel of his reproductive organ pushing deep into her body, pressing up against sensitive spots and sending tingles of pleasure running through her body.

Gradually Pyxis began to rock faster, encouraging Nerlin to pick up the pace. Nerlin also began increasing the amplitude of his strokes, pulling further out, then pushing further in, but then suddenly this went a bit too far and his erection slipped entirely out of her slit. On the next thrust it just rubbed against her underbelly, leaving a wet smear there, and Pyxis let out a surprised noise. "Ohp! We have an unanticipated coupling failure."

"Haha. Whoops." Nerlin chuckled, and he rubbed the side of his snout against Pyxis's shoulder. Pyxis curled her head back, and their snouts both met in a quick kiss--just long enough to be intimate, but not too long so as to distract from the main event. Then Nerlin pulled away and moved back to align his reproductive organ, once again penetrating Pyxis to let their mating continue. He went deeper this time, thrusting forward until he was fully buried, and not pulling out as far.

Pyxis felt a burst of pleasure every time Nerlin's uninflated knot slipped into her vagina and gently bumped against her clitoris, like it was a button being repeatedly tapped to send her sexual pleasure. Slowly her pleasure was building up, climbing towards a climax. Closing her eyes, Pyxis gave in to the sensations and just enjoyed the feelings rushing through her body. It felt so good to have Nerlin standing over her and holding her down, all his scales rubbing against hers. His penis was thrusting right into her most sensitive places, sending repeated sexual pleasure as her body got more and more aroused.

Pyxis felt a shudder run down her back. Mating was such a strange, delightful thing to do. A part of Nerlin's body was_inside_ her body, and they were just moving against each other to create friction and pressure and pleasure. It was all warm and wonderful, and Pyxis entwined her tail with Nerlin's.

Glancing over her shoulder, Pyxis watched Nerlin thrust into her. His eyes were closed and his face was scrunched up in pleasure, and that made Pyxis feel even more aroused from the sight of her partner. Nerlin was growling softly, his breath coming in fast pants. He was thrusting faster now, his hips bucking back and forth as he followed a natural instinct that told him to_hump_ her.

And then suddenly Pyxis felt it--Nerlin's knot seemed more noticeable on one thrust, and then in the next thrust she distinctly felt a gentle resistance before his knot slipped out of her slit. It seemed to go in easily, but there'd be a slight bump before it would slide out again. Nerlin grunted, apparently just realizing what his body was about to do. "Oh! Pyxis, I'm going to... Do you mind if I... inside you?"

Pyxis's response was to shove her hips backwards and use her tail to tug on Nerlin's tail, forcing him deeper. "I said it already--mate me." Each bump of Nerlin's knot pressed against her clitoris, and Pyxis felt like she was dancing on the edge of an orgasm, almost about to hit that final tsunami of pleasure.

"Oh, yes. Oh-yes-oh-yes-oh-yes...Pyx!" Nerlin groaned, and he made a series of short, frantic strokes that slipped his knot in and out, repeatedly rubbing that bulge right against the portions of Pyxis's slit where she was most sensitive, as his body desperately tried to coax a climax out of his partner too. Then he shoved his penis all the way into her slit and finally stopped thrusting. It almost felt like he was trembling, and Pyxis could feel Nerlin's knot bloating up fully. It was large enough now to lock them together, and it spread the walls of her genital slit in_just_ the right manner to set her off. If his earlier thrusting had felt like repeatedly jabbing a button which sent pleasure, now that button was being pressed down and held.

Pyxis closed her eyes and dropped her head against the bed, letting out a choked gasp as pleasure spiked through her body, triggering instincts that she couldn't resist. She only had the time to say one thing, but she made it count. "Nerlin...!" The muscles of her genital slit clenched down hard, twitching and squeezing against Nerlin's length. Even as his knot swelled up, her slit clamped down right on it, holding him inside her so that he couldn't pull out, and ensuring the seed he was about to release would have nowhere to go but in. Other muscles deeper inside her began to ripple and squeeze around that delightfully warm masculine length that had been filling her with its girth, and was now also filling her with semen.

It felt like they were linked at the hips; every time Pyxis felt her muscles clench, she would make Nerlin's penis jerk inside her and fire out another spurt of his seed, which made her clench up from the sheer sensation as their bodies both followed primal mating instincts. They'd become bonded in their shared pleasure, with no choice but to ride it out together. In that brief moment of absolute bliss, every logical thought and rational impulse had vanished, replaced by the most natural of desires--to reproduce and mate.

Pyxis shuddered as she visualized Nerlin breeding her, filling her up with his virile essence as he moaned and ground his hips against hers, sending his seed as deep as it could go. Wave after wave of pleasure flooded through her body, until finally her orgasm started to slow down and fade away. It left her feeling deeply satisfied.

Folding her legs, Pyxis dropped down flat against the bed, and Nerlin slumped down on top of her back. His weight on top of her felt oddly protective and comforting. Nerlin was still clutching her from behind, his hips pressed firmly up against hers, though his mostly still erect penis had slipped out. Everything felt wet and messy back there.

