Breaking McCloud

Story by Ceeb on SoFurry

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Heyyyyyyyyyy Wolf x Fox lovers, here's a little ditty for you. A tale of Wolf turning Fox into the ass-hungry buttbitch he's destined to be with the power of ass musk and deep, deep kisses. Honestly Fox is such an ungrateful bitch, I'd give away a kidney to be sat on by Wolf O'Donnell.

This commission was done for the venerable and unknowable Anonymous. May his thirst for ass never die.

Writing (C) me

Fox McCloud, Wolf O'Donnell and Star Fox (C) Nintendo

Thumbnail art by FA: zoke

Everything was a blur to Fox. The fight, the crash. Fire in the cockpit - plasma fire, acrid fumes burning his eyes. The reek of a leaking battery cell, melting circuit boards, singed fur. Vaguely he recalled making his peace with whatever he believed in but he could not recall what that was anymore, the moment of clarity long gone.

But here he was, alive. Tied up, for sure, but somewhere halfway comfortable. Chilly. The cold was pleasant with memories of the cockpit fire crowding his mind. He opened his mouth and uttered words with a tongue so dry it felt like jerky.

"Don't try to talk, pup." Firm words, familiar voice - Wolf O'Donnell, the infamous mercenary.

Lights came on overhead. Fox took in his surroundings: grimy, cramped, cluttered with liquor bottles and fast food boxes. Not that Fox could judge; it looked like the inside of the Great Fox. A bachelor pad in outer space.

Wolf gripped the rags binding Fox's arms and helped him to sit up with the roughness of an impatient nurse. Then came the water in a reasonably clean glass. Being tended to by Wolf O'Donnell had yet to strike Fox as odd. He was weak, his lungs aching. Fox had not been caught in a plasma fire in decades but the debilitating effects of the smoke had downed him as nothing else could.

After he drank his fill, Fox managed to croak, "What happened?"

Wolf cracked a sneer. He sat Fox against the wall, cold steel sending chills through the shirtless fox's body. "What happened is you lost, pup. Shot you down. Didn't have the heart to let your ship be your coffin, so I rescued you. Now, guess I'm stuck with you." He contemplated Fox for a moment, then brushed a thumb over a jagged stripe of blackened fur upon his snout. Fox jerked his head and growled, but Wolf chuckled, unimpressed with the display.

"Don't you go being ungrateful on me now, pup. Could've let you burn to death. I hear a plasma fire in the cockpit's a pretty painful way to go." He dipped close to Fox, breath passing over the younger and smaller pilot's snout, warm and somewhat foul. He pecked a kiss on Fox's cheek, said to the cringing young fox, "Satisfy my curiosity, McCloud - it true about you and the bird?"

Fox shook his head sharply but his cheeks were red, ears pinned flat. Wolf seemed to draw his own conclusions and he smiled devilishly, showing a hint of white teeth. "Guess it doesn't make a difference. I saved your life, least you can do is put out, I figure." He stood and Fox realized Wolf was was more than shirtless: he was entirely nude. His penis, plump and dark and uncircumcised, dangled between his thighs asleep, but threatening even flaccid. The sight of it caused Fox to tense his anus preemptively.

"Get some rest, pup. Your lungs and throat'll feel better by tomorrow. You got off light."

"Wolf, just make this easy for us both," Fox said, forcing the words out. "Just let me go now, and-," he shuddered and coughed, and each cough was agony, the effort putting tears in his eyes. He gave up on speaking and slumped against the wall.

Wolf huffed. "Make it easy on yourself. Rest." He turned off the lights, leaving Fox in the dark on a worn-out mattress smelling strongly of lupine musk and body odor. For a few minutes Fox thought of escape - but his eyelids began to feel heavy, and the rational part of his mind told him Wolf was right, that rest was what his poisoned body needed. And so, though the bed smelled of armpit and sweat, Fox settled into the wallowed mattress. Sleep took him easily.

