Following Their Instincts

Story by TheTARDISLegilimens on SoFurry

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During an intense storm, blocking all paths to Nome, Jenna and Kodi are locked up at home for weeks, and Jenna's heat is about to start. With Balto stuck in Nenana on a trip, one thing leads to another, and Jenna and Kodi find themselves unable to resist following on with their instincts.

This story was actually given to me as an idea by Rana.

The small town of Nome, Alaska, was home to many things. Friendly neighbours, stunning scenery...and the best sled-dog teams in the entirety of America. Huskies, Alaskan malamutes, chinooks, and other breeds would regularly be trained by their human masters to be the best runners they can be. Sure, most dogs in Nome were better suited to be 'housedogs', but those who were selected to be sled-dogs showed immense promise.

For a few years, the dog who seemed to be the best of the best was a black-and-white Alaskan malamute named Steele. But after his actions during the nineteen twenty-five Serum Run, he fell out of public favour. Instead, his replacement was Balto, the half-wolf Hero of Nome, who selflessly braved a blizzard to look for Steele's lost team and deliver the medicine safely.

Ever since then, Balto, before seen as an outcast, became one of the most beloved animals in the entire town. He proved himself to be much better than Steele in many ways, from speed to generosity. But what he truly outranked Steele on was size.

Steele wasn't a small dog, and his package was seen as adequate at the time, but Balto had blown him out of the water! The wolf-dog's balls were seven feet in diameter each, and his sheath was three feet long and a foot wide. His actual penis was eighteen feet and six inches long, and three feet nine-and-a-half inches wide, while his knot was a massive seven feet seven inches. Despite his massive endowments, though, Balto never seemed hindered by them. And it wasn't just his genitals that were huge; the wolf-dog's butt was two feet two inches wide, with each cheek being thirteen inches in size.

Only a few days after he had saved Nome, Balto became mates with Jenna, the town's most popular, beautiful, and desirable husky. Her rust-and-cream fur, amber eyes, and the smile she always seemed to wear were, alone, enough to show off her beauty, but there was another part of her that many sought after: her large ass.

Much like Balto, Jenna's ass was much larger than what would be considered normal. Unlike her mate, though, Jenna's butt was larger than Balto's; hers was easily eight feet wide in total, meaning each cheek was four feet large. Jenna's ass brought her lots of attraction from many of the males and females in the town, as well as the envy of others. Luckily for Jenna, her ass, although large, wasn't a hinderance to her; she could move about easily, and her owners had modified the dog doors to their home to make it easier for Jenna to go through them - although they couldn't make the doors wide enough to fit Jenna completely, and only just under the width of the doors they were built into. That wasn't too much of a problem, however, since Jenna's rump was soft and 'squishable' enough to squeeze through just fine without harming her.

Balto couldn't be happier that Jenna was his mate; he had a crush on her since he first met her, both due to her stunning beauty and endearing personality. And, to make his life even better, the same time he became mates with Jenna, her owners agreed to adopt him. Rosie, Jenna's human girl, had some help in it, by pointing out that Balto had saved her and clearly was in love with Jenna, so her parents relented.

As a way to mark the occasion, and officially say he was part of the family, Rosie's parents gave Balto a bandanna to wear, like Jenna's. But while Jenna's bandanna was a wonderful shade of orange, Balto's was black-and-white, and checker patterned. Balto didn't mind - in fact, he adored it. Even after he took Steele's place as lead-dog of his old sled team, Balto continued to wear it, refusing to let any of the humans take it off when putting on his harness, which had been altered to both fit him and give his balls enough space to fit between him and the dog behind him. Not that it needed to be, considering Balto's 'special ability', as Jenna put it.

Obviously, having balls that reached seven feet, many people believed that Balto would not be able to fit anywhere, much less in doorways or small alleys. But Balto proved them all wrong. For some reason, Balto was able to cause his surrounding area to increase in size to fit his balls, but leave the external appearance normal. In other words, he could cause doorways and halls and such to expand around him, but from the outside, nothing would appear to have changed.

While it did make Balto's life easier, even if he couldn't explain how it worked, and it meant his new owners didn't have to modify their already altered dog door to fit the wolf-dog like they had to with Jenna, it did leave everyone else confused. But just a few short days after Balto's adoption, it became clear the wolf-dog's nuts weren't the _only_thing that had the ability.

Jenna's first heat as Balto's mate was a very interesting and informative time. The moment the two had both realised Jenna was in heat, they became very excited. Both of them were still virgins, having been waiting for the husky's oestrus before they committed themselves fully to each other, and when that time arrived, they didn't waste a single moment of it.

Not caring for their surroundings for the time being, the duo went at it in Rosie's parents' living-room, pushing through the initial awkwardness at losing their virginities to each other. They were alone for most of the time, not that they cared, with Jenna's vagina and womb stretched over Balto's massive cock and knot like they were just rubber condoms for the wolf-dog. Balto clearly enjoyed fucking Jenna, letting his groin hit and bounce on her huge rump, all the while his balls bounced and shifted behind him.

The two were so into it that they didn't hear the front door open. Rosie's parents had just come home from the store, carrying bags full of supplies ranging from dog food to soap and shampoo, when they heard loud slaps and thuds coming from the living-room. Worried, Rosie's father made his way to the living-room, and looked alarmed at the sight of Balto breeding Jenna. Not because he didn't want the two to breed (just like the two dogs, Rosie's parents had been anxiously awaiting Jenna's heat), but because he figured that Balto's climax would destroy part of the house.

The man made to run up to the dogs and put a stop to it, if only so he and his wife could move them to the backyard. But before he was even within reach of Balto, it happened. Balto had howled, loud and deep, giving a final thrust into Jenna, making her howl and squeal_alongside him. His massive balls began to pulse, visibly, _spewing wave after wave of wolfseed into Jenna.

Rosie's father backed up, quickly, before he and his wife watched form the living-room door as Balto seeded Jenna thoroughly. They could see pulsating ripples of cum in Jenna's belly, which rapidly grew larger and rounder the more Balto shot into her. In no time at all, Jenna and Balto were rocking back and forth on top of the husky's swollen belly, humping one another as they lost themselves to pleasure.

But to the humans' shock, when Jenna's belly had grown large enough to fill the room, and continued to grow larger, the room grew along with her. The walls and ceiling just moved and expanded in time with Jenna's belly, all the while Balto kept pumping sperm into his mate. Even the furniture just shifted out of the way, rather than getting knocked over or broken.

By the time Balto's orgasm had dwindled, Jenna's belly had grown to six thousand feet in size, with him and her resting on top of it. As the two basked in their afterglow, during which Balto's balls would occasionally jerk and send a small burst of seed into Jenna's flooded uterus, their human owners were unsure what to do, or even what had happened. Rosie's father made his way outside the house, and found that it looked the same as it normally did, aside from the window into the living-room just now showing Jenna's belly. Rosie's mother, meanwhile, went about sorting through the shopping, hoping that, by keeping herself busy, she'd have less time to think over what she had just witnessed.

Since they had no worries on destroying anything now, Balto and Jenna kept mating as many times as they could, wherever they wanted. At home, in the garden, on Balto's old boat, or even in the middle of the street, they didn't care. The rest of the town, upon learning that Jenna was in heat and Balto had already seeded her, were ecstatic - Balto was the town's hero and a promising sled-dog, so any pups he has would surely be a welcome addition to Nome. Their reactions when discovering Balto was able to swell a bitch without causing damage by causing the interior to grow as well ranged from shock to rabid curiosity.

And it wasn't limited to just Jenna, as not too long after Jenna's heat ended (with her guaranteed to be pregnant with Balto's pups), Balto ended up breeding a local dog that had gone into heat, and the same phenomenon happened with her; despite being inflated to six thousand feet, her belly just caused nearby walls to move out of the way, increasing the area in size, but leaving the external appearance untouched.

Of course, Jenna and the other girl weren't the only females in town that wound up pregnant by Balto. The wolf-dog had become the town stud, taking over the role from Steele, and was generally commissioned to breed a fertile bitch when available. By the end of his first _day_in the role, he had knocked up at least fifty dogs, beating Steele's own record of twenty bitches in a single day.

Speaking of Steele, ever since he was washed-up and revealed as the fake champion he was, he was stripped of his titles and prizes, including the Golden Collar, and, at first, quietly removed from the public eye. While the town celebrated and helped Balto adjust to his new life and status in town, Steele was kept chained up to a doghouse in his owner's garden, unable to be seen or heard by anyone else in town.

A few weeks after Balto had bred Jenna and the other bitches, the town decided to give the Golden Collar to Balto, seeing it as only fitting he get to wear it now that he was the new champion. At first, Balto was unsure, since the collar used to be Steele's, and he loved his bandanna. But when Jenna commented on how dashing she was sure he would look with it on, and the town's general insistence, Balto accepted and wore the collar. He kept his bandanna for sentimental reasons, stashing it away on his old boat to keep it safe, but ever since, he could be seen wearing the Golden Collar proudly.

Following that was the birth of Jenna's litter, an occasion everyone in town was excited for. During Jenna's pregnancy, her belly had grown to enormous sizes, to the point she could hardly walk properly, with everyone speculating how many pups she was having. The common theory was around twenty, but some went as far as to say twenty-five.

Once Jenna had managed to finish giving birth, hours after her labour had started, she was left resting in her basket, with thirty puppies nestled against her, all yipping and squeaking. The pups were perfect mixes of their parents, some with Jenna's rust-and-cream fur, some with Balto's charming brown, and others mixes of the colourings. All the pups seemed to have inherited their parents' large rumps, to varying degrees, and the boys had inherited their father's size, just not to the same extent. Balto looked over them all like the proud father he was, before gently lying down behind Jenna, happy to just rest next to her.

Considering the size of Jenna's litter, everyone grew even more excited over the litters currently gestating in the other dogs Balto bred. But when those litters were born, the largest of them was only twenty pups, and the smallest eighteen. While they were still large litter numbers, and put any litter Steele had sired to shame, many felt disappointed that their dogs had litters smaller than Jenna's.