Pyxis could feel Nerlin's breath against her neck frill, as he panting quietly. "Ok. Pyx, that was... That was good. That was really intense. I think mating with you is the best feeling I've ever had." He licked at Pyxis's snout affectionately.

Pyxis tried to lick him back but missed, simply licking empty air instead. "Hey. Come back! Let me, let me--there we go." Pyxis licked the side of Nerlin's snout, then she let out a long, very contented sigh. "Hmmmmm! This is the best. Mating is the best feeling in the world, but when you just hold me like this, that's also the best feeling in the world."

"It is," Nerlin agreed. For a few long minutes they just remained in that position, snuggled up against each other, both too satisfied to move. After a while, Pyxis felt Nerlin slowly run his paws down her sides, tracing out the outline of her body. He gently tapped that spot on her haunch where she'd plucked out a scale yesterday. A fresh scale had quickly begun to grow in, and that spot was no longer as ticklish as before.

Pyxis was just enjoying the nice warm feeling of Nerlin holding her, but she felt him shift his position on the bed. Then she felt a bit of coolness against her haunch, and she glanced back to see that Nerlin had taken a hex from the bedside table and placed the metallic coin right on the spot where her scale was missing.

"Haha. Look, it fits perfectly," Nerlin said, grinning and gesturing for Pyxis to look.

Pyxis stared at her backside, then she turned and stared at Nerlin. "Yes? You know that's why hexes are hexagon-shaped in the first place, right? Because a long time ago people used their scales as currency, but eventually they figured out that minting metal coins made more sense than plucking off bits of their body."

"I know that. I just meant that the scale you used to seal the business transaction is the exact same size as a hex. It fits so neatly on your butt." Nerlin rubbed his paws against Pyxis's behind, then he snuggled up behind her to hug her hips against his. "You've got such a nice butt. It's so fun to hold. I just want to hold it and hug it and hump it."

Pyxis giggled. "We just did that! And it was great. You did make a mess of my butt, though."

Resting his chin against her shoulder, Nerlin made a satisfied noise. "Mmh. I guess we should go wash up. And get ready for the day. Maybe get some breakfast after that."

"Ok. Yeah, ok." Pyxis stretched herself, then she rolled to her feet.

The two young dragons both went to shower, and then they packed up all their equipment and belongings back into their flight harnesses, before putting them on. "We can return the room keys after breakfast, and then head off without coming back up here," Nerlin said.

Pyxis nodded agreement. "Ok."

As they were packing their gear, Nerlin stared at some of the survival equipment which they hadn't ended up using. "We never did have any use for some of these things, did we? The flares, the emergency tracking beacon..."

"Good. I'd rather us not have been in an emergency, as exciting as that would be," Pyxis replied.

Breakfast was a simple, straightforward affair. They went down to the inn's restaurant and ate their first meal of the day--scrambled eggs, smoked breakhorn bacon, and seaweed salad--an odd fusion of different types of food which came from both the ocean as well as various nearby Outer Colonies.

"Our last breakfast of the expedition! By nightfall today, we'll be back in the city and done with the whole Fledgling Survival Expedition," Nerlin declared, in between bites of egg.

Pyxis made a slightly disappointed noise. "Ehh. When you put it that way, now I wish we'd spent more time back in bed, snuggled up against each other. It was so nice and cosy. Tonight we'll be in our separate beds, sleeping alone."

"That is not a fun thought... but it's just life. The expedition can't last forever, and sooner or later we need to return to normal life." Nerlin shrugged. "We'll get to see all our friends and family again, and we will still see each other."

"That's true." Pyxis picked up a sausage link and chewed on it. "So we can spend a couple of hours here in Maringe before we head off, right? Because of the winds, you said?"

"Yes. By mid-morning we should start flying east, but we have a few hours before we need to move." Nerlin reached into his harness's shoulder pouch and took out the tourist pamphlet. "What do you want to do? Shopping streets again? Beach? Or maybe we go see the Alliance War Museum and the historical monument? There's also a nice lookout point to the south."

"Or we could just go back upstairs and snuggle in bed again," Pyxis murmured. She glanced around before grinning at Nerlin and flicking her neck frill up and down expressively. "And then we could_mate_ again. You mount me, I mount you..."

"Seriously?" Nerlin raised an eye ridge, and he put the pamphlet back into his harness pouch. "I'm totally alright with that idea if you want. Mating is fun. Snuggling too. That works for me."

"Yeah, but..." Pyxis lowered her neck frill back down as she thought about her half-serious proposal. "But we already got everything packed up, and we're all the way out here in the Outer Colonies. We shouldn't just lie in bed. Even if we're going to mate each other silly, we're can do that back in Avaeria. No, we should do things which we can only do out here. Let's go with that lookout point you mentioned."

"I didn't get to visit the lookout point the last time I visited Maringe. Supposedly it gives you a great view of the ocean, the cliffs, and all of Maringe Harbour," Nerlin replied.

"Sounds good," Pyxis agreed. She finished up the rest of her food, and started licking her paws clean. "That sounds good!"


Next chapter coming in exactly 24 hours. Probably.