The next morning came. Fox knew it came only because of his exceptional internal clock; Wolf's hideout, some orbiting piece of junk in the badlands of Lylat, was always gloomy. More of Fox's strength was available to him, and the ache in his throat and lungs had receded to manageable discomfort.

Fox wasted no time. He began to tug at the rags which bound him, forcing apart his arms which protested in the form of terrible muscle cramps. Grimacing against the pain, Fox struggled, and his ears perked when he heard a tiny rip sound off in the fabric.

Just then the door squealed open. Once automated to smoothly slide on a track, it had been crudely welded to a set of hinges and a bar across its outside was the lock. In the doorway stood Wolf, body nude, body language unruffled, even smug. Fox gawped at his naked form in an unguarded moment then cast his eyes down, first at Wolf's feet, then the mattress.

Wolf stepped inside with nourishment for his captive. A pitcher full of water he set in a bare spot on the cluttered floor; some calorie bars he dropped beside it.

Fox, petulantly: "What am I supposed to do, chew through the wrappers?"

Wolf liked a challenge, whether it was during a fight or a fuck. He slipped onto the mattress, stirring up a whiff of his fermented musk from inside the old, crushed fabric and springs. Over Fox's increasingly vehement snarls, Wolf laid back the fox and began to explore, palming nude genitals, brushing his penis against bare buttocks. Whether out of straightness or stubbornness, Fox did not stiffen, but Wolf was not deterred.

Softly into a splayed-back ear, Wolf growled, "Funny shit is, I'm more into women. Something about you does it for me, pup. Maybe it's the fact that you're desperate to have me to cream your ass but can't spit it out."

"Damn you, Wolf," Fox snapped, flustered.

Wolf grinned, the smile as wide as it was toothy. The big spoon to Fox's little, he allowed his semi-erect penis to smear and grind against the crack of Fox's bottom, then slipped a finger into the space between. He touched the fox's supple pink anus like pressing a button; it made Fox shudder, whine, and tense all over.

Wolf chuckled, trailed his finger delicately around Fox's rim, and then withdrew the digit. He leaned over Fox, pinning him, pushing his lips into the fox's ear in a nearly obnoxious manner. Deep into the cup he huffed, "Know what I haven't had in years, pup?"

"A bath," Fox groused.

The wolf smooched the side of Fox's head. "Nah. I had one a month ago." Another chuckle, deep in his ear. "I haven't had my asshole polished in such a long time. Real hard to find women who eat ass. But I bet you'll just suck the sweat right off of my asshole, long as you pretend I'm Falco anyway."

Beside Wolf, Fox was small, prey for any decent predator, and his snarls were small too. Still he gave one, but Wolf snarled back, silenced him with sheer intimidation. Then Wolf laughed. With tail swishing and penis stiffening up neatly, Wolf clambered over top of Fox, sat on his chest, pinned him to the grubby mattress.

Fox said hatefully, "I thought you were above rape, Wolf. I figured even scumbags like you had standards."

Fox's words were dull prods against Wolf's thickened hide. He scooted back, pushed his taut gray ass against Fox's withdrawing snout. Fox could tilt back, turn his head, but he only had so much room for maneuvers, even less when Wolf gripped his snout. Said Wolf as he sunk Fox's snout into the sweaty crevice of his ass crack, "Ain't rape. Not with you, pup. You're liking this, whether you want to admit it or not."

The scent of Wolf's ass nearly gagged Fox, such a thick and masculine stink of anal musk and fermented sweat. He whined, bucked, ears splaying flat and eyelids clenching tight but not before he caught a glimpse of the pink, shiny bud his nose was heading towards.

"Get the fuck in there, pup," Wolf snarled, no longer a smile on his face. He pushed back, ground himself down, mashed the fox's nose into his anus. Against the fox's wrinkled nosepad his bud winked, seeming to smooch the prodding nostrils, and each wink saw it exude a little more of its heady musk.

Fox, alternately gasping into Wolf's taint and snuffling against his asshole, bleated muffled words: "Wolf, please!"