Two months after Jenna had given birth, and the puppies had been weaned and given out for adoption, a group of people had come to Nome. It turned out, they were scientists, and they wanted to take Balto away to run some tests on him. At first, the people of Nome refused, since Balto was the town hero and champion runner (and their best tourist attraction), but after a few days' worth of persistence, they agreed. They were assured that Balto would be returned in a few weeks unharmed, but that didn't make it easy for them to watch as Balto was taken away.

Luckily for the wolf-dog, he was not alone. Just before he was taken, because of how much he whimpered and _whined_to see his mate, and everyone could see just how much they loved each other, the scientists agreed to bring Jenna along with them.

They were taken to a research facility in Washington, although the journey was a long one. Fortunately for Balto and Jenna, although they were locked in a cage for the duration, they were together, and so spent their time either sleeping, playing, or mating. And, of course, neither of them was in danger of crushing against the cage, thanks to Balto being able to increase the size of its interior.

After arriving at the facility, Balto and Jenna were both put in a fairly comfortable room. Considering how late it was, they were simply given two bowls of food and water, before being left alone so they can rest. Unsurprisingly, shortly after they had eaten and drunk, Balto and Jenna continued to mate, several times. They didn't go to sleep until midnight, resting atop Jenna's giant stomach (Balto would later joke how Jenna's ass made a wonderfully soft pillow).

The next morning, the tests began. Balto was led into a large room by a handler, before a group of scientists crowded around him. Although he was used to crowds now, Balto shrunk back in fear for a moment, until reassured he was safe. For the next few minutes, the scientists simply took measurements of the wolf-dog.

Once that was done, the next thing they decided to examine was weight. Balto himself weighed only seventy-five pounds, which was a decent weight for his size. His sheath, however, weighed twice as much. Then there were his balls. The scientists, researchers, and assistants all had to band together to lift just one testicle and place it on the scales. Even though it was built to handle extreme weight, the scales ended up buckling under Balto's ball and broke. Fortunately, they were still able to record the final weight, a whopping six hundred and fifty kilograms, or one thousand, four hundred and thirty-three pounds.

With how much his balls weighed, everyone wondered how strong Balto had to be to be able to singlehandedly pull and carry them without difficulty.

Now that the measurements and weights were done (and the scales sent to be repaired), the next test started. To put it simply, all Balto had to do was walk through a doorframe; in order to ensure he did go through the door, one assistant stood on the other end holding some beef jerky. Although confused at the experiment, Balto was drawn in by the sight and smell of the jerky, and made his way over.

As he walked through the doorframe, pictures were taken while other scientists closely examined the effect he had on the frame. As usual, it expanded outwards to let his balls pass through, but remained the same shape from the outside.

Once that was done, Balto was sent back to the room he and Jenna were staying in, after receiving a lot of pets from the humans for being so well-behaved. And while he and Jenna enjoyed the rest of the day, analysis of the test results went on. To the humans' frustrations, they were unable to figure out how Balto managed to somehow defy the laws of physics and cause an object's interior to increase in size to let him pass.

The conclusion by the end of the day was that more tests needed to be run.

While Balto was tested on the next day, this time with more observation and interaction from the scientists, Jenna had her own fair share of tests. A couple of researchers were curious as to why the husky's rump was so large, and so did some, safe, experiments on her. Considering Jenna's butt didn't have reality defying abilities like Balto's genitals, the results were much easier to understand, but they didn't give any insight as to why Jenna had such a large rear.

The next day, the scientists tried something different. Leading both Balto and Jenna into a room, the humans let them go at it. While a few scientists stayed in the room to perform close-up observations as the two dogs had sex, others watched from an observation deck built above the room, with a glass floor looking down.

When Balto eventually did climax in Jenna, swelling her belly into a six thousand feet sphere, the room's interior again expanded to fit the bloated husky. The scientists in the room found they were able to move around, as Jenna's belly didn't push them against the wall, but instead seemed to cause the walls to shift outwards to allow them to pass, while those watching from above were treated to an up-close view of Balto continuing to hump Jenna, his tail wagging high and barely brushing against the glass floor.

Once Balto and Jenna separated after an hour, and Jenna deflated enough to be able to move (a process that took several hours), the two were led out of the room, while another dog was led in. A German Shepard owned by one of the assistants, the dog looked confused when she was led into the middle of the room, and held in place by one of the scientists, while another inserted an air hose into her pussy.

An air valve was then turned, and air began to rapidly flow into the Shepard's pussy. She yipped and yelped, but, held in place, was unable to do anything except watch as her belly was bloated. She ended up being inflated so much that, eventually, she didn't need to be held in place, as her paws could no longer touch the ground.

But when her belly was large enough to fill the entire room, that was it. The room didn't expand in size with her, and instead began to push at the walls and ceiling with enough force to form cracks. The air valve was shut off immediately, before the dog was deflated.

Believing that proximity to Balto might be the key, another dog, this time a border collie, was led into a different room, as was Balto. He watched in confusion as the collie was subjected to the same treatment as the Shepard, before she, too, was inflated with air.

Much like the Shepard, the collie expanded until she was large enough to fill the room, but no more. Cracks were appearing in the walls and ceiling, the collie's belly too large to fit without causing damage. Luckily for Balto, his ability to increase space around him ended up preventing him from being crushed by the collie, as his balls provided him enough space to be free.

The collie was deflated as quickly as possible, and Balto was led back to his and Jenna's room, looking a little shaken at the experience. A few more dogs, all female and all of various breeds, were led into rooms and inflated with air, the scientists and researchers making sure that they were doing the process the same way to see if any errors had been made previously. The only female dog in the facility that wasn't used in the experiments was Jenna, as Balto refused to let the researchers take her to try; he would growl and snap his jaw at anyone who dared approach her with the intention of inflating her with air. Luckily, no one was harmed, and Jenna was left alone.

Since every dog that was inflated was unable to expand the room they were in after taking up all the space available, it was agreed that, rather than a trait every dog had, Balto was the only one capable of inflating something and causing its surrounding to increase in size as well.

Now that was established, everyone was even more eager to try and work out how it works. Their reasoning was, if they could figure out the process, they could try and replicate it, which would then allow them to increase space around the planet, and thus decrease the risk of overpopulation. A few women in the facility even offered themselves up to let Balto fill them; however, their offers were rebuked, with the main reason being "We have standards."

Instead, the researchers decided to use the dogs that had been brought in earlier. They were kept in separate rooms, and every day for a few weeks, Balto was led into some of the rooms in order to mate with the occupants. The wolf-dog enjoyed this form of testing much more than the previous, especially since most of the dogs he was mating with were in heat, and therefore going to have his pups.

Eventually, every dog in the facility had been bred, several times, yet the scientists were no closer to discerning how Balto increased space around him. They watched in person, had photos taken, and even used a film camera to watch back on the events, but nothing yielded any results. One scientist did try to explain it by stating Balto must create some form of parallel dimension around him, folding the space within their existing dimension, only to be told to stop using science-fiction to define reality.

Giving up on working out how or why the process worked, the scientists gave Balto free reign of the facility, telling him to enjoy his time. Tail wagging, Balto spent the remaining day breeding every bitch in the facility, before ending the day fucking Jenna at least thirty times in a row. To say everyone besides Jenna and Balto were surprised at the wolf-dog's libido and stamina was an understatement.

The next day, Balto and Jenna were transported back to Nome. Along the way, the researcher and assistant handling them realised that Jenna's heat had started the day before, meaning Jenna was going to be pregnant again. Although, from the number of times the duo had sex the previous day, and the fact they were still going at it in their cage on the journey home, it was probably safer to say she was already pregnant.

Upon arrival back in Nome, Balto, Jenna, and the two humans were greeted by Rosie, her parents, and the town mayor just outside the town. While Rosie happily played with the two dogs, the adults conversed. The researcher and assistant explained how they weren't able to unlock any of Balto's secrets, but were happy to announce Jenna was pregnant again.

Upon hearing that, Rosie's father scoffed, stating that Jenna had her previous litter only three months ago. When the researcher insisted, they all realised that, once again, Balto had done the impossible, and managed to shorten the length of time between Jenna's heats. The assistant offered a theory on how it happened, by stating that Balto and Jenna's love must have caused some form of reaction within the husky that increased the number of times she went into heat.

With no other explanation available, everyone agreed on it. And, shortly after the researcher and assistant left to head back to Washington, word spread quickly around the town about Jenna's upcoming pregnancy, to general delight.

The next day was an interesting one for Balto. Although it was incredibly short notice, he was told he would be leading a sled team on a trip to Fairbanks, which would take him roughly a week, to retrieve a package containing crucial parts for the shipyard in Nome. But that wasn't the only thing happening.

The musher of the team, as well as Steele's owner, decided that the malamute needed to be put to use in some fashion. But since he couldn't be trusted to be a sled-dog anymore, the musher chose a different, but still relevant, position, as the sled relief point. Or, to put it in other terms, the sled-dogs' cumdump. The idea was, Steele would be reduced to a simple hole for the other sled-dogs on the team to use for sexual relief, with the main user intended to be Balto; he would also only be taken on long sled trips, or trips that had the potential to be delayed.

Initially, Steele was excited to learn he was going to be put back on the team, even if in a reduced position. But, on the day of the trip, when he learnt exactly what that position was, after being brought up to the team, he tried to run away. Considering the musher had him attached to a chain at the time, he didn't get far before being tugged back to the sled.

Yelping, whimpering, and growling, Steele was tied down to the sled, and forced to watch as everyone else was put in their harnesses. Seeing Balto at the front of the team, wearing the Golden Collar and his specialised harness, Steele seethed.

When everything was set up, the sled team left the town, heading towards Fairbanks.

The journey to Fairbanks went smoothly, and upon arrival, the sled team was met with cheers, mainly due to Balto. They pulled up to a stop outside of a building, where the musher let the team out of their harnesses so they could explore the village, as they wouldn't be leaving until the next day. Steele was kept strapped to the sled for a while, much to his frustration.

The team proved to be popular among the canine citizens of the village, with Balto clearly the most popular. The other dogs, including Nikki, Kaltag, and Star, had their fans, and they weren't upset when most of the dogs in Fairbanks flocked to Balto - after all, they all loved Balto as well.

After a while, the team went back to the sled, where they found the musher waiting. He directed them into a nearby hotel, and up to the room he was going to be staying in. Upon entering, they found Steele, sitting in the corner, a choke-chain around his neck and attached to a hook on the wall. The musher, grinning, left the room, closing the door behind him as he told the team to have fun.

Knowing what he meant, the dogs all gathered around Steele. He refused to move, insisting his body was not going to be used and abused by them, and especially not by Balto. In response, Nikki and one of the wheel dogs, a pure black malamute named Atka, forced Steele into position and held him in place.

Kaltag was the first to take Steele, proudly slamming his rather large cock into the monochrome dog's virgin anus. Steele screamed and yelled, struggling to free himself from the three dogs' strong hold.

After Kaltag managed to knot and cum in the malamute, the other wheel dog, a husky called Pakak, decided to use Steele's mouth, forcing the malamute to swallow his dick, and eventually his semen. Steele would have bitten the dog's dick off, had it not been for the fact he knew he wouldn't make it out of the hotel room alive - if there was one thing Steele valued more than his reputation and dignity, it was his life.

When Pakak and Kaltag freed themselves from the malamute, Star was next, mounting his old leader and pounding away at his ass with surprising force. Steele had to admit, despite his diminutive size, the purple husky was a good fucker.

Once Star had finished and his knot died down, he exited Steele and let the remaining member of the team, a chinook named Bruno, have a go. And once Bruno was done, Nikki took over, followed by Atka.

Each time, Steele struggled less and less. By this point, his stomach was so stuffed with cum that he looked pregnant. He didn't want to admit it, but he was enjoying having his ass pounded and filled. And he didn't have to say it, either; his erection, swinging about underneath him, was proof enough.

Finally, though, it was Balto's turn. Steele had been dreading it - it was one thing to take the others' cocks, but Balto's? - but knew he had no choice in the matter. He looked Balto right in the eye, putting on a brave face. Balto just smirked back, before pulling at the chain and detaching it from the hook, and using it to tug Steele into the centre of the room.

Once Steele was put into position, he looked at the wolf-dog, asking, "Aren't you worried you'll cause me to explode,wolf-dog?"

"Nah, you can take it. All my bitches can," Balto replied. With that, he forced Steele to lift his tail, revealing his gaping anus, having been spread wide to satisfy the rest of the team's needy cocks. And Balto was going to add his to the list.

To Steele's surprise, although Balto's cock outmatched any of the others by a longshot, he didn't feel much pain when it was shoved in. A slight burning sensation in the anus, but nothing too strenuous for the malamute's threshold.

The more cock Balto fed into the malamute, the more Steele struggled to keep his feelings supressed. The other six times had chipped and worn away at his resolve and will, but Balto was like a demolition set aimed to completely obliterate them. And he was succeeding. Before Steele could stop himself, he ended up screaming for the wolf-dog to fuck him harder, to really make him his bitch. Balto was happy to comply.

The rest of the team watched in shock and admiration as Balto gave Steele what he asked for, ravaging his ass like he would a fertile bitch's cunt. The knot did prove some trouble, but it always did, even with Jenna, who was easily the most experienced at taking Balto's bulging glands.

Eventually, Steele had taken every last inch of Balto's supreme slab of meat, stretching his gut into nothing more than a sleeve for the wolf-dog's cock. Unlike the other team members, Balto didn't climax right after knotting his new bitch, and instead treated Steele to a series of hard humps that pushed the malamute forwards, before finally filling him with cum.

The other dogs watched in amazement as Balto forced his tsunamis of cum into Steele's ass, swelling his belly out, until the dogs were resting on top of a six-thousand-feet-wide belly. Balto wasn't done just yet, though. Having almost assuredly broken Steele's will, the wolf-dog decided now was an appropriate time to show off a skill he had managed to teach himself, and caused his still trembling balls to jump on their own.

Steele ended up yelping when he felt the massive weights slam against his swollen gut, which caused Balto to do it again, repeatedly, for several minutes. Each jump caused ripples to form across Steele's belly, before Balto stopped. He grinned down at Steele, and whispered in his ear, "Enjoy your new life, cumslut." The malamute _whimpered_in response.

Over the next few years, life went very well for Balto, his family, and the town of Nome in general. Balto remained the town's champion runner and breeder, with many litters being conceived around the town thanks to him. Jenna was always his main squeeze, and the biggest provider of pups, with her litters always ranging anywhere from twenty-four to _forty-five_pups.

Steele took to his new role as the sled relief point quite well after his induction. As it turned out, thanks to the team, and especially Balto, wearing away at his will, Steele was revealed to be a massive cockslut, wanting to be fucked by anyone and everyone, with his main desire being Balto. The wolf-dog, amused by Steele's sudden personality change, often enjoyed toying with him, just to see how far he could push the malamute.

It even got to the point where, on the trips Steele was taken on, more often than not, Balto would demonstrate he wanted Steele in a very particular position: right behind him, with his muzzle shoved as far up his ass as it could be, his head squished between the wolf-dog's large rump cheeks. The humans found it hilarious, and agreed to let it happen, and had another harness made that easily clips on and off of Balto's to hold Steele in place so he can run directly behind the wolf-dog.

The other sled dogs were jealous initially, of both Balto and Steele. Jealous of Balto because he got to have his own personal rimmer during runs whenever he wanted, and jealous of Steele because he got to be up close and personal with Balto's sexy backside. Luckily, they were able to vent their frustrations out on Steele by fucking him hard, and eventually grew used to the setup, to the point that they'd be disappointed on the days Balto chose not to have Steele behind him.

Another thing about Steele, which everyone found amusing, was, shortly after his inner slut was unleashed and revealed to the whole world, it was followed by his ass increasing in size. Surprisingly, it ended up being half the size of Jenna's rump. It certainly made everyone chuckle, and made the team enjoy fucking him even more. At one point, Steele's master ended up shaving all the fur off Steele's ass, just to make sure it was his actual rump and not the fur that had grown; so for a while after, Steele had to walk around with his butt completely devoid of fur - fortunately, the malamute had lost all sense of shame and didn't feel embarrassed as he was ridiculed for his rump's bare appearance.

Steele's duty as the sled-dogs' cumdump wasn't limited to just on trips, however. Every now and then, dogs could be seen breeding Steele, regardless of location. Even Balto joined in on occasion, filling Steele with enough cum to make it impossible for the malamute to walk anywhere any time soon.

And if Steele wasn't being fucked, he was more than likely walking around town with his head stuck up Balto's ass, happily rimming and kissing the wolf-dog's anus wherever they went. If he's not in either situation, he could be found at home, resting.

Balto didn't keep his attention on just Steele, though. Jenna usually joined in on his fun when he was in town, and more often than not, it was her who could be seen with their head up his ass, provided she hadn't just recently been fucked full of his cream.

The wolf-dog had also proudly demonstrated to the rest of the town his skill in making his balls jump, to mixed reactions. Some felt it was a cool skill, while others feared the damage it could cause. Considering their weight, every time Balto's balls jumped and landed on the ground, they caused the surrounding area to shake like an earthquake. Balto didn't care, and continued to do the trick whenever he pleased, sometimes for fun, other times to emphasis a point, and occasionally to remind his team he was the leader.

Unsurprisingly, he's caused more than a few avalanches by doing so. He even once accidentally caused an avalanche just by sitting down wrong.

Also, Balto's sons and daughters had grown up into fine dogs, indeed. Balto loved all of them, as did Jenna. And when he felt they were old enough, Balto would happily mate with them as well, regardless of their gender; he enjoyed sex, and his kids enjoyed having their father pound them like there was no tomorrow. The wolf-dog even ended up impregnating his daughters their first heat. And, just as he and Jenna suspected, their pups had indeed inherited their large rumps. The girls tended to have rumps larger than their father, and the boys' rumps just as large or slightly smaller than him, but all were smaller than Jenna's, except for one.

Kodiak, or Kodi as he was often called, was Balto and Jenna's eldest, and unique among all his siblings, because he had ended up with an ass that was the exact same shape and size as his mother's. He was proud boy, and eager to follow in his father's footsteps. He ended up being part of the mail team, starting off as a team dog, before eventually moving up to the position of lead-dog. He was so well-respected by everyone that he was given a new collar, which was similar to Balto's own. Made of black leather with silver bumps and a silver buckle, the Silver Collar suited Kodi quite well.

Most of his teammates did tease him about the size of his ass, or jokingly claim Kodi only became lead-dog because of who his father is. While Kodi was able to take most of the jokes and teasing, he did sometimes assert his authority over his team in various ways, most of them mimicking his father's; Kodi's favourite method was to sit on his teammates, which was rather easy considering how big his rump was, but he's also done things such as force them to rim him in public as they walked around.

Another thing about Kodi that made him unique among his siblings, mainly his brothers, was he was the closest in size to Balto. While not the exact same size as his dad, he was close, with balls reaching six-and-a-half-feet, and a sheath two feet ten inches long and nine inches wide, while his cock was seventeen feet two inches long and three feet six-and-a-half inches wide, and a knot that was seven feet one inch in width.

Kodi couldn't be prouder of who his father was, and he always looked up to him. Even after becoming lead-dog of his team and becoming mates with his teammate, Dusty, he spent time with his parents whenever he could.

Which is where they all found themselves one day, during the winter of nineteen twenty-seven. It was two weeks after the anniversary of the Serum Run. The people of Nome had celebrated the team for their hard work that dark winter. Steele did receive a small amount of recognition, since he was one of the original runners, irrespective of his defection, but the majority of praise went to Balto and the others.

Even though it was early morning, Balto and his team were standing in one of Nome's streets, their harnesses on, while their musher secured a large crate to the sled. The team was tasked with delivering medicinal supplies from Nome to Nenana, almost like a reverse of the events of the Serum Run.

As the musher made one last check on the cargo's restraints, Balto was nuzzling Jenna, who was going to watch the team as they left.

"I wish you didn't have to leave," Jenna whispered.