Fox's shocked pleas made Wolf's prick throb. He squeezed it, rolled his foreskin back. Thick globules of precum spurted across Fox's prone breast. Wolf said lowly, "You like the smell of my ass, you love it. Get in there deep, pup. Act like I'm your birdy-boy and savor it."

"Fuck-, fuck you," Fox sputtered, but the scent was in his sinuses. Compared to clean air, Wolf's anal musk seemed as thick as honey is to water; breathing it labored him, but it was intoxicating, each sniff coming easier than the last. Still Fox still fought against Wolf's smothering weight, and his penis remained flaccid.

Wolf's gripping turned to masturbation, but of a slow and idle type. He rode Fox's snout, letting his pink asshole grind and smooch, dousing the fox's snout in musk and sweat.

"Ah, no," gasped Fox, squirming, whining with every other breath as he drew in the vulgar anal scent of the mercenary. His cock then began to stiffen, and with his erection came a flood of shameful feelings and a dash of relief. Fox, cringing still against the overwhelming reek of Wolf's musk, slathered his long tongue through the wolf's sweaty crack.

At once the wolf halted, tail flagging, lopsided smirk spreading across his snout. "Oh, finally giving in, huh?" he said in such a smug, sordid tone of voice that Fox wanted to punch him. Then Wolf's eye fell upon Fox's penis: small, circumcised, what had been described as cute by Falco Lombardi their first night together. Wolf pinched it between thumb and forefinger - as that was all he needed to hold it. "Look what we got here. Really showing your true colors all at once, pup. Not that I can say I'm surprised."

Beneath the wolf, Fox groaned, the sound one of unwanted pleasure coming through. His athletic body was trembling, arms aching pinned beneath his back, and Wolf's muscular weight smothered him in ass both sweaty and smelly. Fox was aroused, his penis spurting small bursts of precum through Wolf's pinching digits, yet penile stimulation was almost meaningless compared to the irresistible scent of Wolf's asshole. Fox had never been one to snort ass, preferring hygiene over natural smells, but the scent of Wolf's clenching and smooching rim was so mighty, so masculine that Fox could only submit to it.

Wolf rocked back and listened as struggling inhalations devolved into eager snorts. It actually surprised him just how easily Fox had been broken. There was still that struggle in his body language, that tense feeling as if he were a spring about to decompress, but that tautness lessened with each sniff.

Said Wolf over the growing snuffles underneath his ass, "Color me shocked. Fox McCloud turns out to be an ass-sniffer." He said nothing else because he could think of nothing else; he was surprised and more than a bit proud of what his scent had done to the virtuous pilot.

Through Wolf's musky crack, Fox slobbered with his lengthy tongue. What had previously seemed disgusting and beyond even consideration, Fox now did with desperate hunger. His arms ached but the pleasure outweighed even the deepest muscle pains. He was snuffling and tasting Wolf in alternating gestures, and his tongue, though mostly he raked it through Wolf's crack indiscriminately, at times swirled the rim of Wolf's pink bud. Each time he gave Wolf's asshole such particular attention the burly, older pilot huffed and clenched, and these pauses gratified Fox.

Pleasure thickening his voice and tail wagging, Wolf grumbled, "Fuck, pup. All you needed was a little push, huh?" He gripped his penis and masturbated, slow tugs keeping the pleasure in check, as Wolf still had not decided just what he might do to the submissive fox. What had previously seemed like rape seemed more and more like a sexual buffet, with Fox eager to savor every morsel.

Wolf reached back and clutched Fox's head. A pleasured grimace on his rugged snout, he forced Fox's nostrils against his asshole, now slippery with a thick coating of drool. It came as no surprise to Wolf that Fox, whimpering, began to snuffle and snort desperately for the musk within. For several moments Wolf held Fox snugly, and he said above Fox's air- and ass-hungry snorting, "Seems like a pretty good arrangement here. You like snorting ass, I like having my ass snorted. What do you think, McCloud?"