"I know, Jen. But it's my job," Balto replied. He licked at her face for a second. "Don't worry, I'll make sure we get there and back in record time, so you won't have to miss me for long," he said. Jenna smiled. "Besides, you won't be alone," Balto added. Jenna gave a soft sigh.

Her owners were going for a trip to visit Rosie's aunt in another town for two weeks, but they weren't able to take Jenna with them. So, they decided to have Kodi spend the time with Jenna to keep her company, at least until Balto had returned. Both Jenna and Kodi were happy with the arrangement, and Balto gave his own approval. Jenna just had one problem with it, which she had brought up to Balto just a few days before.

"I know I won't be alone," Jenna said calmly. She looked at Balto directly, and added, "But regardless of if I've got Kodi with me or not, I won't be with you when I go into heat."

"Hey, now, just because I won't be there at the start doesn't mean I won't be there at all," Balto said. He could hear some of his teammates snickering. With a smirk as he looked back, Balto made his balls jump a few noticeable inches, not enough to cause any damage or shake the ground, but definitely enough to convey the message. Indeed, the moment they all saw their leader's balls move, the dogs fell silent immediately.

Jenna shook her head, a small smile on her face. She nuzzled Balto again, saying, "Just promise me you'll be safe."

"You know I will. Besides, we've done this run loads of times. What's the worst that could happen?" Balto asked.

The musher whistled loudly, and said, "All right, boys! Mush!"

Balto and Jenna gave a final glance at each other, before Balto took off, him and the rest of the team pulling the sled out of Nome. Jenna stayed and watched as the group became smaller and smaller the further away they went, until they vanished from view.

Sighing, Jenna stretched for a moment, and made her way back home. Once there, she walked in through the dog door, and went over to the living-room, before curling up in her basket before the fireplace. Slowly, she fell asleep, dreaming of the fun she and Kodi would have, and the passion she and Balto would feel when he's returned.

Too soon, she felt, she was awoken to the sound of feet stepping on the floor, and bags and luggage being shoved or pulled around. Jenna opened her eyes and looked around. Rosie's parents were hurrying around, already in their travelling clothes. She couldn't see Rosie, but suspected she was either in her room, or in the kitchen.

The husky stood up and got out of her basket, and trotted her way over to the kitchen. Rosie was in there, the young girl sitting at the table as she ate her breakfast. Like her parents, she was in her travelling clothes, including shoes, and had her bag on the floor beside her chair. Jenna padded up to her girl, before gently brushing her head against Rosie's arm.

Rosie looked down, and, smiling, happily stroked Jenna's head.

"I'm sorry you can't come with us, Jenna. But Mom and Dad said it would cost too much," Rosie said.

"Yeah, right. I know the real_reason,_" Jenna thought, somewhat bitterly. Rosie's aunt did not like dogs. At all. She adamantly refused to let Jenna into her home, and eventually banned all dogs from there. To keep the peace and let Rosie continue to see her aunt, the girl's parents agreed, and every time they arranged to visit, they'd always make up an excuse as to why they couldn't take Jenna. The only reason Jenna knew she wasn't welcome at Rosie's aunt's house was because she overheard her masters discussing it one night several years ago.

The husky didn't resent her masters for leaving her to visit Rosie's aunt, since she knew how much Rosie loved her, but she couldn't help but feel disappointed on Rosie's behalf that her parents would keep this sort of thing from her. Jenna was, for all intents and purposes, Rosie's dog, so the girl deserved to know the true reason Jenna couldn't come with them.

A knock at the door made Jenna snap out of her thoughts, and she turned to look just as Rosie's mother answered. Kodi was standing outside with his owner, Mr Simpson. While the two humans talked, Kodi made his way indoors, and padded into the kitchen.

"Hey, Mom," he said. Jenna smiled and nuzzled him.

"Hello, Kodi," she said quietly.

"Mom, are you sure we can't take Jenna with us?" Rosie asked, finishing her breakfast and picking up her bag.

"I told you, Rosie, we can't. It'd be too expensive. Besides, look at how happy Jenna is to be with Kodi. You don't want to upset them both, do you?" Rosie's mother asked. Rosie looked at the two dogs, and gave a small sigh. "Exactly. Now, come on. The sled's here to take us to your aunt's," Rosie's mother said. She held out a hand, and Rosie took it, before they both left the house. Rosie's father followed shortly after, pulling a few pieces of luggage behind him. Once he was out the door, he shut and locked it.

Kodi and Jenna looked at each other. They knew they would be fine, since the humans had left out enough food to last them the duration of the vacation, and Kodi and Jenna were well-behaved and intelligent enough to know not to eat more than they needed, and Rosie's father had set up a special tap in the kitchen that Jenna and Kodi could activate themselves to fill their water bowls when needed.

"So, how was your last trip?" Jenna asked.

"Heh, it was great. Dad wasn't kidding when he said Elim was a fun place to be in. Just a shame that we didn't get to take Steele with us like Dad normally does," Kodi said.

"Well, Steele is just the sled relief point for your father's team, not every sled team in Nome," Jenna said.

"There's no need to be so polite about Steele's job, Mom. He's Dad's cumdump, and that's it," Kodi said. Jenna rolled her eyes at her son's brashness. She couldn't say he was wrong, though. "Anyway, while we were in Elim, Kirby tried to hook up with this girl he saw. He might have had a chance with her, if she weren't already pregnant with my pups," Kodi continued.

The husky, much like his father, was an excellent breeder, and wasn't exclusive to just his mate. Unlike Balto, however, Kodi's first litter wasn't with Dusty, mainly due to Kodi being studded out to females before he and Dusty got together - they have recently had their first litter together, though. While Balto was still seen as the best breeder in Alaska, and always the top choice for getting strong pups, his sons were considered to be good substitutes should the wolf-dog be unavailable.

It had gotten to the point where, even if Balto, Kodi, or any of the others ended up causing delays by breeding something, be it a fertile bitch, one out of season, or even a male, the humans did not mind. They didn't even care if Balto was seeding a wolf, thinking that some more sled-dogs with wolf blood in them, as long as they came from Balto's lineage, could be quite good. At one point, during a long run, Balto ended up making the trip last longer by breeding every dog and wolf they passed by; after the event, the trip became known by everyone as 'the Fuck Run'.

For the rest of the day, Jenna and Kodi talked and played. Occasionally, they'd stop to have a drink or a few bites of food, before resuming their previous activity.

As night started to settle over the town, Kodi and Jenna both agreed to rest for now. However, before heading to bed, they both needed the toilet. Even though they were both quite close, the mother and son weren't comfortable enough around each other to go at the same time in the same place. Kodi suggested he head out the front to do his business, while Jenna went out back, and Jenna agreed.

As Jenna went out the dog door built into the backdoor into the garden, Kodi made his way over to the front door, thinking about how the rest of his time with his mother was going to go. His train of thought was interrupted, however, when his head bashed against the door.

Shaking his head and trying to ignore the dull pain that was beginning to set in, Kodi looked at the door in confusion. He made to walk forward, ducking his head to push it against the dog door, but it wouldn't open. Kodi pressed against it with all his strength, and even stepped back and rammed his body into it, but still it wouldn't budge.

To Kodi's horror, he realised that Jenna's owners had locked the dog door as well as the actual front door!

Panicked, the husky ran over to the backdoor and out into the garden. Jenna was standing up from finishing relieving herself, when Kodi barrelled over to her.

"K-Kodi!" she admonished, looking at her son.

"The...the front door's locked. We're locked in," Kodi panted.

"L-locked in?" Jenna asked. Kodi nodded. "B-but...but they don't normally... I mean, you and I have gone on walks down the town before during these occasions," Jenna continued. She suddenly gasped, saying, "But what about your father? When he gets back, he won't be able to get in the house!"

"Dad'll be fine. He's gotten in the house when the door's locked before," Kodi said. He glanced around the garden. "I wish he taught me how he did it, though," he muttered. Jenna knew what he was referring to.

Balto would explain every now and then how, long before he was accepted by the town, he used to sneak into Jenna's back garden to meet her, just to talk. Rosie's father, when he found out about it, arranged to have the fences surrounding the garden extended so they reached ten feet high, in an attempt to keep Balto out. However, Balto was still able to sneak into the garden, somehow being able to vault the tall fence with ease.

Even after Balto was accepted by the town and became Jenna's mate, Rosie's father kept the fence its new height. He claimed that it was to keep other dogs out of the garden and away from Jenna, but everyone knew the real reason was that he couldn't be bothered to take down the extensions.

While Jenna wasn't bothered by it before, now she was cursing her master's lack of motivation to sort out the fence. She didn't want to stay cooped up in the house for two weeks.

"Well, at least I've got Kodi to keep me company," the motherly husky thought, looking over her handsome son. He had slipped behind a bush in the garden to empty his bladder, and was now standing before the door leading back inside the house. He gave his mother a smile, and they both went in.

Once inside, the two headed to the living-room. Jenna laid down in her basket, before indicating with her head for Kodi to join her. Eagerly, Kodi padded up to his mother, before climbing into the basket, lying on his front before her. Jenna lovingly nuzzled her son, and the two fell asleep.

The next three days passed by with minimal issue. Kodi and Jenna kept themselves entertained, both together and privately, despite the locked front door restricting them to just the house and backyard, and Balto and his team had made it to Nenana in record time. But after that, problems started to arrive.

After delivering the supplies to the local hospital, the team's musher was alerted to the fact that a huge snowstorm had formed over Nenana, its surrounding areas, and across every route possible back to Nome, and was expected to envelop Nome shortly after. Worried, the musher managed to make a last-minute booking at a hotel for him and the team; he knew they wouldn't be able to travel back to Nome while the storm was active, as Alaskan law banned travelling between settlements during serious weather conditions like blizzards and snowstorms, except for the delivery of vital supplies.

The team was annoyed that they weren't heading home any time soon, but while Balto was mainly upset about not being there for Jenna, his teammates were concerned about him. Since the trip wasn't originally planned to be a long one, Steele hadn't been brought along; while normally it wouldn't be a problem, since the rest of the team felt they could survive for a while without sex, or head into Nenana and find someone, Balto had quite the reputation over his unnaturally large need for sex as much as possible. The fact he had also planned to spend some time alone with his mate meant his sex drive was most likely at dangerously high levels.

Knowing they couldn't rely on the town dogs alone to keep Balto satiated, even with word spreading quickly around town that Balto would be looking for sex soon, to general delight, the team agreed to do whatever it took to make sure their leader didn't go crazy. And so, they decided to offer themselves to Balto whenever he needed sexual relief.

When they told Balto of their plan, during the night they had arrived in Nenana, the wolf-dog was thankful, but unsure. While he was naturally an extremely horny guy, he didn't want his team to feel they were obligated to help him out with personal issues like that, but his team insisted. Eventually, after much pestering, Balto agreed, and, the following morning, made Star be his first bitch of the day.

Back in Nome, news of the storm and its halting of sled teams had reached the ears of everyone, thanks to the telegraph office receiving a notice the previous evening. Kodi and Jenna overheard the news thanks to Jenna's neighbour, a rather loud Scottish terrier named Mac, talking about it with another neighbour. Upon hearing that the storm was causing delays, with predictions of it lasting for the next week at least, Jenna's fear heightened.

"I-if the storm lasts a week...then your father isn't going to... He and I won't be able to..." she began, breathing heavily as she vented to Kodi.

"Mom," Kodi said quietly.

"Balto and I have bred every heat I've had since we became mates. That's eight heats..." Jenna continued.

"Mom," Kodi repeated, louder this time.

"This'll be the first heat in ages that I'll have had to spend without him, or anyone, really."

"MOM!" Kodi shouted. Startled at Kodi's shout, Jenna stopped and looked at him. "Everything will be fine, Mom. I promise," Kodi said.

"How can you be sure?" Jenna asked.

"Mom, since when has Dad ever let you, or anyone else, down?" Kodi asked.

"Never, when he can help it," his mother responded.

"Exactly, Mom," Kodi said, smiling.

"But Kodi, with this storm over Nenana, your father is stuck there until it's gone," Jenna pointed out.

"Hey, if I know Dad, he's already working out how to come home now. He'll find a way to get back here before the end of your heat," Kodi replied. He padded up to his mother and nuzzled her, saying, "It starts tomorrow, right?"

"Y-yeah," Jenna whispered.

"He'll be here, Mom. I know he will," Kodi said. Jenna sighed, hoping her son was right. After getting bred near instantly for eight heats in a row, the husky doubted she'd be able to survive going a whole season without Balto breeding her.

That night, Jenna was sleeping on top of Rosie's bed, while Kodi slept on the couch downstairs. It wasn't because they didn't want to be together, but more a need to be separate from each other for a while. By now, the storm had reached Nome, plunging the town into cold darkness and confirming that no sled teams would be leaving or returning any time soon.

At around midnight, Jenna found herself being woken up by an intense burning sensation, focussing on her loins. The husky rolled onto her back, before looking down her belly as she spread her legs. As she suspected, her heat had started, causing her pussy to swell up in need.

Jenna rolled so she was on her side and tried to fall back asleep. But no matter how hard she tried, or what she attempted to distract herself with, she couldn't settle enough to fall asleep. All she could feel was the relentless warmth between her hindlegs, a burning reminder that her body was ready and waiting for a fertile male.

Grumbling, Jenna stood up an hour later and padded over to the window. She looked out of it, to the world outside. The storm was still billowing snow around, limiting Jenna's view in the dark. She thought she saw someone struggling to make their way through the snow, but when she made to look closer, she lost track of them.

With a sigh, Jenna turned away from the window, and went back to Rosie's bed. She was restless, and she was tired. She wished Balto was there, but in the meantime, she decided to take matters into her own paws.

Once again, she rolled onto her back, spreading her legs as she did so. With her swollen mound staring back at her, standing out from her cream-coloured fur, Jenna moved her front paws down to it. It had been a while since she needed to do this to keep her heat in check, and while the feeling paled in comparison to Balto's touch, it would have to do.

The moment one of her paw pads brushed over her spade, she shivered. Pressing her paw down hard on her mound, Jenna began rubbing. The sensations were instant, pleasure shooting through her body as her vagina was handled roughly. Unable to keep it in, Jenna moaned and panted, imaging it was Balto rubbing her, teasing her before ramming his huge cock inside her aching pussy.

For the next few minutes, Jenna rubbed and stimulated herself. Her hips were becoming a blur as she thrust herself against her paw, desperate to at least quell the itch within her.

Finally, with a loud moan, she felt her climax reach her. While not as satisfying as when she was being fucked, it was enough for now. She law on the floor, panting as she let the sensation last. Before long, she had fallen asleep, indulging herself in as many fantasies as her mind allowed, most to do with Balto.

Morning arrived, cold and bleak, too soon for Jenna. She had been able to get some more sleep, but now she was awake, she knew it would be practically impossible for her to fall asleep again until night. And without sleep to distract her, there was nothing that could stop her mind and body from feeling the effects of her heat.

Getting up from the floor, stretching, and heading out of the room, Jenna hoped she had enough restraint to keep herself decent while around Kodi.

Downstairs, Kodi was already awake. He gave a small smile to his mother as she walked into the kitchen, and noticed her water bowl was already filled. Jenna smiled lovingly at her son, but then she noticed how tired he looked.

Realising that she may have woken Kodi up, and caused him to struggle to fall asleep again the previous night, Jenna could only give an apologetic smile to him. Kodi just waved it off, heading into the living-room to lay down in front of the fireplace.

The husky went over to her bowl and lapped up some of the water in it, feeling the refreshing liquid sliding down her dry throat, before she went to the living-room. She saw Kodi lying on the floor, clearly trying to have a quick nap to make up for his lack of sleep. Still feeling guilty, Jenna made her way over to him, before gently nudging at his head with hers. Kodi looked at her, and smiled.

"Hey, Mom," he said.

"Hey. Um...did I...wake you up, last night?" Jenna asked.

"Yeah. Well, you and the storm, really," Kodi said.

"S-sorry, Kodi," Jenna said quietly.

"It's okay, Mom. Your heat has just started, so you're bound to get a little...frisky," Kodi said.

"That's no excuse, though!" Jenna said, making Kodi look at her in surprise. "I mean, I should be capable of keeping myself to myself, and not force you to suffer with me," the husky added.

"Mom, it's fine. I'm not upset, and you're not making me suffer," Kodi said. Jenna sighed.

"If you're sure," she said quietly.

"I am, Mom," Kodi replied. He nuzzled her, saying, "Come on, Mom. Lay here with me." Jenna hesitated, not wanting to subject Kodi to being so close to her during her oestrus. But she relaxed, knowing that Kodi would never harm her, and took up his offer, laying down so she was in front of him. Kodi rested his head on top of hers, and the two just laid there, quiet and content.

After a while, Jenna found herself waking up, having fallen asleep in her son's embrace. She raised her head, causing Kodi to wake up as well, yawning.

"That feels better," the male husky said. Jenna hummed in agreement. She then looked over at the living-room window. Although it was frosted over, she could see that the storm had slowed, but it wasn't gone yet.

"Looks like the storm is slowing," Jenna said.

"Yeah. But it won't be gone just yet. It'll pick up again tonight," Kodi said.

"I know," Jenna sighed. She stood up, adding, "Guess the world has a cruel sense of humour, huh?"

"It's not so bad, Mom," Kodi said. He stood up as well, before stretching and, unable to help himself, wiggling his hips for a second to shake his rump. Jenna giggled at the sight. "See? At least we can keep each other entertained," Kodi said. He walked past his mother to head to the backdoor.

Jenna watched him pass, her eyes lingering on his sheath and balls. She quickly shook her head, trying to ignore the thoughts flowing through her mind. That was just the heat talking, she told herself, trying to convince her to give herself to the fertile male in her presence. But she wouldn't do that; she refused to act like an impulsive bitch with no restraint.

A few minutes later, Kodi came back in, his fur covered in a layer of snow. He shook himself, flinging snow everywhere, before shivering.

"It's cold," he said. Jenna smiled at him. "Is, that blanket we used to sleep with still here?" Kodi asked.

"I think so. I don't remember seeing it being thrown out. It might be in Rosie's room," Jenna said.

Kodi nodded, and walked off towards the stairs. He was wagging his tail high, giving a perfectly unobstructed view of his butt; not that the curled appendage covered much anyway. Jenna just gave an amused shake of her head, before laying down fully.

The male husky came downstairs half an hour later, dragging a large blanket with his mouth.

"Found it," he mumbled, his voice partially muffled by the blanket.

"Where was it?" Jenna asked. Kodi brought it over, before draping it over her, and then snuggling himself under it, so that he was lying with his mother spooning him from behind.

"It was in your masters' bedroom. I...ended up knocking over a stack of pillows to get it, though. Do you think they'll be mad with me?" Kodi asked. He sounded worried.

"Don't worry about it. It'll be fine, Kodi," Jenna replied.

"If you're sure..." Kodi mumbled.

"Hey, your father once knocked the kitchen table on its side because he got a bit too excited when Rosie's dad let us have steak for dinner, and he didn't get in trouble," Jenna said, smiling at the memory. Kodi couldn't help but laugh.

After a few minutes, when the two had calmed down, Jenna looked over at the window, and sighed.

"It's a pity there's a storm. You and I usually play in the yard for a while, don't we?" she asked.

"Yeah," Kodi said. He smiled, adding, "And I prefer playing around with you than the team. Ralph _always_complains about his claws when we're chasing each other, and one time, when we were playing with a ball, Kirby had a fit when he ended up losing."

"Well, I'm not a massive complainer, nor do I have a massive ego that's easily shattered," Jenna said. She and Kodi laughed.

"Anyway...what do you and Dad normally do when trapped indoors because of a storm?" Kodi asked.

"Depends. Most of the time, we fuck. But when we don't, we do what you and I normally do, minus going outside if we can help it," Jenna said. Kodi nodded.

"I guess it's like with me and Dusty. If we aren't playing or talking, or sleeping, we're fucking," he noted. Jenna giggled.