To Wolf's surprise, Fox said in a muffled voice, "Yeah." He just as quickly returned to his musk snuffling in full force, but the simple admission made Wolf laugh.

"Yeah, huh? Pup, I was joking about you being this much of an ass slut. Feel now like I was onto something." He let go of Fox's head and it was no surprise that Fox stayed put. Wolf only let him be for a moment, all he wanted was to know that Fox would continue to snort, given the choice.

Wolf rolled off of Fox. The mattress springs crunched under his knees as he oriented himself. Fox stared at him, wanting in his eyes but still a frown on his snout. Wolf grinned and rolled Fox onto his side, grabbed the rag binding Fox's wrists, and pulled it effortlessly in two.

Fox sighed in relief and began rubbing his wrists, then stretching his arms. He said quietly, "Thanks. I suppose."

"Welcome, pup," Wolf said. "Now let's get back to what's important."

The fox's ears splayed flat. He said with a touch of nervousness, "Don't sit on me again, Wolf. Stop it."

As if it invalidated Fox's pleading, Wolf strummed Fox's stiff penis, staring into his eyes as he did so. Fox shuddered but at the same time shooed away Wolf's paw and covered himself.

"Not fooling anyone. Starting to wonder if you let me shoot you down, hoping I'd take pity on you..."

"That's absurd," Fox groaned. "As if I could have known what you'd do to me."

Wolf chuckled. "You're right. Pure skill on my part. Got the years and the talent on you, pup." He leaned over Fox and gave him a kiss. Jowly lips met, Fox's eyes widened. Wolf sniffed Fox's face then remarked, "Snout smells pretty good, Fox. Never knew I liked the smell of my own ass."

Fox was still, paws covering his groin, ears flat against his skull. Without a word Wolf straddled him once more, and this time there was no resistance from Fox, not even a token word of disgust. He simply pushed his snout obligingly between Wolf's cheeks, drove his nose right against the wolf's pucker.

Wolf, lowly: "Good pup. Now eat it."

Without his sinuses full of Wolf's scent, Fox could have resisted; but the smell was too rich and too gratifying for him to dare fight back once it was in his head. His eyes closed but his mouth opened. He kissed Wolf's anus, then tongued it, slurped it. His arms wrapped around Wolf's lower body and he huffed and whined as he tucked into his meal. Clumsy tongue-lashing on the rim turned to indulgent, slobbering swabs. His kisses on the clenching pucker became firm and suckling, each suckle drawing a grunt out of Wolf, each grunt gratifying Fox in ways he was loathe to acknowledge.

Wolf's eye glanced at Fox's penis. It stood stiff as it could, small though it was, and precum drizzled down its shaft in thin streams. Wolf wondered when the last time was that Fox had been so delirious with pleasure that his prick stood so proudly. It made him smirk and even blush to know that it was his ass, his smell, that was giving Fox such an erection. Wolf cupped it in a paw and tweaked its naked glans; from below his ass he heard a plaintive whine, and then Fox resumed his wet cacophony of anal worship.

Wolf rocked back on Fox, ground his ass into the fox's kissing lips. His anus throbbed and so did his penis. He clutched his meat, stroked it slowly, grip firm, making veins stand out on its surface. Said the wolf with a snarl, "Eating ass like nobody I've ever seen. Real surprise your bird left you if you can chow down like this, Fox."

It surprised Wolf that Fox proved so invested in his analingus that he didn't stop to pout at the mention of Falco. It put another smirk on his rugged snout. Again he pressed down, forcing his weight against Fox's snout. Fox grunted beneath him, pawed at his ass, huffed into his crack but his slobbery worship never ceased. And Wolf kept pushing, grinding Fox between his ass and the collapsed mattress even as he felt teeth grinding into his crack.

"Eating ass like it's the last thing you'll ever do," Wolf huffed, speaking with a touch of awe. "I'm truly impressed, pup."

Fox's paws slipped around from Wolf's muscular ass and hugged his hips again. Finally Wolf said with an indulgent snarl in his voice, "Think you just about earned a reward, McCloud."