"Looks like you picked that up from your dad as well," she said. Kodi smiled, and snuggled closer to Jenna.

Jenna had to admit, she was impressed at Kodi's self-control. She knew from just people-watching that most males find the scent and lure of a heated female to be so irresistible that they can't stop themselves from mating, yet Kodi was acting as if nothing was out of the ordinary. To be fair, Jenna herself was able to stay under control while in the presence of a virile stud, even with her instincts screaming at her to let him breed her.

The rest of the day passed by normally, although Jenna did sneak off every now and then to rub her pussy and dampen the effects of her heat. Fortunately for her, Kodi kept clear of the room she'd slink off to in those times.

They ended up sleeping separately from each other again that night. Although Kodi whined when his mother said they should, he understood her reasoning for it and didn't argue; after all, it would be easier for both of them if Jenna was able to keep her pussy somewhat sated with her paws. So, while Jenna slept in Rosie's room, Kodi stayed downstairs on the couch.

But by the next morning, Jenna was curled up on herself, licking and rubbing her pussy in desperation. She had been at it for at least an hour by this point, but her heat refused to be satisfied this time. Her vagina was like a fire: the more she fed it, the more it wanted. And Jenna knew she couldn't give it more, not on her own.

Tired and her paws aching, Jenna stood up and stumbled out of the bedroom. As she headed downstairs, she hoped she hadn't woken up Kodi again. She still felt guilty over depriving him of sleep the previous night.

Once she was downstairs, the husky glanced into the living-room. Relieved, she saw Kodi was still asleep on the couch, lying on his back with his legs spread, hugging his massive sheath while his balls rested on both the couch and the ground. Jenna felt amused at the sight, since she's seen Balto in the same position many times, before she went to the kitchen, and out into the garden.

Just like the previous day, although the storm was slow, it had clearly picked up in the night, and would do so again soon. The yard was covered in heavy snow, as was the house. Jenna trudged her way through the snow, which by now was deep enough to reach her knees, before finding a suitable spot for her to relieve her bladder.

When she was done, she quickly made her way back inside. While she was used to snow and cold weather, she didn't like staying outside in snowstorms, no matter how calm they might appear.

Indoors, Jenna shook herself to get rid of the snow that had landed on her body, before heading to her water bowl. She lapped up some of the water inside, before looking up. The sunlight could barely be seen outside, obscured by either clouds, snowflakes, or trees.

The husky sighed, and made to walk to the living-room, when a loud thud sounded, and the room shook. She stumbled, realising it was the entire house that was shaking as windows and ornaments and such rattled, before a load of snow fell off of the roof, landing with a thump on the ground outside.

Knowing what had happened, Jenna made her way to the living-room. Kodi was still asleep, but his balls had shifted slightly, and his cock was poking a few feet out his sheath. Sighing, Jenna walked over. The boy must be having a harder time controlling his urges than she thought he was. Considering who his father was, it was no surprise Kodi took after Balto in being horny practically all the time, but the way he looked so composed around Jenna made the husky believe he was supressing his libido with ease - apparently, that wasn't the case.

The moment Jenna was a few inches from Kodi, she stopped, sniffing the air. She could smell Kodi's potent musk, enveloping his surroundings. While not exactly similar to Balto's, it was pretty close, Jenna felt. And just being in the presence of such a fertile male, with her heat now in full swing, the husky began panting, unable to tear her eyes away from Kodi's genitals.

She must have stood there for a few minutes, her wagging tail fanning her scent around the room as it melded with Kodi's musk. Finally, Kodi began stirring, his nose picking up on his mother's scent. He gave a light grimace, remembering the dream he had just experienced. Because he could hear his mother upstairs the previous night, and being so close to her in her heat, all his subconscious mind wanted to have him think about was breeding Jenna.

Kodi rolled onto his stomach and slid off the couch, before stretching, unaware that his mother was eyeing him up. When he turned around and saw Jenna, he gave a yelp in shock, which snapped Jenna out of her daze.

"M-Mom!" Kodi said, looking at Jenna. Jenna blushed and looked away for a second, knowing she was caught in the act - how could she explain staring so intently at Kodi's package?

"Sorry, Kodi. I...I was going to wake you, but I got...distracted..." Jenna mumbled. Kodi cocked an eyebrow. "Look, Kodi, I...I...I can't handle it. The heat. I can't handle it on my own anymore," Jenna said.

"You don't want me to..." Kodi began.

"No!" Jenna said quickly. She calmed down, adding, "No, not...not that. But I do want you to help me with it in another way."

"What do you mean, Mom?" Kodi asked.

"I'll understand if you say no, but do you think you could...lick me?" Jenna asked.

"Lick you? You mean, you want me to...lick your pussy?" Kodi asked, surprised.

"You don't have to!" Jenna clarified. All the same, she turned to face away from Kodi, and raised her tail, fully exposing her swollen folds, just underneath her massive ass. "But if you will...I'm ready."

Kodi didn't know what he should do. He always wanted to make his mother happy, but did he think he could bring himself to doing this? On the one hand, it could help satisfy his mother enough to dull her heat, but on the other, he felt he would be intruding on his father's claim over the husky.

While thoughts raced through Kodi's mind, Jenna kept her position, but didn't look back. Kodi hadn't moved or said anything, and the husky wondered if she was making the right decisions.

A cold nose pressing against her hot hole made Jenna jump slightly, before she relaxed. Kodi was standing directly behind his mother, softly pressing his muzzle against her pussy, taking in her scent. He extended his tongue and very slowly licked from her clitoris to the top of her labia, making Jenna moan in pleasure.

Kodi's second lick sent shivers down Jenna's spine, while his third caused her to lower her chest to the floor, tail wagging high in the air. With full access and, more importantly, his mother's permission, Kodi began to lick deeper and deeper in Jenna's cunny. Warm juices were flowing from the husky's hole, and Kodi drank them eagerly, enjoying the taste. He did have to admit, his mother's feminine fluids tasted better than Dusty's, although he would never say that to either bitch.

"Th-that's it, Kodi... Mmmh, yes, that's it," Jenna crooned. She closed her eyes, relishing the touch of a male. Her body seemed to be enjoying it as well, as she felt her heat ease up on her slightly. Of course, it would never truly satisfy her, but it was enough.

Kodi grinned, before he began licking at her ravenously. He dug his muzzle as deep into Jenna's pussy as he could, intent on giving her the best his tongue could offer. Jenna's moans and wagging tail told him he was doing good.

But after a few minutes, Kodi grew bored of just licking. His cock was erecting under him, and he knew what he had to do. His mind was clouded over, the smell of his mother's fertile cunt dulling his rational mind and instead giving rise to his pent-up libido. He withdrew his tongue from Jenna's pussy, before, with a lewd grin, he gripped at her ass and pulled himself up so that he was mounted on her.

Jenna was so lost in her pleasure that she didn't even register Kodi mounting her. Just like her son, the pleasure of having a male licking her had brought a fog to her brain, silencing her rationality and giving rise to her deep, instinctual need to breed.

The male husky smirked when his quarry didn't resist, and thrust his hips around until he felt his extending cock tip tap against Jenna's vulva. What little part of his conscience managed to leak through in his mind begged him to not do it, to think about how he would be betraying both his mother and his father's trust, only to be drowned out by his libido and instincts.

He grabbed the scruff of Jenna's neck in his jaw, just above her bandanna, and tugged on it. Jenna moaned, shuffling herself back so Kodi's tip was now pressing directly on her waiting hole. Her tail was wagging, and Kodi, taking that as his cue, thrust forwards hard.

Jenna yelled out as Kodi's growing cock spread her vaginal canal apart easily. His tip bumped against her cervix, before barging right through it, spreading it open as Kodi fed more of his humongous dick into her. Once Kodi had his hips pressed up against Jenna's, he began a serious rut, humping as fast and hard as he could, his cock growing stiffer, thicker, and longer with every movement.

Kodi didn't waste any time. He pumped his dick as far into Jenna's fertile cunt as he could, going at a merciless pace. It was no wonder Jenna was shouting and moaning underneath him. Her son was thrusting in and out of her beautiful body powerfully, pounding her tight vagina with all of his strength.

His hips had become a blur, snapping back and forth and sending ripples through Jenna's rump. Jenna loved it all, the speed and strength of her son's movements reminding her of Balto. She could feel his knot was starting to form, the wide bulges on either side of the base of Kodi's cock beginning to swell up in size. The husky hoped he would lock himself inside quickly.

"Rah! Fuck, Mom..." Kodi growled, his voice muffled from holding Jenna's scruff in his powerful jaw.

"Yes, that's it, Kodiak! Oh, please, knot me!" Jenna mindlessly moaned back, humping her hips as far back as she could. Her pussy clenched hard around Kodi's cock, spasming and convulsing as orgasm spread over Jenna. Her legs shaking, Jenna nearly collapsed on the floor.

Kodi, however, was having none of it. He tightened his grip on his mother's hips, keeping her rump angled high enough for him to continue to ravage her deliciously tight pussy. He forced her tight opening to take his length inside it, ploughing his way through her fertile body and moulding her belly to the shape of his cock.

"Take it, bitch! Take my knot!" Kodi shouted, letting go of Jenna's scruff to rear up and slam his hips as far forward as his body allowed him to. His cock shot forward with the speed of a rocket, while his knot, even only a quarter formed, shoved inside her with a wet pop, and proved to be enough to lock him tight to her.

Tied to her son, with his knot still growing and forming massive bulges in her belly and rump, Jenna climaxed again,yelping in bliss. She could feel his cock throbbing, firing fertile shots of pre-cum into her womb, thoroughly coating it in his fluids.

"Oh, God! Kodi!" Jenna screamed.

Her son wasn't done yet. He continued to hump into his mother, pushing and tugging at the tie repeatedly. Behind him, he felt his balls beginning to tighten, readying to fire. An idea formed in his horny mind, and, with a smirk, Kodi thrust forwards, while at the same time making his balls jump.

Immediately, the entire room shook, knocking a few objects over, while also causing Jenna and Kodi to stumble and press together even more, and setting off another orgasm in her. Licking his lips, Kodi repeated the action several times, making loud thuds sound alongside the wet slaps and squelches from his and Jenna's union, while the entire house shook with every jump of the husky's bollocks.

Eventually, the stimulation of his mother's cunt and uterus massaging his cock, combined with the smell of her heat mixing with his musk, was too much for Kodi. He stopped making his nuts jump, and instead put all his focus on one last, hard thrust.


As the sound reached Jenna and Kodi's ears, the two both moaned, before howling in triumph. Kodi's cock throbbed and flexed, firing torrents of puppy-batter into Jenna's rapidly expanding womb. Before long, the outline of his cock had vanished, replaced by a creamy sphere. Yet Kodi continued to hump, letting his orgasm go on for as long as he could make it.

Jenna moaned and groaned alongside her son, thrusting herself back against him as they both rode out their orgasms, while splurts sounded out around the room. As Kodi continued to seed his mother, her belly grew larger and larger, expanding the walls of the living-room and pushing the two dogs up higher and higher.

When Kodi's convulsing orbs calmed down to softly quivering, the mother and son pair were lying on top of Jenna's belly, now standing at five thousand, seven hundred and fifty feet. Orgasm still wracked at their minds, though, causing them to still hump each other and be lost in pleasure.

Finally, once the fog in their minds had cleared, the realisation of their actions settled in instead. Immediately, the two felt guilty over what they had done, knowing that there was no escape of the consequences, but at the same time, they were trapped in a prison of passion, unable to deny how good it felt to be together.

A heavy silence blanketed the room, broken only by the sound of Kodi's fluids sloshing inside Jenna's belly, and the two's breathing. After a few minutes, Kodi broke the silence.

"M-Mom...I'm...I'm really sorry," he said. Jenna looked behind her at him, and moved so her muzzle gently brushed against the underside of his.

"Don't worry, Kodi. It's not your fault," she reassured him.

"B-but... But you trusted me to help you out, and I did this to you," Kodi whimpered.

"It's all right, Kodi. I'm not mad at you. You didn't take advantage of me. If anything, I should be the one apologising to you. After all, you never would have done this if I hadn't asked you to help me," Jenna said. Kodi gave a soft whine, and it broke Jenna's heart to see her strong, confident son act this way. "But now that the deed has been done...I have to admit, I liked it," the husky said.

"Mom, you don't need to lie to try and make me feel better," Kodi said softly.

"I'm not lying, Kodi. I mean it, I really did like it," Jenna replied. Kodi's expression perked up.

"R-really? You really liked it?" he asked.

"Of course I did. You're almost exactly like your father. Now I know what Dusty feels when she's with you, and what so many other females have felt," Jenna said. Kodi gave a small laugh, his tail wagging in time with his mother's.

"Heh, speaking of that, Dusty once told me she used to get a lot of flak from the other girls in town after she and I became mates. Apparently, many of them were jealous that she got 'the sexy guy with the biggest rump in town'," he said. Jenna giggled at that.

"Well, I can certainly say that title is well-deserved," she noted.

"Thanks, Mom," Kodi said. He nuzzled her, before gently licking the back of her neck, over the area he had bitten. "Sorry I bit you, though. Guess I got a bit out of control," he mumbled.

"Oh, don't be so apologetic. I'm used to it by this point. Your father loves biting the back of my neck during our lovemaking," Jenna said. She moved her tail to brush Kodi's chest, adding, "Still, since we've done it about another round, stud?"

Kodi grinned, before locking his lips with his mother's in a passionate kiss. At the same time, he began to thrust back and forth, rocking them atop Jenna's belly, and causing his balls to swing to and fro.

Over the next few days, Kodi and Jenna continued to mate. By this point, they knew that Jenna was guaranteed to be pregnant with Kodi's pups, but they didn't care. They were now closer than before, enjoying their time locked up in the house even more than they had before.

During the times they weren't having sex, they still spent most of their time together, and more often than not, they were doing sexual activities anyway.

On the last day of Jenna's heat, the husky, her belly swollen with Kodi's cum so much she struggled to walk, was licking and sucking on Kodi's erect cock, while the male it was attached to laid on his back, his legs spread to give his mother access.

"Storm's still not over. Guess Dad won't be back soon," Kodi mused. He grinned as he looked down at his mother, adding, "Still, that gives me more time to pound your beautiful ass."

Jenna smiled, pulling her mouth away from Kodi's cock, and said, "You're just like your father, always so horny."

"Heh, can't help it, Mom," Kodi replied. He smirked again, saying, "But before I take your cunt again, I'm in the mood for some more attention."

"Oh? How so?" Jenna asked. Kodi just spread his legs apart wider, causing his rump cheeks to open up slightly, revealing his waiting anus.

"Come on, Mom. I want my ass licked and eaten out," the male said. Jenna smiled, before lowering her head until her nose was brushing against her son's anus. Kodi shivered, and Jenna grinned, before she drew her wet tongue across his rough opening, enjoying both the scent and taste.

Kodi groaned, keep his legs spread. Jenna knew what she had to do, and she did it, licking him again and again, nose buried in his rich musk. What remained of her heat made her tremble at his scent and taste, and she relished in it, noting the differences and similarities between Kodi's musk and Balto's.

"Man, Mom, you sure do know how to lick an ass," Kodi moaned. "But get your tongue right in there. Licking's not enough."

Sighing, Jenna replied, "Fine, Kodi." She nosed at her son insistently, before plunging her tongue as far deep inside his tight tail-hole as she could. Kodi groaned appreciatively as Jenna slurped and ate him out deep.

"You're such an eager bitch. You and Dusty really are quite similar when it comes to that," Kodi moaned.

For the next three minutes, Jenna lapped at Kodi's anus eagerly. Her head was buried deep in her son's ass, but Jenna was so used to doing it with Balto that she knew exactly how to act.

Kodi kicked his legs as a sign, and Jenna, almost reluctantly, brought her muzzle away from his butt.

"I don't think I'll ever get tired of doing that, but now I want to fuck that tight pussy of yours," the husky said. Jenna smiled, and turned around to face away from Kodi, her tail raised and showing off her leaking vagina.

"Then come and get it. Make sure you've claimed all my eggs this heat," she said, glancing back at Kodi with lust-filled eyes.

Kodi got onto his feet, and positioned himself so his cock was pointing at his mother's pussy. He grinned, and she nodded, before Kodi rammed himself forwards.

Jenna yelped when Kodi spread her folds apart, pushing in right up to the knot. A loud slap sounded when the massive appendage failed to enter, but Kodi was undeterred. He continued to hump his mother's rump, slamming his groin into her massive, plush cheeks with force and speed.

"I love you, Mom!" Kodi shouted.

"Ooh, I love you too, Kodi! Oh, God, yes, fuck me!" Jenna screamed back. Kodi obliged, keeping up his movements. He let his cock flex, sending fire up Jenna's sensitive nerves. "More! More!"

Kodi went ahead to pull back his cock, inch by sexually intense inch. Once he had pulled back as far as his body allowed, with his cock spreading halfway between her pussy, showing off the sexual sheen by which his slick crimson cock shined, he threw his hips forward. The force of his manhood slamming in looked like the force of a missile firing into a building only a few feet away. The sexual explosion was just as big.

Jenna howled, wailing in pleasure. Her large ass jiggled and shook in time with Kodi's own, while juices spilled from her stretched cunt, soaking into the carpet beneath them. Jenna figured her owners would be upset, but couldn't care at the moment. Kodi chuckled with sexual satisfaction before repeating the same process: a long teasing haul coming before a colossal thrust between her vaginal lips. The female husky experienced the incredible pleasure each time repeatedly.

The male continued fucking her without pause or mercy. Bucking into her cunt and letting wet noises sound out, while heavy splashes of their combined fluids onto the ground like a sexual fountain.

"Fuck, your pussy feels so good. No wonder Dad loves fucking you like the slut you are," Kodi grunted. He snapped his hips forwards, slamming his knot as far into Jenna's cunt as possible, stretching her just little under halfway across it. "Brace yourself, Mom, cause I'm getting my knot in."

"Do it, Kodi! Tie me! Claim me as yours!" Jenna moaned.

The husky battered his knot against her pussy, before it gave out and let the entire thing slip past with a wet _splop!_Jenna groaned, her pussy clenching and spasming in climax, desperately begging for Kodi to join her.

But Kodi didn't succumb to his urges just yet. He thrust into Jenna hard enough to force her to move forward a few inches, setting off even more orgasms in her body. Loud slapping noises of flesh against flesh sounded out, amidst Kodi's grunts of effort, and Jenna's cries of lust.

"I'm getting close, Mom. Oh, it's coming," Kodi groaned.

Reeling off another orgasm, Jenna screamed, although she only intended for it to be a plain request, "YES! OH, GOD, PLEASE, CUM IN ME! BREED ME!"

Kodi chuckled at her response, before simply saying, "Then I guess I better deliver some more Kodi-batter to your womb." With that, he let his body relax.

At once, his balls pulsed and convulsed violently, sending huge tsunamis of his creamy cum spurting into Jenna's uterus. Jenna moaned, before, as her belly began to grow in size, she pressed her lips together and howled as loud as she could.

As Kodi continued to flood his mother's womb and vagina with seed, he tossed his head back and howled in triumph. Neither he nor Jenna cared about the noise - they hadn't during their previous romps, and were sure by this point the entirety of Nome knew what they had been up to - and let their voices meld into one long, loud note, confirming for definite the deed they had done.

By the time Jenna's belly was full, Kodi's load stretching her to nearly six thousand feet, Kodi stopped his rampant thrusts, and kept his hips pressed into Jenna's as he hugged her close, still tied and cumming inside her.

"Hopefully Dad won't be too mad at me when he gets back," Kodi joked.

"I'm sure he'll be fine," Jenna replied. She licked at his muzzle. Kodi smiled.

"Well, since we've still got today left until your heat is over...ready for today's round two?" he asked. Before Jenna could answer, Kodi already began thrusting with renewed vigour, causing her to moan in delight.