He pulled his ass off of Fox, depriving him of smelly musk and the wrinkling, winking bud of his anus. Fox said plaintively, "Please Wolf, please." And his paws played over Wolf's ass cheeks, squeezing, rubbing, begging him to return. "You-, you want me to admit it? That I want you?"

"Don't have to, pup," Wolf said, smirking big and wide. "Already got a good idea." He turned and laid on Fox, chest to chest, face to face. His penis ground into Fox's, pinning it down. Speaking not another word, he forced a kiss onto Fox and his tongue slopped its way into the younger pilot's maw. It overpowered Fox's tongue and slathered across teeth and gums, spreading drool in thick ribbons, making the stuff ooze out the corners of Fox's mouth.

Fox whimpered. It was the only noise he could even think to make and it came as naturally as breathing. His arms clung to Wolf. He suckled in the kiss, let his ass-eating tongue be overwhelmed and pinned down. His eyes peered into the one eye of Wolf, that sly and purple gaze so full of confidence and lust that Fox knew himself to be hopelessly enamored by the old mercenary. His eyelids drifted down and he took what Wolf deigned to give him: tongue, so much tongue, and more slobber than he could possibly swallow.

Wolf, snarling, grinding his endowment into that of Fox. His tongue swabbed into the back of Fox's maw and Fox gagged. Wolf went for the throat undaunted, wedging it past the gulping muscles in the back of the mouth. A few inches of writing wolf tongue violated Fox's maw as he choked and bucked; but the fox's cock was throbbing like it never had before, loosing ropes of precum though they paled in comparison to the heavy spurts Wolf gave in kind.

Wolf locked his jaws with Fox's, teeth catching and jowls grinding. His tongue slurped out of Fox's throat, swabbing the roof of his maw, then back to the throat again. He did not enter a second time but slurped across what was his. Fox whined for him, pawed over the back of his head, and his tongue curled around Wolf's in roughly the shape of a corkscrew. He bucked against Wolf and Wolf bucked back, shoving him down to the mattress, loosening up the musty odor of musk and dander buried in its folds.

Fox, body very nearly seizing, came for Wolf. With each spurt of semen his penis flexed alongside the fatter, longer shaft of Wolf's cock, both penises grinding like sabers in a duel. His cum splattered into his and Wolf's fur alike, strands making messy webs in the follicles. Wolf felt the mess as it was made and doubled down on Fox, suckling on his maw, flattening him against the mattress under muscular, musky weight. Fox yowled, cried out beneath him and clung fast, an impassioned lover in the throes of ecstasy.

Only when Fox's climax wore thin and his penis succumbed to the sensitivity that followed an orgasm did Fox begin to show signs of resistance. He was still a whore, still moaning for Wolf, but now his body language became noticeably cold. Still Wolf kept the pressure on, grinding sticky groins with Fox, pushing his own unsatisfied erection against Fox's pubic area as if stabbing him with it.

Several seconds passed before Wolf broke off the kiss. He gasped, nasty breath washing over Fox's face. Both his snout and Fox's soaked with slobber, strands of the stuff bridging their huffing maws, eyes locked in a mockery of passionate gay love.

Wolf said brusquely, "Took sniffing my ass and a kiss for you to cum."

"I suppose," Fox said, still huffing but already putting up a front. "That's-, that's enough now, Wolf. Get off of me..."

Wolf kissed Fox with surprising gentleness. Fox kissed back but his eyes avoided Wolf's lone eye. "I'll do what I want, pup," Wolf said, cold danger in his voice. "Understand me?"

Fox avoided Wolf's stare more pointedly than ever. Nerve broken, he muttered, "Yes. Yeah. I-, I understand."

Dominance asserted, lust still unsatisfied, Wolf kissed Fox again. That rich and musky stink on his lips was alluring; Wolf liked his own scent, especially liked it on the lips and nose of his rival.

"Suck ass pretty well," Wolf observed. "Let's see what else you get off on."

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