When the end of the day arrived, Kodi and Jenna were still locked together. Cum was spilling out of tie, but the two didn't care. They just cuddled up to each other, Jenna in Kodi's strong embrace, as they fell asleep atop Jenna's gargantuan belly, while inside, Kodi's fertile armies of sperm set to work, fertilising each and every egg that they surrounded and swamped.

The next few days passed by quickly for the pair. The end of Jenna's heat didn't stop them from mating, however. Every day, whenever they felt like it, they had sex. It didn't matter where they were either; in the living-room, the kitchen, Rosie's room, her parents' room, or even in the backyard.

It was also during that time that Kodi decided to reveal to his mother that, because Balto had taught him how to make his balls jump, the husky had helped his father 'develop' the trick. As he demonstrated to Jenna, Kodi made his entire sack jump (shaking the surrounding area), before making just one testicle jump, and then the other. Jenna was impressed, especially when Kodi explained he succeeded in jumping his nuts individually before his father did.

But by now, the storm had finally_calmed and vanished. With it gone, travel between settlements was allowed again, so the very morning the storm had dissipated, Balto, his team, and the musher left Nenana to head back to Nome. Balto was in the lead, as usual, and looked no different than before, but his team wasn't so lucky. Although deflated, they all had bloated stomachs that swayed and _sloshed at every movement, making them look overweight, and all thanks to Balto.

As Balto and the team left Nenana, they left more than just the town. Balto knew he was leaving behind him plenty of pregnant bitches, dozens of cucked males, and several bloated males as well. But he was desperate to get back to Nome and see his mate again.

The journey back to Nome was a little harder thanks to the deep snow, but Balto pushed on through. Although his team seemed annoyed at the pace he set, they didn't complain, knowing what their leader wanted.

In record time, Balto saw the familiar view of Nome, so tantalisingly close. He howled for joy, speeding up to get there faster. The others all grinned as they followed, all of them eager to return home.

When they ran down the street in Nome, they stopped outside of the musher's home. Impatiently, Balto waited for his musher to detach his equipment from the sled, before he began unharnessing the dogs, one by one. Once Balto was free of his harness, he let the man give him a few pats on the head, before taking off, running down the streets towards Jenna's home.

He bounded past many people, all of them happy to see him, before running into the front yard of Jenna's home. The wolf-dog made to run up to the front door and burst in through the dog door, but the moment his head hit the door, he was knocked back. Shaking his head, Balto was alarmed to find the door locked.

He pressed and scratched on the door, whining, before realising he must have arrived home before Rosie and her parents. With their return being hours away at least, Balto ran around to the back of the house, giving a tremendous leap and vaulting the tall fence in one go.

Landing on all fours perfectly on the other side of the fence, Balto grinned; he still had it. He quickly made his way to the backdoor, and was relieved to see it had been left unlocked, and walked in.

Immediately upon entering, his nose was assaulted by the smell of sex, on top of Jenna's scent and Kodi's musk. Wrinkling his nose for a second, Balto padded through the kitchen and to the living-room, but stopped and looked in shock at what was before him.

Kodi was mounted on Jenna, pounding away at her, on top of her giant belly. They had their backs to the door, giving the wolf-dog a perfect view of their large rumps, and Kodi's massive balls as they swung, shook, and pulsed.

"K-Kodi? Jenna?!"

Hearing their names made Kodi and Jenna turn to look behind them, and they spotted Balto.

"Balto!" Jenna exclaimed. "W-when did you get - AH! - back?" she asked, moaning as Kodi continued to hump her.

"Just now... Wh-what's going on? When did you..." Balto was at a loss for words. He never expected to walk in on a sight like this, but he couldn't deny it did turn him on. Already, he could feel his cock pulse in his sheath.

"Hehe, sorry, Dad. But with the storm and being locked in the house...I couldn't help myself, so during Mom's heat..." Kodi began, before trailing off. Balto's eyes widened in surprise.

"You mean you bred your own mother?!" he asked.

"I didn't actually plan to. It just...happened," Kodi said. His tail went limp, and his ears fell flat on his head, worrying his father would get mad at him.

Balto stared at the two in shock and silence. He couldn't believe it. He knew he was too late to claim Jenna's heat this time, but he didn't think Kodi would breed her instead.

Finally, Balto said, "Well, I guess if anyone had to breed your mother while I was gone...I'm glad it was you, son."

"H-huh?" Kodi asked, looking down at his father in shock. "You're not mad?"

"Oh, I'm pissed, son. But not at you. It's not your fault this all happened," Balto said. He stepped forward and held out a paw, pressing in on Jenna's belly. "I wonder how many grandpups you'll give me, Jen," he mused.

"Ohh, with how much he's like you? At least eighteen," Jenna moaned.

"Heh, I like the sound of that. Now, come on, Kodi! Show me how well you can claim your bitch of a mother," Balto commanded. Delighted, Kodi resumed his thrusts, pistoning in and out of her rapidly, before unleashing another large load of fertile cum into her bloated womb.

Once Rosie and her parents had returned home and found Kodi and Jenna mating, with Balto watching, his own erection leaking cum onto the floor, they just shook their heads in disbelief, but continued with sorting out their luggage now they were back.

The next day, Kodi, feeling he had to make up for his actions to his father, asked for Balto and Jenna to meet him in the street a few blocks from their home. And once they had arrived, Kodi told them his plan: to let Balto breed Dusty, who was now in heat, and then fuck him. Balto raised an eyebrow at the plan, amused, but agreed, and began to roughly fuck Dusty.

Once he was done with her, he pulled free and jumped down from her enormous belly (well, he more slid down), but before he could ravage Kodi or Jenna, they saw Steele running up to them.

"Balto! You're back!" he said. The sight of Steele running up to them, ecstatic at Balto's return, his ass cheeks bouncing behind him, would have been amusing for the wolf-dog, if it weren't so badly timed.

"What do you want, Steele?" Balto asked, annoyed.

"I...I just... I haven't had you fuck me in over two weeks! I want to feel your huge cock in my ass again!" Steele said. He even turned around, raising his tail to show off his ass and anus.

While Jenna and Kodi found the sight hilarious, Balto growled, irritated.

"You're my backup bitch, and my sledding cumdump. Nothing more. I fuck you when I feel like it, not when you_want it. Got it, Slut?" he asked, still _growling. Steele turned back to look at him, and, his eyes wide, nodded mutely. "Good. Now get in line! First I'm fucking Jenna and then my son, and, if I want to, then it's your turn."

"But...but..." Steele began.

"Shut up, Steele, or you won't be seeing anything except my asshole for the next few weeks! And you can forget about getting a fuck in that time as well!" Balto nearly shouted.

Terrified, Steele shrunk back, _whimpering_but otherwise remaining silent. Balto gave one last glare at him.

"Pathetic," he muttered, before turning his attention to Jenna. She quickly spun around with her tail high, and Balto mounted.

Steele watched in silence as Balto turned Jenna into a cum-blimp, before pulling free of her and doing the same to Kodi. Even as he was fucked by his father, Kodi just smirked over at Steele, as if taunting the disgraced and snivelling malamute over his current standings.

Finally, Balto had finished fucking his three bitches, leaving three large spheres of cum in the middle of the street. He slid down Kodi's belly, before nuzzling against Jenna's. He then gave a glance over at Steele.

Quietly, the malamute padded up to his leader, and asked, "A-are you going to...fuck me, now?"

Balto pretended to think it over, before saying, "Nah. Don't feel like it." He gave a smug smirk at Steele, before walking off, wagging his tail high. Steele whined, but there was nothing he could do.

As the day went on, it turned out Kodi and Dusty were needed for a mail delivery. But since they were still bloated to extreme sizes with Balto's cum, and blocking one of the streets alongside Jenna, the delivery was delayed until the two mail dogs had shrunk enough to run; luckily, no one was too upset by the delay, since they were all used to these sort of things.

The weeks flew by after that. Kodi and Balto remained the top runners of the town, while Dusty and Jenna's pregnancies went by without issue, aside from Dusty needing to be taken off the mail team once her belly grew too big for her to run or fit her harness.

When it came time for Jenna to give birth, Balt made sure Kodi was there to witness it. And, several long, gruelling hours later, Jenna lay in her basket, with twenty adorable puppies beside her. Just like their parents, they had red-and-cream fur, with some shading differences, and all had large rumps, although none truly matched their parents' asses. The males had also inherited Balto's large cock, but, again, none were as big as him, or Kodi, for that matter.

Kodi looked over his pups with pride, while Balto nuzzled Jenna and congratulated her on becoming a mother again.

The following day, Dusty went into labour. Just like any other bitch that bore Balto's pups, she ended up birthing twenty-three pups, all a mix between her and the wolf-dog. While they all inherited large rumps from their father, none could match him; the same went with the males and their genitalia size.

Life returned to normal after that in Nome, with a few differences. Now, if Jenna wasn't found in Balto's company, more often than not she was with Kodi. She had even been seen, several times, with her head buried in Kodi's ass.

Balto didn't mind the new development, nor did he mind seeing Kodi often fucking Jenna. At one point, he even gave his son a hearty slap on the rear when he found the two fucking in an alleyway.

Eventually, one day, Balto was at home with Jenna when Kodi came over to visit. One thing led to another, and Balto wound up fucking the two of them, first Kodi, and then Jenna. By the end of the day, the three were resting, Jenna and Kodi swollen so large they could cover the town with their bellies, while Balto was still tied in Jenna's tight pussy, refusing to leave as he continued to send small bursts of seed into her.

The love and dedication Balto had for his mate had endured so much, and remained strong throughout it all. Even after Kodi ended up breeding her in her last heat, he didn't shun or hate either of them. He couldn't be happier with his life, and his family.

The End

Turning Steele to Rust

Steele Blackhawk was basking in the sun on the beach just outside of the town of Nome. It was early morning, but the black-and-white malamute didn't care. He had already been woken up by the sound of someone shouting at a neighbour for accidentally...

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Balto - Like Father, Like Son

The cold mountain air wasn't anything new to the inhabitants. The sun warming their furs, hides and feathers along with the abrasive cold air simply marked a new day full of things to get done. But not for sled dogs. No, the stinging wind, the kiss of...

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